HR: 4035, p. 1 HRD: 1127, p.1 temporary employees, and their supervisors.

HR: 4035, p. 1
HRD: 1127, p.1
Scope: This policy applies to employees in graded positions, student work studys and assistants,
temporary employees, and their supervisors.
Definition: Disciplinary actions include, but are not limited to, oral warnings, written warnings,
suspensions (paid and unpaid), and involuntary separations.
Policy: The College endeavors to create and maintain a work environment where supervisors
focus on preventing serious personnel problems from occurring, rather than on disciplining
Where discipline is appropriate, the college generally hopes to follows progressive discipline-first offenses get oral warnings; second offenses receive written warnings; repeated offenses or
serious offenses may result in suspension or involuntary separation. However, the college
expressly reserves the right to determine the disciplinary sanction in each situation on a case-bycase basis, including decisions related to the involuntary separation of employees.
Discipline is used in response to employee infractions of college policy/procedures,
laws/regulations, and other behaviors which the college may consider to be unacceptable. The
college reserves the right to consider collectively some or all infractions by an employee,
including but not limited to attendance lateness, work rules and performance-related concerns.
Employees may be disciplined when overall considerations of these or other criteria collectively
indicate a need for disciplinary action.
In some situations, both this policy and the Performance Appraisal and Counseling policy (HR
4120) may be applicable. The college expressly reserves the right to apply either or both policies
to such situations.
Procedure: When a disciplinary situation occurs, the supervisor should:
1. Conduct an investigation to determine the facts and inform the employee of the issues.
2. Review the employee’s total record. Employees who violate the same rule several times,
or who violate a number of different rules, should be subject to more severe penalties
than first offenders of the same infraction.
3. Consult with the Executive Director of Human Resources to determine the appropriate
corrective action. Suspensions and involuntary separations must be coordinated with the
department head and approved by the Human Resources Office.
HR: 4035, p. 2f.
HRD: 1127 p.2f.
Discipline Guide (Note: This is a guide and does not limit the college’s authority to take
other actions.)
Minor problem that needs correction:
Oral warning
Repetition of minor problem.
Written warning
Major problem that needs correction.
Suspension without pay
Extreme problem.
Involuntary separation
Reference: Performance Appraisal and Counseling, HR 4120; Involuntary Separations, HR 4085;
and, Student and Temporary Employees, HR 4145
For more information contact: Employee Relations/Training Coordinator,
301 934-2251, ext. 4714
Rev: 02/03
HRD: 9/91