V University College Dublin The Bursar’s Office Guidelines for School & Support – Unit Heads Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 1 2.0 Finance Office 2 2.1 Brief Description of the Office’s Functions as relevant to School/Support Unit Heads 2 2.2 Organisation Structure of the Finance Office 2 2.3 Key Contacts 2 2.4 Functions of the Finance Office 2.4.1 3 School/Support-Unit Non-Pay Budget 3 2.4.2 Purchase Orders and Payment of Invoices 3 2.4.3 Staff Expenses 4 2.4.4 Research & School/Support-Unit Accounts 4 2.4.5 Capital Equipment 5 2.4.6 Disposal of Assets 5 2.4.7 Financial Planning & Resources Unit 5 2.4.8 Payroll 6 2.4.9 Procedures of the Finance Office 6 2.5 Further Information 3.0 Fees & Grants Office 4.0 3 Financial Information & Assistance 6 7 3.1 Brief Description of the Office’s Functions as relevant to School/Support-Unit 7 3.2 Organisation Structure of the Fees & Grants Office 7 3.3 Key Contacts 7 3.4 Functions of the Fees & Grants Office 8 3.4.1 Payment of Fees 8 3.4.2 Fees Concessions 9 3.4.3 Research Scholarships, Grants or Prizes 9 3.4.4 Student Exchange Agreements 11 3.4.5 Procedures of the Fees & Grants Office 11 3.5 Your Responsibilities 11 3.6 Further Information 11 Procurement and Contracts Office 12 4.1 Brief Description of the Office’s Functions as relevant to School/Support-Unit Heads 12 4.2 Organisation Structure of the Procurement and Contracts Office 12 4.3 Key Contacts 12 4.4 Functions of the Procurement and Contracts Office 12 4.4.1 4.4.2 Understanding the Procurement Rules and Application of UCD Procurement Policy and Procedures 12 Procurement Training & Development 13 4.4.3 Tender Advice and Support 14 4.4.4 Supplier Negotiations and Contract Management 14 4.4.5 Procedures of the Procurement and Contracts Office 15 4.5 Your Responsibilities 15 4.6 Further Information 15 5.0 Office of the Corporate & Legal Affairs Secretary 16 5.1 Brief Description of the Office’s Functions as relevant to School/Support-Unit Heads 16 5.2 Organisation Structure of the Corporate and Legal Affairs Office 16 5.3 Key Contacts 16 5.4 Functions of the Corporate & Legal Affairs Office 17 5.4.1 Legal Agreements, Institutional Signature and Custody of University Seal 17 5.4.2 Court and Legal Proceedings Advice and Support 17 5.4.3 Legislative Compliance 18 5.4.4 Company Secretarial Services 18 5.4.5 Loan or Gift Arrangements, Safekeeping of Original Documents 18 5.4.6 Enforcement Notices 18 5.4.7 Procedures of the Corporate & Legal Affairs Office 19 5.5 Your Responsibilities 19 5.6 Further Information 19 6.0 Records Management & Freedom of Information Unit 6.1 Brief Description of the Unit’s Function as relevant to School/Support-Unit Heads 20 20 6.2 Organisational Structure of the Unit 20 6.3 Key Contacts 20 6.4 Functions of the Record Management and Freedom of Information Unit 20 6.4.1 Records Management 20 6.4.2 Freedom of Information 21 6.4.3 Data Protection 21 6.4.4 Procedures of the Records Management and Freedom of Information Unit 21 6.5 Your Responsibilities 22 6.6 Further Information 22 7.0 Safety Office 23 7.1 Brief Description of the Office’s Function as relevant to School/Support-Unit Heads 23 7.2 Organisational Structure of the University Safety Office 23 7.3 Key Contacts 23 7.4 Functions of the University Safety Office 24 7.4.1 Insurance 24 7.4.2 University Health & Safety 25 7.4.3 Occupational Health 25 7.4.4 Environmental Compliance 26 7.4.5 Procedures of the Safety Office 26 7.5 Your Responsibilities 26 7.6 Further Information 26 8.0 Management Services Unit 27 8.1 Brief Description of the Office’s Functions as relevant to School/Support-Unit Heads 27 8.2 Organisational Structure of the Management Services Unit 27 8.3 Key Contacts 28 8.4 Functions of the Management Services Unit 28 8.4.1 IT Support for UCD’s Business Systems 28 8.4.2 System and Software Procurement 28 8.4.3 Business Consulting 28 8.4.4 Management Information Support 29 8.4.5 3rd 29 8.4.6 Procedures of the MSU Party management 29 8.5 Your Responsibilities 30 8.6 Further Information 30 9.0 Commercial Office 31 9.1 Brief Description of the Office’s Functions as relevant to School/Support-Unit Heads 31 9.2 Organisational Structure of the Commercial Office 31 9.3 Key Contacts 32 9.4 Functions of the Commercial Office 32 9.4.1 Conferences and Events 32 9.4.2 Catering Arrangements 33 9.4.3 Accommodation Hire 33 9.4.4 Commercial Licences 33 9.4.5 Procedures of the Commercial Office 34 9.5 Your Responsibilities 34 9.6 Further Information 34 10.0 Buildings Office 35 10.1 Brief Description of the Office’s Functions as relevant to School/Support-Unit Heads 35 10.2 Organisational Structure of the Buildings Office 35 10.3 Key Contacts 35 10.4 Functions of the Buildings Office 36 10.4.1 Procurement & Management of Large-Scale Capital Projects 36 10.4.2 Services & Facilities 36 10.4.3 Traffic & Transport Management 37 10.4.4 Security & University ‘Unicare’ Programme 38 10.4.5 Telematic Support 38 10.4.6 Landscape & Grounds 39 10.4.7 Buildings Energy Management System (BEMS) 39 10.4.8 Procedures of the Buildings Office 39 10.5 Your Responsibilities 39 10.6 Further Information 40 The Bursar’s Office – Guidelines for School/Support-Unit Heads 1.0 Introduction This short guidebook has been developed to assist School/Support-Unit Heads in understanding the functions and services provided by the Bursar’s Office and to understand their responsibilities in relation to the Bursar’s Office. All units which fall under the responsibility of the Bursar as illustrated in the organisation structure below are included in this guide. All of the offices or units illustrated in the organisation structure shown above are included in this guidebook, each in separate sections. Each section will be updated by the relevant unit to ensure that the information it contains is relevant and up-to-date. Each section has been deliberately kept as concise as possible, however it should nonetheless assist you in gaining a full understanding of the activities and services provided within the Bursar’s Office, in being clear and direct you to where more detailed information is located. The guidelines and information provided in this handbook may need to be adjusted as a result of any University reorganisation and School/Support-Unit restructuring in the future. 1 Finance Office 2.0 Finance Office 2.1 Brief Description of the Office’s Functions as relevant to School/SupportUnit Heads: The Finance Office has responsibility for the overall management of the University’s finances. As illustrated below, the Office is divided between two main functions – Financial Management and Financial Planning & Resources. In addition to its main financial function, it provides information and advice to Principals and School/Support-Unit Heads to support them in meeting their financial management responsibilities. 2.2 Organisation Structure of the Finance Office: 2.3 Key Contacts: Persons Responsible: Donal Doolan – Head Financial Management Helen Miller – Head Financial Planning & Resources Contact Area of Telephone Email Website www.ucd.ie/bursar Responsibility Number Finance Office General Enquiries Ext: 1497 bursar@ucd.ie Financial Accounts Queries N/A accounts.queries@ucd.ie N/A expenses@ucd.ie Orders and Payments Ext 1469 accounts.queries@ucd.ie Payroll Administration Ext 1682 payroll@ucd.ie Management Expenses Travel or other expenses claims Accounts Payable Payroll Enquiries A complete and up-to-date list of Finance Office staff may be found on the Bursar’s Office website at www.ucd.ie/bursar. 2 Finance Office 2.4 Functions of the Finance Office: 2.4.1 Financial Information & Assistance: School/Support-Unit Heads have a number of financial responsibilities as summarised below: Management of the School/Support-Unit’s non-pay budget: Monitoring of School research or other accounts Monitoring and approval of staff expenses Maintenance of a register of capital equipment within the School/Support Unit Forwarding of sick certificates to payroll office Provision of unit cost information as required Information relating to most of these activities are provided in monthly management reports prepared by the Finance Office. However further assistance and support may be required. The Finance Office is therefore also available to provide training or assistance in all matters of financial management or in the interpretation of financial information. Further information relating to School/Support-Unit financial management is outlined below: 2.4.2 School/Support-Unit Non-Pay Budget: Each School/Support Unit is treated as an individual cost centre with an associated budget. The School/Support-Unit Head negotiates this budget (e.g. travel, supplies, tutor/demonstrator costs but excluding other staff pay costs) with the College Principal. Once the budget has been allocated, the School/Support-Unit Head has the following responsibilities: Ensure that only expenditure relevant to the administration of the School/Support Unit is charged against the School/Support Unit’s budget. Review progress against budget through monthly expenditure and budget report that is issued to all School/Support-Unit Heads by the Finance Office. The finance office will assist School/Support-Unit heads in managing their budgets on request and will ensure that any surplus or deficits are brought forward (subject to approval by the Principal). 2.4.3 Purchase Orders and Payment of Invoices: All expenditure chargeable to the School/Support Unit cost centre should be authorised by the School/Support-Unit Head (or a person nominated). University procurement policy should be observed and in this regard, the Procurement Office (www.ucd.ie/procure) provides advice on procurement policy or preferred suppliers, purchase orders and purchases exceeding a minimum amount. Placing an Order: A UCD order form should be completed and sent to the supplier in respect of all orders placed. Order forms are available from the Accounts Payable Office. The procedure for placing a purchase order may be found on the Bursar’s Office website. 3 Finance Office Payment of Invoices: UCD is subject to prompt payment legislation which requires the payment of invoices within 30 days of receipt of goods. Therefore it is important that invoices received are forwarded to the Accounts Payable Office as soon as they have been received into the School/Support Unit. The procedure for payment of invoices can be found on the Bursars Office website and the necessary coding slips which should accompany invoices are available from the Accounts Payable Office. 2.4.4 Staff Expenses: The University’s policy in relation to travel expenses can be found on the website of the Bursar’s Office. The requisite forms for claiming expenses may also be found here. These must be completed by the claimant and authorised by the School/Support-Unit Head before being returned to the Accounts School/Support Unit of the Bursar’s Office. The School/Support-Unit Head is responsible for authorising the expense claims of School/Support-Unit staff members. It is important that the School/Support-Unit Head is satisfied that the expenses are genuine, properly vouched, and related to University business. Expenses incurred by the School/Support-Unit Head must be authorised by Principal of the College. When claiming expenses for mileage, the claimant must certify that they have appropriate insurance. 2.4.5 Research & School/Support-Unit Accounts: School/Support-Unit Heads are responsible for research and other accounts related to their School/Support Unit. The Finance Office provides School/Support-Unit Heads with monthly reports regarding the status of these accounts which should be monitored regularly. Specifically the following requirements apply: The School/Support-Unit Head is responsible for ensuring that all of these accounts have an up-to-date budget in place. Deficits on research accounts which commenced after January 1st, 2001 will be charged to the School/Support Unit. School/Support-Unit Heads should confirm at regular intervals with staff members that there are no funding difficulties in relation to their research accounts. Staff members should inform their School/Support-Unit Head immediately after they become aware of a funding problem. School/ Support-Unit accounts should be kept in credit at all times. If deficits do arise, they will be charged to the School/Support Unit. 4 Finance Office School/Support Unit should ensure that accounts of staff members who are retiring or leaving should be either closed or transferred to another staff member. Deficits on School/Support Unital or research accounts should be cleared prior to the departure of the staff member. Support in the management of research accounts is available from the Post Award Research Office who should be contacted with specific queries relating to the management of research accounts. 2.4.6 Capital Equipment UCD is required to keep a register of all equipment owned throughout the University. The compilation of this register is coordinated through the Finance Office, however each School/Support-Unit Head is responsible for ensuring that an up-to-date register of capital equipment (computers, laboratory equipment, teaching equipment) is maintained within the School/Support Unit. The Finance Office will provide advice and assistance to a School/Support Unit on the most appropriate way to maintain an asset register. 2.4.7 Disposal of Assets School/Support-Unit assets which should include assets purchased through School/Support-Unit research accounts should not be sold without the authorisation of the School/Support-Unit Head. All disposals should be made at the market value of the asset at the date of sale and should be notified to the Finance Office to allow the fixed asset register to be adjusted. 2.4.8 Financial Planning & Resources Unit The University’s financial planning and resources unit plans and manages the allocation of resources across the University according to the University’s Resource Allocation Model. In addition, the unit also receives submissions for new initiatives, maintains the University’s Management Reporting Structures and prepares an annual unit-cost report for the HEA. Resource Allocation: Colleges and Support Units are allocated their budgets on an annual basis as determined by the resource allocation model. The model is fully transparent and a description of provided on the Bursar’s Office website. Unit Cost Model: The unit cost report determines the allocation of UCD’s block grant provided by the HEA. The preparation of this report is dependent on the provision of relevant information regarding student numbers, contact hours etc. from School/Support-Unit Heads. This information will be requested by the Finance Office and it is important that these are completed and returned as requested. 5 Finance Office Management Reporting Structures: These structures drive the content of the monthly management reports sent to all School/Support Units. Requests for additional financial reporting must come through a College Principal, not directly from a School/Support Unit. Financial Planning for New Initiatives: Submissions for new initiatives must be made through the College Office rather than a School/Support Unit. Therefore, queries regarding planning for new initiatives should be first directed to the relevant College Office. Authorisation of Posts: Submissions for new or replacement posts must be made to the College and confirmed with the Principal in the first instance. Signed post authorisation forms should then be forwarded to the Personnel Office. 2.4.9 Payroll: School/Support-Unit payroll issues are managed through the Payroll Office who should be contacted with pay-related queries, including the reporting of sick leave. In relation to sick leave, School/SupportUnit Heads are responsible for ensuring that a member of staff who takes sick leave for a period of more than three days submits a doctor’s certificate to the Payroll Office. 2.4.10 Procedures of the Finance Office Information and assistance in the procedures of the Finance Office relating to the functions described here are available from the Bursar’s Office website or by contacting the relevant office contact. 2.5 Further Information For further queries about any of the above or for any other related information, please refer to the Bursar’s Office website, (www.ucd.ie/bursar). Queries regarding invoices or payments may be directed to accounts.queries@ucd.ie Queries regarding the payroll process may be directed to payroll@ucd.ie Revision Revision: No. 1 Date: March 2005 6 Finance Office 3.0 Fees & Grants Office 3.1 Brief Description of the Office’s Functions as relevant to School/SupportUnit Heads: The Fees and Grants Office is responsible for management, administration and information relating to payments of fees to the University. The Office also looks after the administration of University scholarships and grant and award payments to students including awards from research accounts and trust funds, medals and other prizes. 3.2 Organisation Structure of the Fees & Grants Office: Reporting into the Bursar’s Office, the Fees and Grants Office is structured as follows: Manager, Fees & Grants Administration (Grants ) Administration (Fees) , Local Authority Grants , Medals (supplied & engraved) Administration (Free Fees / Concessions) ) Tutor Demonstration Concessions Internal Transfers Thesis Extension without Fees Fee Collection / Fee status assessment Banner Records Bench fees Administration (Transactions) Deposits Bank Transfers The office has a total of seven staff working within these four areas. 3.3 Key Contacts: Person Responsible: Deirdre Grattan Contact Area of Telephone No Responsibility Email Deirdre Grattan Fees & Grants Office Mary O’Neill Manager, Fees & Grants General Contact Ext 1456 deirdre.grattan@ucd.ie Ext 1431 / 1405 fees@ucd.ie Research Awards, Scholarships, etc Special fees requirements Local Authority grants Staff concessions /free fee exceptions Ext 1434 mary.oneill@ucd.ie Ext 1439 mary.e.oneill1@ucd.ie Ext 1486 Siobhan.m.Morrissey@ucd.ie Ext 1405 david.j.obrien@ucd.ie Mary E O’Neill Siobhan Morrissey David O’Brien Website www.ucd.ie/fees 7 Finance Office Contact Area of Telephone No Responsibility Email Mary Hutchinson Damian Dempsey Mary Hyland Overseas sponsors/ grant agencies Deposits & bank transfers Receipts for visa application / Phased payments Ext 1435 Mary.Hutchinson@ucd.ie Ext 1431 damian.dempsey@ucd.ie Ext 1433 Mary.hyland@ucd.ie Website 3.4 Functions of the Fees & Grants Office: 3.4.1 Payment of Fees Although for the most part, fulltime undergraduate fees are paid by the Exchequer, there are a number of instances where students do not qualify for support. The criteria set by the Department of Education and Science is implemented by Fees & Grants and decisions are made on exceptions. Postgraduate students are either liable for their own fee payment or are in receipt of grants or sponsorship. Where no external fee support is available a staff member may choose to pay fees on behalf of a student by internal transfer as follows: Payment by internal transfer from a UCD research account This involves payment of a postgraduate student’s fees from a specific research account and may include the payment of fees awarded as part of a scholarship (see below). o The research account holder must complete an ‘Internal Transfer’ form, providing information regarding the student, fees and research account details. o The form is available on ucd.ie/fees and must be completed and returned each time an instalment of fees is due. o Once authorisation and relevant information have been received, Fees & Grants Office ensure accurate and timely payment of fees. Payment of Bench Fees: Bench fees apply to non-EU students who use laboratory facilities as part of their study. A bench fee is a non-standard fee and the Fees & Grants Office must therefore be informed when it is chargeable. o The School/Support-Unit Head or academic supervisor must inform the Fees and Grants Office of Bench Fee charges on a case by case basis. o A Bench Fee claim form is available on ucd.ie/fees and must be completed and returned to the office in order for the relevant fees to be charged. o The funding agent may require an itemised invoice for laboratory and consumable usage by those students who are liable for bench fees. The invoice should be submitted to the Fees & Grants Office for inclusion with the tuition invoice. 8 Finance Office o The Fees & Grants Office will provide information regarding qualifying circumstances and process for charging of bench fees as requested. 3.4.2 Fee Concessions In certain circumstances, staff and students may qualify for fee concessions. The Fees and Grants Office will ensure that the correct procedures are followed in these instances. Arrangement of a Staff Fees Concession: Depending on status and duration of tenure, a member of staff or their spouse or children may qualify for a staff fee concession. The Fees and Grants Office will provide information regarding the qualifying criteria for staff concessions, associated terms and conditions as well as assistance regarding the application process as follows: o Staff fee concession form must be completed and returned to the Fees & Grants Office. (Two staff concession forms are available, depending on whether the concession applies to a member of staff or a member of their family). Please note that family staff concessions are only applicable to pre-1992 staff in certain circumstances. o The form must be completed by the applicant and approved by their School/Support-Unit Head. Arrangement of Fee Concessions for Tutors and Demonstrators : Postgraduate research students who are registered and carry out a minimum of 6 hours per week qualify for a concession of half their tuition fees. o The Fees & Grants Office will advise on the qualifying circumstances and process for payment of tutor/demonstrator concessions. o A Tutor /Demonstrator Fee Concession form is available on ucd.ie/fees. Fee concessions for Research Demonstrators: Students appointed as Research Demonstrators are entitled to a concession of half the tuition fee. This concession is applied by Fees and Grants Office following notification of the appointment to the Personnel Office. Exemption from Fees for Thesis Extension on Medical or Academic Grounds : A student must normally register and pay fees up to the date of thesis submission. However, in certain circumstances, an extension may be granted without requirement for further fees if there are bonafide reasons for requesting the extension as follows. Medical Grounds – where a medical certificate can be provided Academic Grounds – where a supervisor has been absent for a period of time. The Fees & Grants Office will provide guidance on the qualifying circumstances for thesis extension without further fee payment. Applications for thesis extensions without fees must be sent to the Fees & Grants Office accompanied by a medical certificate for the relevant period or confirmation letter from the School/Support-Unit Head. 9 Finance Office Please Note :Fee concessions awarded to children and spouses of staff and to retired staff are subject to benefit-in-kind tax deductions. Repeat attendance – ‘free’ fee support: Academic tuition fees are normally payable by students who need to repeat an academic year. However, students may claim ‘free’ fee support for a repeat attendance if there are bona-fide medical reasons for having to repeat. The Fees and Grants Office will advise on qualifying circumstances and a medical certificate for the relevant academic year is required. The Fees & Grants Office will also advise and assist Schools/Support Units in assessing the fees status (EU or non-EU) of incoming undergraduate or postgraduate students. 3.4.3 Research Scholarships, Grants or Prizes Award of Research Scholarships: The Fees & Grants Office must be informed of decisions relating to the award of scholarships from research accounts, so that the office can process details of the scholarship. o To set up a research scholarship, a number of forms must be completed and returned to the Fees & Grants Office. Scholarship Authorisation Form (details relating to the student and value of the award) o Revenue Commissioners Scholarship Exemption Declaration Form Payroll set-up for research scholarship. The Fees & Grants Office will process a tax exemption with the revenue commissioners and ensure that the recipient has been added to UCD’s payroll. A guidance form outlining the process for completing the Revenue commissioners declaration form is available from the Fees & Grants Office. Further information and assistance regarding the administrative procedures for establishing a research scholarship is available from : Mary O’Neill, extension 1434. Cessation of Scholarship Payments: If a research student who was the recipient of a research scholarship no longer studies at UCD, his/her supervisor should inform Fees & Grants Office to ensure that payment is stopped as soon as possible. Award of Prizes: The Fees and Grants Office will make the necessary administrative arrangements for award of special prizes by Colleges or Schools/Support-Units. Prior notice is required to give sufficient time to make the necessary arrangements. 10 Finance Office 3.4.4 Student Exchange Agreements Large scale student exchange agreements (for example, Erasmus) are currently dealt with on a formal basis. However, from time to time, Schools/Support Units develop new or once-off exchange agreements which have an impact on the activities of the Fees & Grants Office. In such cases fees and grants should be informed of these agreements in advance of the exchange student’s registration at UCD. 3.4.5 Procedures of the Fees & Grants Office: Information and assistance regarding the procedures of the Fees & Grants Office relating to the functions described here are available at www.ucd.ie/fees 3.5 Your Responsibilities: As School/Support-Unit Head, you should be aware of your responsibilities in relation to Fees and Grants: You must ensure that the Fees and Grants Office is informed of all non-standard payment of fees (e.g. award of scholarship, payment of fees from a research account, application of bench fees) and that the appropriate forms are completed and returned to the Office as required. That applications for fees or other concessions by staff or students from your School/Support Unit are reviewed and approved before forwarding to the Fees and Grants Office. That the Fees & Grants Office receives adequate prior notice of relevant developments such as new or once-off exchange arrangements or special requirements such as prizes, You should ensure that the Fees & Grants Office are informed when an arrangement which has relevance to the payment of fees or grants is discontinued. 3.6 Further Information For further enquiries about any of the above or for any other related information, please refer to the Fees & Grants website (www.ucd.ie/fees), email fees@ucd.ie or contact Ext 1431, 1405 Revision Revision: No. 1 Date : March 2005 11 Procurement Office 4.0 Procurement and Contracts Office 4.1 Brief Description of the Office’s Functions as relevant to School/SupportUnit Heads: UCD’s approach to purchasing is set down in its Procurement Policy and supported by internal procedures. The Procurement and Contracts Office is responsible for implementing procurement policy and procedures and provides support, training and advice to staff on purchasing issues. This includes advising staff on the tendering process and running high value tenders on behalf of Schools/Support Units. 4.2 Organisation Structure of the Procurement and Contracts Office: UCD has one Procurement and Contracts Officer, supported by a Senior Executive Assistant. 4.3 Key Contacts: Person Responsible: Orla O’Dea Contact Orla O’Dea Area of Telephone Responsibility Number University Ext 1590 Procurement Email Website procurement@ucd.ie www.ucd.ie/procure & Contracts Office 4.4 Functions of the Procurement and Contracts Office: All Schools/Support Units should have a member of staff who is responsible for purchasing the goods and services required by that School/Support Unit. However, it is the responsibility of the School/Support Unit Head to ensure that University procurement procedures are complied with and that the person responsible for purchasing receives sufficient training through the Procurement and Contracts Office’s training programme. Summarised here are the functions, procedures and services of the University Procurement and Contracts Office that will assist Colleges and School/Support Units in purchasing. 4.4.1 Understanding the Procurement Rules and Application of UCD Procurement Policy and Procedures 12 Procurement Office UCD’s procurement/purchasing policy and procedures are described on the Procurement and Contracts Office website (www.ucd.ie/procure) and on the Bursar’s web site (www.ucd.ie/bursar) and include the following: Relevant National & EU Regulations: General information and links relating to Irish and EU procurement guidelines may be obtained from the procurement website or by contacting the Procurement and Contracts Office. Selecting the Correct Purchasing Procedure: The Procurement and Contracts Office will advise on the required approach to procurement as follows: o Requirements for competitive quotations o Choice of tendering process (competitive quotes, National tender, EU tender) Expenditure thresholds which determine tendering process to be used in the purchase of goods and/or services are outlined in the Procurement website, the Bursar’s website or can be obtained by contacting the Procurement and Contracts Office. Authorisation Requirements: Depending on the value of purchase and source of funding, different levels of authorisation will be required. These range from authorisation by School/Support-Unit Head alone to multiple authorisation signatures. These requirements are summarised in the ‘procedures’ section (Placing an Order) of the Bursar’s web site www.ucd.ie/bursar or may be clarified by contacting the Procurement and Contracts Office. The Procurement and Contracts Office must be involved in all tenders which exceed the EU threshold. Procedures for placing an order, either paper-based (using the UCD order book available from the Accounts Payable Office) or electronically (using the P.O.P system). The procedure for placing paper-based purchase orders is available in the procedures section of the Bursar’s web site and specific queries regarding the P.O.P. system should be directed to the Bursar’s Office at Ext 1484 or finance@ucd.ie. Terms & Conditions of Purchase: The standard terms and conditions of purchase which should be sent to suppliers when placing purchase orders, are available for download from the ‘Documents’ page of the Procurement website. 4.4.2 Procurement Training & Development: The Procurement and Contracts Office provides a procurement training and development programme for staff who are involved in purchasing. The purpose of the training is to ensure that each School/Support Unit is familiar with the UCD, National and EU Procurement rules and is purchasing from the UCD contracts list. It also develops the purchasing skills of the relevant staff members, ensuring that each School/Support Unit achieves value for money from their budget. Details of training 13 Procurement Office courses are provided on the procurement website (www.ucd.ie/procure), by email to procurement@ucd.ie or by contacting the Procurement and Contracts Office at Ext 1590. 4.4.3 Tender Advice & Support: Where quotations or competitive tendering are required, the Procurement and Contracts Office will provide ongoing advice and assistance as follows: Identification of the tender process required. Running of EU tenders on behalf of Schools/Support Units and assistance with the running of National tenders. The Office will also issue contract notices/ documents to the EU Journal (OJEU) and the Irish Government’s web site (www.etenders.gov.ie). Where expenditure is below the threshold for a National tender, then the Procurement and Contracts Office may be able to assist by identifying suitable suppliers. However each School/Support-Unit will be responsible for obtaining competitive quotations. Generic tender documents suitable for use with National and EU tenders are available to download from the Procurement website. A tender evaluation score sheet is also available from the Procurement website (on documents page). This is useful to the School/Support-Unit Buyer, no matter which tender process is required, to show that a fair evaluation of bids or tenders took place. Although price is always a key consideration, the cheapest quotation does not have to be selected. It is essential to use this score sheet where the cheapest bid is not selected. Remember that under Freedom of Information, you may be required to justify making a particular purchasing decision! 4.4.4 Supplier Negotiations and Contract Management: One of the main objectives of the Procurement and Contracts Office is to ensure that UCD achieves the best value for money. It is in the interest of all Schools/Support Units to achieve the most favourable arrangements with suppliers as cost savings are directly gained by the School/Support Unit. The Procurement and Contracts Office provides the following supplier relationship services: Existing running contracts: For a range of goods and services used routinely across the University, the Procurement and Contracts Office has set up contracts. Why should you purchase from these contracts? 1. To enjoy significantly lower prices 14 Procurement Office 2. To avoid having to obtain competitive quotations (The Procurement and Contracts Office has already tendered, so you don’t have to) 3. To comply with UCD procedures. Details of existing contracts are available on the contracts page at www.ucd.ie/procure. Access is restricted to staff and a password is available by e-mailing : procurement@ucd.ie 4.4.5 Procedures of the Procurements and Contracts Office: Information and assistance regarding procurement procedures or procedures of the Procurement and Contracts Office are available on its website (www.ucd.ie/procure) or directly from the Office. 4.5 Your Responsibilities As School/Support-Unit Head you are responsible for ensuring that your School/Support Unit remains compliant with procurement legislation and University policy in this area. In order to do so, you should use the advice and resources provided by the University Procurement and Contracts Office to assist you meet this responsibility. 4.6 Further Information For further information or assistance regarding procurement procedures, please contact: procurement@ucd.ie, Ext 1590 or www.ucd.ie/procure Revision Revision: No 1 Date: March 2005 15 Office of the Corporate & Legal Affairs Secretary 5.0 Office of the Corporate & Legal Affairs Secretary 5.1 Brief Description of the Office’s Functions as relevant to School/SupportUnit Heads: The Office of the Corporate & Legal Affairs Secretary provides oversight, advice and coordination of matters relating to University legal agreements and Court proceedings, contractual arrangements and legislative compliance. The office also has responsibility for two other operational units: University Safety Office, Records Management / Freedom of Information Unit However, the functions of these Offices are dealt with separately in this guidebook. 5.2 Organisation Structure of the Corporate & Legal Affairs Office: Reporting to the Bursar’s Office, the Corporate & Legal Affairs Office is structured as follows: Corporate & Legal Affairs Secretary Corporate & Legal Affairs Office University Safety Office Compliance Institutional legal & contractual agreements Legal / Insurance advice Company secretarial duties Refer to Chapter 7 Records Management/ Freedom of Information Unit Refer to Chapter 6 5.3 Key Contacts: Person Responsible: John Coman Contact Area of Telephone Responsibility Number General General Enquiries Ext 1458 John Coman Corporate & Legal Ext 1458 Email Website corporate.legal@ucd.ie www.ucd.ie/corporatesec Affairs Secretary 16 Office of the Corporate & Legal Affairs Secretary 5.4 Functions of the Corporate & Legal Affairs Office: 5.4.1 Legal Agreements, Institutional Signature and Custody of University Seal The Corporate & Legal Affairs Office manages the preparation, review and input of advice to UCD legal documentation relating to: acquisition or disposal of UCD property leases or licences relating to UCD property inter-institutional agreements (e.g. teaching hospitals or collaborative agreements relating to academic courses) However responsibility for other contractual arrangements is shared with a number of offices according to the nature of those agreements. o Catering, 3rd party services etc. - Commercial Office (refer to Chapter 9) o Employment contracts – Personnel Office (refer to www.ucd.ie/personnel) o Construction Contracts – Buildings Office (refer to Chapter 10) o Funded Research (including joint research) – Office of Funded Research Support Services (refer to www.ucd.ie/ofrss) o Protection and commercialisation of Intellectual Property – UCD Nova (refer to www.ucd.ie/nova) o Purchasing Contracts – Procurement Office (refer to Chapter 4) o Insurance Contracts – University Safety Office (refer to Chapter 7) Corporate & Legal Affairs offers a support and advisory role in these areas on a case by case basis, particularly where exceptional or unusual circumstances or disputes arise but in general, the office responsible (as above) should first be contacted. The Office provides institutional signature of documents on behalf of the University and maintains custody of the University Seal and reports on its use to the Finance, Remuneration and Asset Management Committee of the Governing Authority. 5.4.2 Court and Legal Proceedings Advice & Support The Corporate & Legal Affairs Secretary must be informed before legal advice is sought and will provide information, advice and contacts as follows: Advice and/or guidance regarding options and possible approaches to legal proceedings including potential alternatives or settlements. The Corporate & Legal Affairs Office will co-ordinate contact with UCD’s preferred solicitors in the event of legal proceedings being pursued. 17 Office of the Corporate & Legal Affairs Secretary All invoices for legal advice are received into the Corporate & Legal Affairs Office and are generally charged to the College or School/Support Unit that was involved. 5.4.3 Legislative Compliance The Corporate & Legal Affairs Secretary monitors legislative developments and provides coordination and communication to ensure that UCD is aware of and compliant with legislation that applies to any of its activities. Specifically, the Corporate & Legal Affairs Secretary provides the following services: Interpretation of legislation that is relevant to UCD. A central point of contact within the University for communicating and coordinating arrangements for legislative compliance. However, Corporate & Legal Affairs is often not the primary source of information regarding the implementation of particular legislation, but will direct you to the relevant office. e.g. the University Safety Office is responsible for the hazardous substances legislation. 5.4.4 Company Secretarial Services The Corporate & Legal Affairs Secretary fulfils the following company secretarial services: Where a company is wholly-owned by UCD, Corporate & Legal Affairs Secretary will act in the role of Company Secretary. The office also provides general company advice to University Officers, University company directors or UCD Nova In relation to campus companies where UCD’s shareholding is generally less than 15%, queries should be directed to UCD Nova. (nova@ucd.ie) 5.4.5 Loan or Gift Arrangements, Safekeeping of Original Documents The Corporate & Legal Affairs Office provides safekeeping of original, legal documentation. The Office also should be informed of all loan or gift agreements, donations or bequests to or from an external party as it will provide legal and contractual support relating to such arrangements including important equipment, art or manuscripts 5.4.6 Enforcement Notices The Corporate & Legal Affairs Office should be notified of any enforcement notices or proceedings received as it can provide advice and assistance in responding to enforcement notices in such areas as: Environmental Health Equality 18 Office of the Corporate & Legal Affairs Secretary Litter enforcement Health & Safety Authority Corporate Enforcement Office of Tobacco Control Companies Registration Office. 5.4.7 Procedures of the Corporate & Legal Affairs Office: Information and assistance regarding the procedures of the Corporate & Legal Affairs Office relating to the functions described here will be available on request. 5.5 Your Responsibilities: As School/Support-Unit Head, you should be aware of your specific responsibilities in relation to Corporate & Legal Affairs: You should ensure that your School/Support Unit does not negotiate or enter into any legal or contractual agreements, swaps, loans or gift arrangements without prior consultation with Corporate & Legal Affairs or the relevant support office. If you are unsure of which office will be able to advise you, contact the Corporate & Legal Affairs Office who will direct you to the appropriate person. You should ensure that your School/Support Unit (or a member of staff of your School/Support Unit consult the Corporate and Legal Affairs Office before seeking legal advice or entering into any legal proceedings. If your School/Support Unit is in receipt of an enforcement notice, you should ensure that the Office for Corporate & Legal Affairs is informed. 5.6 Further Information: For general queries regarding legislation, corporate or company secretarial affairs, or any other related information, please contact the Office of Corporate & Legal Affairs at Ext 1458 or corporate.legal@ucd.ie Revision Revision No. 1 Date: March 2005 19 Records Management & Freedom of Information 6.0 Records Management and Freedom of Information Unit 6.1 Brief Description of the Unit’s functions as relevant to School/Support Unit Heads: The Records Management and Freedom of Information Unit has overall responsibility for the management of University records, including the provision of training and guidance for staff. It also administers the University’s responsibilities under the Freedom of Information Acts 1997 and 2003, which allow access to information held in University records, and the Data Protection Act 1988 and Data Protection (Amendment) Act 2003, which govern the processing of all personal data held by the University. 6.2 Organisational structure of the Unit: The Unit is managed by the University Records Manager, supported by one administrative staff member. 6.3 Key Contacts: Person Responsible: Rena Lohan Contact Area of Responsibility Telephone Email Website foi@ucd.ie www.ucd.ie/foi Number Rena Lohan Records Management Ext Freedom of Information 1616/1694 www.ucd.ie/dataprotection Data Protection 6.4 Functions of the Record Management and Freedom of Information Unit: 6.4.1 Records Management: The Unit facilitates Colleges, Schools/Support Units, and administrative units in ensuring that all records are managed in a way that meets day-to-day operational needs, as well as legal access, processing, and accountability requirements, through organised and efficient record-keeping. The Unit offers guidelines and training for all staff, which includes the formulation of efficient and workable fileplans, as well as practical guidelines on the creation, maintenance, storage, retention and disposal of records, both paper and electronic. The Unit’s training programme includes the following: An introduction to records management – a presentation outlining basic concepts and best practice in record-keeping; 20 Records Management & Freedom of Information A half-day workshop in the creation, maintenance and use of records; An advice and consultation service. 6.4.2 Freedom of Information: The Unit is responsible for administration of the Freedom of Information Acts 1997 and 2003. The Acts give individuals a right of access to information held in the records of the University, a right to have personal information held by the University amended if it is found to be incorrect and a right to obtain reasons for decisions made by the University that have materially affected them. Some information may be exempt from release in certain circumstances. All FOI requests, which must be in writing and addressed to the Unit, are administered by the Unit, where they are logged, checked and forwarded to the relevant School/Support Unit or office. Decisions in relation to FOI requests are made by Heads of Schools, Directors of Academic Centres and Heads of Support Units in consultation with the Unit. FOI training is provided on application to the Unit, particularly in the use of the exemptions that may be invoked to withhold access in certain circumstances, and in formulating replies to requests. 6.4.3 Data Protection: Data Protection concerns the protection of personal data under the Data Protection Act 1988 and the Data Protection (Amendment) Act 2003. Its purpose is to safeguard the privacy rights of individuals regarding the processing of their personal data by the University. In particular, it provides for the collection and use of data in a responsible way, while providing against unwanted or harmful uses of data. The Unit provides the following services: Staff Training and Awareness: Training is available to assist staff in understanding Data Protection and ensuring compliance with Data Protection legislation. Compliance Monitoring: The Unit is responsible for monitoring compliance with Data Protection legislation across the University. The Unit will work with School/Support-Unit Heads to ensure that any possible breaches of Data Protection are identified and resolved. 6.4.4 Procedures of the Records Management & Freedom of Information Unit Information and assistance regarding the procedures of the Records Management & Freedom of Information Unit are available in the University’s Section 15 and Section 16 Freedom of Information Handbooks or on request from the Unit. 21 Records Management & Freedom of Information 6.5 Your Responsibilities: As School/Support-Unit Head, it is your responsibility to ensure that you and your staff are fully aware of the provisions of FOI and Data Protection legislation. ensure that you and your staff are fully aware of the School’s/Support Unit’s records management responsibilities forward any FOI requests or Data Protection enquiries to the Unit immediately on receipt. 6.6 Further Information For further information or assistance in relation to Records Management, Freedom of Information, or Data Protection, please contact the Unit at Ext 1616/1694, e-mail foi@ucd.ie or websites at www.ucd.ie/foi or www.ucd.ie/dataprotection Revision Revision: No 1 Date: March 2005 22 Safety Office 7.0 Safety Office 7.1 Brief Description of the Office’s Functions as relevant to School/SupportUnit Heads: The University Safety Office has four main areas of responsibility: 1. Insurance 2. Health & Safety 3. Occupational Health 4. Environmental It is responsible for supporting the development and implementation of best practice environmental, health and safety policy and procedures at the University. 7.2 Organisation Structure of the Safety Office: Outside Consultants Safety Office University Resources University Biosafety Officer Safety Consultants (Safety advice and assistance with audits and training) Biological Safety University Safety Officer University Radiation Protection Officer Occupational Health Service (Occupational Health queries, referrals as a result of injury, Occupational hygiene) Assistant Safety Officer Safety Advisor Insurance queries Organisation of safety training Safety Audits, Accident Investigation Student events Environmental Advice, Manage TEDL, Hazardous waste advice, Recycling initiatives Radiation Safety General Administration Organisation of fire drills Web page management Fire extinguisher management Fire alarm management 7.3 Key Contacts: Person Responsible: Michael Rafter Contact University Safety Office University Safety Officer Environmental unit Insurance unit Area of Telephone Email Website www.ucd.ie/safety Responsibility Number General Enquiries Ext 1318 safety@ucd.ie Michael Rafter Ext 1798 michael.rafter@ucd.ie Environmental queries 1333 environment@ucd.ie www.ucd.ie/ecosurf2 Insurance queries N/A insurance@ucd.ie www.ucd.ie/safety 23 Safety Office Biosafety and Radiation protection are specialised areas of Health and Safety for which the University has dedicated officers. o Biosafety: Dr. Mark Rogers www.ucd.ie/safety/biosafety o Radiation Protection: -Professor Peter Mitchell (Physics Dept) These officers may be contacted directly or through the University Safety Office who will refer your query. The office also maintains positive ongoing relations with a number of entities, both internally and externally. These are illustrated in the diagram above. 7.4 Functions of the University Safety Office: 7.4.1 Insurance: The University Safety Office should be contacted in relation to insurance queries, claims or other requirements as follows: Insurance claims: If you wish to make a claim against University insurance, or have a query regarding an existing claim. Insurance cover: If you are aware of any circumstances that may impact existing insurance cover, (or are unsure), contact the University Safety Office. An insurance request form is available on-line on the safety website. Examples of possible circumstances which may affect insurance are as follows: o Insurance for new equipment or activity – on purchase of new, insurable equipment or changed work activities or practices. o Travel Insurance – if you are travelling abroad on UCD business and there is a possibility that vaccinations will be required or that the destination falls within an exclusion zone. Indeed, it is recommended that all business travel abroad be advised to the Safety Office and details of cover and emergency contact numbers will be provided to all travellers. o Public Liability – if you believe you may be undertaking an activity for which proof of public liability may be required e.g. placing students on work placements or holding a conference. o Use of Own Car on University Business – If you may have reason to use your car for University business, you must have business-use cover on your car insurance. This may generally be added to your insurance policy at no extra cost. For further information or assistance, please contact: insurance@ucd.ie or www.ucd.ie/safety. 24 Safety Office 7.4.2 University Health & Safety: The University Safety Office acts in an advisory and support capacity in relation to Heath and Safety matters. Therefore, individual Schools/Support Units are required to be proactive in the implementation of University Health & Safety Policy. However, assistance is available from the University Health & Safety Office as follows: Health & Safety Advice: The University Safety Office provide advice and assistance in the drafting or revision of School/Support-Unit Safety Statements as required. Safety Audits: The Safety Office also carries out audits of School/Support-Unit safety procedures to ensure compliance with Health & Safety legislation. Accident and Incident Reporting: All Schools/Support Units must report accidents or dangerous occurrences to the University Safety Office. An incident report form is available from the Safety Office or Services Desks and will be available on the University safety website from autumn, 2004. Work-Related Injuries - HSA Compliance: Workplace injuries sustained which result in more than 3 day’s leave of absence must be statutorily reported. To ensure compliance, such injuries must be reported to the University Safety Office immediately. Health & Safety Training: The University Safety Office provides a wide range of health and safety training free of charge to staff. A list of courses are provided on the University Safety website. General Safety Advice: The University Safety Office will provide advice on general safety issues and emergency procedures. 7.4.3 Occupational Health: University Safety Office collaborates with Personnel to ensure that the University’s occupational health policy is complied with. Pre-Employment Medicals: These are arranged through Personnel as part of the recruitment process. Any queries relating to these should be directed to personnel (Ext 2472 or personnel@ucd.ie Back-to-work Medical: Where a member of staff sustains an injury which could be exacerbated by his or her job, a back-to-work medical should be carried out to ensure fitness to return to work. These medicals will be arranged by the University Safety Office. (e.g. a member of staff for whom manual lifting is a responsibility sustains a back injury). Occupational Health Assessments: VDU eyesight tests and workshop assessments can be arranged through the Safety Office for staff who regularly use computers. . 25 Safety Office 7.4.4 Environmental Compliance The University’s waste management targets can only be achieved with input by all staff and students. The Environmental Unit in the University Safety Office provides advice, coordination and support in the implementation of UCD’s environmental policy. University Waste Management Policy: Queries regarding the University’s waste management policy including recycling targets, Disposal of Hazardous Wastes: Queries regarding the proper disposal of hazardous waste such as electrical equipment, waste solvents and other laboratory waste may be directed to the Environmental Unit who will provide advice. Trade Effluent Discharge Licence: The Environmental Unit manages the University’s Trade Effluent Discharge Licence as indicated on the environment website. 7.4.5 Procedures of the Safety Office Information and assistance regarding the procedures of the Safety Office relating to the functions described here are available on request 7.5 Your Responsibilities As Head of a Unit or School, you are responsible for ensuring that your School/Support Unit remains compliant with Health, Safety and Environment legislation and University policy in these areas. In order to do so, you should use the advice and resources provided by the University Safety Office to assist you. 7.6 Further Information For further information about any of the above or for any other related information, please refer to University Safety website www.ucd.ie/safety, University Environmental management website (www.ucd.ie/ecosurf2), email safety@ucd.ie / environment@ucd.ie or contact directly at Ext 1318. Revision Revision: No 1 Date: March 2005 26 Management Services Unit 8.0 Management Services Unit 8.1 Brief Description of the Office’s Functions as relevant to School/SupportUnit Heads: The University Management Services Unit (MSU) is responsible for meeting all IT needs relating to UCD's business systems that include Finance, HR/Payroll and Student Information systems. Some ancillary systems include CMIS (exam time tabels), ID Cards, Flextime, Employee Self-Service, Web4 Student, Graduate Register, Conferring, FRANGO (budgets). The activities of the MSU are focussed towards ensuring that the business systems provide secure, integrated and efficient management and information systems to support all activities in the University. The MSU mission is to server the business and management functions of UCD by delivering effective and efficient systems, information and support. MSU works with campus wide to support the business activity associated with teaching, research and management. 8.2 Organisation Structure of the Management Services Unit Head of MSU Systems Analyst Project Leaders x2 Programmers x3 (s) x3 DBA Customer Support A complete and up-to-date list of the MSU staff may be found on the MSU website. 27 Management Services Unit 8.3 Key Contacts: Person Responsible: Margaret Sexton Contact Area Management of Telephone Responsibility Number General Enquiries Ext 1494 Email Website msu@ucd.ie www.ucd.ie/msu Services Unit 8.4 Functions of the Management Services Unit 8.4.1 IT Support for UCD’s Business Systems: The MSU is responsible for ensuring that business systems (Finance, HR, Payroll, Student Information Systems, etc) are in place and capable of supporting the University’s activities. These systems are available to Colleges and Schools/Support Units across the campus on a user-specific basis. MSU manages the upgrade of software on a regular basis. Issues relating to the access and use of these systems should be first reported Systems Administrator in the relevant office. 8.4.2 Systems and Software Procurement The MSU will facilitate Schools/Support Units to select and implement business software solutions as follows: Document requirements, draft a Request for Proposals, project manage with multidisciplinary project teams, implement solutions 8.4.3 Business Consulting MSU acts an in internal consultancy service to Schools/Support Units in UCD. MSU can provide the following services Requirements analysis Planning support Identifying potential solutions to meet business needs Integrating developments to provide a UCD relevant system 28 Management Services Unit Training staff in use of tools and systems Business process optimisation. 8.4.4 Management Information Support MSU provides a framework and support for end user report writing. Reports are written to detail transactions, operations and at summary level. The MSU team of analysts amalgamates data from multiple systems to provide a more comprehensive management information. The MSU will work with management teams to determine their information requirements and work to provide a solution. 8.4.5 3rd Party management MSU acts as broker for user Schools/Support Units with software suppliers to ensure that upgrades and enhancements are available, delivered to UCD and meet documented requirements. MSU will engage consultants to support its team and user requirements when required. In such instances, MSU will mange the process by defining the brief, selecting the most appropriate consultant and managing the service. Helpdesk The MSU provides local support for staff in the Michael Tierney Building. The MSU also supports those staff members in using business systems campus wide. The help desk covers queries relating to the use of PCs, printers and access to business systems. This service is available by logging a call with the Computing Services Help Desk. The calls are directed to the local support in MSU. MSU's service does not extend to PC and desktop support in academic Colleges or Schools. Such queries should be directed to the Computer Services instead. For general IT advice, information or assistance, please contact UCD Computing Services at www.ucd.ie/computing who provide a range of training and support services to College staff and students. 8.4.6 Procedures of the MSU Procedures for obtaining support at the desktop are outlined in section 8.4.6 above. The Administrative Systems Committee governs MSU’s programme of work. Proposals for new projects are initiated by MSU on behalf of user Schools/Support Units by request. MSU has defined policy in the following matter. Software solutions procured will in general be Best of breed, Industry standard, Bought rather than in-house developed 29 Management Services Unit Sit on the defined common platform that is based on a relational database. 8.5 Your Responsibilities: As School/Support-Unit Head, you should be aware of your specific responsibilities in understanding the service MSU provides. You should ensure that your School/Support Unit is aware of the service available from MSU to help select appropriate software. You should always contract MSU when you have difficulty in obtaining access to information you require that may be available from the business systems. 8.6 Further Information For general enquiries regarding the services of the MSU, please contact the MSU – msu@ucd.ie Revision Revision: No 1 Date: March 2005 30 Commercial Office 9.0 Commercial Office 9.1 Brief Description of the Office’s Functions as Relevant to School/SupportUnit Heads: The Commercial Office is responsible for the management, operations and review of the following commercial activities: Conferences and Events O’Reilly Hall University Residences Catering 9.2 Organisation Structure of the Commercial Office: Commercial Licences Manager Conference& Events Commercial Manager Manager Residences Manager Catering Management of Student Residences Summer Trading Main Restaurant Science Restaurant Richview O’Reilly Hall Conferences Non-Academic / Student Room Bookings 31 Commercial Office 9.3 Key Contacts: Person Responsible: Gary Moss Contact Area of Responsibility Telephon Email e Number Commercial General Enquiries Ext 8600 Commercial.office@ucd.ie Ext 8623 gary.moss@ucd.ie Ext 1034 Accommodation.office@ucd.ie Ext 2827 caroline.dowling@ucd.ie Ext 8459 Isin.Kenny@ucd.ie Office Gary Moss Commercial Affairs Manager (Overall responsibility) Tony Nichol Accommodation Enquiries Queries relating to the Halls of Residence Caroline Dowling, Conference & Events Manager IIsin Kenny Catering Manager Website: www.ucd.ie/conferences 9.4 Functions of the Commercial Office: 9.4.1 Conferences & Events The Conference and Events unit manages the hire of the O’Reilly Hall and other University rooms and premises for conferences or other formal events. Due to the increased demand for these areas it is advisable to book as far in advance as possible. The Conference & Events Manager will provide assistance as follows: Management and Logistics relating to the hire of O’Reilly Hall and other UCD rooms. This includes the following aspects: o Arrangement of formal catering requirements linked to the hire of the O’Reilly Hall o Assistance with the organisation and coordination of events or conferences (however the conference and events office will not provide coordination or management of the event on the day) 32 Commercial Office 9.4.2 Catering Arrangements Formal catering services can be arranged through the Catering Office as follows: In-house catering in either of the University restaurants on special request for academics and their guests. Catering in any of the University’s private dining rooms for academics and their guests. Catering requirements for events in the O’Reilly Hall are arranged through the Conference & Events Office. The office does not provide smaller catering services for individual Colleges or Schools/Support Units. For reasons of food hygiene, caterers should not be engaged without prior consultation with the Catering Manager. The following information should be provided to the catering office in advance of the service being provided: o Formal request of the catering service. o key requirements regarding type of catering service and numbers. 9.4.3 Accommodation Hire Although UCD residences are primarily reserved and licensed to students, a small number of rooms are reserved for hire for special purposes. In relation to these rooms, the Accommodation Office will provide advice and assistance as follows: Some rooms are reserved for specific purposes at certain times. The Accommodation Office should be contacted for further information regarding these special reservations. A small number of rooms are available for hire by academic Colleges and Schools at certain periods for specific requirements. This might include accommodation for visitors to the University on academic business. Rooms are generally allocated according to availability by the Accommodation Office. An accommodation request form is available from the Residences Office who will provide any necessary assistance in submitting a request. 9.4.4 Commercial Licences The Commercial Office is the first point of contact for queries and assistance regarding commercial licences (including catering, 3rd party such as shops, banking facilities etc). In the event of establishing a commercial relationship with a licensee, UCD’s Commercial Office should be contacted for advice and assistance regarding the negotiation of agreements between Colleges and licensees. However, the following should be noted: 33 Commercial Office Operators work independently of the Commercial Office and oversight of the services provided will remain with the College. However, the Commercial Office will also provide advice to Colleges and Schools/Support Units in regard to oversight of licensed services. Commercial licences relating to the Sports Centre or Student Centre should be referred to the Corporate and Legal Affairs Office (see Chapter 5). 9.4.5 Procedures of the Commercial Office: Information and assistance regarding the procedures of the Commercial Office relating to the functions described here will be available on request. 9.5 Your Responsibilities: As School/Support-Unit Head, you should be aware of your specific responsibilities in relation to commercial activities: You should ensure that your School/Support Unit does not arrange a conference or any other formal event without prior consultation and liaison with the Conferences and Events section of the Commercial Office. Due to the increased demand for these areas it is advisable to book as far in advance as possible. All requirements, including catering, for conferences and O’Reilly Hall events may be forwarded to the Conferences and Events Office, any catering requirements for School/Support-Unit events (in-house) must be handled by the School/Support Unit itself. You should ensure that your School/Support Unit does not make any commercial arrangements with third parties without prior consultation and liaison with the Commercial Office. 9.6 Further Information: For general enquiries regarding commercial licences, arrangements or any other related information, please contact the Commercial Office at Ext 8600. Revision: Revision No 1 Date March 2005 34 Buildings Office 10.0 Buildings Office 10.1Brief Description of the Office’s Functions as Relevant to School/SupportUnit Heads: The University Buildings office is responsible for the development, upkeep and maintenance of UCD’s physical assets including grounds, buildings, utilities and services including telephones, post and teaching equipment. 10.2Organisation Structure of the Buildings Office: University Buildings Officer Assistant Buildings Officer Purchasing Assistant Buildings Officer Assistant Buildings Officer Assistant Buildings Officer Procurement of capital projects Facilities & General Services Technical Services Major Projects General Maintenance Grounds Utilities Telephone Services Buildings Management Utilities Unicare Telematics Traffic Management Portal Services Room Allocation 10.3Key Contacts: Person Responsible: Aidan Grannell Contact University Buildings Office Services Area of Telephone Email Website www.ucd.ie/building Responsibility Number General Enquiries Ext 1317 buildings@ucd.ie Emergency response Ext 1111 N/A 35 Buildings Office Contact Area of Telephone Responsibility Unicare Personal programme Telephones Services Room allocations Post Room Traffic Office Energy Management Programme Telematic Support Email Website Number safety Ext 7999 buildings@ucd.ie Enquiries regarding telephone services Booking of rooms for academic teaching Bulk post requirements Ext telephone.services@ucd.ie N/A room.allocations@ucd.ie Ext 7129 postroom@ucd.ie Queries regarding transport / traffic UCD Building Energy Management System Ext 3082 N/A buildings@ucd.ie www.bms.ucd.ie/ Use and maintenance of electronic teaching equipment 10.4Functions of the Buildings Office: Summarised here are the functions and services of the University Buildings Office that you may need to be aware of. Further information is available from the University’s Buildings Office website. 10.4.1 Procurement & Management of Large-Scale Capital Projects: The Buildings Office should be informed of capital development plans at the earliest stage as it can provide a range of management support services for capital projects as summarised below. (subject to the availability of funding and approval as follows). Capital Project Management Support Services: This includes the construction of new buildings or renovations to existing buildings. o Project specification and costing o Procurement of contractors, materials etc. o Installation of utilities/ services 10.4.2 Services & Facilities The Buildings Offices provides a range of facilities & services as follows: Utilities: University heating and lighting are managed through the Buildings Office. (see University Buildings Energy Management Systems below). Any issues relating to heating or lighting may be reported to the Front Desk in the relevant building (see below) or to the Services Help Desk (ext 1111), where Duty Managers will ensure that requests are logged and repairs carried out as soon as possible. 36 Buildings Office Maintenance: All aspects of maintenance including cleaning, repairs and upkeep are managed by the Buildings Office. Issues relating to maintenance should be reported to the Services Help Desk (ext 1111) where they will be logged and dealt with as soon as possible. Room Bookings: The cellcat system for room bookings is operated through the Buildings Office. Room bookings (excluding office bookings or bookings for commercial purposes) may be made by contacting room.allocations@ucd.ie . For bookings of office space, College offices must be contacted, while rooms for commercial use should be booked through the Commercial Office. Telephone systems: University telephone services ensure the effective management of UCD’s telephone system. University telephone bills are charged to School/Support Units based on usage. As well as ongoing upkeep and maintenance, the Buildings Office will support requirements for a change in service, such as new lines or cessation of existing telephones lines. Information regarding the use of telephones (e.g. voice mail) is provided in the University Directory. For further assistance, please contact telephone.services@ucd.ie . Mail: The University post room will provide assistance in ensuring the efficient management of bulk post out requirements (e.g. a mailshot exceeding 300 letters) or any other unusual postage requirements. For assistance, please contact postroom@ucd.ie or Ext 7129. Services Planning: Weekly coordination meetings are held to plan the coordination and support of events on campus. In the event of an exceptional event (e.g. building opening), the Buildings Office should be informed. Front Desk: The front desk in each of the main public buildings across the University are manned by a member of building office personnel during building opening hours. Issues relating to the provision of services or utilities, security or any other difficulties may be reported here. 10.4.3 Traffic & Transport Management: The University Transport and Commuting Office ensures the effective management of traffic oncampus. This includes the following: Central Transport Pool: The central transport pool has a number of UCD-owned vehicles which may be available for hire for field-trips or group outings. Parking Permits: A number of carparks on campus require a parking disc which is available from the Traffic and Commuting Office. Parking discs for pay & display parking on-campus may be purchased through http://www.ucd.ie/building/code/traffic/discs.htm . the office or on-line at Permits for disabled parking are also available through this office. 37 Buildings Office Traffic Updates: The UCD buildings office website provides regular traffic updates of relevance to UCD commuters as well as information on traffic lay-out and/or restrictions on campus. See http://www.ucd.ie/building/code/traffic/index.html Note: If your car is clamped, please do not contact the Transport & Commuting Office as we be unable to assist you. Details of who to contact will be provided on the notice attached to your car. 10.4.4 Security & University ‘Unicare’ Programme Security on campus is managed through the Buildings Office who should be contacted in relation to any security issues should they arise. Unicare is the campus security programme through which a range of security issues are managed. These include the following: 24-Hour Emergency Line: UCD operates a 24 hour emergency line to which any security issues may be reported. The emergency telephone number is Ext 7999 or red emergency telephones located in all main buildings may be used. Emergencies are managed from the First Response Room, located at the Stillorgan entrance, from which the emergency line and CCTV cameras are monitored. Bicycle and Car Security: The Unicare page on UCD’s website provides advice on steps to take in ensuring the security of your car or bicycle while parked at UCD. Staff may also register their cars at car.registration@ucd.ie. This will enable campus security to contact you promptly in the event of a security concern or incident relating to your car. Theft: All incidences of theft should be reported to the Buildings Office who will ensure that appropriate procedures are followed. In case of Theft, either the buildings office may be contacted directly at Ext 1317 or the emergency telephone number at Ext 7999. Campus Gardai: A Garda representative is present on campus Monday (1.30-2.30pm Biology Building) or Tuesday & Wednesday (1.30-2.30pm – Arts Block). Safety Advice: Advice regarding a range of personal security issues is available on the Unicare website page. Specific queries can be directed to the Buildings Office (Ext 1317) or the emergency helpline (ext 7999). 10.4.5 Telematic Support Telematics refers to the various equipment provided in lecture theatres and classrooms to support teaching. This can range from basic white boards to state-of-the-art audio-visual equipment. The Building Office is responsible for the supply, maintenance and upkeep of this equipment and also supports its use as follows: Information: The telematics website page (currently under development) contains information regarding the availability and use of teaching resources on campus. This includes types and locations of equipment and user manuals. 38 Buildings Office Training & Support: Buildings Office personnel will provide training on the proper use of equipment on request. Repair and Maintenance: Although a preventative maintenance schedule is operated to ensure that equipment works as intended, break-downs may occur from time to time. Equipment faults should be reported to the nearest Services Help Desk and repairs or replacement equipment will be implemented as soon as possible. 10.4.6 Landscape & Grounds Development, maintenance and upkeep of landscape and grounds at UCD is managed through the Buildings Office. Any queries in relation to the campus environment should be directed to the buildings office general enquiries (Ext 1317). 10.4.7 Buildings Energy Management System (BEMS): This initiative undertaken by UCD in conjunction with a number of other Irish Universities is a comprehensive energy monitoring and management tool for the entire university. The system monitors and reports heat and light usage in all buildings across the campus. The system enables the setting and comparison of targets for energy efficiency as well as allocation of charges to School/Support Units according to usage. These reports are available for viewing on-line at www.bems.ucd.ie. Queries should be directed to The University Building Office (Ext 1317). 10.4.8 Procedures of the Buildings Office: Information and assistance regarding the procedures of the Buildings Office relating to the functions described here will be available on request. 10.5Your Responsibilities: As Head of a Unit or School/Support Unit, you should be aware of your specific responsibilities in relation to the functions of the Buildings Office: You should ensure that capital development, refurbishment or maintenance of School/Support Unit buildings (or related property) is not undertaken without prior consultation and liaison with the Buildings Office. You should ensure that any issues relating to maintenance, utilities, or telephone systems provided to your School/Support Unit are reported to the Buildings Office when they occur. Security incidents or theft arising in the School/Support Unit, to one of your staff or students should be reported to the Buildings Office. 39 Buildings Office 10.6Further Information For further enquiries about any of the above or for any other related information, please refer to the University Building Office website (www.uci.ie/building), email building@ucd.ie or contact the office directly at Ext 1317. Revision Revision No 1 Date March 2005 40