Course Requirements and Grading GRADES AND EVALUATION: 1- Assignments and Exams 75% Mid term Exam 35% and the final Exam 40%. These will cover material from both the text and the lectures. They will be Multiple Choice, True-or-False, and essay questions. All tests and exams shall be open-book, open-note type so that rote memorization will be eliminated. A pre-exam review lecture will be offered during the semester. 2- Quizzes and Assignments 10% A basic assignment involves measuring average speed as a determinant of neighborhood radii. The assignment is multi tiered. First it involves identifying a methodology for measuring both walking and intra-city driving speeds. Secondly, trial runs should be performed and actual values are reported. 3- Attendance & participation 15% Although attendance is an absolute necessary requirement for the course, by itself, it is insufficient. A performance component entails effective participation in class discussions. This implies reading all assigned materials prior to class meetings. 4- Grading The standard grading method shall utilize a percentage based system whereby all the grade components shall be weighted to produce the final grade. The absolute maximum for unexcused absences is 10% of scheduled class periods beyond which a failing grade of DN is given. 1