APPLICATION FORM MASTERS INISLAMICFINANCIAL MANAGEMENT University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Instructions for applicants We are very pleased that you intend to apply DIP L O M AS for the Masters in Islamic Financial TESTOFENGLISHASAFOREIGNLANGUAGE Management. We aim at recruiting and All applicants are required to take the TOEFL as early as possible in an official TOEFL center. You have to send t he full TOEFL report to the admission committee or sit for it at Effat University. You have to include with your application form a copy of your university undergraduate and sele cting hi ghl y q u alifie d stud e nts to graduate diplomas. You should attach certified participate in the MIFM programme. This is translations of these diplomas, if they are closely connected to our commitment to offer written in a language other than English. and maintain a stimulating, exciting and challenging learning environment. One of our TRANSCRIPTS OF ACADEMIC RECORDS basic principles is that it not only matters Academic records from universities, business (TOEFL) R E FER EN C E S what students learn, but also what they can schools or equivalent that you have attended One or two letters of recommendation are not contribute to the MIFM programme. The MIFM Master's Degree is designed for professionals active in the banking and financial service industries, whether Islamic or conventional, who wish to reach top managerial positions in the field of Islamic finance. can be submitted with your diplomas. The required officially but can be submitted if you MIFM admission committee highly appreciates consider that they enrich your application. The these records. You should attach translations MIFM admission committee value references of these transcripts if they are written in a written by people who know you professionally or academically. language other than English. Please request referees to complete the form and APPLICATI ON FORM place it in a sealed and signed envelope. Applicants are expected to answer all the ESSAYS questions on the application form and ensure instructio n s be fore c o mpleting the that all required supporting documents are We ask you to write two essays, one on your application form. Please send this form with included in the application package. career objectives and one on your personality. The the necessary documents to Effat University. answers to the essay questions are meant to We will be pleased to meet you during the Please include an explanation if you are not distinguish you as an applicant for our Masters in selection interview, and beyond, in the MIFM able to submit a complete package at the time of application. On request, you can complete Islamic Financial Management programme. You programme are recommended to make use of the essays to your application after the oral interview. present how you will contribute to the learning DEADLINES FOR APPLICATIONS Kindly inform us of any change of address, in environment in our MIFM programme, your The application process for the MIFM order to ensure that you will be contacted distinctive aspects, and the objectives you would programme will start in the Fall of each throughout the admissions process. like to achieve through your participation in the academic year. Candidates are invited to send as We communicate with you via electronic mail. MIFM Please respond fully but concisely to each soon as possible their application form with all the Please indicate your e-mail address on the question. needed documents. The MIFM admission will application form. CURRICULUM VITEA study all the applications, invite the candidate for Application f o rms and all supportin g an oral interview and will announce its final documents become the confidential property Please attach a short synthetical CV of maximum 3 decision concerning the eligibility of the candidate of Effat University and are not returnable. pages, detailing your education, professional to the MIFM program one month after receiving experience, extra-curricular activities and so forth. Applications are kept on file for twoyears. the file. The final deadline for admission will be PHOTOGRAPH For inquiries: two weeks before the beginning of registration Please attach one passport-size photograph Graduate Studies period, which will be announced. to the application form. Phone: + 966 2 6364300 ext: 1701 – Please note the following: GRAD UATE MA NAG EMENT 1711- 1712 - Places are limited. When the maximum number AD MISSI O N TEST ( G M AT) Mobile: + 966 5 00454557 of students will be reached, all applications for All applicants are required to take the GMAT the 2011 session will be reported to the 2012 Fax : + 966 2 6377447 as early as possible in an official GMAT intake. Email: center. You have to send the full GMAT SE LECTIO N INTE RVIEW report to the admission committee or sit for it Website: When y our application is complete, th e at Effat University. Admissions Committee will review your file. You are invited for an oral interview for further evaluation. We invite you to read carefully the following © 2009 EU, RSM & ESA . The information in this publication is correct as of April 2009, but EU,RSM & ESA reserve the right to make changes affecting policies, fees, curricula, or any other matter announced in this publication without further notice. All offers of admissions to the Masters in Islamic Financial Management programme are conditional upon the decision to offer the programme as foreseen. EU, RSM & ESA undertake to notify all admitted candidates of this decision no later than two months before the start of the programme. Application Checklist APPL I C AT IO N CHECKLIST Your complete application package must include the items listed below. Please be reminded that the Admissions Committee will not review your application until all required items have reached the Admissions Office, unless you can give us detailed explanation for a possible short delay. Application form Photograph One or two letters of recommendation Two essays Transcripts of academic records Certified copies of your diploma(s) Full GMAT score report A short curriculum vitae Signed Applicant's Agreement TOEFL The MIFM Admissions Office will acknowledge receipt of your application by e-mail within five working days of its arrival. MAILING ADDRESS Effat University Graduate Studies PO Box 34689 Jeddah 21478 Saudi Arabia Phone : +966 2 6364300 Ext 1712 – 1711 - 1710 Mobile: + 966 5 00454557 Fax : +966 2 6377447 Email : Application Form I would like to be considered as a candidate for the Masters in Islamic Financial Management 2 STARTING IN OCTOBER 1 PHOTO 0 NAME FIR S T, M I DD LE, L A ST / FA M IL Y OMM O N L Y U SE D FIR S T N A M E CURRENT MAIL ADDRESS ( RE Q U I R E D ) ST R E E T / C IT Y POSTAL CODE / COUNTRY PHONE M O B IL E V A LI D U N T I L ( D D / M M/ Y Y Y Y ) WE COM M UNIC ATE WITH YOU EL E CTRONICALLY. PLEASE CHECK YOUR ELECTRONIC MESSAGES REGULARLY. E-MAIL ADDRESS PERMANENT ADDRESS (REQU IRED) STREET / CITY POSTAL CODE / COUNTRY PHONE P R ES E NT EMP L O Y M E NT C O M P AN Y / L O C A T IO N Y O U R PO SIT IO N BUSINES S PHONE FAX IF YOU PRE FER NOT TO BE CO NTACTED AT YOUR O FFIC E, PLE ASE GIVE US A TE LE PHONE NUMBER TO LEAVE MESSAGES DURING OFFICE HOURS PHONE PERSONAL INFORMATI N MALE D AT E O F B I R T H ( D D / M M / Y Y Y Y ) FEMALE PLACE O F BI R TH (C IT Y/ C O U NT R Y ) NATIONALITY OTHER CITIZEN NUMBER OF CHILDREN MARITAL STATUS A P P L I C A T I O N HAS YOU PREVIOUSLY APPLIED TO RSM, ESA or EFFAT? NO YES, YEAR IF YES, FOR WHICH PROGRAMME WORK EXPERIENCE NUMBER OF YEARS POSTGRADUATE WORK EXPERIENCE BY THE START OF THE PROGRAMME - 1 - Application Form E D U C AT IO N INST IT UT ION / LOCATION DATES ATTENDE D (MM/YY) TO (MM/YY) T I T L E OF D E G R EE Please list in reverse chronological order all graduate and undergraduate institutions from which you received an academic degree. ACADEMIC HONOURS R AWARDS RECEIVED EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES COMPUTER SKILLS LEV E L O F PRO F IC IENCY ADV A NCED (A ),SATI S F ACTORY (S), BASIC (B) Please list the computer application programmes (such as Excel, Access, Word, but also statistical and finance software) that you are able to work with. A QUANTITAT IVE SKILLS Have you taken the following subjects at high school and / or university? HIGH SCHOOL U N IV E R SI TY MATHEMATICS ST A T IS T I CS N O NE FI N A N C E ACCOUNTING EC O NOM I C S S B Application Form LEVE L O F PROFICIENC Y N (A TIV E ), F( LU EN T) , A ( V ER AG E ), B( AS IC ) LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY LANGUAGE SPOKEN READ WRITTEN N/F/A/B N/F/A/B N/F/A/B PLEASE INDICATE YOUR LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY GRADUATE M ANAG EMENT A D M I S SIO N T E ST (G MA T ) GM AT S C OR E All candidates are required to take the GMAT. The final decision for admission cannot be made until the full score report has been received. No particular cut-off score is used. The candidate's score is evaluated in relation to his or her age, nationality and mother tongue, level and type of formal education, etc. If you have already taken the GMAT within the last five years, please enter your scores below and send us a copy of your full score report. More information on the GMAT can be found on (Required for application) VE R B AL % QUANTITATIVE % TOTAL % TOTAL SCORE AWA D AT E ( DD / MM / Y YYY) GRE SCORE (Optional, not officially required for admission) VE R B AL % % QUANTIT AT IVE AWA DATE TAKE N (MM / YYYY) CENTER D AT E ( D D / M M / Y Y Y Y) TEST OF ENGLISH AS A FORE IGN LANG UAGE (TOE FL) TOEF L S C O R E FU LLTOE F LS C OR ER EP OR T DATE TAKEN (MM / YYYY) - 3 - Application Form FU LL-TI ME W O R K E X P E RI E N C E Please list and describe the last 3 full-time positions you have held (do not include summer jobs), starting with your present position. If the space provided is not sufficient, please attach typewritten enclosures in the same format. Concerning your present employment, please enclose an employer's certificate. 1. CURREN T EMPL OYE R WEBSITE INDUSTRY JOB TITLE DI V I S I ON DAT E : FR OM ( M M / YYYY) N UM B E R O F E MP L OYEE S OUNT R Y OF OP E R AT I O N FUNC TIONA L AR EA NUMBER OF EMP LOYEES UNDER YOUR SUPERVIS ION YOUR ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITIES 2. COMPANY I NDUS T R Y WE BSITE JOB TIT LE N UMB E R O F E MP L OYE ES OUNTRY OF OPERATION FUNCTIONAL AREA DI V I S I ON D AT E : F R O M ( M M / Y Y Y Y ) YOUR ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITIES REASONS FOR LEAVING TO (MM / YYYY) Application Form 3. COMPANY WEBS ITE I NDUS T R Y TURNOVER IN US$ N UMB E R O F E MP L OYE ES JOB TIT LE OUNTRY OF OPERATION FUNCTIONAL AREA DI V I S I ON DAT E : FR OM (MM / YYYY) TO (MM / YYYY) YOUR ROLE AND RESPONSABILITIES REASONS FOR LEAVING INTER NSHIPS, PART-TIME WORK EXPERIENC E 1- COMPANY WE BSITE I NDUS T R Y T URNOVE R IN US$ N UMB E R O F E MP L OYE ES JOB TIT LE OUNTRY OF OPERATION FUNCTIONAL AREA DI V I S I ON DAT E : FR OM (MM / YYYY) TO (MM / YYYY) YOUR ROLE AND TASKS 2 COMPANY WE BSITE I NDUS T R Y N UMB E R O F E MP L OYE ES JOB TIT LE OUNTRY OF OPERATION FUNCTIONAL AREA DI V I S I ON DATE: FROM (MM / YYYY) T O ( MM / YYYY) YOUR ROLE AND TASKS - 5 - Application Form How do you expect to finance your Master’s in Islamic Financial Management ? F I N A N C I N G YO U R S T U D I E S MARKETING INFORMATI N b a nk l oa n my own sav ing s sponsorship from my employer scholarship (from which organization) How did you learn about the Masters in Islamic Financial Management ? an advertisement you read (in which journal) an article, editorial or press release in Internet(other than the Effat,ESA or RSM website): an educational guide, namely : an alumnus'/student's recommendation At Effat University, directly at : direct emailing a n information session in / at : an educational fair or exhibition in / a t work o ther sources (please state) : - 6 - NAME Application Form ESS A Y S Your responses to the following questions play a very important role in the selection. Before you begin preparing your essays, you are requested to conduct a thorough self-assessment. The essays are meant to present yourself and to provide to the admission committee more information. The Admissions Committee is interested to learn about you, what your values and goals are; and the distinctive qualities that make you an interesting candidate for our MIFM programme. Use separate sheets of paper for each essay. Please respond fully but concisely to each question. Each essay should contain between 500 and 1000 words. ESS AY 1 What are your career objectives? In what specific ways would attendance at the MIFM programme help you to fulfill these intentions? Explain how your study plan fits in with your previous training and your career objectives. ES S AY 2 Please give an account of your personality. What are your strengths and which traits you would like to improve? Tell us what you will bring to the MIFM programme in terms of your personal qualities and/or life experiences. REFERENCES One or two reference letters are not officially required. However, they are advisable. Please list below the names and addresses of the persons who you believe will be able to advise us of your intellectual abilities and management potential through their contacts with you in professional and/or academic settings. Your referee should complete the reference form and return to you in signed and sealed envelope. Letters of recommendation from personal and family friends are NOT acceptable. NA ME POSITION AND ORGANIZATION BUSI NESS PHONE E-MAIL ADDRESS LENGTH AND NATURE OF ASSOCIATION NAME POSITION AND ORGANIZATION BUSI NESS PHONE LENGTH AND NATURE OF ASSOCIATION APPLICANT;S AGREEMENT APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE E-MAIL ADDRESS I certify that the information in my application for admission is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I realize that all materials submitted in support of my application become the property of Effat University. The Admissions Committee may verify any and all parts of my application materials. I am aware that any misrepresentation or omission of facts in my application will justify the denial of admission, the cancellation of admission or expulsion from the MIFM programme. If I am admitted and enroll in the programme, I undertake to abide by the rules and regulations set down by Effat University. Reference Form (confidential) Masters in Islamic Financial Management TO THE APPLICANT Please enter your name and date of birth in the space below and give this form to the referee. Your referee should complete this form and return it to you signed and sealed in an NAME OF APPLICANT F I RS T, LAS T /F AMI L Y DATE OF BIRTH (DD/MM/YYYY) TO THE RE F E RE E The above named applicant has applied for admission to the Masters in Islamic Financial Management (MIFM) detailed information on the programme, see our website at : The information you provide is considered a very important part of the admission process. After completing this form, please return it to the applicant in a signed and sealed envelope. The applicant will submit this letter of recommendation along with the application package to the Effat University. Your comments will not be released to the applicant without your written consent. Please kindly indicate how you can be reached at the last section of this form. The MIFM Admissions Committee would like to thank you for the time you are taking in preparing this recommendation. 1. programme. For How long and in what capacity have you known the candidate? 2. What is your opinion of the candidate's motivation and suitability for this programme? 3 What do you consider as his or her principal qualities and weaknesses? 4. Please comment on the candidate's interpersonal skills, such as performance in a team, working with peers, subordinates and supervisors. - 8 - Reference Form (confidential) Masters in Islamic Financial Management 8 Please add any further remarks on the candidate that you consider relevant. (ADDITIONAL PA GES MAY BE ATTACHED) 7 Please evaluate the candidate in the categories listed below. Where possible, appraisals should be made in comparison with the abilities of postgraduate students from your experience. E X CE P T I ONAL (TOP 5%) VE R Y GOOD (T OP 10% ) GOOD (TOP 25%) AVERAGE (TOP 50%) BE L O W A V ER AGE (BOTTOM 50%) NO INFOR M AT ION LEADERSHIP POTENTIAL INT ELLECTUAL CAPACITY QU ANT IT ATIVE SKILL S OR A L C O M M U N IC A T I O N S K I L L S WRITTEN COMMUNICATION SKILLS ANALYTICAL CAPACITY EN E R G Y A N D DR IV E CAPACITY TO WORK WITHOUT GUIDANCE CAPA CI TY F O R OR GA NIZA T I O N A N D F O R W ORK IN G W IT H OT HE RS E M OT ION A L M A T U RIT Y AN D ST AB IL IT Y 6. Do you know of any factors, which may affect the candidate's participation in the Masters in Islamic Financial Management programme? If so, please give details. (AD DITIONAL PAGES MAY BE ATTACHED) 5. Globally, do you recommend the candidate for the Masters in Islamic Financial Management ? Strongly recommend Recommend Recommend with reservations Do not recommend REFER E E REFEREE'S SIGNATURE DATE POSITION NAME OR G ANI ZA T I O N S T R E ET / CI TY P O S T AL COD E / COUN TRY E-MAIL ADDRESS PHONE Effat University Phone : +966 2 6364300 Ext. 1701 – 1711- 1712 Graduate Studies Mobile: + 966 5 00454557 PO Box 34689 Jeddah 21413 Saudi Arabia Fax : +966 2 6377447 Email : - 9 -