
Southeast Missouri State University
Department of Art
Title of Course: Drawing Portfolio
Course No. AR 414
Catalog Description and Credit Hours of Course:
This course offers students an opportunity to use simple, direct and
spontaneous drawing processes to develop a personal vision while creating a
cohesive portfolio of original drawings, 3 credit hours.
II. Prerequisite (s): AR 314
III. Purposes or Objectives of the Course:
A. To refine and further develop both observational and inventive/conceptual
drawing skills acquired in lower level drawing classes, toward confident
consistent stylistic direction.
B. To encourage wide ranging investigation and experimentation with
drawing media and technique toward the discovery and development of
individual interests, ideas and expression.
C. To use the quick, direct and spontaneous nature of drawing to explore,
accelerate, deepen and focus student’s individual creative process, product
and confidence.
D. To assist students in discovering and building on the identifying traits in
their work which may be developed into hallmarks of original style.
E. To address drawing as a creative end in its own right as well as the primary
engine that drives the creative process underlying other modes of visual
F. To further explore the various roles drawing plays in the contemporary art
world through internet resources, videos, travel to exhibitions and selected
reading of current critical literature and art theory.
G. To create a portfolio of mature drawings which, collectively, develop
themes and inventions in depth, and relate to and enlarge upon one another
in concept, technique and in execution.
Expectations of Students:
A. To attend all scheduled classes, lectures and presentations.
B. To work independently, making productive use of unstructured studio
work time in and outside of class, investing a minimum one hour outside for
each hour in class.
C. To do independent research that may be presented in discussion, oral
and/or written form and then realized in the form of inventive drawings.
D. To create a cohesive portfolio of original drawings demonstrating a depth
of involvement and originality consistent with better undergraduate studio
V. Course Content or Outline (Indicate number of class hours per unit or section):
B. Course Units – 96 total studio contact hours
a. Portfolio 1 - (19hrs) – out of class research/16hr. studio, 3hr. Critique
b. Portfolio 2 - (19hrs) - out of class research/16hr. studio, 3hr. Critique
c. Portfolio 3 - (19hrs) - out of class research/16hr. studio, 3hr. Critique
d. Portfolio 4 - (19hrs) - out of class research/16hr. studio, 3hr. Critique
e. Portfolio 5 - (20hrs) - out of class research/16hr. studio, 3hr. Critique
VI. Textbook(s) and Materials or Equipment:
B. ADVICE TO YOUNG ARTISTS in a Postmodern Era:
William V. Dunning w/Ben Mahmoud
C. It is expected that the students will need to purchase an estimated minimum
of $40 in drawing supplies .
VII. Basis for Student Evaluation:
A. Evaluation will be based on participation during class discussions and
critiques, presentation, written or oral, of independent (out of class)
research, and 5 mini portfolios consisting of three drawings each. Each
portfolio is subject to critique. A summary artist’s statement distilled from
the independent research is also required.
Research, written and oral presentation
Portfolio 1
Portfolio 2
Portfolio 3
Portfolio 4
Portfolio 5
Artist Statement
Grading scale:
A=525-600 points
50 points
75 points
75 points
75 points
75 points
75 points
75 points
100 points
Total 600 points
F=below 100