UCD Registry Assessment Clárlann UCD Measúnú INVIGILATION CLAIM FORM Surname: Telephone: First Name: Email: Exam Centre/Hospital: P Personnel Number: Role: 1. Standard Invigilator 2. Assistant to Team Leader 3. Team Leader 4. Hospital 5. Amanuensis 6. Deputy IIC 7. IIC Day Date Time worked from Time worked until Total No. of Hours Initial of Invigilator in Charge / Head of School/ Hospital Administrator PAYMENT RATES Have you invigilated in the Irish Public Sector prior to September 2012? Please tick as appropriate: Yes No A New Entrant rate will be paid to any invigilator who has not invigilated in the Irish Public Sector prior to September 2012. PENSION INFORMATION Are you a member of a public service pension scheme, entitled to a benefit under a public service pension scheme or receive a payment or allowance in lieu of membership of a public service pension scheme (other than a UCD Pension Scheme)? Please tick as appropriate: Yes No If yes, please complete the Pension Related Deduction Form, available at HR Forms and forward it to the Compensation and Benefits Unit, UCD HR. If you have already submitted a declaration form, please sign the claim form and return it for payment. I certify that the details claimed above are correct Signed: Invigilator Date: AUTHORISATION By Invigilator in Charge/Head Of School/Hospital Administrator Print Name - BLOCK Signature: Name of School: Date: Please note: It is the invigilator’s responsibility to complete this form accurately. Incomplete forms will not be processed. To receive payment you must ensure that you have filled in the correct Personnel Number on this claim form. Any queries please email: invigilation@ucd.ie For Assessment Use Only: Approved: Date: Please return completed forms to: Invigilation, Assessment, UCD Registry, Tierney Building, Belfield, Dublin 4 Phone: +353 1 716 1689/1389/1769 Fax: +353 1 716 1198 Email: invigilation@ucd.ie Web: www.ucd.ie/registry/assessment