Well-developed Large-scale Advanced transportation network loading and unloading area technology Higher Government subsidies Flooding concentration of carbon dioxide destroying the HEP facilities Acidic Soil Planting more greenhouse vegetation Accelerating acid rain problem Plenty supply of land Lower living standard Sufficient supply of CFCs Adequate Lower velocity Qualified R&D technicians Sufficient supply of labour Strengthening the river embankment supply of raw materials More international aid Accelerating desertification High land rent Flooding due to heavy rainfall Low wages Weak labour unions Channel straightening Frequent traffic congestion Land with low value Timber exploitation becomes easier Abandonment of farmland Hot and dry climate More recreational facilities Serious global warming problems Lower productivity Lower operation cost Energy saving Rising sea level Well-established legal system Many large cities Serious water pollution Stable exchange rate Sufficient skilled labour Sufficient semi-skilled labour Attract foreign investment Low Training courses dependence on coal provided by tertiary institutions Plenty of capital Good investment atmosphere Professional management skills Plenty of warehouses Agglomeration of assembly procedure Lower alertness to natural disasters Frequent earthquakes Huge afforestation expenses Why are the headquarters Why are the production bases set up in the MDCs located in LDCs ? ?