Unit 02 - Lesson element - Employment protocols and legislation (DOC, 454KB) 15/03/2016

Lesson Element
Unit 2: Working in business
LO1: Understand protocols to be followed
when working in business
Employment protocols and legislation
Instructions and answers for tutors
These instructions cover the learner activity section which can be found on page 4. This
Lesson Element supports Cambridge Technicals Level 3 in Business.
When distributing the activity section to the learners either as a printed copy or as a
Word file you will need to remove the tutor instructions section.
The activity
This lesson element involves two activities. It requires learners to investigate an area of
employment legislation and to conduct interviews to explore professional expectations and
Suggested timings
Activity 1: 1 hour (plus research time outside lessons)
Activity 2: 1 hour (plus research time outside lessons)
ABC – This activity offers an
opportunity for English skills
Version 1
123 – This activity offers an
opportunity for maths skills
WORK – This activity offers
an opportunity for work
© OCR 2016
Activity 1
Ask learners to carry out an investigation into one of the following areas of employment
 health and safety legislation
 equal opportunities legislation
 contractual obligations as given in a contract of employment e.g. hours, leave, discipline
 contractual obligations e.g. maternity/paternity leave
 data protection legislation.
Learners should work in pairs or small groups, and conduct research using the internet or
appropriate textbooks. Ask them to present their findings to the rest of the group – each
presentation should last a minimum of 5 and maximum of 10 minutes. The presentation
should cover:
 theory about the legislation
 how it affects the employer and what they should do – what are their rights and
responsibilities and what are the protocols
 how it affects the employee and what they should do – what are their rights and
responsibilities and what are the protocols.
Learners should include any relevant case material to support their presentation – this could
be found on the internet or evidence from family, friends or employers.
You will need to provide internet access for students to be able to carry out this activity – the
emphasis should be on providing an overview of the legislation and then examples of how it
affects employers and employees. Many students will have been on a work placement or will
have part-time employment and they can draw on their own experiences.
Version 1
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Activity 2
Ask each learner to interview three people, each in a different profession, in order to find out
what the professional expectations are in relation to:
 how employers would expect employees to respond in line with anti-bribery and
corruption policy e.g. open and honest in business dealings with stakeholders and third
 reporting in sick
 staying in contact if unable to attend work e.g. in line with sickness and absence policy
 being suitably dressed e.g. dress code, tattoos, piercings etc
 IT protocols.
Learners should bring their results back to the group and share their findings with two other
 Can learners find any similarities or differences between professions?
 What conclusions can they draw about protocols at work? Why are they important? What
are the consequences for the employer and the employee if they are not followed?
Learners can be set the investigation as homework. You will need to manage the groupings
so that learners are grouped with others who do not have the same jobs where possible,
although it would also be interesting if there were two similar jobs but different protocols.
Tutors can start a discussion by giving their own experiences of employment in education or
other jobs and students can draw on their own knowledge from work experience or their own
employment experience.
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Version 1
© OCR 2016
Lesson Element
Unit 2: Working in business
LO1: Understand protocols to be followed
when working in business
Learner Activity
Employment protocols and legislation
You will carry out some tasks related to business protocols.
In Activity 1, you will investigate some aspect of employment legislation.
In Activity 2, you will conduct interviews with people in different jobs and professions to
research professional expectations and behaviour.
Activity 1
Working in pairs or small groups, carry out an investigation into one of the following areas of
employment legislation:
 health and safety legislation
 equal opportunities legislation
 contractual obligations as given in a contract of employment e.g. hours, leave, discipline
 contractual obligations e.g. maternity/paternity leave
 data protection legislation.
Undertake research using the internet or appropriate textbooks. Here are some websites
that might be useful:
Version 1
© OCR 2016
You will have one hour in class to undertake research and to prepare a presentation for the
rest of the class. Your group’s presentation should last 5–10 minutes. The presentation
should cover:
 theory about the legislation
 how it affects the employer and what they should do – what are their rights and
responsibilities and what are the protocols
 how it affects the employee and what they should do – what are their rights and
responsibilities and what are the protocols.
Include any relevant case material to support your presentation – this could be found on the
internet or evidence from family, friends or employers.
Activity 2
Interview three people, each in a different profession, in order to find out what the
professional expectations are in relation to:
 how employers would expect employees to respond in line with anti-bribery and
corruption policy e.g. open and honest in business dealings with stakeholders and third
 reporting in sick
 staying in contact if unable to attend work e.g. in line with sickness and absence policy
 being suitably dressed e.g. dress code, tattoos, piercings etc
 IT protocols.
Bring your results back to the group and share your findings with two other students.
 Can you find any similarities or differences between professions?
 What conclusions can you draw about protocols at work? Why are they important? What
are the consequences for the employer and the employee if they are not followed?
Version 1
© OCR 2016