4.1 Small Group Discussion At your school make a list of curriculum change projects that could be short-term successes. 1 For each item on the list, assess the following: When could you realistically get this done? How many months? How much effort and expense will it take? Grade it on a 1 to 10 scale, from almost no effort to huge time and expense. 2 4.2 How unambiguous will the win be? Try another 1 to 10 scale. How visible will it be? (1 to 10) Will this be viewed as a meaningful win? (1 to 10) Given these assessments, which of the items on your list should receive priority? Pick the top five. What’s number one? Small Group Discussion Complete the following check list by rating yourself as High (H) Medium (M) or Low (L) on each item. Share with the group particular results you wish to disclose. 1 I give positive support and don’t put people down. 2 I am organised and efficient (but not overly so). 3 I am enthusiastic and care about education. 4 I am committed to doing things well. 5 I have a sense of humour. 6 I persevere and don’t over-react when things go wrong. 7 I am willing to experiment and to take sensible risks. 8 I am willing to learn from errors. 9 I am action-oriented and committed to leading by example. 10 I manage change by accurately ‘reading and matching’. 11 I am capable of thinking things through and of tracing consequences. 12 I am able to look outwards and to the future as well as inwards and to the present. 13 I can set up and sustain a constructive working climate. 14 I possess a wide repertoire of communication skills. H M L