Sharing of seconded teachers Teaching Values in Economics through issues Rationale Why teaching values in Economics? Why teaching values in Economics through issues? Why teaching values in Economics through issues now? Rationale 1. Value Education as a new focus in the New SS curriculum Rationale "The economics curriculum in Hong Kong secondary education has a strong tradition in positive economics, which emphasizes its objective and scientific nature. The proposed curriculum also encourages students to formulate and explore normative questions. As a study that places prominence on the making of choices, economics has much to contribute to the enquiry of issues that involve values and preferences. When students investigate controversial issues, they will learn to draw conclusions based on logical analysis, and at the same time be made aware of the value judgments underlying the choices they make. Such analytical power and awareness are essential to making reasoned choices, as well as to develop intellectual capacity in general." (Proposed Subject Framework of Economics in the New Senior Secondary Curriculum) Curriculum Framework(values included contents) Module Suggested Content A. Basic Economic Concepts Positive and Normative Statements D. Competition and Market Anti-competitive Structure behaviours and competition policy E. Efficiency, Equity and the Equity and income Role of Government equality Government intervention in the market K Economic Growth The desirability and costs of economic growth Remarks + positive and normative statements + Issues regarding anticompetition behaviours and competition policy + Evaluation of free market in terms of efficiency and equity + Issues regarding government intervention Rationale Why now? 2. Value Education as a broadening of teaching experience equip ourselves ASAP before the implementation of the New SS curriculum Rationale 3. Value Education as a broadening of learning experience generic skills (critical thinking skill : multi-perspective analysis of issues) value judgment Suggested Activities Suggested Activities Forum Debate Group discussion Video show Court case (Role play) Interviews …… Try-out Lesson Try-out Lesson 1.Preparation 2.Implementation 3.Evaluation Try-out Lesson 1.Preparation 2.Implementation 3.Evaluation Try-out Lesson Preparation work : 1. Choice of issue 2. Data collection 3. Objectives (Knowledge, skills, values, etc.) 4. Choice of activities 5. Design of teaching materials Try-out Lesson Choice of issue : a) Minimum Wage Law b)Fiscal Budget 2005 Consideration: issues embody competing views and values can stimulate discussion Try-out Lesson (Minimum Wage) Data collection : - Different sources (newspapers, government publications, political parties’ publications, tv programs …) - Different perspectives - Different viewpoints Try-out Lesson (Minimum Wage) Objectives : 1. Knowledge 2. Values To encourage and enable students to know their own values and those of their classmates To encourage and enable students to talk about their values To help students both to think and to feel about their feelings, values and behaviours To develop their own views and make judgements after considering different viewpoints Try-out Lesson (Minimum Wage) Choice of activities : Forum (Role Play: multiple perspectives) - RTHK program 城市論壇 - Articles and Newspapers - Forum Choice of activities : Discussion - RTHK Program - Articles and Newspapers - Discussion - Presentation - Letter to the editors (Eng. Dept.) Choice of activities : Discussion - Articles and Newspapers - Discussion - Presentation - Question and Answer Choice of activities : Assignment - 2005-06 Budget - collect different viewpoints Try-out Lesson Design of teaching materials : Worksheets Newspapers Publications Video clips … … Try-out Lesson 1.Preparation 2.Implementation 3.Evaluation Try-out Lesson Implementation work : Students’ work Video Try-out Lesson 1.Preparation 2.Implementation 3.Evaluation Try-out Lesson Evaluation : Know more about the issue of minimum wage Pros and cons of minimum wage After the lesson, I am keen to know more about different standpoints of people I can understand that everything has its pros and cons Can learn the economic issue from different points of views from presentation Students like most … Evaluation : Students are more active Lessons become more interactive, all students can have a greater chance to participate during lessons Can agree or disagree others The interaction between teachers and students (also among classmates) Can learn in funny way Activity is interesting, making me more active and think more in the lessons Evaluation : Improvements … More time for discussion Better control of time Evaluation: Role of teachers: Facilitators Information providers/guiding role Challenger – stimulation, giving inputs, enriching the discussion Evaluation: Role of teachers: Procedural Neutrality in which the teacher adopts the role of an impartial chairperson of a discussion group. A Balanced Approach in which the teacher presents pupils with a wide range of alternative views. Stated Commitment in which the teacher always makes known his/her views during discussion.The Devil’s Advocate in which the teacher consciously takes up the opposite position to the one expressed by pupils or in teaching materials. Difficulties Encountered Difficulties encountered 1. Language : MOI Language used for group discussion Language of reading materials Provision of language support (Vocabularies, bridging activities) Difficulties encountered 2. Time constraint : More preparation time for both teachers & students is required More teaching time is consumed Difficulties encountered 3. Individual differences : High achievers (quick thinker, active, motivated easily, etc.) too “slow” Low achievers (passive, shame, reluctant to share, etc.) too “fast” Possible Solutions (??) : Finish pre-lesson tasks Let low achievers be better prepared for the lesson Grouping Difficulties encountered 4. Copy right : News articles ( TV program Conclusion Change of teaching & learning mode Values & Attitude Generic skills Skills Subject skills Knowledge Choice Reminder: Initiation of learning experience by means of stimulus resources materials related to the questions, problems and issues The active involvement of pupils in the activities aimed at exploring and analyzing the values positions implicit in a given issue The intention that students be assisted to clarify and develop their own attitudes and values Active encouragement to students to see the link between their attitudes and values and the actions they take in their own lives The importance of providing the opportunity to develop skills of values inquiry, which can be transferred and used in their own personal lives Group Discussion Teaching Values in Economics through the issue of Hunghompeninsula (紅灣半島) Teaching Values in Economics through Issue Preparation work : (Lesson Design Sheet) 1. Choice of issue 2. Data collection 3. Objectives (Knowledge, skills, values, etc.) 4. Choice of activities 5. Design of teaching materials Presentation Thank you