SLP Print Option Key Projects

 Hint
 Post Effect
 Pre-requisites
 Maintain the print sequence of the subjects in the reports.
 The default print sequence is by alphabetical order of the Subject name.
 Records numbered are printed first in ascending order, followed by those with ‘blank’
printed in default print sequence. Those assigned with ‘0’ means not to be included in
SLP A and SLP B reports.
 Print sequence cannot be duplicated.
 User-set print sequence is applicable to the SLP reports of all students.
 Consolidated annual scores of subjects will be retrieved in SLP reports.
Print Option
Key Projects
Code Table
Maintain the names of the Key Projects for Academic Performance and assign codes
for them.
 Users enter the key project title / description commonly used for each subject.
 User can add or delete the key projects.
 User should assign codes for the newly added key projects. Duplicated code is not
 The key projects are ready for use in the Maintenance>Data Entry>Key Projects.
Enquiry Setup
Key Projects
Allows user to search and then assign Key Projects of subjects to students.
Names and codes of the Key Projects have been set in the “Code Table” of
SLP module.
 Users can assign a coded Key Project to more than one student taking the
same subject or maintain uncoded Key Project for students.
 User can input the key projects at subject level or at component level for
Combined Science and Mathematics subjects
 Key Projects of students can be shown in SLP reports.
Data Entry
Print Sequence
Maintain individual print sequence of the records of other learning experiences.
OLE records have been maintained and updated in the STA module.
Only events checked in OLE of Print Option will be listed.
Default print sequence is first according to school year in ascending order and within
each school year items of ECA first, then items of Inter-school Activities and lastly
followed by items of Service and within each group of items according to their codes
in ascending order.
User can set print sequence / indicator - records numbered are printed first in
ascending order, followed by those with ‘blank’ printed by default print sequence.
Records assigned with ‘0’ will not be in the SLP reports.
User-set print sequence is applicable to the student concerned.
Print Sequence number cannot be duplicated.
Records of the same activity in different school years / durations will be grouped as
one record in the list.
Participation Outside School
Key Projects
Allow user to import the excel file to the
The excel file should be exported from
“SLP>Export” first.
The format of the uploaded file should be
the same as exported file format.
User should not delete any column in the
export file. Otherwise, it would lead to
import failure.
A confirmation page would be prompted
after import. User should check if they
accept/reject those imported data.
The existing record would be overwritten by
the new one.
Allow user to download an excel template
of “Performance / Award Gained Outside
School” for offline modification.
 Offline maintenance can be done by batch
of students or by individual student.
 User can import the excel file to the system.
 The format of the uploaded file should be
the same as the built-in template format.
 For “one student per excel file”, the file
should be named with student’s registration
 Empty file is not allowed to be imported.
 Records in the uploaded file will be inserted
into the database.
 Maintain the print indicators of the OLE programmes.
 All events of Student Activities module are listed. All events
are checked by default. Newly-added event is listed as
checked too.
 Unchecked event(s) will not be included in SLP reports.
 The print indicator set is applicable to all SLP reports.
 Print Indicators of OLE programmes in SLP reports are set.
 Maintain the print indicators of the awards.
 All coded award events of the Award and Punishment
module are listed. All events are checked by default.
Newly-added event is listed as checked too.
 Unchecked event(s) will not be included in SLP reports.
 The print indicator set is applicable to all SLP reports.
 Print Indicators of Award events in SLP reports are set.
Participation Outside School
Allow user to add / delete / update the records of
Participation Outside School of a particular student.
User can also assign print sequence to the records.
Default print sequence is in ascending order by beginning
school year by alphabetical order of Programme Name.
Records numbered are printed first in ascending order,
followed by those with ‘blank’ printed by default. Records
assigned with ‘0’ will not be in the SLP reports.
Print Sequence number cannot not be duplicated
Name of programme/ description/ starting school year must
be filled in.
Records would be updated.
Records would be included in the reports if “blank” /
“number” is assigned in the print sequence.
Maintain self-account data created by
 Only one self-account record is
allowed for each student.
 Both Chinese / English could be
inputted in the same record.
Maintain individual print sequence for List of Awards and Major Achievements issued by School.
ANP (including free text or coded) records of the students have been updated in the ANP
Only coded award events checked in Award of Print Options and free-text award event(s) will be
Default print sequence is first according to school year in ascending order, then within each
school year according to dates of award events in ascending order, finally for events of the same
date listing free-text award events by input order sequence in the Award & Punishment module
first and coded events in ascending order.
User can set print sequence / indicator - records numbered are printed first in ascending order,
followed by those with ‘blank’ printed by default print sequence. Records assigned with ‘0’ will
not be in the SLP reports.
Print Sequence number cannot be duplicated.
User-set print sequence is applicable to the student concerned.
Records would be included in the reports if “blank” / “number” assigned in the print sequence.
Import Print Sequence
User can upload “Self-Account “ text file to
the system.
 The text file must be in UTF-8 format.
 If the self-account record of a particular
student already exists, the text file with
self-account record to be uploaded would
overwrite the old one if the user confirms to
undertake the upload action.
 The self-account records would be
successfully saved in the database.
 The existing record would be overwritten by
the new one.
User can import the print sequence for OLE
and Award records
 OLE / Award records should be exported
 The format of the uploaded file should be
the same as the built-in template format.
 User can update the print sequence by
batch or by individual.
 The file should be named with a correct
 Only the Print Sequence would be updated.
 The existing record would be overwritten by
the new one.
Enquiry Setup
User can set the SLP enquiry setting for
S4 – S6 level of the current school year.
 The format of academic performance
displayed in the Enquiry page should be set
in the setup page.
 “Enabled” should be checked if student
internet access is allowed.
 User can select which section of SLP data
to be accessed by students.
 The setting would be applied to the Enquiry
User can export the Key Projects of
subject(s) of a class for offline modification.
The code for Key Project set in
“SLP>Set-up>Code Table” cannot be used
in the file.
Multiple subjects can be selected for export.
Key Project(s) of subject(s) assigned for
students in the system would also be
exported for maintenance.
User should not delete any column in the
export file. Otherwise, it would lead to
import failure.
An excel file is exported successfully.
Users/students can view the SLP
data of the student
 Enquiry Setup page should be set if
student internet access is allowed.
 There are five sections to display the
SLP data of a student, which are
Performance / Awards Gained
Outside School, Lists of Awards and
Major Achievements Issued by the
School and Self Account.
Report templates would be provided
as follows:
Award Print Indicator
Key Projects Code List
OLE Print Indicator
Participation Outside School
Subject / OLE / Award
Subject Print Sequence
Updated: 19-8-2010