Unit F562 - Innovative design and enterprise - Model assignment - QCDA endorsed (DOC, 665KB)

Model Assignment
Issued April 2010
OCR Level 3 Principal Learning in Engineering H811
Unit F562: Innovative design and enterprise
Please note:
This OCR model assignment may be used to provide evidence for the unit identified above.
Alternatively, centres may ‘tailor’ the assignment within permitted parameters (see ‘Notes
for Presenters’). It is the centre’s responsibility to ensure that any adaptations made to this
assignment allow learners to meet all the assessment criteria and provide sufficient
opportunity for learners to demonstrate achievement across the full range of marks.
The OCR administrative codes associated with this unit are:
Unit entry code
Certification code
The QCA accreditation numbers associated with this unit are:
Unit accreditation number
Qualification accreditation number (QAN)
This OCR model assignment remains live for the life of this qualification.
ALL OF THIS MATERIAL MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED. Any photocopying will be done under the
terms of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 solely for the purposes of assessment.
This example assignment has been developed by OCR as part of
a QCDA funded project and has been reviewed by practitioners,
representatives of sector and awarding organisations and QCDA.
© OCR 2010
OCR Level 3 Principal Learning in Engineering
Page Number(s)
Model Assignment
This section contains the assignment background which learners will need to
be familiar with in order to complete the tasks.
This section contains all the tasks learners must complete before submission
for assessment.
General guidance on using this model assignment
This section provides general guidance to centre staff on the preparation
and completion of the assignment.
Instructions for controlled assessment of this model assignment
This section provides information on how the controls for the unit are applied
to this model assignment. It is not intended for use by learners.
10 - 13
Additional guidance on managing the assessment
This section provides additional guidance on managing the assessment. It
is not intended for use by learners.
Evidence summary
This section provides a summary of the evidence it is expected the learner
will produce for this model assignment
Model Assignment – Issued April 2010
Unit F562: Innovative design and enterprise
Model Assignment: Learner Information
OCR Level 3 Principal Learning in Engineering
Unit F562: Innovative design and enterprise
© OCR 2010
OCR Level 3 Principal Learning in Engineering
Model Assignment brief for the learner:
Engineering entrepreneurs
A well known television series is commissioning research materials on Engineering Entrepreneurs
past or present and their associated engineered product. The TV series often works with local
centres in order to get a young and fresh perspective on their research topics and has asked a
number of well thought of centres to provide this research for their pilot programme.
Consequently, the centre has asked you to help in the research and also to structure the research
around the following formats, as this should permit you to be extremely creative. You may wish to
use one or more or a combination of the following:
three-minute digital multimedia presentation with accompanying written report
15-slide on-screen presentation with accompanying voice recording and written report
4,000-word report in the form of text and illustrations
website of equivalent content
You have been given freedom to choose which entrepreneur you research because they are more
interested in the conclusions you draw about how and why the entrepreneur and their product
was/is successful. In the research you will need to consider:
How new technologies were, are or could be used in the design and production of the
product while reflecting on the industry and environment as well as the social implications of
the development, production and introduction into society of the product.
Also, to bring the planned TV series up to date, how the sustainability of resources will be
considered with due regard to the product, its production and use and in terms of the current
moral debate on climate change.
Finally you must consider and suggest reasoned arguments as to why commercial issues
were, or were not, embraced appropriately by the entrepreneur as well as their marketing
and selling strategies.
If the entrepreneur was in the past the research must also consider the influence of modernday circumstances and to reflect on them with regard to the product’s current position in
society or within its engineering sector.
Additional information:
Examples of engineering entrepreneurs range from Jonathan Ive, James Dyson, John Bamford,
Clive Sinclair, Trevor Bayliss, Mary Anderson, Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Thomas Telford, Jack
Kilby, Stephanie Kwolek, Ray Dolby, Erna Schneider Hoover, Frank Whittle, Valerie Thomas, Felix
Wankel to George Stephenson and James Watt.
However the TV producer is very keen to have examples of other, possibly local, not so well known
entrepreneurs to try and make the series more interesting for the viewers. For example who
designed the Brompton bike, the angle-poise light, periscopes to the television?
Read through the scenario, the additional information and all of the
tasks carefully, so that you know what you will need to do to complete
this assignment.
Model Assignment – Issued April 2010
Unit F562: Innovative design and enterprise
OCR Level 3 Principal Learning in Engineering
Task 1: Research a successful entrepreneur
Assessment criteria 1.1
Your task is to:
plan and carry out research on a successful engineered product and associated
You will need to:
choose a suitable entrepreneur
plan how to undertake the research
research what made the product/entrepreneur successful.
Your evidence must include:
a research plan (this should cover AC 1.1)
details of information sources (this should cover AC 1.1)
an explanation of why the product has been successful (this should cover AC 1.1).
Task 2: Evaluate the products innovative design
Assessment criteria 2.1
Your task is to:
investigate the product in terms of its innovation and new technology at the time of its
You will need to:
analyse the products design and the technology that produced it
identify how this product has led to other innovative designs
evaluate how this product exploited new and emerging technologies
describe what is entrepreneurship.
Your evidence must include:
analysis of the products design and technology (this should cover AC 2.1)
research of what is entrepreneurship (this should cover AC 2.1).
Model Assignment – Issued April 2010
Unit F562: Innovative design and enterprise
OCR Level 3 Principal Learning in Engineering
Task 3: How the product was marketed
Assessment criteria 3.1
Your task is to:
evaluate the commercial issues surrounding the products marketing.
You will need to:
describe the commercial issues of developing, marketing and selling your chosen product
evaluate the commercial aspects related to your chosen product
including alternative approaches the entrepreneur could have used.
Your evidence must include:
relevant marketing principles and their application (this should cover AC 3.1)
an evaluation of the marketing principles used for the selected product (this should cover
AC 3.1).
Task 4: Environmental and social impact of engineering design
Assessment criteria 4.1 and 5.1
Your task is to:
produce an evaluation of the environmental and social impact and sustainability of the
manufactured product studied.
You will need to:
explain what is meant by sustainable engineering design
research the impact of the engineered products production and on the environment locally
and globally
research the social impact of the engineered product
evaluate the product in terms of sustainability when it was manufactured and how that may
be different today.
Your evidence must include:
an evaluation of the environmental and social impact of the product (this should cover AC
an evaluation of sustainable resources related to the product, past and present (this should
cover AC 5.1).
Model Assignment – Issued April 2010
Unit F562: Innovative design and enterprise
Model Assignment: Presenter Information
OCR Level 3 Principal Learning in Engineering
Unit F562: Innovative design and enterprise
© OCR 2010
OCR Level 3 Principal Learning in Engineering
General guidance on using this model
OCR model assignments are available to download free of charge from our website:
OCR model assignments are intended to be used for formal summative assessment of
learners and assessment must be conducted under controlled conditions. The OCR
centre handbook for this qualification gives full information on controlled assessment.
There is also guidance on what controlled assessment means in the context of this
model assignment in the section ‘additional guidance’.
This assignment has been designed to meet the full assessment requirements of the
unit. Learners will need to take part in a planned learning programme that covers the
underpinning knowledge, understanding and skills of the unit.
Before carrying out the assignment
Learners should be provided with a copy of the Learner Information section of this
assignment or the centre adapted model assignment.
There is no time limit for any preparations made prior to undertaking the assessment
tasks for this model assignment.
Producing evidence
Each learner must produce individual and authentic evidence for each task within the
Centre staff may give support and guidance to learners. This support and guidance
should focus on checking that learners understand what is expected of them. It is not
acceptable for presenters to provide model answers or to work through answers in
detail. For advice on giving feedback to learners on the work they have produced for
assessment consortia/centres should refer to JCQ document 'Instructions for
conducting controlled assessment'.
Learners may use information from any relevant source to help them with producing
evidence for the tasks.
Learners must be guided on the use of information from other sources to ensure that
confidentiality is maintained at all times.
Under each task we have specified what evidence the learner is expected to produce,
but it is important to note that if it is possible to generate the evidence in a variety of
formats. The section ‘Evidence Summary’ at the back of the model assignment will
guide you on formats for evidence.
Model Assignment – Issued April 2010
Unit F562: Innovative design and enterprise
OCR Level 3 Principal Learning in Engineering
Presentation of work
Centres wishing to submit digital evidence in the form of an e-portfolio should refer to
the appendix in the Principal Learning centre handbook on guidance for the production
of electronic assessment.
Centres may wish to discourage learners from excessive use of plastic wallets for
presentation of their evidence as this may hinder the assessment process. Instead
centres may wish to encourage learners to present their work so that it is easily
accessible, eg spiral bound, stapled booklet, treasury tag.
For more guidance on production and presentation of work please refer to the section on
Internal Assessment in the OCR Principal Learning centre handbook.
Model Assignment – Issued April 2010
Unit F562: Innovative design and enterprise
OCR Level 3 Principal Learning in Engineering
Instructions on controlled assessment for this
model assignment
Introduction to the Tasks
This model assignment has been developed to comply with the levels of control for task setting,
taking and marking for this unit.
Centres should refer to the section on internal assessment in the OCR Level 3 Principal Learning
in Engineering centre handbook for more information on task setting, taking and marking.
These guidance notes should be used in conjunction with the unit specification and OCR
Principal Learning centre handbook.
Controls for Task Setting
The level of control for task setting is limited. This means that centres can use this model
assignment without adaptation or it can be adapted in line with the scope of permitted model
assignment modification section in this document (see section below ‘scope of permitted model
assignment modification’).
Alternatively, consortia may develop their own assessment tasks and this OCR model assignment
acts as an exemplar therefore helping to establish the standard expected of a controlled
assessment activity. All consortia/centre designed assignments must be quality assured, by
OCR’s controlled assessment consultation process, before being used for assessment.
Consortia must ensure that model assignments they design are appropriate for their intended use
and match the requirements of the unit(s).
There is further information on task setting in the OCR Level 3 Principal Learning in Engineering
centre handbook.
Controls for Task Taking
Under the process of task taking, levels of control are set for the key aspects in assessment of
supervision, time, resources and collaboration.
Supervision control
The level of control for supervision is medium, this means that learners will complete the majority
of work for assessment under direct presenter supervision but it is acceptable for some aspects of
exploration to be outside the direct supervision of the presenter (the presenter must be able to
authenticate all work carried out by the learner). It is also acceptable for assessment to take place
outside the classroom but presenters must exercise continuing supervision to ensure essential
compliance with health and safety requirements as well as being able to authenticate the learner’s
For this model assignment the following aspects could be undertaken outside of the direct
supervision of the presenter:
Research and information gathering may happen outside the direct supervision of the
presenter, however they must supervise enough to ensure that the learner’s work is
genuine and their own
Model Assignment – Issued April 2010
Unit F562: Innovative design and enterprise
OCR Level 3 Principal Learning in Engineering
Investigation in to a range of engineering entrepreneurs before selecting a suitable one
to research
Time control
The level of control for time is limited, this means that the overall time allocated for assessment is
recommended to be 20 hours but consortia can decide how the time can be allocated between
each part or individual task in the assessment.
For this model assignment we recommend that the overall assessment time is allocated as
Task 1 – Research a successful entrepreneur -4 hours
Task 2 – Evaluate the products innovative design - 4 hours
Task 3 – How the product was marketed -4 hours
Task 4 – Environmental and social impact of engineering design - 8 hours
Resource control
The level of control for resource is limited; this means that consortia can determine which physical
resources and information sources are appropriate for the assessment.
For example, for this model assignment, learners may decide to create and present their
report using technological applications such as presentations to allow for variations in
presenting mediums. Learners will need to be provided with the most appropriate materials
and equipment to allow them full access to the marking criteria.
Learners should have access to:
ICT equipment appropriate to this model assignment
Internet access
Relevant publications, case studies and websites (see ‘Additional Guidance’ section)
Ideally examples of the entrepreneurs products
Learners may benefit from having access to the following as aides to presenting their
evidence, depending on the format chosen (presentation, video, photographic records etc):
Digital camera
Presentation software
Project Management software
Collaboration control
The level of control for collaboration is limited; this means that learners are permitted to work in a
team for the assessment, for example to share examples of successful entrepreneurs and their
associated products. At all times the presenter must be sure each learner can produce evidence
of their own contribution to each assessment criteria but consortia can determine at which point in
an assessment task learners can work together.
For this model assignment when learners are working in teams, presenters should consider:
that all team members have equal opportunity to evidence their skills, knowledge and
Model Assignment – Issued April 2010
Unit F562: Innovative design and enterprise
OCR Level 3 Principal Learning in Engineering
team composition, for example based on learners’ preferred learning/reviewing styles
the number of team members. This is less important than the management and
structure of the team. Small groups of 3 to 6 learners could comprise a team
monitoring the team as work progresses
exemplifying structures for effective presentations and verbal communication
providing opportunity for practice/rehearsal and giving structured feedback
If witness statements are used to support learners’ evidence, these should be completed
individually for each learner. Witness statements alone are not considered sufficient evidence and
should be regarded as supporting evidence.
Controls for Marking
The level of control for task marking is medium. This means that learners’ evidence is assessed
and marks awarded by the centre assessor(s) using OCR marking grids provided in the unit and
moderated by an OCR appointed moderator. (When marking learners' work, centres must use the
descriptors provided within the unit.)
Centres should refer to the OCR Level 3 Principal Learning in Engineering centre handbook for
further information on task marking and for a description of the key words used in the marking
When marking this assignment, presenters should start with the marking criteria within the unit and
a ‘best fit’ approach should be applied to each assessment criterion.
Presenters must be confident that the work they mark is the learner’s own. Although this does not
mean that learners must be supervised throughout the completion of all work, presenters must
employ sufficient checks whilst tasks are being completed to ensure learners are producing their
own evidence.
Assessors’ decisions should be quality assured across the centre through internal moderation.
External moderation will take the form of postal moderation or e-moderation. For further
information about internal and external moderation please refer to the section on Internal
Assessment in the Principal Learning centre handbook.
Scope of permitted Model Assignment modification
The model assignment is self-contained in its present form. The set of tasks form a coherent whole
addressing all the Assessment Criteria.
No changes can be made to the following:
the assessment criteria
the level of control for task taking
The model assignment can be changed in terms of:
the learner’s brief, which can be contextualised or amended to suit local needs. However,
the scenario must still be set within a sector relevant context (one that links to the world of
work) and have a business purpose/objective and be engaging and motivating for the
learners. For this unit the scenario must be an engineering design and enterprise context
who the end user/client is and what their requirements are
Model Assignment – Issued April 2010
Unit F562: Innovative design and enterprise
OCR Level 3 Principal Learning in Engineering
each specific task may be appropriately contextualised (consortia must ensure that learners
have the opportunity to cover all assessment criteria through the tasks)
links to other unit assignments
the type of evidence required and the format it takes (providing the Assessment Criteria do
not demand specific evidence or format)
timings given for each assessment task are only approximations and it is permissible to vary
them depending on the approach taken to each task and the overall context of the
OCR has ensured that the language used and tasks and scenarios provided have avoided
discrimination, bias and stereotyping and support equality and diversity. In the development of
qualifications and assessments we use the guidance given in the Ofqual publication ‘Fair access
by design’, notably this includes:
using language and layout in assessment materials that does not present barriers to learners
using stimulus and source materials in assessment materials (where appropriate) that do not
present barriers to learners
If consortia wish to adapt the model assignment we strongly advise that staff responsible for
modifying the model assignment and quality assuring it refer to the publication ‘Fair access by
If modifications are made to the model assignment it is up to the centre to ensure that all
assessment criteria and marking criteria are adequately covered.
Model Assignment – Issued April 2010
Unit F562: Innovative design and enterprise
OCR Level 3 Principal Learning in Engineering
Additional guidance on managing the
Although the learners will work in a team to allocate sections of the design and check for
compatibility eg parts of task 1 and 2, team working has not been identified as an assessed
personal learning and thinking skills. However without this element of team working the
assignment would not work very well and the link with concurrent engineering design would be lost.
The presentations to the client may also be in a team format but with each individual learner
presenting their own section of the design and assessed independently. So for parts of task 1 and
2 the collaboration control is set as medium and the rest of the tasks it will be at limited control.
A suitable client will need to be found, ideally an employer from the manufacturing sector with an
interest in the MRF. If a local employer is not available it maybe suitable to use organisations such
as the local Education Business Partnership, Industrial Trust or a STEMPOINT to provide a well
briefed client that can feedback to the learners.
Alternative systems or products to be designed could be selected according to local resources and
available employers/industries. It could range from the design of part of a production system from
a wide range of manufacturing sub sectors to whole products such as cycles, vacuum cleaners,
robotic arms, or parts of a larger product like a car. However there must be opportunities for the
learners to hit all the assessment criteria e.g. designing, select components, testing, prototyping,
client feedback and concurrent engineering design.
It is possible that design work undertaken previously at Level 2 could be further enhanced using
the learner’s own brief and specification from previous units.
The results of testing could be recorded in short reports with screen shot animation or video
sequences, evidence could also include the use of digital photography taken in real time as
activities occur.
Work can be presented in the current OCR electronic presentation format.
Links to other units
Unit F558: Selection and application of engineering materials
Model Assignment – Issued April 2010
Unit F562: Innovative design and enterprise
OCR Level 3 Principal Learning in Engineering
Evidence summary
This is a summary of the evidence the learner will be expected to produce in relation to this model
It is important to note that when completing this model assignment it may be possible to generate
the evidence in a variety of formats and there is guidance on the options below. In some cases the
task or model assignment will require a specific format for the outcome and this will be clearly
marked in the table.
Task title
Evidence prescribed
for activity
Format of evidence could
include (this list is not
Task 1
Design your part
of the system
Task 2
Present designs
Task 4
Produce reports
Printouts of CAD design
Design drawings using
different views
AC 1.1
AC 2.1
 CT1
 CT5
 TW2
Virtual testing and
simulation of
Task 3
Drawings to British
standards using 2D
and 3D software
Selection of
materials and
processes for the
design manufacture
including testing
and simulations
Material and process lists
Test results
Videos of simulations
Screen shots
Component prototype
Digital images
Evidence of clearly
your design to the
client and collection
of feedback
Client feedback
Digital images
Observer statements
Reports on the use
of CAD/CAM in
manufacturing and
the technique of
engineering in the
designing of
Written evaluation report
Website with similar
Model Assignment – Issued April 2010
Unit F562: Innovative design and enterprise
AC 4.1
 CT5
 CT6
 TW4
 TW6
AC 3.1
 nil
AC 5.1
AC 6.1
 IE2