(Back) (Cover) “My Pledge to Act — Love Our Home and Clean Hong Kong” 2015 Handbook Name of school: Name of student: Moral, Civic and National Education Section Curriculum Development Institute Education Bureau Copyright©2015. All Rights Reserved. Restricted to learning and teaching purpose. Class: No.: Content Introduction 1 Pledge Statement 2 User Guide 3 Goal Setting and Action Flowchart 5 Content Step 1: Self-evaluation and set short-term/interim/long-term goals Step 2: Make a goal statement Step 3: Formulate and select strategies Step 4: Review, revise and set goals and strategies Step 5: Action Step 6: Review and Reflection 6 7 8 9 10 12 Introduction "My Pledge to Act" has been held since 2003, now in its 13th year. The Education Bureau expects students to develop a healthy lifestyle in different areas through making a pledge collectively and putting the pledge into practice, rallying concerted efforts to cultivate in students positive values and attitudes, civic awareness and willingness to undertake social responsibility, so as to prepare them to become global citizens. The health of the worldwide community in recent years is under threat from the attacks of various types of influenza, Ebola virus disease and the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, etc. We have to stay vigilant against the invasion of viruses and bacteria by maintaining personal hygiene and keeping our home, school and community clean. Also, we can build up our immunity by practising healthy lifestyle, having a proper diet, regular exercise and adequate rest. “My Pledge to Act” 2015 is aimed at rallying efforts of families, schools, and other stakeholders in society to cultivate in students positive values and attitudes on practising healthy living, caring about our community, and becoming a responsible citizen and so forth. It is hoped that through “My Pledge to Act”, not only would students learn to be sensible and responsible citizens, but also turn our society into a better place. 1 “My Pledge to Act — Love Our Home and Clean Hong Kong ” 2015 Pledge Statement I (name) pledge, from now on, to maintain personal and public hygiene, work together to care about our family and the community, so as to “Love Our Home and Clean Hong Kong”. Date: Signature: 2 User Guide (Teachers and parents are encouraged to help students ready this Guide and the Flowchart at Page 5.) This handbook is aimed at providing approaches, skills or examples to help students set goals and put them into practice. Schools or teachers may enrich or select the content as appropriate according to the needs and abilities of students. Special features of this handbook are as follows: Three key areas, “Heart” (values), “Words” (language) and “Deeds” (practice), help students work out a multi-dimensional plan to achieve their goals; Content for formulating and selecting action plan are designed to help students consider possible strategies to achieve their goals, and the respective feasibility, before taking action; Students are encouraged to seek advice from others throughout the process of goal setting, acting on and achieving their goals. A few questions are put there to help them understand their situation; Students are also encouraged to review and reflect so that they can learn from their experience. 1. Review and revise the goals and feasibility of the strategies regularly. For example, short-term goals may be reviewed weekly; interim goals every two to three weeks and long-term goals every one to two months. (Students may review and revise their goals as needed.) 2. If subjective or objective factors vary, students may need to revise their goals or action plans. (e.g. They may adjust the time to achieve, the scope or the approach to achieve their goals or they may seek help etc.) 3. If students have doubts about their goals or the action plan, they may seek advice from others including teachers, family, social workers and peers. Students should remember the following as they move towards their goals: 3 4 Goal Setting and Action Flowchart Step 1: Make self-evaluation and Make self-evaluation at the beginning of the school year: set short-term/interim/ long-term goals Step 6: Review and reflect Step 2: Make a goal statement Collect information and seek advice Step 5: Carry out the plan and take action Step 3: Formulate and select strategies Step 4: Review, revise and determine goals and strategies 5 Step 1: Make self-evaluation and set short-term/interim/long-term goals My personal hygiene Good Needs improvement My daily exercise habit Good Needs improvement My daily nutritional intake Good Needs improvement My daily sleeping time Good Needs improvement My domestic hygiene Good Needs improvement My attention to school hygiene Good Needs improvement My attention to environmental hygiene in the community Good Needs improvement 6 Step 3: Formulate and select strategies Step 2: Make a goal statement After self-evaluation, I expect improvement most in the following aspect: Please be creative to think advantages and disadvantages of the strategy. Goal: Strategy (time required to achieve: Disadvantages 1 ) Date: Advantages Signature: 2 Goal review: 1. Is the goal achievable by me? 2. Is the time expected to achieve the goal appropriate? 3. Have I sought advice from others for the goal? Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No 3 I have already consulted the following people: After analysis, I have decided to use Strategy ______ because it is the most feasible/cost-effective/ gives me the greatest chance to achieve the goal. 7 8 Step 4: Review, revise and determine goals and strategies Step 5: Action Goal: Am I confident that I can achieve my goals on schedule? Have I collected information for deeper understanding? Have I consulted others for deeper understanding? Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No I can know more about the goals or strategies with the following methods: Method 1: Method 2: (time required to achieve: Time Week 1 ) Record Result How many days are spent on carrying Satisfactory/ out the strategy? Unsatisfactory Solution: I can consult the following people for advice: Advisor Comments, signature and date Week 2 My goal and strategy are revised as follows: Revised goal: Revised strategy: 9 How many days are spent on carrying Satisfactory/ out the strategy? Unsatisfactory Solution: 10 Step 6: Review and reflect Week 3 How many days are spent on carrying Satisfactory/ out the strategy? Unsatisfactory Date: Solution: 1. Have I achieved my goal? Yes/No 2. Have I achieved my goal as scheduled? Yes/No 3. I succeeded/failed because: Week 4 How many days are spent on carrying Satisfactory/ out the strategy? Unsatisfactory 4. I have learnt about my strengths/weaknesses: Solution:: 5. The advice/encouragement I received: 11 6. My thoughts and feelings (in text or drawing): 12