Activity Plans for Cross-curricular Learning “Trash to Treasure” 活動 1a 認識本港垃圾問題及參與「減少製造垃圾行動」 課節 3 (每節 35 分鐘) 學習重點 教學資源 認識何謂垃圾及本港垃圾的情況 認識本港處理垃圾的方法 認識現時本港處理垃圾的限制 體驗「減少製造垃圾行動計畫」的成效和限制 課本: 《小學常識 6 下 A》第十課 (新 亞洲出版社有限公司) 有關「香港的垃圾問題」網址 常識科第二學習階段小學教育電視節目滙集(一) (1)《陸 地污染》 「減少製造垃圾行動計畫」工作紙 活動指引一: 「減少製造垃圾行動計畫」 教學步驟 課前準備 教師需在課節一前派發有關「香港的垃圾問題」網址,讓學生預 先瀏覽網頁及搜集有關資料作預習。 課節一 教師簡介此次「種籽計畫」的主題及需要探討的中心問題。 學生觀看常識科第二學習階段小學教育電視節目滙集 (一)(1) 《陸地污染》 。 教師著學生根據從網上搜集的資料,分組匯報有關本港的垃圾問 題:(一)垃圾的種類、(二)政府處理垃圾的方法、(三)政府處理垃 圾方法的優劣及(四)思考解決本港垃圾問題的方法。 教師總結香港的垃圾問題及處理垃圾的方法。 課節二、三 教師著學生進行「如何減少製造本區垃圾」遊戲。(參閱活動指 引一) 遊戲後,教師引導學生分享感受,帶出處理垃圾的方法、成效和 限制。 教師鼓勵學生減少製造垃圾及著學生設計「減少製造垃圾行動計 畫」,並試把「減少製造垃圾」的概念推至家中,與家人一起進 行,於一週後滙報成果。(「減少製造垃圾行動計畫」工作紙) 教師著學生滙報「減少製造垃圾行動計畫」實行的成效及限制, 帶出都市人愛方便而製造大量不必要垃圾的現況、並以市民對減 少垃圾的意識薄弱作總結。 備註 教師需鼓勵學生在家中搜集有關資料,以便作課堂討論。 教師簡介「種籽計畫」的主題時,要展示和張貼中心問題於壁報 板上。 總結處理垃圾問題時,可瀏覽環境保護署及有關網頁: - - 進行遊戲的主要目的是令學生感受垃圾在自己的社區被「清理」 後,實際仍存在我們的地球上,配合日後在英文課所閱讀的故事 中 ‘Throw it away. How far away?’ 的體驗,從而帶出有必要減少 製造垃圾。 教師提及在英文課時將會閱讀有關垃圾的故事。 教師讓學生明白要改善環境,必須從個人做起,同心協力,付諸 行動才能成功。 教師需鼓勵學生多觀察身邊事物,多閱報或從不同的媒體獲取有 關 3R 的知識,以便進行整個「小學跨課程英語學習單元」的活 動。 教師引導學生於活動後思考及回應首三個中心問題(什麼是垃 圾?香港的垃圾問題有多嚴重?我們如何減少製造垃圾?)。 Activity 1b Understanding and applying the idea of ‘Reduce’ Number of lessons 3 (35 minutes each) Focused Learning Targets and Objectives Learning Targets KSa KSb KSc ESb Language Forms and Communicative Functions Text Types - stories Vocabulary - vocabulary related to ‘3Rs’: e.g. reduce, trash, treasure, landfill, stuff, reusable - vocabulary for describing feelings: e.g. curious, sad, upset, surprised - vocabulary for describing objects: e.g. a torn shoe, rotten vegetables, empty bottles, a silver disk, flashing lights, a huge pile of trash, useful things, useless things Language Focus - use the simple past tense to express past actions e.g. It flew very low to the ground and crashed into a huge pile of trash. - use connectives to express conditions e.g. If I can turn trash into treasure, you have to promise me something. - use adjectives to describe objects e.g. a torn T-shirt - use prepositional phrases to describe objects e.g. A little green creature with big eyes came out. Skills and Strategies Speaking - use appropriate intonation and stress, and vary volume, tone of voice and speed to convey intended meanings and feelings Reading - predict story, characters, topic of interest using picture cues and book cover - skim a text to obtain a general impression and the main ideas - predict the likely development of a topic by recognizing key words and making use of context and knowledge of the world - predict meaning of unfamiliar words by using context or picture cues - read written language in meaningful chunks - re-read to establish and confirm meaning Writing - develop written texts by expressing own ideas and feelings Language Development Strategies - work with others and treat others’ suggestions positively to complete a task Attitudes Confidence in using English Enjoyment of reading Resources Storybook: Trash to Treasure (adapted from the story ‘The Martians Who Knew How to Save the World’ on the webpage Pictures of trash and treasure Activity Sheets 1, 2 & 3 Coursebook: New Welcome to English (Second Edition) 6B Unit 7 (Longman) Reference materials: ‘Questions to develop learners’ reading skills’ Procedures Lessons 1 and 2 Pre-reading Teacher asks learners to make prediction about the topic and content of the storybook Trash to Treasure from the book cover and book blurb. Teacher introduces the book title and draws learners’ attention to the vocabulary ‘Trash’ and ‘Treasure’. Teacher helps learners to understand the meaning of these two words by: - showing them pictures of trash and treasure respectively; and - asking them to brainstorm the names of the objects that are useless (things they have thrown or will throw away) and the names of the objects they consider useful. Teacher helps learners to describe trash more clearly by introducing some adjectives, e.g. rotten vegetables, a torn shoe. Teacher focuses on ‘Trash’ and creates a semantic map of the word ‘Trash’ with learners by asking them to suggest what they know about ‘Trash’ (Who makes it? What does it look like? How does it smell?). While-reading Teacher asks students to skim through Chapters 1 and 2 to find out more about the story, and complete Parts A, B and C(a) of the storyboard at the back of the storybook. Teacher asks learners to suggest a title for Chapter 2. Teacher guides learners to develop their reading skills through asking them some closed and open-ended questions. (Refer to ‘Questions to develop learners’ reading skills’) Post-reading Learners make sentences to describe the characters of the story by doing Activity Sheet 1. Learners revise the use of the connective ‘if’ to express conditions by finding some ways to keep the Earth clean from the coursebook. (Homework) Lesson 3 Post-reading (continued) Learners revise the names of the objects in the trash and the adjectives for describing them by doing Activity Sheet 2. Learners model on the teacher and read aloud the names of the objects in the trash on p.3 of Trash to Treasure using appropriate stress. - Teacher gives each learner a picture of the objects in the trash, e.g. a torn shoe. - Teacher demonstrates how to read the names of the objects in the trash on p.3 of the storybook, ‘Nina and Jack looked around them. Nearby were some broken bottles, old tyres, empty jelly jars…’. - Teacher then invites learners to chime in one by one by reading aloud the names of the objects in the trash in their pictures using appropriate stress. Learners use conditional clauses to express conditions. - Teacher revises the use of conditional sentences with learners by asking them to look for ways to keep the Earth clean from the textbook and report on what they have found. - Learners suggest ways to reduce trash by doing Activity Sheet 3 and share their suggestions with the class. Remarks Teacher has to remind learners about the cross-curricular linkage by focusing on the previous knowledge acquired from the G.S. lessons, e.g. landfill, objects in the trash and problems with the trash. Teacher has to prepare pictures of trash, one for each learner, based on those in Activity Sheet 2. Teacher draws learners’ attention to the 1st and 3rd focus questions, ‘What is trash?’ and ‘How can we reduce trash?’ Activity 2 Understanding and applying the idea of ‘Reuse’ Number of lessons 2 (35 minutes each) Focused Learning Targets and Objectives Learning Targets KSa KSb ESb ESc Language Forms and Communicative Functions Text Types - stories Vocabulary - adjectives: e.g. smart - nouns: e.g. problem, bait - verbs: e.g. snapped his fingers, floated Language Focus - use the simple present tense to express thoughts e.g. I think it is useless. - use imperatives to give instructions e.g. Fill me with flowers or use me to water them. Skills and Strategies Speaking - use modelled phrases and sentences to communicate with teachers and other learners Reading - predict the likely development of a topic by recognizing key words and making use of context and knowledge of the world - skim a text to obtain a general impression and the main ideas predict meaning of unfamiliar words by using context or picture cues read written language in meaningful chunks re-read to establish and confirm meaning Writing - develop written texts by expressing own ideas and feelings Language Development Strategies - develop thinking skills by generating new ideas Attitudes Confidence in using English Enjoyment of reading Resources Storybook: Trash To Treasure (Chapter 3) (adapted from the story ‘The Martians Who Knew How to Save the World’ on the webpage Activity Sheet 4 Procedures Lesson 1 Pre-reading Teacher asks learners to read the last paragraph of Chapter 2 again and predict what object the characters will talk about in Chapter 3. While-reading Teacher asks learners to skim through Chapter 3 and complete Part C(b) of the storyboard. Teacher asks learners to suggest a title for Chapter 3. Teacher guides learners to develop their reading skills through asking them some closed and open-ended questions. (Refer to the ‘Questions to develop learners’ reading skills’) Post-reading Learners revise the use of the simple present tense to express thoughts, e.g. I think it’s useless. - In groups of 4 to 5, learners read Activity Sheet 4 and suggest how some of the trash can be reused. - Learners from each group share their opinions with the class. Learners revise the use of imperatives to give instructions. - Learners write 2 more ways to reuse the jelly jar. (Trash to Treasure p.9) - As homework, teacher asks learners to select a reusable object and suggest ways to reuse it. (Teacher asks learners to bring the object back to school in the next lesson.) Lesson 2 Post-reading (continued) Learners suggest ways to reuse trash by playing the game ‘Musical Trash’. - Learners form groups of 4 to 5. - Teacher plays the music while learners in each group circulate one object they bring to school. - When the music stops, the learner who holds the object has to suggest a way to reuse the trash using imperatives, e.g. Use it for drinking water. - After several rounds, one representative from each group comes out and shares the ideas with the class. Remarks Teacher needs to remind learners that the objects they bring to school in Lesson 2 should be clean and handy. Teacher also needs to prepare some ‘spare’ objects in case some learners forget to bring theirs. Teacher sums up the concepts (Reduce, Reuse) which have been covered. Teacher draws learners’ attention to the 3rd and 4th focus questions and tells learners they are going to learn more about the 3rd ‘R’ (Recycle) in the next G.S. lessons. 活動 3a 認識「自然界的循環再造」 課節 2 (每節 35 分鐘) 學習重點 認識在日常生活中如何處理有機垃圾 認識自然界循環再造的主要過程及「平衡生態系統」 認識大自然界中扮演「循環再造者」之生物的特性,包括 生存條件、生存環境、形態和作用 教學資源 認識自然界循環再造的限制 課本: 《小學常識 6 下 A》第十課 (新亞洲出版社有限公司) 垃圾圖片,包括可減少製造、可循環再用及可通過自然界 循環再造的垃圾 教學步驟 「大自然食物鏈」掛圖 有關「大自然的循環再造」網址 課節一 教師提問學生有關在英文科課堂時所帶回校的可循環再 用物品及其作用。 教師展示一些垃圾的圖片,著學生將這些垃圾分類,及討 論處理它們的方法: (一)可減少製造的垃圾、(二)可循環再 用的垃圾及 (三)其他。 教師著學生討論「其他」類別垃圾的特性。 教師透過「大自然食物鏈」掛圖,解釋自然界中各種生物 的角色和功用。 教師展示蚯蚓、地衣和菌類的圖片並解釋牠們在自然界循 環再造過程中所扮演的角色。 教師著學生分三組,每組從教師所提供的網頁,分別搜集 有關蚯蚓、地衣和菌類的資料,並探討以上生物的特性(包 括生存條件、生存環境、形態和作用)。(家課) 課節二 備註 教師著學生以擬人法講述蚯蚓、地衣或菌類的特性。 教師鼓勵學生向滙報者發問有關滙報內容及表達意見。 教師引導學生討論自然界循環再造的限制。 教師應提示學生將英文科所學到有關循環再用的知識應 用在課節一的分類活動中,而亦將常識科所學有關循環再 造的知識應用在英文科上,使英文的寫作內容更豐富。 教師引導學生討論處理垃圾的方法時,要提醒同學有些垃 圾有多於一種的處理方法。 教師在談及處理垃圾的方法時,要避免提及人為的循環再 造方法,以免學生混淆。 教師利用「大自然食物鏈」掛圖解釋自然界中各種生物的 角色和功用時,應從解釋草為草食性動物的糧食開始,然 後草食性動物會變成肉食性動物的糧食,肉食性動物死後 便成為兀鷹等食屍體動物的糧食,吃剩的動物屍體便成為 「大自然循環再造者」的糧食,牠們會將動物屍體分解成 為對草地有益的肥料。 當學生以擬人法講述自然界的循環再造者的特性時,教師 可提醒學生這個活動會有助他們日後創作與 3R 有關的英 文故事。 活動 3b 認識「人為的循環再造」 課節 2 (每節 35 分鐘) 學習 重點 教學 資源 認識人為的循環再造 認識人為循環再造的過程和概念 認識可供人為循環再造的物料 認識人為循環再造的限制 「模擬鋁罐再造」活動的用具(鋁罐 8 個、石塊 8 塊、紙箱 4 個,分別 寫上「鋁罐製造廠」 、 「汽水廠」 、 「垃圾收集中心」和「循環再造中心」 及名牌 6 個,分別寫上「鋁罐製造廠老闆」 、「汽水廠老闆」、 「垃圾收 集中心管理員」、「循環再造中心管理員」、「循環再造先生」和「垃圾 製造先生」) 活動指引二: 「模擬鋁罐再造」 「模擬鋁罐再造」活動觀察紀錄表 有關廢輪胎循環再用及再造的網址: - - - 教學 課節一 步驟 教師解說廢輪胎的循環再用及再造並展示有關圖片,幫助學生認識人 為循環再造的過程和概念。 教師讓學生分組閱覽有關廢輪胎的循環再用及再造參考資料,然後向 全班匯報。 課節二 教師提問三色環保垃圾筒的作用,引導學生明白廢紙、膠樽和鋁罐是 可以循環再造的。 教師簡介鋁罐製造過程。 教師讓學生進行「模擬鋁罐再造」活動,了解人為循環再造的限制。(參 閱活動指引二) 活動結束後,著學生分組討論及發表意見,並引導學生明白活動的目 的。 備註 教師讓學生分組討論他們對環境應盡的責任。 教師提示學生將在英文科閱讀有關將廢輪胎循環再用及再造的故事, 著學生留意。 「模擬鋁罐再造」活動進行時,教師應鼓勵學生認真記錄和計算鋁礬 土的數量及估計鋁礬土用完的時間,同時要觀察及發表對兩種不同處 理鋁罐方法的意見,並討論模擬活動與現實生活的關係。 教師提示學生將會在英文科認識循環再造紙的過程,並在美勞課時親 身嘗試自製再造紙。 Activity 3c Understanding and applying the idea of ‘Recycle’ Number of lessons 3 (35 minutes each) Focused Learning Targets and Objectives Learning Targets KSa KSb ESb Language Forms and Communicative Functions Text Types - stories Vocabulary - adjectives: e.g. the richest fertilizers - nouns: e.g. worm, helmets, tyres, mats - verbs: e.g. wriggled Language Focus - use imperatives to give instructions e.g. Tear the paper into small pieces. - use demonstratives to refer to people or objects e.g. That’s dinner. Skills and Strategies Listening - recognize vocabulary items previously encountered in new spoken texts - identify the main idea of a new topic - listen for specific information - use visual clues, context and knowledge of the world to work out the meaning of unknown words and expressions Reading - skim a text to obtain a general impression and the main ideas - predict the likely development of a topic by recognizing key words and making use of context and knowledge of the world - predict meaning of unfamiliar words by using context or picture cues - read written language in meaningful chunks - re-read to establish and confirm meaning Language Development Strategies - develop information skills by listening to locate relevant information and ideas Attitudes Confidence in using English Enjoyment of reading Resources Pictures of old jelly jars, empty bottles, plastic bags, fish bones, rotten vegetables and egg shells Storybook: Trash to Treasure (Chapters 4 & 5) (adapted from the story ‘The Martians Who Knew How to Save the World’ on the webpage Procedures Transparency of Chapter 4 Audio tape of Chapters 4 and 5 Activity Sheet 5 Activity Sheet 6 (Versions 1 and 2) Video: Making recycled paper Lesson 1 Pre-reading Teacher shows pictures of old jelly jars, empty bottles, plastic bags, fish bones, rotten vegetables and egg shells, and asks learners to identify the objects that can neither be reduced nor reused, i.e. fish bones, rotten vegetables and egg shells. Teacher asks learners to predict what Zap would do with those objects and make suggestions. While-reading Teacher asks learners to skim through Chapter 4 and complete Part C(c)(i) of the storyboard. Teacher asks learners to suggest a title for Chapter 4. Teacher guides learners to develop their reading skills through asking them some closed and open-ended questions. (Refer to ‘Questions to develop learners’ reading skills’) Post-reading Teacher focuses on the use of cohesive devices in Chapter 4, e.g. connectives, pronouns and demonstratives by: - underlining one example and explaining its use; - asking learners to come out underline some other cohesive devices and explain their uses; and - asking learners to find out what the demonstratives and pronouns refer to by completing Activity Sheet 5. Lessons 2 and 3 Pre-reading Teacher asks learners to suggest some objects that cannot be reused, reduced or recycled by Nature’s Recyclers, e.g. tyres, paper… Teacher asks learners to suggest ways to deal with those objects. While-reading Teacher asks learners to skim through Chapter 5 to find out the object that Zap will turn into treasure and complete Part C(c)(ii) of the storyboard. Teacher asks learners to suggest a title for Chapter 5. Teacher guides learners to develop their reading skills through asking them some closed and open-ended questions. (Refer to ‘Questions to develop learners’ reading skills’) Post-reading At the end of Chapter 5, Zap mentions that he will show the children a video about making recycled paper. Teacher plays the video and asks pupils to do a listening activity. - Pre-listening Learners form groups of 4 or 5. Teacher writes the headings ‘Things you need’ and ‘Steps’ on the board. Teacher asks learners to brainstorm in groups the things they need to make recycled paper, and then puts the suggestions on the board. After that, teacher asks learners to suggest the steps of making recycled paper in groups, and then puts the suggestions on the board. [For less able learners, teacher may make some modifications. - Pre-listening Teacher introduces the vocabulary related to the making of recycled paper with the help of pictures and gestures. (Nouns related to the video: wooden frames, waster paper, a large bowl, paste, a blender, tub, heavy books) Learners play ‘Matching Games’ to get themselves familiar with the vocabulary. Teacher revises some verbs and makes sentences with learners to help them understand the text more easily. The verbs are then left on the board for their reference. (Verbs related to the video: tear, soak, turn, mix, pour, move, hold, let, dry, drain)] - While-listening Learners watch the first part of the video and tick the things they need by doing Part (A) of Activity Sheet 6 (Version 1). Teacher checks the answers with learners, and reviews the suggestions they have made previously to see if their guesses are correct. Learners watch the second part of the video to find out the steps of making recycled paper. Teacher asks learners to go over the steps they have brainstormed previously to see if their guesses are correct. Learners listen to an audio-tape about the steps of making recycled paper and complete Part (B) of Activity Sheet 6 (Version 1). [For less able learners, teacher may make some modifications. - While-listening Learners watch the first part of the video and tick the things they need by doing Part (A) of Activity Sheet 6 (Version 2). Teacher checks the answers with learners and reviews the verbs on the board to help them understand the text more easily. Learners watch the second part of the video to find out the steps of making recycled paper. Teacher goes over the steps orally with learners to give them a clearer idea of how to describe the steps of making recycled paper. Learners listen to an audio-tape about the steps of making recycled paper and complete Part (B) of Activity Sheet 6 (Version 2) with the help of the verbs provided on the board.] - Post-listening Remarks Learners listen to the tape again to check their work. Teacher checks the answers with learners. Teacher tells students that they will follow similar steps to make recycled paper in the Art lesson. Before asking pupils to brainstorm in groups the things they need to make recycled paper, teacher has to remind them of the idea of ‘Recycle’ learnt in the previous G.S. lessons (Nature’s Recyclers and how tyres can be recycled to make rubber mats). Teacher needs to prepare the overhead projector for Lesson 1. When the less able learners are doing Activity Sheet 6, teacher may need to tell them the number of the sentence they should be working on if they cannot follow. Teacher has to tell learners to remember the steps of making recycled paper because they have to make the recycled paper themselves in the coming Art lesson. 活動 3d 自製再造紙 課節 2 (每節 35 分鐘) 學習重點 教學資源 能利用廢紙自製再造紙 欣賞紙的特性 能設計再造紙(例如乾花再造紙) 廢紙 5-10 張、報紙(大量)、厚書數本、絲網連架、攪拌器、 淺盆 教學步驟 課前準備 教師需在一星期前提示學生收集及準備廢紙張。 教師需在一天前提示學生把報紙撕成紙碎粒,並用水浸 泡,然後放在膠盒內再帶回校。 課節一、二 教師派回英文科工作紙(Activity Sheet 6),著學生講出從英 文科所學到製作再造紙的過程。 學生分組,並輪流將已浸泡的紙碎粒交給教師。 教師替學生把紙碎粒放進攪拌器裡,並加入適量的水,然 後開動攪拌器。 教師加水於淺盆內,注至半滿。 學生將絲網連架放在淺盆內,教師將攪勻的漿糊倒在絲網 連架內,然後學生將漿糊水篩出,成為一片紙漿。 學生將紙漿片的水滴乾,用手輕壓,再把它倒在報紙上把 多餘的水吸乾。 學生這時可以在紙漿片加上乾花。 學生在紙漿片上多放一些報紙來吸水,再用多本厚書壓 着,等一至兩天。 備註 攪拌器略具危險性,不宜讓學生自行操作。 別讓學生把漿水傾倒在洗手盆或厠所內,以免造成淤塞。 教師需提示學生作品將用作 The Adventure of___的封面頁 (活動 4b)。 學生亦可利用再造紙製作其他物件,如心意卡、明信片等。 活動 4a 總結 3R 概念 課節 2 (每節 35 分鐘) 學習重點 教學資源 能說出 3R 概念 認識處理不同垃圾的最佳方法 認識將垃圾分類處理對環境的好處 「垃圾分類大激鬥遊戲」所需用具(垃圾實物圖片 20 款、 不同顏色貼紙兩套、大垃圾膠袋兩個、大紙箱 4 個) 教學步驟 備註 活動指引三:「垃圾分類大激鬥遊戲」 教師通過提問,簡單重溫 3R 概念。 進行「垃圾分類大激鬥遊戲」。(參閱活動指引三) 遊戲結束後,教師引導學生總結 3R 概念。 遊戲結束後教師要引導學生不要把注意力集中在結果 上,反而要思考遊戲帶出的訊息。 教師總結整個「種籽計畫」的學習課題及回應中心問題, 並再次提示學生英文科將有寫作活動鞏固 3R 知識。 Activity 4b Integrating the ideas of 3Rs and writing about The Adventure of___ (using The Adventure of the Tyres as an example) Number of lessons 6 (35 minutes each) Focused Learning Targets and Objectives Learning Targets KSa KSb ESb ESc Language Forms and Communicative Functions Text Types - stories Vocabulary - adjectives: e.g. powerful, excited - nouns: e.g. fuel, progress - verbs: e.g. promised, disappeared, flew, waved Language Focus - use the future tense to talk about future events and actions e.g. I’ll be back. - use the simple past tense to express past actions e.g. Zap went into the saucer and closed the door. - use adverbs to describe manner e.g. Then they went home happily. Skills and Strategies Speaking - use appropriate intonation and stress, and vary volume, tone of voice and speed to convey intended meanings and feelings Reading - predict the likely development of a topic by recognizing key words and making use of context and knowledge of the world - skim a text to obtain a general impression and the main ideas - predict meaning of unfamiliar words by using context or picture cues - read written language in meaningful chunks - re-read to establish and confirm meaning Writing - identify purpose and audience for a writing task decide on the sequence of content express own ideas and feelings present main and supporting ideas write paragraphs which present ideas logically write a first draft use basic narrative structure that comprises setting, characters, events and dialogue when writing about real and imaginary experience - re-read the draft and correct spelling, punctuation and grammar - share work with teachers and classmates and respond positively to suggestions on ideas and use of language - present writing using appropriate layout and visual support including illustrations where necessary Language Development Strategies - develop thinking skills by generating new ideas and meanings by using an idea or a description - work cooperatively with others and treat others’ suggestions positively to complete a task Attitudes Confidence in using English Enjoyment of reading Resources Storybook: Trash to Treasure (Chapter 6) (adapted from the story ‘The Martians Who Knew How to Save the World’ on the webpage Storybook: The Adventure of the Tyres Activity Sheets 7 and 8 Some pieces of ‘post-it’ Procedures Lesson 1 Pre-reading Teacher asks learners to talk about the bet between Zap and the children, and predict the result of the bet. Teacher draws learners’ attention to the title of Chapter 6 and asks them to guess what the promise is about. While-reading Teacher asks learners to read Chapter 6 silently and complete Part D of the storyboard. Teacher guides learners to develop their reading skills through asking them some closed and open-ended questions. (Refer to the ‘Questions to develop learners’ reading skills’) Post-reading Teacher revises the use of adverbs. - Teacher asks learners to find some examples of the use of adverbs in dialogues from Chapter 6 and write them on the board, e.g. ‘I’ll be back,’ he shouted loudly. - Teacher asks some learners to read out the dialogues with appropriate feelings as indicated by the adverbs, e.g. saying ‘I’ll be back’ loudly. - Learners practise reading other dialogues with appropriate feelings. Teacher asks some learners to retell the whole story to the class with the help of the storyboard. Lessons 2 to 5 Teacher shares the learning intention with learners by telling them that they are going to write a story The Adventure of ___on their own. Teacher also shares the following success criteria with learners: Content - the idea of 3Rs - interesting ideas about the adventure of _____ Organization - flow of ideas Language - correct capitalization, punctuation, spelling and grammar as well as suitable vocabulary Presentation - design of book cover and book blurb, and the use of pictures and cartoons Teacher displays both the learning intention and success criteria on the board for learners’ reference. Pre-writing Teacher introduces the book The Adventure of the Tyres as an example of their creative writing. - Learners, in groups of 4 to 5, skim through the book and write the storyboard by doing Activity Sheet 7. - Teacher asks learners to suggest the answers. Teacher puts the suggestions on the board and checks the answers with learners. - Teacher asks learners the purpose (applying the ideas of 3Rs) and audience (their classmates) of the story. Learners are also encouraged to share in groups which part of the story they like most/least and why. - Teacher guides learners to suggest how to improve the content and layout of the book, e.g. asking learners to add more details, suggesting how to link the ideas better by using cohesive devices Teacher helps learners to brainstorm and prepare the first draft. - Teacher tells learners to consider the following: the main character, i.e. the trash, and its details (size, smell, origin, etc.) the other characters (if any) the beginning, problems and ending - Teacher provides support to individual learners where necessary. - Learners draft their own storyboard by doing Activity Sheet 8. (Homework) Writing (first draft) Learners write their ideas in a ‘free flow’ way. - Teacher revises some vocabulary and examples of how to write the beginning (e.g. Once upon a time…), and ending of the story with learners (e.g. Finally,…). - Teacher encourages learners to focus on the content and write their ideas down freely. Learners are reminded to apply the ideas of 3Rs and try to make the story interesting. - In making the first draft, teacher should encourage learners to write on one side of a big piece of paper with markers or pens, so that learners can concentrate on writing and not erasing. - Learners draw simple sketches according to the content of their draft. - Teacher reminds learners that the first drafts are not finished products and they can be further improved. [For less able learners, teacher may make some modifications. Writing (first draft) Learners write their ideas with the help of pictures. - Teacher teaches learners how to write the beginning and ending of the story by introducing some phrases e.g. ‘once upon a time’, ‘one day’, ‘finally’, ‘at last’. Teacher also introduces some phrases to describe where the trash is, e.g. ‘in the landfill’, ‘under the sea’, ‘in the playground’. Teacher then writes them on the board for learners’ reference. - Teacher asks learners to choose a time, a place, an object and one idea from 3Rs to provide the setting of the story. - Learners draw 4 simple pictures each on a sheet of paper to illustrate the main ideas of their stories. - Teacher reminds learners that the first drafts are not finished products and they can be further improved.] Revising Learners rethink what has been written and organize the writing. - Teacher reminds learners to pay attention to the content, organization and language of the story. - Learners, in groups, share the ideas of their own stories with their classmates and ask for suggestions for improvement. They then revise their work according to the comments and expectations of the audience. - Teacher provides support to individual learners/groups where necessary. [For less able learners, teacher may make some modifications. Revising Learners rethink the content of the story. - Teacher reminds learners to pay attention to the content, organization and language of the story. - Teacher demonstrates how to make the story more interesting with the help of the 4 pictures, e.g. by adding some adventures or characters, i.e. the ‘problem’ in the storyline. - Teacher provides some pieces of blank ‘post-it’ and asks learners to draw more pictures or write more details for the story. Learners then rearrange the order and put the ‘post-it’ on a sheet of paper.] Editing Learners proofread and correct their work. - Teacher demonstrates to learners how to correct their work by examining the errors in capitalization, punctuation, spelling, vocabulary and grammar. - Teacher introduces the basic editing conventions to the learners and encourages them to use the conventions when they edit their partners’ work, e.g. use a caret (^) to insert words, phrases, or sentences indicate deletions by crossing out use arrows to re-route different sections of writing underline the words to indicate spelling mistakes use ‘P’ for punctuation mistakes - Learners correct their own work individually. - In pairs, learners do peer-correction. - Learners produce the final draft of their work which will be examined in detail by teacher. Lesson 6 Publishing Learners get feedback from teacher and improve their work according to the suggestions given. Teacher asks learners to share their storybooks in groups, and then invites some learners to share their work in front of the class. As homework, learners produce the complete version of the book by adding appropriate illustrations, designing the book cover with the use of the recycled paper they have made during the Art lesson, and stapling the pages. Then teacher collects the storybooks and displays them in the library. Remarks Teacher has to prepare sufficient large pieces of paper and markers for learners to draft their work. When asking less able learners to write the first draft of the story, teacher may give some ‘post-it’ to the learners as it facilitates them in revising their work, adding details or resequencing the events of the story. The 6th lesson will have to be at least two days after the 5th lesson to give teacher enough time to mark learners’ work. Teacher reminds learners to write and draw carefully because their work will be displayed in the library. Moreover, learners from other classes and levels are free to borrow their books.