OCR Level 3 Cambridge Technical in Business Unit 11 Accounting concepts Unit Recording Sheet This form should be completed by the centre assessor. Please enter specific page numbers where evidence can be found in the portfolio, or where electronic evidence is being submitted, the location of this. One of these sheets should be attached to the assessed work of each candidate. Unit Title Accounting concepts Unit Code H/507/8158 Year Centre Name Centre Number Candidate Name Candidate Number Grading Criteria - The Learner can: Pass The grading criteria are the pass requirements for this unit. In order to achieve a pass grade, all pass criteria must be achieved. Grading Criteria achieved () Teacher comment 2 0 1 Page No./Evidence location Learning Outcome 1: Understand why businesses keep accurate accounting records P1: Explain the reasons for keeping accounting records in business organisations P2: Describe the accounting record requirements of at least 3 different stakeholders for a specific organisation Learning Outcome 2: Be able to use the accounting equation P3: Calculate the value of assets, liabilities and capital from given data Learning Outcome 3: Be able to prepare the principal documents in business transactions P4: Prepare principal source documents for given business transactions Version 01 Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations H/507/8158/URS Grading Criteria - The Learner can: Pass The grading criteria are the pass requirements for this unit. In order to achieve a pass grade, all pass criteria must be achieved. Grading Criteria achieved () Teacher comment Page No./Evidence location P5: Produce a three column cash book from given financial information Learning Outcome 4: Be able to use basic double entry bookkeeping to prepare a trial balance P6: Explain the need for subdivisions of the ledger P7: Explain the difference between capital and revenue items of expenditure and income P8: Prepare ledger accounts and accompanying trial balances for business transactions Learning Outcome 5: Be able to reconcile a cash book with a bank statement P9: Update a completed cash book from given data P10: Produce a bank reconciliation statement P11: Describe payment methods for business transactions P12: Explain the purpose of a bank statement and the need for a bank reconciliation statement Version 01 Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations H/507/8158/URS Grading Criteria - The Learner can: Merit Criteria The grading criteria are the merit requirements for this unit. In order to achieve a merit grade, all merit criteria must be achieved and all pass criteria must also have been achieved. Grading Criteria achieved () Teacher comment Page No./Evidence location Learning Outcome 1: Understand why businesses keep accurate accounting records M1: Explain how the failure to keep accurate accounting records could impact on stakeholders with reference to a specific business Learning Outcome 3: Be able to prepare the principal documents in business transactions M2: Compare the accounting procedures for cash and trade discounts Learning Outcome 4: Be able to use basic double entry bookkeeping to prepare a trial balance M3: Analyse the effect of the incorrect placement of capital and revenue items of income and expenditure Version 01 Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations H/507/8158/URS Grading Criteria - The Learner can: Distinction Criteria The grading criteria are the distinction requirements for this unit. In order to achieve a distinction grade, all distinction criteria must be achieved and all merit and pass criteria must also have been achieved. Grading Criteria achieved () Page No./Evidence location Teacher comment Learning Outcome 1: Understand why businesses keep accurate accounting records D1: Assess how a specific business applies an accounting concept or policy to their accounting records Learning Outcome 3: Be able to prepare the principal documents in business transactions D2: Evaluate the use of cash and trade discounts in more than one business organisation OVERALL GRADE (P,M or D) I confirm that: the candidate’s work is solely that of the candidate concerned and was conducted under the required conditions as laid down in the qualification handbook; internal standardisation has been carried out and that all grades have been correctly recorded and accurately transcribed to the claim being submitted to OCR. Completed by: Please note: Date : This form may be updated on an annual basis. The current version of this form will be available on the OCR website (www.ocr.org.uk). Version 01 Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations H/507/8158/URS