電腦與資訊科技科 課程作業 Coursework What We Believe? 信念為何? 1. We value coursework/project because students will learn more 2. We believe practice makes perfect 3. We trust teachers 4. We allow some flexibility & variation 5. We understand there are technical difficulties and will try to overcome them Coursework Is … 課程作業是… 1. Providing a good opportunity for students to develop some skills 2. A comprehensive learning experience 3. An alternative way to assess C&IT in addition to pen & paper exam 4. Already adopted by some countries 5. Quite time consuming 6. Not exactly TAS Properties of Coursework 課程作業特色 Assignment or Test Answer Time Title/Problem Tools Testing Research Solution Implement Continuous Process Portfolio How Coursework Works? 課程作業怎樣運作? 1. Individual coursework counts for 20% in CE 2. Students choose an assignment from a list of topics issued by HKEAA 3. Students produce a report to demonstrate their ability to tackle the assignment 4. Reports to be graded by their own teacher 5. Submit selected reports to HKEAA for moderation purpose 6. Conduct school visits on a need basis May Start Something Like This 可以這樣開始 1. Streamline the basic competence of all students in common IT tools. Never assume! 2. Identify relevant resources available in school and make full use of it. 3. Help students to: Analysis the problem and understand the situation Outline the project boundary Do some simple research Explore possible solutions to the problem Choose appropriate methods, tools to implement it Test the prototype and make improvement Evaluate the solution against the initial design Provide an Effective Learning Environment Teacher’ Role 你的角色 Teachers as Facilitators Coordinate Students’ Learning Experiences Between You and the Students 師生之間 Students are Generally… Product orientated You Can… Process orientated Uni-directional thinkers Multi-directional thinking Very worse in planning and meeting the targets Make a plan and lay down milestones Over-plan, over-estimate Review students’ ability Chaotic Conceptualize learning Absent-minded Consolidate work done Lazy Push them! Coursework Highlights 課程作業重點 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Produce a report (not user manual) Include appropriate contents Specify resource requirements Acknowledge all sources and references Submit hardcopy on A4 size paper What About Assessment Criteria? 課程作業評分準則 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Objectives of the assignment Investigation & problem analysis Design of the solution Implementation of the solution Testing and evaluation Conclusion and discussion Documentation Creativity