An exemplar individual pupil record Appendix 2 Teachers need to keep systematic records of learner performance as evidence of learner progress. The following is an example of an individual pupil record. Part 1 of this record form is taken from the ‘English Language Syllabus for Primary Schools 1997’ p. 161 with slight adaptation. The Target Description is worked out based on the Dimension Targets for Key Stage 1. Teachers can make further adaptation to this form at their own discretion. Name: Class: P2C (Term 1) Part 1 Target Description Skills Descriptors Learner’s performance in the Target could include the following: PERFORMANCE (= generally able to , = partially able to , x = not yet able to) Entry K N O W L E D G E 28 Learners are able to provide and use simple information in short spoken and written texts supported by visual means and based on immediate and familiar experiences. Listening understanding and responding to questions that require short, simple answers understanding and responding to simple instructions and commands Speaking giving short phrases to answer simple questions about familiar experiences Reading understanding short written directions and instructions (of one word or phrase) in the classroom context Writing supplying appropriate words in given contexts (e.g. captions or labels) writing sentences independently based on models Handbook on Remedial Teaching of English in Primary Schools Date Date Date Comments E X P E R I E N C E I N T E R P E R S O N A L 29 Learners are able to appreciate short, simple imaginative texts read or told by the teacher ,usually with strong visual support; and to recognize some rhyming words and patterns while participating in action rhymes. Learners are able to participate in classroom routines; to interact with teacher and classmates in supportive and structured classroom situations and activities; to exchange greetings using appropriate expressions; and to exchange simple information about themselves, their families and friends. Listening following a simple narrative told by the teacher with the help of pictures and other means Speaking participating in the shared telling of stories and the reciting of simple rhymes with teacher support Reading recognizing some basic vocabulary items in stories and rhymes, including the names of characters Writing giving expression to one’s own experience by supplying labels or captions to one’s own drawings Listening understanding simple utterances in classroom situations and about friends and family Speaking using short phrases to answer simple requests about familiar topics such as oneself ,family and friends Reading understanding simple expressions in greeting cards, short notes, etc Writing expressing simple greetings Handbook on Remedial Teaching of English in Primary Schools Part 2 Other comments: The learner Date 1. shows interest in the language. 2. has confidence in using English. 3. takes initiative to raise questions/make remarks in English. 4. is keen to participate in pair/group work activities. 5. is able to work independently. 6. is able to share information with others. 7. is able to complete a task within the given time. 8. is able to make choices. 9 10. 11. 12. 30 Handbook on Remedial Teaching of English in Primary Schools Date Date Date Overall Comments