SOUTHEAST MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY Department : Criminal Justice & Sociology Course No. CJ650 Title of Course: Seminar in Criminal Justice Leadership and Practice New Fall 2010 I. Catalog Description and Credit Hours of Course The capstone course is designed to showcase students’ integration and synthesis of the graduate experience from both a theoretical and practical framework. 3 credit hours. II. Prerequisite (s) Graduate standing. Students enrolled in the capstone course are expected to be in the last semester or two of the graduate program. III. Purpose or Objectives of the Course 1. To develop an understanding of organizational theory as it relates to the structural, human resource, political and symbolic perspectives of an organization. 2. To provide an overview of leadership theory and practice. 3. To acquire an awareness of the role of ethics in the criminal justice system. 4. To present a synopsis of administration and management in criminal justice organizations. 5. To explore the various types of policy/program evaluations and to construct an evaluative analysis. IV. Expectations of Students 1. Attendance and participation in the classroom. 2. Read all assigned material and participate in a lecture-discussion format. 3. Completion of class assignments and presentations by due date. 1 V. Course Content Topics include, but are not limited to: 1. Organizational Theory (12 hours) a. b. c. d. The Structural Frame The Human Resource Frame The Political Frame The Symbolic Frame 2. Leadership Theory (9 hours) a. Defining Leadership b. Improving Leadership Practice c. Team Leadership 3. Ethics & Civil Liability in Criminal Justice (6 hours) a. The Importance of Ethics in Criminal Justice b. The Ethics of Criminal Justice Policy Making c. Definition of Civil Liability along with current issues and trends 4. Criminal Justice Organizations: Administration and Management (6 hours) a. Management vs. Leadership b. Current Issues in Administration and Management 5. Criminal Justice Policy Evaluation (12 hours) a. b. c. d. e. Needs Evaluation Theory Evaluation Implementation Evaluation Outcome and Impact Evaluations Cost-efficiency Evaluation Total Hours: 45 VI. Textbook(s) and/or Other Required Materials or Equipment Bolman, L. & Deal, T. (2008) Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice and leadership (4th ed.). San Francisco, CA: John Wiley & Sons. 2 Mears, D. (2010). American criminal justice policy: An evaluation approach to increasing accountability and effectiveness. New York: Cambridge University Press. Stojkovic, S. (et. al) (2007). Criminal justice organizations: Administration and management. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thompson Learning. Ross, D. L. (2009). Civil liability in Criminal Justice (5th ed.) Dayton, OH: Anderson Publishing Company. VII. Basis for Student Evaluation Students will be evaluated on the satisfactory performance of three major written assignments designed to showcase each student’s understanding of the course materials/topics. Written assignments include: Leadership/organizational theory & application; issues and trends in criminal justice; and an evaluative analysis of a criminal justice program. A presentation component will be incorporated into the evaluative analysis. Specific assignments and the percentage of the course grade will be explained in class. VIII. Grading Scale 90-100% 80-89% 70-79% 69% or Below A B C F The weight of the evaluation criteria will vary according to each instructor and will be communicated at the beginning of the course. IX. Academic Policy Statement Students will be expected to abide by the University Policy for Academic Honesty regarding plagiarism and academic honesty. Refer to: X. Student with Disabilities Statement If a student has a special need addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and requires materials in an alternative format, please notify the instructor at the beginning of the course. Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate special needs. 3