FCS Senior Applied Learning Program Pittsburg State University

FCS Senior Applied Learning Program
Pittsburg State University
Purpose of the Senior Applied Learning Program
The objectives of the Senior Applied Learning Program are to provide professional experiences
which complement undergraduate study within the department that develop further knowledge
and skills related to their field, to expand the students understanding of possible future
graduate assistantship experiences, to introduce the student to new career opportunities and
Pittsburg State University (PSU) is an equal opportunity/ affirmative action employer. The
University has filed with the Federal Government an Assurance of Compliance with Section
504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended. The University does not discriminate on the
basis of disability, and no qualified person shall, on the basis of disability, be excluded from
participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under
any program or activity which receives or benefits from federal assistance.
Each applicant must complete an application for appointment. This application shall include
educational background, types of skills possessed, and previous experience. Students can
request certain types of experiences, but selection will be done by the faculty based on their
needs. Following selection students have the option of accepting or rejecting the appointment.
Following review of potential candidates, faculty may interview individual applicants.
The awarding of a position for one semester does not imply future assignments.
Considerations for an assignment shall include faculty availability, faculty needs and job
Each selected senior assistant should meet with the assigned faculty member at the start of the fall
semester to outline a job description, responsibilities, and workload. Faculty should meet with the
student periodically to evaluate work performance and maintain oversight.
The Department Head in consultation with faculty, determines the availability of, and approves
senior assistant positions.
Period Of Appointment
Senior assistants are appointed on a one semester basis. In some cases, this appointment may
be extended to additional semesters.
Evaluation is a crucial part of the program. Supervision and performance reviews should be an
ongoing process of communication between the faculty member and the assistant. At least
one formal evaluation of all assistants will occur each semester. These evaluations supply
additional feedback to the assistant and make the evaluation a supportive process that helps the
assistant to identify strengths and weaknesses and to plan for improvement.
Application for Consideration for
FCS 670: Senior Applied Learning
E-mail address
Tentative Graduation Date:
Option Area or Major:
Number of Credit Hours you would like (Circle one) 1 2 3
What is your career objective:
List the courses you have taken in your option area and the grades for each:
Each student is expected to attach a one-page narrative that addresses why they are seeking
to have this experience and how it will fit into their graduation/career goals.
Please include a schedule of your classes for the semester for which you are applying.
Discuss with your advisor what this program includes.
FCS 670: Senior Applied Learning is available on a competitive basis for students interested
in working in a mentored relationship with faculty.
Name: _________________________
Academic Year: ____________
Student Number: ________________
Supervisor: _______________
Area of Study: __________________________
Please evaluate your student using the scale listed below.
1. Excellent
2. Above Average
3. Average
____ Relations with others
____ Quantity of completed work.
____ Ability to learn and apply new
skills and procedures
____ Judgment
____ Punctuality
____ Attitude
____ Dependability
____ Quality of work
____ Attendance
____ Initiative
____ Job knowledge and aptitude.
____ Adaptability and acceptance of
____ Quality of completed work.
____ Overall Performance
Total Points: __________
Please return to: Dr. Duane A. Whitbeck, 101 FCS Building