University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Consolidated Financial Statements and Funding Statement Year Ended 30 September 2003 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Financial Statements Consolidated Financial Statements 2003 CONTENTS Page PRESIDENT'S REPORT STATEMENT OF GOVERNING AUTHORITY'S RESPONSIBILITIES INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES 2-4 5 6-7 8 - 10 CONSOLIDATED INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT 11 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET 12 NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS 13 - 25 HEA FUNDING STATEMENT 26 - 40 RECONCILIATION WITH FUNDING STATEMENT 41 - 42 1 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Financial Statements PRESIDENT'S REPORT Scope of the Financial Statements The financial statements comprise the consolidated results of the University and its wholly owned subsidiary companies. The financial statements of the University’s Pension Fund, Trust Funds, Student’s Union and Foundation are prepared and audited separately and are not included in the consolidated results for the year as they are not controlled by the University. These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting standards. Previously, the financial statements of the University were in a format which had been agreed with the Higher Education Authority (HEA) known as the “Harmonisation of Accounts” agreement as adopted by all Irish universities. In order to permit continued comparison across the university sector, the harmonised accounts format is included with the consolidated financial statements, titled HEA Funding Statement, and is shown on pages 26 to 40. A reconciliation of the surplus from the HEA Funding Statement to the surplus in the consolidated financial statements is shown on page 42. Results for the Year The University’s consolidated income and expenditure and net surplus for the year to 30 September 2003 is shown on page 11 of the financial statements. Total income increased by 8% during the year from €256.0m to €276.4m. Student fees showed an increase of €15.08m to €90.2m. State grant funding, while increasing during the year to €114.0m, represented 41% of total income, thus illustrating the importance of other nonstate funded income generating activities for the University. Total expenditure increased by €24.67m (9.93%) to €273m, with staff costs increasing by €21.6m (14%) to €175.59m. The overall result was a modest surplus of €3.3m for the year, which represents a margin of just 1.21% on total income and shows a significant reduction on the surplus achieved in the previous year of €7.5m. Treasury Management The University’s cash balances increased during the year from €41.5m to €75.5m and in accordance with the University’s treasury management policy, the investment objective is to achieve the best possible return while minimising risk. The increase in cash balances at the year end is largely attributed to the draw down of bank term loans to replace treasury funds used to bridge capital work-in-progress in the previous year. Long term borrowing increased from €13.5m to €28.8m during the year. Capital Expenditure During the financial year 2002/03 the University incurred €50.2m expenditure on building projects. A number of major developments occurred during the year, most notably the completion of the Conway Institute of Biomolecular and Biomedical Research. This major research facility was funded as part of the State’s Programme for Research in Third Level Institutions and will act as an international centre of excellence that will advance knowledge in the biosciences and enhance Ireland’s position in medical and scientific research. 2 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Financial Statements PRESIDENT'S REPORT Other building projects that were completed during the year include the Centre for Research in Infectious Diseases and the first phase of the new NovaUCD Centre which provides incubation units where technology and knowledge intensive enterprises can be nurtured. Construction of the second phase of the new Glenomena student residences was also completed during the year with additional residences scheduled for completion in 2004 on the Blackrock Campus. The purchase by the University of the Philips site in December 2002, comprising 9.22 acres at Clonskeagh, represents the acquisition of a valuable site which will enhance and extend the Belfield Campus. This site containing buildings suitable for research and teaching purposes will be used to accommodate the Engineering Departments currently located in Earlsfort Terrace. Student Population Student numbers increased from 20,895 to 21,339 placing a heavy burden on the limited resources of the University. The numbers applying for undergraduate courses continues to increase, reflecting the University’s ability to maintain high standards in student tuition and services. Destination figures for UCD primary degree graduates show a fall in the number seeking employment. During the year there have been some changes in the employment market with the ICT and engineering sectors showing signs of recovery and a resurgence of interest in jobs in teaching, public service and professional training. Over the past three years, the numbers of primary degree graduates going on to further study or training has increased. This is largely driven by the improved range of attractive postgraduate coursework available and we are greatly encouraged by this. The University continued to actively address the under-representation of students from economically and socially deprived areas of the community through the New ERA Programme. Access for students with disabilities also improved significantly and the University now offers a range of support structures for these students. Students on the New ERA Programme can avail of a wide range of supports while in college which include one to one advice and guidance, liaison person in each faculty and department, equipment assistance and additional tuition and financial support. Research Research income increased from €27.8m to €32.1m during the year. Irish Foundations continued to be the main direct source of funded research during the year, particularly Science Foundation Ireland. The university sector has agreed, after extensive consultation with State agencies, an indirect cost funding level of 30%. Science Foundation Ireland has provided indirect cost funding at this level since the inception of its programmes and most national funding agencies are now expected to introduce this level of indirect cost funding on a phased basis. The range and diversification of research has now reached a level that enables the University’s staff to participate in major international and national programmes. The Office of Funded Research Support Services continues to provide valuable support to researchers in sourcing appropriate funding opportunities and in the negotiation and management of contracts. 3 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Financial Statements PRESIDENT'S REPORT Conclusion The University remains committed to its objective of providing its students with the highest quality of education which is internationally recognised. During the year under review the pace of change, the level of achievement and the number of developments in the University have been commendable given the severe cuts in funding imposed by the State on the University. In the year under review the University operated under considerable budgetary constraints to accommodate the cuts in Government funding during that period. The pursuit of a quality educational and research service at a competitive price continues. The commitment to improve the management of resources both human and physical remains a major priority despite the lack of financial resources The HEA report on the review of the financial position of the Irish universities and the recent OECD report on university funding recommended substantially increased resources for the universities. If this increased level of funding is not made available soon, then it will not be possible for the Irish universities to offer students a diversified range of teaching and research activities that will stand comparison with our international competitors. ________________ President 21 March 2006 4 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Financial Statements STATEMENT OF GOVERNING AUTHORITY'S RESPONSIBILITIES The Governing Authority is required to comply with the Universities Act, 1997, and to keep in such form as may be approved of by An t-Údarás um Ard-Oideachas all proper and usual accounts of money received and expended by it. The Governing Authority is also responsible for preparing the annual report and the financial statements for each financial year which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the University and the University Group and the surplus or deficit of the University Group for that period. In preparing those accounts, the Governing Authority is required to: select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; disclose and explain any material departures from applicable accounting standards; and prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the University will continue in operation. The Governing Authority is responsible for keeping proper books of account which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the University and which enable it to ensure that its financial statements comply with the Universities Act, 1997, and are prepared in accordance with accounting standards generally accepted in Ireland and the most recent Harmonisation of Accounts Agreement. The Governing Authority is responsible for ensuring that the business of the University is conducted in a proper and regular manner and for safeguarding all assets under its operational control and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities. On behalf of the Governing Authority ________________ President ________________ Bursar 5 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Financial Statements INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT TO THE GOVERNING AUTHORITY OF UNIVERITY COLLEGE DUBLIN, NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF IRELAND, DUBLIN We have audited the financial statements on pages 8 to 25. Respective responsibilities of the Governing Authority and auditors The Governing Authority’s responsibility for preparing the annual report and the financial statements in accordance with the Universities Act, 1997, the most recent Harmonisation of Accounts Agreement and accounting standards generally accepted in Ireland are set out on page 5 in the statement of the Governing Authority’s responsibilities. Our responsibility is to audit the financial statements in accordance with relevant regulatory requirements and auditing standards issued by the Auditing Practices Board applicable in Ireland. This report, including the opinion, has been prepared for and only for the members of the Governing Authority as a body and for no other purpose. We do not, in giving this opinion, accept or assume responsibility for any other purpose or to any other person to whom this report is shown or into whose hands it may come save where expressly agreed by our prior consent in writing. We report to you our opinion as to whether the financial statements give a true and fair view and are properly prepared. We report whether the financial statements prepared in accordance with the most recent Harmonisation of Accounts Agreement have been properly extracted from the books and records of the University. We state whether we have obtained all the information and explanations we consider necessary for the purposes of our audit. Basis of audit opinion We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards issued by the Auditing Practices Board except that the scope of our work was limited as explained below. An audit includes examination, on a test basis, of evidence relevant to the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. It also includes an assessment of the significant estimates and judgments made by the members of the Governing Authority in the preparation of the financial statements, and of whether the accounting policies are appropriate to the University’s circumstances, consistently applied and adequately disclosed. We planned our audit so as to obtain all the information and explanations which we considered necessary in order to provide us with sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or other irregularity or error. As explained in the Basis of Preparation note on page 8 of the financial statements, the University prepared consolidated financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in Ireland for the first time in respect of the year ended 30 September 2003 and it was not possible for us to obtain sufficient evidence as regards: (a) the University and University Group tangible fixed assets and depreciation at 30 September 2002 and for year ended 30 September 2003 because of insufficient information at 30 September 2002, due to the absence of a fixed asset register in respect of land and buildings as described in note 11, and as a result of insufficient information on the calculation of depreciation at 30 September 2002 and in subsequent years; (b) the University and University Group capital grants and amortisation at 30 September 2002 and for year ended 30 September 2003 because of insufficient information regarding grants received at 30 September 2002 as described in note 18; (c) the actuarial basis for pension costs in accordance with Statement of Standard Accounting Practice 24 and Financial Reporting Standard 17; and (d) the University and University Group revenue reserves at 30 September 2002 and 30 September 2003 arising from the preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for the first time in respect of year-ended 30 September 2003 as described in the Basis of Preparation note at. Any adjustment to capital grants, tangible fixed assets or pension costs above would have a consequential effect on the surplus for the year ended 30 September 2003. An adjustment to creditors and debtors at 30 September 2002 would have a consequential effect of the reported surplus for the year ended 30 September 2003. The financial statements do not provide the cash flow statement required by Financial Reporting Standard 1 nor the disclosures required by Financial Reporting Standard 17. In forming our opinion we also evaluated the overall adequacy of the presentation of information in the financial statements. 6 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Financial Statements Qualified opinion arising from non-compliance with accounting standards and limitation in audit scope. Except for: (i) the adjustments to the income and expenditure account and balance sheets that might have been found to be necessary had we been able to obtain sufficient evidence concerning depreciation and tangible fixed assets as explained in note 11 to the financial statements; (ii) the adjustments to the income and expenditure account and balance sheets that might have been found to be necessary had we been able to obtain sufficient evidence concerning amortisation and capital grants as explained in note 18 to the financial statements; (iii) the adjustments to the income and expenditure account and balance sheets that might have been found to be necessary to comply with the accounting requirements and the failure to provide the information to comply with the disclosure requirements of Statement of Standard Accounting Practice 24; (iv) the adjustments to the surplus for the year and to revenue reserves that might have been found to be necessary had we been able to obtain sufficient evidence concerning the matters in (i) to (iii) above and to creditors and debtors at 30 September 2002; (v) the failure to provide the cash flow statement as required by Financial Reporting Standard 1; and (vi) the failure to provide the disclosures required by Financial Reporting Standard 17; in our opinion the financial statements on pages 8 to 25 give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the University and the University Group at 30 September 2003 of the surplus of the University Group for the year ended 30 September 2003. The evidence available to us was limited as regards the matters set out in (a) to (d) within basis of audit opinion above. Except for this we have obtained all the information and explanations we consider necessary for the purposes of our audit. In our opinion the financial statements on pages 27 to 40 which have been prepared in accordance with the most recent Harmonisation of Accounts Agreement have been properly extracted from the books and records of the University. Accounting Standards generally accepted in Ireland vary in certain significant respects from the accounting basis applied in the preparation of the Higher Education Funding Statement Revenue Account on page 30 prepared in accordance with the most recent Harmonisation of Accounts Agreement referred to above. In our opinion the application of accounting standards generally accepted in Ireland would have affected the determination of the Higher Education Authority Funding Statement Revenue Account to the extent summarised on page 42 except for the matters noted above at (i), (ii) and (iv). PricewaterhouseCoopers Chartered Accountants and Registered Auditors Dublin 21 March 2006 7 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Financial Statements STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES The significant accounting policies adopted by the University are as follows: Basis of preparation The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with accounting standards generally accepted in Ireland and the Statement of Recommended Practice-Accounting for Further and Higher Education Institutions. Accounting standards generally accepted in Ireland in preparing financial statements giving a true and fair view are those published by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland and issued by the Accounting Standards Board. Accounting convention The accounts have been prepared under the historical cost convention. Basis of consolidation The consolidated financial statements include the University and its subsidiary undertakings and other undertakings in which the University has a financial interest. The results of subsidiaries acquired or disposed of during the period are included in the consolidated income and expenditure account from the date of acquisition or up to the date of disposal. Intra-group sales and profits are eliminated fully on consolidation. In accordance with FRS 2 – Accounting for Subsidiary Undertakings, the activities of the Students’ Union of University College Dublin have not been consolidated because the University does not control those activities. The financial statements of the University Foundations, Pension Fund and Trust Fund are also excluded as they are not controlled by the University. Group financial statements have been prepared for the first time in the current year. Recognition of income Recurrent grants from the Higher Education Authority are recognised in the period in which they are receivable. Non-recurrent grants from the Higher Education Authority or other bodies received in respect of the acquisition or construction of fixed assets are treated as deferred capital grants and amortised in line with depreciation over the life of the assets. Income from research grants, contracts and other services rendered is included to the extent of the completion of the contract or service concerned. This is generally equivalent to the sum of the relevant expenditure incurred during the year and any related contributions towards overhead costs. Income from specific endowments and donations is included to the extent of the relevant expenditure incurred during the year, together with any related contributions toward overhead costs. All income from short-term deposits is credited to the income and expenditure account in the period in which it is earned. Foreign currency translation Transactions denominated in foreign currencies are recorded at the rate of exchange ruling at the dates of the transactions. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into euro either at year end rates or, where they are related forward foreign exchange contracts, at contract rates. The resulting exchange differences are dealt with in the determination of income and expenditure for the financial year. Tangible fixed assets (a) Land and buildings The University’s buildings are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation. Freehold buildings are depreciated over their expected useful economic life to the University of 50 years. Leasehold buildings are included in the balance sheet at cost and depreciated over the term of the lease. Freehold land is not depreciated. Where land and buildings are acquired with the aid of specific grants they are capitalised and depreciated as above. The related grants are credited to a deferred capital grant account and are released to the income and expenditure account over the expected useful economic life of the related asset on a basis consistent with the depreciation policy. 8 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Financial Statements STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES A review for impairment of a fixed asset is carried out if events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of the fixed asset may not be recoverable. Buildings under construction are accounted for at cost, based on the value of architects' certificates and other direct costs incurred to the financial year end. They are not depreciated until they are brought into use. (b) Equipment and minor works Equipment costing less than €3,175 per individual item is written off to the income and expenditure account in the year of acquisition. All other equipment is capitalised at cost. Capitalised equipment is depreciated over its useful economic life as follows: Leased assets Computer equipment Equipment Minor works 20 years or primary lease period, if shorter 3 years 5 years 10 years Where equipment is acquired with the aid of specific grants it is capitalised and depreciated in accordance with the above policy, with the related grant being credited to a deferred capital grant account and released to income and expenditure account over the expected useful economic life of the related equipment. (c) Donations The University receives on occasion benefits in kind such as gifts of equipment. Items of a significant value donated to the University, which, if purchased, the University would treat as tangible fixed assets, are capitalised at their current value and depreciated in accordance with the policy set out above. The value of the donation is treated as a deferred capital grant. Leased assets Leasing agreements that transfer to the University substantially all the benefits and risks of ownership of an assets are treated as if the asset had been purchased outright. The assets are included in fixed assets and the capital element of the leasing commitments is shown as obligations under finance leases. The lease rentals are treated as consisting of capital and interest elements. The capital element is applied to reduce the outstanding obligations and the interest element is charged to the income and expenditure account in proportion to the reducing capital element outstanding. Assets held under finance leases are depreciated over the shorter of the lease term or the useful economic lives of equivalent owned assets. Assets which are held under hire purchase contracts which have the characteristics of finance leases are depreciated over their useful lives. Rental costs under operating leases are charged to expenditure in equal annual amounts over the period of the lease. Financial assets Current asset investments are included in the balance sheet at the lower of their original cost and net realisable value. Stocks Stocks are stated at the lower of their cost and net realisable value. Where necessary, provision is made for obsolete, slow moving and defective stock. Expenditure incurred by the University on books and consumable stocks financed from recurrent grants are charged to the income and expenditure account. 9 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Financial Statements STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES Taxation As an exempt charity, the University is not liable for Corporation Tax or Income Tax on any of its charitable activities. It is registered for Value Added Tax, but since the supply of education is an exempt activity on which no output tax is charged it is unable to recover input tax on the majority of its purchases. Trading activities undertaken by the University are administered through its subsidiary companies, which as commercial organisations are liable to Corporation Tax. Deferred taxation In subsidiary companies, who do not hold a charitable status, deferred taxation is provided on all timing differences that have originated but not reversed at the balance sheet date where transactions or events that result in an obligation to pay more tax in the future or a right to pay less tax in the future have occurred at the balance sheet date. Timing differences are temporary differences between profits as computed for taxation purposes and profits as stated in the financial statements which arise because certain items of income and expenditure in the financial statements are dealt with in different periods for taxation purposes. Deferred tax is measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the years in which the timing differences are expected to reverse, based on tax rates and laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date. Deferred tax is not discounted. Provisions Provisions are recognised when the University has a present legal or constructive obligation as a result of a past event, it is probable that a transfer of economic benefit will be required to settle the obligation and a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation. Pensions The University operates a defined benefit pension scheme with assets held in a separately administered fund. The basic retirement pensions of University staff are funded by contributions to the University Pension Fund at a pre-determined rate of pensionable pay. Increases in basic retirement pensions are charged as pension supplementation in the income and expenditure account as incurred. Treasury Management The University’s treasury management policy is for bank balances, surplus to immediate requirements, to be invested short term with authorised counter parties in a manner, which maximises returns with no risk to capital. 10 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Financial Statements CONSOLIDATED INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT Year ended 30 September 2003 Notes Income State grants Student fees Research grants and contracts Amortisation of deferred capital grants Other income Interest income 1 2 3 4 5 Total income Expenditure Staff costs Other operating expenses Interest payable Depreciation 6 7 8 Total expenditure Surplus for the year before taxation Taxation 9 Surplus for the year after taxation 10 Consolidated 2003 €'000 Consolidated 2002 €'000 114,353 90,207 32,076 8,467 29,827 1,512 104,189 75,121 27,836 8,857 37,559 2,405 276,442 255,967 175,590 77,998 961 18,550 153,989 83,205 1,036 10,198 273,099 248,428 3,343 7,539 (9) 3,334 (12) 7,527 The surplus for the year arose solely from continuing operations. ______________________ President _______________________ Bursar 11 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Financial Statements CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET As at 30 September 2003 Notes Fixed assets Tangible assets Financial assets University 2003 €'000 2002 €'000 305,704 188 265,994 95 252,845 188 216,077 95 305,892 266,089 253,033 216,172 659 42,778 79,607 553 35,933 41,506 659 89,909 72,309 553 86,280 34,605 123,044 77,992 162,877 121,438 (133,940) (92,101) (125,980) (90,630) Net current assets/(liabilities) (10,896) (14,109) 36,897 30,808 Total assets less current liabilities 294,996 251,980 289,930 246,980 (13,535) (28,839) (13,535) Current assets Stocks Debtors Cash at bank Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year 11 12 Consolidated 2003 2002 €'000 €'000 13 14 15 Creditors: Amounts falling due after one year 16 (28,839) Net provisions for liabilities and charges 20 (1,486) Net assets - (1,486) - 264,671 238,445 259,605 233,445 Deferred capital grants 18 197,764 174,872 197,764 174,872 Represented by: Revenue reserves 19 66,907 63,573 61,841 58,573 264,671 238,445 259,605 233,445 Total ______________________ President _______________________ Bursar 12 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Financial Statements NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS 1 State grants State grants allocated for recurrent purposes 2003 €'000 2002 €'000 114,353 104,189 Grant income of €1,329,000 was received from the Eastern Regional Health Authority in 2003. All other grant income was received from the Higher Education Authority. 2 Academic fees 2003 €'000 2002 €'000 Academic fee income Miscellaneous fee income 89,598 609 74,578 543 Total fees paid by or on behalf of individual students 90,207 75,121 A total of €38,800,000 (2002: €36,603,000) included in academic fee income was paid directly by the Higher Education Authority. 3 4 Research grants and contracts 2003 €'000 2002 €'000 State and semi-state European Union Industry Other 21,289 2,367 1,240 8,130 18,097 4,498 1,773 4,817 Contribution in respect of overheads 33,026 (950) 29,185 (1,349) 32,076 27,836 2003 €'000 2002 €'000 3,328 4,023 1,522 8,036 12,067 851 4,190 5,066 1,917 10,119 15,195 1,072 29,827 37,559 Other income Catering and conferences Residences Other rental income Medical testing income Academic facilities and departments Other operating income 13 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Financial Statements NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS - continued 5 6 Interest income 2003 €’000 2002 €’000 Interest income 1,512 2,405 Staff costs The average weekly number of persons (including senior post-holders) employed by the College during the period, expressed as full-time equivalent was: Teaching and research Technical Central administration and services Other Salaries and wages Social welfare costs Employer pension costs 7 Other operating expenses Research (non-pay) Maintenance and security Lab supplies Professional fees External contract costs Travel and hospitality Computer supplies Printing, stationary and audio visual Books and periodicals Light and heat Student facilities Rent, rates and insurance Equipment Training and development Communications Advertising and promotions Other operating costs 2003 Number 2002 Number 1,882 387 997 232 1,899 377 943 229 3,498 3,448 2003 €'000 2002 €'000 148,285 8,721 18,584 129,377 7,634 16,978 175,590 153,989 2003 €'000 2002 €'000 13,439 7,879 6,897 5,332 6,162 5,031 3,770 4,443 4,130 3,358 2,845 1,877 957 1,197 1,401 1,621 7,659 14,336 8,405 7,357 5,688 6,573 5,367 4,022 4,740 4,406 3,582 3,035 2,002 1,021 1,277 1,495 1,729 8,170 77,998 83,205 14 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Financial Statements NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS - continued Other operating expenses include: Auditors’ remuneration: - External audit - Accountancy, taxation and secretarial - Other services 8 Interest payable 144 293 128 82 54 - 2003 €'000 2002 €'000 961 1,036 On bank loans, overdrafts and other loans: Repayable wholly or partly in more than 5 years Interest is payable on loans drawn down to build new residential accommodation for students. This activity is carried out by subsidiary undertakings. 9 Taxation 2003 €'000 2002 €'000 (a) Current taxation: Irish corporation tax on surplus for the year Adjustments in respect of prior years Current tax charge for the year 5 (1) 15 - 4 15 5 (3) 9 12 Deferred tax: Origination and reversal of timing differences (b) The current tax charge for the year is lower than the current charge that would result from applying the standard rate of Irish corporation tax to the surplus for the year. The differences are explained below: Surplus on continuing operations after depreciation of assets and before taxation Surplus before taxation multiplied by the average rate of Irish corporation tax for the year of 13.375% (2002: 17%) 2003 €’000 2002 €’000 3,343 7,539 447 1,282 15 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Financial Statements NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS - continued 9 Taxation - continued Effects of: Surpluses not subject to Irish corporation tax Higher rate of tax on passive income Disallowable expenses Capital allowances in excess of depreciation Trading losses forward Adjustment to tax charge in respect of prior years (403) 6 6 (48) 1 (1,282) 10 10 (2) (6) - 9 12 2003 €'000 2002 €'000 University’s surplus for the year Surplus generated by the subsidiary undertakings and transferred to the University 3,268 66 6,716 811 Total (note 19) 3,334 7,527 Current tax charge for the year 10 Surplus on continuing operations for the year The surplus on continuing operations for the year is made up as follows: 16 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Financial Statements NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS - continued 11 Tangible fixed assets Minor works Computer equipment Equipment Fixtures and fittings Total €’000 Assets in course of construction €’000 €’000 €’000 €’000 €’000 €’000 Cost or valuation At 1 October 2002 Additions Transfers from assets in course of construction 233,738 5,363 51,757 64,046 44,179 (51,757) 5,325 - 16,933 1,136 - 44,620 7,420 - 120 162 - 364,782 58,260 - At 30 September 2003 290,858 56,468 5,325 18,069 52,040 282 423,042 Depreciation At 1 October 2002 Depreciation for year 51,355 5,501 - 5,325 - 14,019 2,273 28,025 10,747 64 29 98,788 18,550 At 30 September 2003 56,856 - 5,325 16,292 38,772 93 117,338 Net book value At 30 September 2002 182,383 64,046 - 2,914 16,595 56 265,994 At 30 September 2003 234,002 56,468 - 1,777 13,268 189 305,704 CONSOLIDATED Land and buildings Details of capital grant funding received in respect of tangible fixed assets are detailed in note 18. Land and buildings includes €1,615,000 in respect of freehold land which is not depreciated. This category also includes €13,921,000 in relation to land and buildings which have been accounted for in accordance with the Financial Reporting Standard 5 – Reporting the substance of transactions, issued by the Accounting Standards Board. These land and buildings are legally owned by special finance purpose companies. The commercial effect of the transactions surrounding the sale and ultimate repurchase of these buildings is that the University continues to bear all significant benefits and risks relating to the land and buildings. 17 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Financial Statements NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS - continued 11 Tangible fixed assets - continued UNIVERSITY Land and buildings €’000 Assets under construction €’000 Minor works €’000 Computer equipment €’000 Equipment Total €’000 €’000 Cost At 1 October 2002 Additions Transfer from assets under construction 234,573 5,083 45,664 13,352 41,305 (45,664) 5,325 - 16,921 1,136 - 44,620 7,694 - 314,791 55,218 - At 30 September 2003 285,320 8,993 5,325 18,057 52,314 370,009 Depreciation At 1 October 2002 Charge for year 51,355 5,433 - 5,325 - 14,009 2,272 28,025 10,745 98,714 18,450 At 30 September 2003 56,788 - 5,325 16,281 38,770 117,164 Net book value At 30 September 2002 183,218 13,352 - 2,912 16,595 216,077 At 30 September 2003 228,532 8,993 - 1,776 13,544 252,845 During 2003, the estimated useful life of equipment was changed from ten years to five years, This results in an additional depreciation charge in the income and expenditure account of €7,413,000 in 2003. 18 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Financial Statements NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS - continued 11 Tangible fixed assets – continued Tax based property schemes The University has entered into arrangements with various investors whereby the investors obtain tax relief arising on the construction costs of buildings and share the benefit of this relief with UCD. All of these tax based property schemes where legal title has not yet passed to the University have been included in the financial statements at historical cost in accordance with Financial Reporting Standard No. 5 – Reporting the substance of transactions as issued by the Accounting Standards Board. The principal reliefs availed of in relation to UCD properties are as follows: a) “Section 23” relief which was availed of in relation to the Merville and Roebuck student residences. Full legal ownership of these properties passed to the University in 2000 and 2003 respectively and are reflected in the balance sheet at 30 September 2004 at historical cost. b) “Section 50” relief which was availed of in relation to the Glenomena phase 1 and 2 of the student residences and the Proby student residences. Full legal ownership of these properties is due to pass to UCD under option agreements in the years 2012, 2013 and 2014 respectively. These properties have been reflected in the balance sheet at 30 September 2004 at the historical cost of €37.029m in accordance with Financial Reporting Standard No. 5 – Reporting the substance of transactions as issued by the Accounting Standards Board. c) “Section 843” relief which was availed of in relation to the Institute for the Study of Social Change. Full legal ownership of this property is due to pass to UCD under option agreement in the year 2008. This property has been reflected in the balance sheet at 30 September 2003 at historical cost of €3.467m in accordance with Financial Reporting Standard No. 5 – Reporting the substance of transactions as issued by the Accounting Standards Board Future Asset The Belgrove student residences have not been included in the balance sheet of the University on the basis that UCD does not hold legal title to these premises, does not benefit from the income currently generated by these residences and does not bear any financial risk in relation to the operation of these residences. However, under an option agreement, the University is due to acquire full legal ownership of the residences in the year 2010 for a nil consideration sum. The original construction cost of these premises in 1990 was €10.475 million. 19 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Financial Statements NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS - continued 12 Financial assets Consolidated 2003 2002 €'000 €'000 University 2003 €'000 2002 €'000 188 95 Investments at the year end were held as follows: Other 188 95 The University holds an interest in the following subsidiary and associate undertakings: Subsidiary undertakings Mapleview Limited UCD O’Reilly Hall Limited UCD Student Centre Limited UCD Property Development Company Limited UCD Nova Limited Foster Residences Limited UCD Educational Services Limited Campus Trust Limited Associated undertakings Dublin Molecular Medicine Centre 13 Stocks Raw materials and consumables Finished goods for resale Principal activity Interest % Registered office/ place of business Accommodation rental Management of O’Reilly Hall Management of Student Centre 100% 100% 100% 100% Belfield, Dublin 4 Belfield, Dublin 4 Belfield, Dublin 4 Belfield, Dublin 4 Property development Development of Nova Building Accommodation rental Dormant Dormant 100% 100% 100% 100% Belfield, Dublin 4 Belfield, Dublin 4 Belfield, Dublin 4 Belfield, Dublin 4 Research 50% Belfield, Dublin 4 Consolidated and University 2003 2002 €’000 €’000 419 240 419 134 659 553 There is no material difference between the balance sheet amount of stocks and its replacement cost. 20 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Financial Statements NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS - continued 14 Debtors Trade debtors Research grants and contracts receivable State grant receivable Other capital funding receivable Academic fees receivable Prepayments Amounts due from subsidiary undertakings Other debtors Deferred tax asset (note 20) 15 Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year Trade creditors Research grants and contracts in advance Academic fees received in advance State grant received in advance Other capital funding received in advance Accruals Obligations under finance leases (note 17) Bank loans and overdrafts (note 17) Amounts owed to subsidiary undertakings Corporation tax Other taxation and social security Other creditors Other amounts received in advance 16 Creditors: Amounts falling due after one year Bank loans (note 17) Loan from pension fund Obligations under finance leases (note 17) Consolidated 2003 2002 €'000 €'000 University 2003 €'000 2002 €'000 3,861 14,170 5,716 13,935 579 50 4,453 14 4,923 9,511 6,669 5,683 288 764 8,076 19 3,085 14,170 5,716 7,071 579 36 56,119 3,133 - 4,490 9,511 6,669 5,683 288 764 57,541 1,334 - 42,778 35,933 89,909 86,280 Consolidated 2003 2002 €'000 €'000 2003 €'000 2002 €'000 University 2,256 19,793 23,369 29,929 24,897 12,853 20 11,352 2 3,892 1,280 4,297 1,258 15,355 20,740 19,339 19,121 8,151 43 20 3,572 3,437 1,065 2,186 19,793 23,369 29,929 18,033 10,133 20 11,352 1,780 3,809 1,279 4,297 968 15,355 20,740 19,339 19,121 6,330 43 651 3,547 3,471 1,065 133,940 92,101 125,980 90,630 Consolidated 2003 2002 €'000 €'000 2003 €'000 2002 €'000 University 28,831 8 7,280 6,227 28 28,831 8 7,280 6,227 28 28,839 13,535 28,839 13,535 21 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Financial Statements NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS - continued 17 Borrowings Consolidated 2003 2002 €'000 €'000 University 2003 €'000 2002 €'000 (a) Bank loans and overdrafts Bank loans and overdrafts are repayable as follows: In one year or less In five years or more 11,352 28,831 13,507 11,352 28,831 13,507 Total 40,183 13,507 40,183 13,507 The loan of €6,227,000 from the University College Dublin pension fund had no fixed repayment date. This was repaid to the University College Dublin pension fund during 2003. (b) Finance leases Consolidated 2003 2002 €'000 €'000 University 2003 €'000 2002 €'000 The net finance lease obligations to which the institution is committed are: In one year or less Between one and five years 20 8 43 28 20 8 43 28 Total 28 71 28 71 Other grants & benefactors €'000 €'000 Total 18 Deferred capital grants State €'000 Consolidated and University At 1 October 2002 Buildings Equipment 103,954 11,216 53,557 6,145 157,511 17,361 Total 115,170 59,702 174,872 7,807 2,882 16,292 4,378 24,099 7,260 10,689 20,670 31,359 Cash received Buildings Equipment Total 22 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Financial Statements NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS - continued 18 Deferred capital grants – continued State Other grants & benefactors €'000 €'000 Total Released to income and expenditure Buildings Equipment 2,281 2,820 1,238 2,128 3,519 4,948 Total 5,101 3,366 8,467 At 30 September 2003 Buildings Equipment 109,480 11,278 68,611 8,395 178,091 19,673 Total 120,758 77,006 197,764 €'000 Consolidated and University – continued In addition, amounts received in advance are included in creditors (note 15). These balances represent monies received in advance of building work and have not been amortised. Other grants State & benefactors Total €'000 €'000 €'000 24,897 37,325 2003 €’000 2002 €’000 Consolidated At 1 October Surplus 63,573 3,334 56,046 7,527 At 30 September 66,907 63,573 University At 1 October Surplus 58,573 3,268 51,857 6,716 At 30 September 61,841 58,573 Buildings 19 Reconciliation of movement of revenue reserves 12,428 23 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Financial Statements NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS - continued 20 Provisions for liabilities and charges Provisions for liabilities and charging €’000 University and Consolidated At 1 October 2002 Provided during the year 1,486 At 30 September 2003 1,486 Provision of €1.486 million has been recognised in respect of costs relating to the implementation of the Protection of Employees (Fixed Term Work) Act 2003. The Act grants entitlements to fixed term (contract) employees to ensure their terms of employment are no less favourable than a comparable permanent employee. Under the terms of the legislation, the University is required to make financial provision for pension costs in respect of fixed term employees. Deferred tax asset €’000 Consolidated At 1 October 2002 (note 14) Utilised during the year 19 (5) At 30 September 2003 (note 14) 14 2003 €’000 2002 €’000 Deferred tax asset Capital allowances in excess of depreciation Losses forward 10 4 10 9 Deferred tax asset (note 14) 14 19 24 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Financial Statements NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS - continued 21 Capital commitments Contracted for but not provided Authorised but not contracted out Consolidated 2003 2002 €'000 €'000 University 2003 €'000 2002 €'000 78,573 5,148 48,526 59,225 26,427 2,252 1,363 51,493 83,721 107,751 28,679 52,856 22 Related parties Transactions with subsidiaries of the University have been eliminated on consolidation and no disclosure of these transactions has therefore been given. The University has no related party transactions which require disclosure under Financial Reporting Standard 8 - Related Party Transactions. 23 Retirement benefits The disclosure requirements of Financial Reporting Standard 17 (“FRS 17”) Retirement Benefits and the accounting and disclosure requirements of Statement of Standard Accounting Practice 24 (“SSAP 24”) Accounting for Pension Costs have not been presented in these financial statements. FRS 17 and SSAP 24 have implications for the public sector generally which are currently under consideration. The basic retirement benefits of staff are funded by contributions from the University to the pension fund at a predetermined rate of pensionable pay and are included under the various salary and wage headings of the income and expenditure account. Increases to the initial pension of staff are charged as pension supplementation in the income and expenditure account as incurred. Separate financial statements are prepared annually for the University pension fund. The pension supplementation charge for the year was €6,683,000 (2002: €6,143,000). An amount of €1,010,000 (2002: €171,000) was due from the pension fund at year end. 24 Subsequent events On 2 December 2003 the University exercised its option to acquire full legal title of the Merville student residences for a consideration of €7.28m. The original cost of the Merville student residences was reflected in the balance sheet at the 30th September 2003 in accordance with Financial Reporting Standard 5 – Reporting the substance of transactions issued by the Accounting Standards Board. 25 Cash flow statement A statement of cash flows as required by Financial Reporting Standard 1 Cash Flow Statements is not presented in these financial statements. Financial statements, prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in Ireland, are only prepared by the University group for the first time for the year ended 30 September 2003. Comparative information prepared on a consistent basis for 30 September 2002 and 2001 is not available. 26 Approval of financial statements The financial statements were approved by the Governing Authority on the 21 March 2006. 25 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Funding Statement Year ended 30 September 2003 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin HEA Funding Statement and Reconciliation 26 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Funding Statement Year ended 30 September 2003 HEA Funding Statement Year ended 30 September 2003 CONTENTS STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES 28 - 29 REVENUE ACCOUNT 30 BALANCE SHEET 31 CASH FLOW STATEMENT 32 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 33 - 40 RECONCILIATION OF HEA FUNDING STATEMENT WITH CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 41 - 42 27 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Funding Statement Year ended 30 September 2003 STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES Scope of funding statement The financial statements reflect the teaching, research and related service activities of the University. The net results of ancillary services (as defined below) are included in the Revenue Account and shown as a movement on the General Reserve, reflecting the most recent “Harmonisation of Accounts” agreement as adopted by all Irish Universities. The financial statements of the University’s Pension Fund, Trust Funds, Foundation and of financially independent ancillary activities (incorporated subsidiary undertakings) are prepared and audited separately. Accounting convention The financial statements are prepared under the historical cost convention. They are presented in accordance with the existing Harmonisation of Financial Statements agreement as adopted for all Irish Universities except for capital grants which are recognised on an accruals basis rather than cash receipts basis. A review of the Harmonisation agreement by the universities in consultation with the Higher Education Authority and the Comptroller and Auditor General, is nearing completion and will result in a new agreed harmonised format. Ancillary services The ancillary services are activities which do not receive direct HEA funding. Such activities support core services on a cost recovery basis or are operated on a commercial basis. The net results for such activities are shown in the Revenue Account with a matching amount shown in debtors and creditors. State grants for recurrent expenditure The recurrent grant has been recognised on an accruals basis. The recurrent grant, which has been used for the purchase of fixed assets, is transferred to the General Reserve. State grants for capital expenditure State grants approved by the HEA for capital expenditure are included in the financial statements of the period on an accruals basis. Approved allocations and departmental funds The revenue account is charged with approved allocations within particular headings. The amounts unspent at the yearend are recorded as departmental funds within creditors. Departmental funds debit balances are recorded within debtors. General reserve The general reserve represents the value of funding, after amortisation, applied for capital purposes together with the results from 1 October 1996 on ancillary services. Amortisation of capital funding and reserves Capital funding and reserves included in the General Reserve are amortised at the same level as the related fixed assets are depreciated. Fee income Fee income is accounted for on an accruals basis and reported at EU fee levels. Non EU Fee income is included up to the EU level with any excess (up to the 2002/2003 related unit cost) being reported under Other Income. Any further excess over the 2002/2003 related unit cost was transferred to capital reserves. Stocks Expenditure on books and consumable stocks financed by recurrent grants are charged in full to the revenue account as incurred. Farm, horticulture and restaurant stocks are shown in the balance sheet and are valued as follows: Livestock: Cattle Other Farm and horticulture stock Restaurant stock Market value less 40% Market value less 25% Lower of cost or market value Lower of cost or market value 28 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Funding Statement Year ended 30 September 2003 STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES - continued Investments Investments are shown in the balance sheet using the following valuation basis: Quoted and unquoted investments - lower of cost and net realisable value. Foreign currency Income and expenditure denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the exchange rates ruling at the dates of the transactions. Assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into Euro at the rate of exchange ruling at the balance sheet date. The resulting profits or losses are dealt with in the revenue account. Fixed assets and depreciation All fixed assets are stated at cost and depreciation is charged on all fixed assets excluding land. The estimated useful lives of fixed assets by reference to which depreciation has been calculated on a straight-line basis are as follows: Buildings Minor works Equipment Computer equipment Leased assets 50 years 10 years 5 years 3 years 20 years or primary lease period, if shorter Research grants Income from contract research grants is included in the revenue account to the extent that the related expenditure has been incurred in the period. Expenditure is shown net of the contribution to the University. Contract research contribution to the University’s indirect costs is included in other income. From 1 October 1997 fixed assets financed from research grants are capitalised in the balance sheet. Finance leases Assets held under finance leases are capitalised in the balance sheet and depreciated over the life of the primary lease. Finance lease payments are met from recurrent income. Pensions The basic retirement benefits of staff are funded by contributions from the University to the Pension Fund at a predetermined rate of pensionable pay and are included under the various salary and wage headings of the revenue account. Increases to the initial pension of staff are charged as pension supplementation in the revenue account as incurred. Separate financial statements are prepared annually for the Pension Fund. Taxation No provision has been made for taxation as the University holds tax-exempt status. Restricted reserves Restricted reserves comprise the unused portion of funds made available to the University for specified purposes. University residences University residences and the related financing are accounted for in accordance with the legal form rather than the commercial substance of these transactions. 29 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Funding Statement Year ended 30 September 2003 REVENUE ACCOUNT Notes 2003 €000 2002 €000 Income State grants Academic fees Other income 1 2 3 116,188 79,283 12,116 106,040 66,086 10,683 Contract research 4 207,587 34,732 182,809 26,959 242,319 209,768 Total income Expenditure Academic faculties and departments Academic and other services Premises Amount allocated for capital purposes Central administration and services General educational expenditure Student services Pension supplementation Term loan interest 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 127,277 23,583 22,680 4,849 10,205 6,792 4,112 6,683 911 114,988 17,572 19,115 4,750 10,065 6,196 3,630 6,143 - Contract research 4 207,092 34,732 182,459 26,959 Total expenditure 12 241,824 209,418 495 350 Surplus for year before amortisation of capital reserves and grants, ancillary services and depreciation of fixed assets Surplus on ancillary services Depreciation of fixed assets General reserve movement 13 15 14 Net surplus for the year 711 (18,151) 17,440 142 (10,152) 10,010 495 350 Transfer to the strategic initiative and innovation reserve Revenue reserves at start of year 22 22 (191) 1,286 (190) 1,126 Revenue reserves at end of year 22 1,590 1,286 The statement of accounting policies, on pages 28 to 29 and the cash flow statement and notes from page 32 to page 40 form part of these financial statements. ____________________ President ____________________ Bursar 30 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Funding Statement Year ended 30 September 2003 BALANCE SHEET Notes Fixed assets 15 Investments Deposit on student residences 16 Restricted bank balances Current assets Bank balances and cash Debtors and prepayments Stocks 17 18 Current liabilities Creditors and accrued expenditure 19 Net current assets Long term liabilities Creditors due after one year Long term loans Represented by: General reserve Restricted reserves Revenue reserves 20 21 22 2003 €000 2002 €000 241,834 203,443 130 130 3,174 6,227 19,611 17,176 68,215 82,059 658 34,586 104,378 419 150,932 139,383 (120,165) (98,653) 30,767 40,730 (7) (28,831) (28) (6,227) (28,838) (6,255) 266,678 261,451 245,477 19,611 1,590 243,340 16,825 1,286 266,678 261,451 The statement of accounting policies, on pages 28 to 29 and the cash flow statement and notes from page 32 to page 40 form part of these financial statements. ____________________ President ____________________ Bursar 31 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Funding Statement Year ended 30 September 2003 CASH FLOW STATEMENT Notes Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities 23 2003 €000 2002 €000 41,751 (49,336) 2,835 2,918 (56,191) - (58,126) (351) (56,191) (58,477) (11,605) (104,895) (8,294) 23,256 7,668 (6,227) 28,831 39,406 19,557 5,861 - Net cash inflow from financing 45,234 64,824 Net cash inflow/(outflow) after financing 33,629 (40,071) 33,629 (40,071) Returns on investments and services of finance Interest received (net) Capital expenditure Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets Deposit to acquire tangible fixed assets Net cash outflow before financing Financing HEA capital grants Non HEA capital funding Recurrent funding transfer Repayment of pension fund loan New long term loans Increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 24 24 24 The notes on pages 33 to 40 form part of these financial statements. 32 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Funding Statement Year ended 30 September 2003 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1 2 3 State grants 2003 €000 2002 €000 Recurrent grant Targeted funding for special initiatives Minor works grant 111,034 4,369 785 99,196 6,083 761 Total 116,188 106,040 2003 €000 2002 €000 Academic fees Miscellaneous fee income 78,674 609 65,543 543 Total 79,283 66,086 Other income 2003 €000 2002 €000 Interest receivable (net) Funded posts Rent, concessions and other charges Non-EU fees Contract research contribution Contribution from subsidiary companies 2,835 1,874 464 5,082 950 911 2,918 1,746 451 3,666 1,349 553 12,116 10,683 2003 €000 2002 €000 34,732 26,959 Student fees Total 4 Contract research Research grants Income from contract research grants is included in the revenue account to the extent that the related expenditure has been incurred in the period. Expenditure is shown net of University contribution. Contract research contribution to the University’s indirect costs is included in other income. 33 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Funding Statement Year ended 30 September 2003 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 5 Academic faculties and departments Academic staff Technical staff Administration support staff Departmental materials, equipment and travel Miscellaneous Total 6 Academic and other services Computer services Library Language laboratory Audio visual centre Electron microscopy unit Biomedical facility Archives University industry programme Lyons estate field station 2003 Non pay €000 2003 Total €000 2002 Total €000 82,020 12,692 13,137 80 18,410 938 82,020 12,692 13,137 18,410 1,018 72,703 10,439 9,465 21,295 1,086 107,929 19,348 127,277 114,988 2003 Staff costs €000 2003 Non pay €000 2003 Total €000 2002 Total €000 11,511 8,369 235 514 247 536 735 659 777 6,133 8,091 213 411 226 562 767 381 788 3,311 4,545 201 629 188 577 669 713 8,200 3,824 34 (115) 59 (41) 66 659 64 10,833 12,750 23,583 17,572 2003 Staff costs €000 2003 Non pay €000 2003 Total €000 2002 Total €000 Premises maintenance General services Minor works Rent and rates Insurance Energy costs 2,357 2,905 - 10,010 1,012 785 489 1,700 3,422 12,367 3,917 785 489 1,700 3,422 9,792 3,876 760 507 845 3,335 Total 5,262 17,418 22,680 19,115 Total 7 2003 Staff costs €000 Premises 34 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Funding Statement Year ended 30 September 2003 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 8 9 Amount allocated for capital purposes 2003 Staff costs €000 2003 Non pay €000 2003 Total €000 2002 Total €000 Capital projects Equipment - 3,899 950 3,899 950 3,530 1,220 Total - 4,849 4,849 4,750 2003 Staff costs €000 2003 Non pay €000 2003 Total €000 2002 Total €000 Administration staff Expenses Professional charges Miscellaneous 7,740 227 758 938 542 7,740 758 938 769 7,239 998 810 1,018 Total 7,967 2,238 10,205 10,065 2003 Staff costs €000 2003 Non pay €000 2003 Total €000 2002 Total €000 Examination expenses Scholarships/prizes/fellowships NUI capitation Miscellaneous expenses 2,179 646 922 1,083 696 1,266 3,101 1,083 696 1,912 2,735 1,260 667 1,534 Total 2,825 3,967 6,792 6,196 2003 Staff costs €000 2003 Non pay €000 2003 Total €000 2002 Total €000 Central administration and services 10 General educational expenditure 11 Student services Capitation and other grants Student services Careers office Health and counselling Sports facilities and recreation 4 1,006 352 595 754 1,121 384 61 45 (210) 1,125 1,390 413 640 544 1,177 1,035 379 563 476 Total 2,711 1,401 4,112 3,630 35 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Funding Statement Year ended 30 September 2003 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS – continued 12 Composition of total expenditure Academic and related services Research grants 2003 Staff costs €000 2003 Non pay €000 2003 Total €000 2002 Total €000 144,212 21,293 62,880 13,439 207,092 34,732 182,459 26,959 165,505 76,319 241,824 209,418 A contribution from subsidiary companies of €911,000 is included in other income (note 3) to cover interest arising on term loans of €911,000 included above. Included above are pension supplementation costs of €6,683,000 (2002: €6,143,000). 13 Ancillary services summary Catering Student residences Other activities 2003 Income 2003 Expenditure €000 €000 2003 Surplus/ (deficit) €000 2002 Surplus/ (deficit) €000 3,349 4,023 53,563 (3,349) (3,431) (53,444) 592 119 (463) 605 60,935 (60,224) 711 142 711 142 2003 €000 2002 €000 18,151 (711) 10,152 (142) 17,440 10,010 Surplus – ancillary services 14 General reserve movement Amortisation in line with depreciation Surplus on ancillary services from revenue account to general revenue account 36 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Funding Statement Year ended 30 September 2003 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS – continued 15 Fixed assets Land and buildings €000 Assets under construction €000 Minor works €000 Computer equipment €000 2003 2002 Equipment €000 Total €000 Total €000 Cost at start of year Additions Transfer from assets under construction 219,607 40,233 11,838 13,352 7,479 (11,838) 5,325 - 16,921 1,136 - 44,620 7,694 - 299,825 56,542 - 243,152 58,126 - Cost at end of year 271,678 8,993 5,325 18,057 52,314 356,367 301,278 Depreciation At start of year Charge for year 49,023 5,134 - 5,325 - 14,009 2,272 28,025 10,745 96,382 18,151 87,683 10,152 At end of year 54,157 - 5,325 16,281 38,770 114,533 97,835 Net book value at start of year 170,584 13,352 - 2,912 16,595 203,443 155,469 Net book value at end of year 217,521 8,993 - 1,776 13,544 241,834 203,443 Fixed assets have been stated at historical cost. 37 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Funding Statement Year ended 30 September 2003 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 16 Deposit on student residences At start of year Interest Transfer to capital reserves (see note 20) At end of year 2003 €000 2002 €000 6,227 62 (3,115) 5,739 488 - 3,174 6,227 The deposit on student residences relates to the Merville student residences, which were acquired by the University subsequent to the year-end. 17 Debtors and prepayments Contract research grants and projects recoverable State recurrent grant receivable State capital grant receivable Academic fees receivable Other debtors and prepayments Internal balances: - Pension fund - Trust fund - Departmental funds and ancillary services - Ancillary services surpluses from 1 October 1996 18 Stocks Livestock Horticulture and farm stock Restaurant stock Virus reference laboratory 2003 €000 2002 €000 13,298 1,886 1,014 579 4,236 7,805 1,784 25,543 288 2,884 1,010 509 56,421 3,106 171 63,508 2,395 82,059 104,378 2003 €000 2002 €000 138 246 34 240 142 246 31 - 658 419 38 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Funding Statement Year ended 30 September 2003 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 19 Creditors and accrued expenditure Contract research grants and projects unexpended State grant for recurrent expenditure received in advance Academic fees received in advance Other creditors and accruals Internal balances: - Unexpended approved allocations - Departmental funds and ancillary services - Trust fund 20 General reserve State capital grants Recurrent funding transfer from October 1996 Capital reserves Student centre levy Ancillary services Strategic initiative and innovation reserve Amortisation Amortisation at start of year Amortisation to revenue account for year Amortisation at end of year Amortisation - leased assets Opening balance €000 Current year movement €000 2003 €000 2002 €000 19,121 17,501 23,369 22,862 15,544 11,655 20,740 21,742 16,760 20,552 - 5,695 23,132 145 120,165 98,653 Closing balance €000 2002 €000 201,573 22,660 108,509 4,667 2,395 655 (8,294) 7,668 18,450 1,562 711 191 193,279 30,328 126,959 6,229 3,106 846 201,573 22,660 108,509 4,667 2,395 655 340,459 20,288 360,747 340,459 (97,835) 716 (18,151) - (115,986) 716 (97,835) 716 243,340 2,137 245,477 243,340 Capital reserves represent capital donations, surpluses on disposal of property, recurrent grants allocated to capital expenditure up to 1 October 1996 and funding from research grants after 1 October 1997 for the purchase of equipment. 21 Restricted reserves 2003 €000 2002 €000 At start of year Additions during the year 16,825 2,786 11,490 5,335 At end of year 19,611 16,825 Of this amount €16,198,433 represents accumulated reserves generated by Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the student residences, which under the original financing agreement have to be set aside as sinking funds. The purpose of these sinking funds is to generate sufficient funds to acquire full ownership of the student residences at future dates. 39 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Funding Statement Year ended 30 September 2003 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - continued 21 Restricted reserves - continued The balance €3,412,488 represents reserves to fund the acquisition of the Institute for the Study of Social Change at a future date. 22 Revenue reserves 2003 €000 2002 €000 At start of year Surplus for year Transfer to the strategic initiative and innovation reserve 1,286 495 (191) 1,126 350 (190) At end of year 1,590 1,286 2003 €000 2002 €000 23 Reconciliation of revenue account surplus to net cash outflow from operating activities Surplus for the year Less interest received (net) Depreciation of fixed assets Amortisation of general reserve Transfer to the strategic initiative and innovation reserve Decrease in investment Decrease/(increase) in debtors Decrease/(increase) in stocks Increase in creditors and accruals Surplus on ancillary services Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities 24 Analysis of net debt Cash in hand, at bank Debt due within one year Debt due after one year At 1 October 2002 €’000 495 (2,835) 18,151 (18,151) (191) 22,319 (241) 21,493 711 350 (2,918) 10,152 (10,152) (190) 52 (57,402) 42 10,588 142 41,751 (49,336) Cashflow €’000 At 30 September 2003 €’000 34,586 (6,227) - 33,629 6,227 (28,831) 68,215 (28,831) 28,359 11,025 39,384 25 Approval of the financial statements The financial statements were approved by the Governing Authority on 21 March 2006. 40 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Reconciliation with Funding Statement Year ended 30 September 2003 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin HEA funding statement and reconciliation Year ended 30 September 2003 Reconciliation with funding statement 41 University College Dublin National University of Ireland, Dublin Reconciliation with Funding Statement Year ended 30 September 2003 RECONCILIATION OF HEA FUNDING STATMENT WITH CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS YEAR ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2003 Consolidated financial statements €'000 Subsidiary Unincorporated companies ancillary activities €'000 €'000 GAAP adjustments HEA funding statement €'000 €'000 INCOME State grants Student fees Research grants and contracts Amortisation of deferred capital grants Other operating income Interest income 114,353 90,207 32,076 - - 1,835 (10,924) 2,656 116,188 79,283 34,732 8,467 29,827 1,512 44,837 - 14,283 - 9,684 (79,666) 1,323 18,151 9,281 2,835 Total income 276,442 44,837 14,283 (75,092) 260,470 Staff costs Other operating expenses Interest payable Depreciation 175,590 77,998 961 18,550 658 43,775 93 5,660 8,200 1 - (16,403) (54,565) (51) (492) 165,505 75,408 911 18,151 Total expenditure 273,099 44,526 13,861 (71,511) 259,975 3,343 311 422 (3,581) 495 EXPENDITURE Surplus for the year before taxation 42