Appendix 1 School-based After-school Learning and Support Programmes 2014/15 s.y. Community-based Project – Operation Status Report (up to 15/10/2014) (This form, duly completed and signed, should be returned to the Extended Support Programmes Section by mail or by fax on or before 31 October 2014) Extended Support Programmes Section Name of Organization : Project Title : Reference No. : Project Coordinator : Contact Person : Contact Tel. No. A. The estimated number of students benefitted under this Programme is [including (a) CSSA recipients+(b) SFAS full-grant recipients+(c) B. Please provide information on all approved activities. ( I ) Activities wholly held with collaborating school(s): : (count by heads, please refer to Part G of the application form) under schools’ discretionary quota^] Information on approved project Name of activity (List out all the approved activities) No. of participating eligible students in approved activities #1 Amount of grant #2 Original commencement date Room 5203, 52/F, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, H.K. Fax No.: 3107 1306 Actual situation Original end date Is the activity on schedule? #3 Actual no. of participating eligible students #1* P Actual commencement date Actual end date Are the activity expenses within the approved budget (if Name of collaborating not, please indicate how the school(s) additional expenses are met) Remark S SP Total Total no. of activities: ___________(a1) Total Man-times (total no. of students listed above): Total: $________ ________(b1) (c1) * P: Primary School S: Secondary School _________(d1) SP: Special School Total Man-times (total no. of students listed above): (Use separate sheets if necessary) ^Starting from the 2014/15 school year, schools’ discretionary quota is increased to 25%. ( II ) Activities wholly open to the community: Information on approved project Name of activity (List out all the approved activities) No. of participating eligible students #4 Od Pv Amount of grant #2 Actual situation Original commencement date Original end date Cs Is the Actual no. of participating eligible students Actual #4* activity on commenceschedule? ment date P S SP #3 Actual end date Are the activity expenses within the approved budget (if not, please indicate how the additional expenses are met) Remark Od Pv Cs Od Pv Cs Od Pv Cs * Total Man-times Total no. of Total: activities: $________ ___________(a2) (total no. of students listed (c2) above): (b2) Total Man-times (total no. of students listed above): (d2) P: Primary School S: Secondary School SP: Special School Aggregate of:( I ) + ( II ) (i) Total no. of approved activities = (a1)+(a2): (iii) Total amount of activity grant = (c1)+(c2): Remarks: #1. #2. #3. #4. $ (iv) Actual no. of participating eligible students = (d1)+(d2):__________________________ Eligible students: students in receipt of CSSA, SFAS full grant or disadvantaged students under the discretionary quota (only applicable to the students provided by the collaborating school(s)). Amount of grant: The amount allocated for the activity under the approved project, which should be used to subsidize only the eligible students. Is the activity on schedule?: The progress should be stated as: (a) completed; (b) in progress; (c) not yet commenced or (d) cancelled. Od ( students from Government, Aided or Direct Subsidized Scheme schools that are not listed in (I));Pv (students from private schools);Cs (students from collaborating schools listed in (I)) Priority should be given to eligible students from “Od” and “Pv” schools for activities also serving the whole community. *Name of NGO/ Subsidiary Centre or Unit : *Name and Post of Head of NGO/ Subsidiary Centre or Unit/ Project Coordinator : Name Date (ii) Approved no. of participating eligible students = (b1)+(b2):________________________ : / Post Signature : (*Head of NGO/ Subsidiary Centre or Unit / Project Coordinator) * (Delete whichever is not applicable) *NGO’s/ Subsidiary Centre or Unit’s chop