
Function Chart of Award & Punishment in WebSAMS version 1.0

Award & Punishment ( ANP )


 General

 Award Rule

 Punishment Rule


 Attendance




 By Student

 By Batch

 By STA

 By Attendance

 Compliment Letter

 Warning Letter




 Maintain Detention Class Information

 Maintain Teacher-In-Charge

 Enquiry

 Detention Class List

 Switch to the desired Award and Punishment scheme.

 Setup default date of award.

 For Conduct Mark scheme, setup Base Mark , Pass Mark and Interpretation Table.

 For Merit/Demerit scheme, setup Award Level, Punishment Level and Compensation


 Setup default rating for award event, punishment event defined in Code Management and different posts used in STA.

 If Maintenance by Attendance is used, o setup scan duration

- By Term

- By Month

- By Year

- By Period o setup criteria on record count for

- issuing warning letter

- generating punishment letter and records

 Maintenance by Batch —

For adding the same type of records of award and punishment to a group of students from different classes.

 Maintenance by STA —

For adding records of award due to non-academic activity.

Teacher-in-charge of a particular STA can award students according to their posts automatically.

 User need to complete the setup of STA duration and STA offered in STA

 Maintenance by Attendance —

For adding records of punishment due to lateness and absence.

 The scan duration and record count must setup before using this approach.

 For punishment actions, users can put a student in detention class or take any actions defined in Punishment Action Code table (ED/School).

 Records already used in printing Compliment/Warning letter should not be deleted.

 Records with check box “ASR Capture Indicator” checked will show up in different Report

Cards according to the Punishment/Award date.

 Consolidation based on o Class Level o Period by term or by a user-defined date range

 Consolidation results can be over-written and re-run for different periods.

 Consolidation results can be used in Report Cards.

 User can scan record based the following criteria : o o

Net / Total Awarded / Total Punished consolidated result a specific event within a user-defined date range o Late for # times (for warning only) o Absent for # days (for warning only)

 Compliment Letter can be previewed and printed.

 Warning Letter can be previewed, printed and also sent to parent via e-mail.

 User can choose different templates for warning and compliment letters.

 Students can be added directly to the detention class without first creating a punishment record.

 Teacher-In-Charge can be assigned to the detention class.

 Detention class list can be printed for attendance taking.

 Student can enquire their award and punishment record.

 Parent can enquire their children’s award and punishment record.

Award and Punishment scheme

Two types of Award and Punishment schemes are provided for each school year.

 Conduct Mark scheme —All award and punishment records are assigned with conduct mark. All student has a base mark. For the report card printing, there is a pass mark defined and the mark can be converted to user defined, more meaningful description based on the interpretation table.

 Merit/Demerit scheme —All award and punishment records are assigned with merit and demerit respectively. As required, the merit and demerit can be compensated to give a net result.

 The scheme can be changed at any time to suit school ’s need.

Detention Class

There are two type of detention :

 Detention class —Students can be added to the detention class and teacher can be assigned to the class as required. A detention class name list can be printed for attendance taking.

 Individual detention punishment —Students can be punished for detention. Instead of going to detention class, they will report to the initialing teacher and keep under his/her custody.

 Anyway, their detention record can be viewed on the system so that the school has a whole picture for detained student.

Maintenance By Attendance

Normally, school can save manpower to trace students ’ attendance records manually. With the “Maintenance by Attendance”, the system can scan students based on some predefined criteria on absences/lateness and then print the warning letter and punishment letter.

School-Parent cooperation

In order to let parent know about their child ’s school behaviour, parent can login the system via Internet and enquire their child ’s award and punishment records. Warning letter and punishment letter will be sent to parent via their registered email address so they can help their child to correct the mis-behaviour.

Award/Punishment Event

Award/Punishment Event can be defined by users when creating a record in addition to adding a Award/Punishment event code in Code Management.
