
Southeast Missouri State University
Department of
Title of Course:
Mass Media
Advertising & Society
Course No. MC 211
Catalog Description and Credit Hours of Course:
Study of the complex relationship between advertising content and placement with other facets of
society. (3)
Prerequisite (s):
Completion of 15 credit hours.
Purposes or Objectives of the Course:
The Department of Mass Media at Southeast Missouri State University holds accreditation in mass
communication from the Accrediting Council for Education in Journalism and Mass Communications
(ACEJMC). We embrace the values and competencies of ACEJMC.
The five key values are (1) freedom of speech and press; (2) history of communications; (3) diversity in
a global society; (4) application of theories in communications; and (5) legal and ethical issues in pursuit of
truth, accuracy, fairness and diversity.
The six key competencies are (1) critical, creative and independent thinking; (2) correct and clear
writing; (3) appropriate use of research and evaluation; (4) application of basic numerical and statistical
concepts; (5) appropriate application of tools and technologies for the communications professions; and (6)
critical evaluation of work for accuracy, fairness and clarity.
This course emphasizes ACEJMC values three, four, and five and competencies one and two.
To describe the role and relative importance of advertising in relation to modern consumer
culture and societal issues.
B. To describe the role and relative importance of advertising in relation to depictions and
representations of class, ethnicity, and societal power.
C. To describe the role and relative importance of advertising in relation to ethical decision making
with regard to advertising content and placement.
D. To describe and examine current issues, trends, and problems with advertising content and
Expectations of Students:
A. Attend all class meetings.
B. Read assigned materials.
C. Complete assigned exercises and exams to a specific level of competency.
D. Participate in class discussions and activities.
V. Course Content or Outline (Indicate number of class hours per unit or section):
A. Advertising’s Role in Consumer Culture - 4 weeks / 12 hrs
B. Advertising’s Role in Depictions and Representations of Society – 4 weeks / 12 hrs
C. Ethical Decision Making in Advertising – 2 weeks / 6 hrs
D. Current Trends/Issues/Problems in Advertising Content Production and Placement – 5 weeks /
VI. Textbook(s) and/or Other Required Materials or Equipment:
To be determined by the instructor with the consent of the advertising option coordinator and the
department chairperson.
VII. Basis for Student Evaluation:
A. Active Class Participation (50 points) – 12.5%
B. Written Assignments (50 points) – 12.5%
C. Exam 1 (100 points – 25%); Exam 2 (100 points – 25%); Exam 3 (100 points – 25%)
VIII. Grading Scale
Total Points = 400
90-100% = A
80-89% = B
70-79% = C
60-69% = D
0-59% = F