COURSE SYLLABUS SOUTHEAST MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Art Title of Course: Painting Portfolio I. AR 449 NEW Catalog Description and Credit Hours of Course: This course focuses on professional development in contemporary practice of the professional studio artist. Emphasis is on refinement of artwork through a self-directed special problem, in painting, 3 Credit Hours. II. Prerequisite (s): AR 426, or consent of instructor. III. Purposes or Objectives of the Course: A. To create a self-directed, highly cohesive and consistent original body of artwork in painting. B. To refine and develop the relationship between concept, content, technique and execution in painting. C. To explore the professional practice of exhibiting artwork in venues such as adjudicated competitions, galleries, museums and alternative spaces. D. To continue developing a relationship with the wider art world through reading current criticism and art theory, exploiting internet resources and independent and group travel to exhibitions. E. To continue to explore the creative possibilities formally, conceptually, and technically within the discipline of painting as it pertains to attaining personal and professional artistic goals. F. To continue to explore historical, contemporary, cultural, and contextual applications of painting media. G. To challenge the student’s creative insights and skills through individual and group critiques. IV. Expectations of Students: A. Attend all scheduled classes, and critical assessments of creative work. Work at least one hour outside of class for every hour of scheduled class time. B. Create a mature, original and cohesive portfolio of at least four paintings that builds upon and is consistent with previous work. C. Read all assigned readings. D. Demonstrate the ability to research: document research in writing and realize researched concepts in painted form. E. Complete all creative work according to guidelines by due date. F. Produce original paintings through a process of conceptual exploration and creative problem solving. G. Invest a minimum on one hour outside of class for every hour of class time. H. Exhibit a senior undergraduate/graduate student level of technical confidence and mastery of multiple painting media and techniques. I. Create artwork at an advanced, senior/graduate art student level. V. Course Content or Outline: A. Course Units – 96 total studio contact hours a. Unit 1 – (10 hrs) – Introduction – Artist Statements, Resumes Exhibition Opportunities b. Unit 2 – (70 hrs) - Independent research and completion of artwork c. Unit 3 – (16 hrs) - Exhibiting, Promotion of artwork, gallery contacts, competitions the basics of legitimate art marketing. Practical photo documentation of two-dimensional artwork. VI. Textbook(s) and Required Materials or Equipment: A. PAINTING AS A LANGUAGE : Robertson and McDaniel (rent) B. WHY ART CANNOT BE TAUGHT: James Elkins (recommended) C. THE PRACTICAL HANDBOOK FOR THE EMERGING ARTIST: Margaret Lazarri, (recommended) D. It is expected that the students will need to purchase an estimated minimum of $60 to $80 in supplies (painting materials and tools). VII. Basis for Student Evaluation: A. Evaluation will be based on participation during class discussions, written work, and completed paintings. B. Painting 1 Painting 2 Painting 3 Painting 4 Final Artist Package – Statement, Resume, Artwork Documentation Participation 100 points 100 points 100 points 100 points Total 100 points 100 points 600 points C. Grading scale: A=525-600 points B=400-525 C=200-400 D=100-200 F=below 100