Pittsburg State USS Senate Minutes for February 11, 2015

Pittsburg State USS Senate Minutes for February 11, 2015
Next Meeting: Wednesday, March 11th, 2014
Location: Physical Plant Conference Room, 1:30 pm
The University Support Staff Senate welcomes all University Support staff employees; you do
not have to be a Senator to attend.
Welcome guests:
Senators Present: Natalie Ballard, John Bartels, Carrol Bell, Terri Blessent, Barbara Circle,
Dacia Clark, Phillip Deierling, Dina Gladson, Brenda Hawkins, Donna Jacobs, Karen LaSota,
Leah Mackey, Michelle Mitchell-Carrier, Tracey Mussa, Terry Pierce, Irene Robinson, Jessica
Williams and Stephanie Willis.
Senators Absent: Bryna Broyles (excused), Heather Busch (excused), and Craig Stokes
Opening of Meeting
Meeting called to order by Senate President Barbara Circle at 1:30 PM.
Review of Meeting Minutes
The minutes for January 14th, 2015 were reviewed. The minutes were accepted after a
motion for approval was made, seconded, and passed.
Treasurer’s Report:
a. Budget Account: Beginning Balance: $1,487.97 No expenses Ending Balance:
b. Foundation Account: Beginning Balance: $35.73 No expenses Ending Balance:
Senate President’s Report with University President
a. PSU sent in documents to CBIZ last week for the USS Salary and Title
Management Plan project. We were the first of the four Regents institutions to
complete this phase of the project. We had excellent participation by USS
employees. Of the 295 USS positions that are currently filled, 266 Job Analysis
Questionnaires were completed. We should be proud of this 90% completion
b. Dr. Scott still recommends that USS Council have a legislative breakfast with
KBOR like Faculty Senate.
c. Governor has made a 2% cut to Higher Ed, resulting in $710,000.00 to PSU.
President Scott continues to report that while PSU is disheartened at this news,
they have been prepared and are acting accordingly.
d. Convocation Feedback-Dr. Scott has requested feedback on Convocation: there
were many employees that were told it was mandatory but were not notified until
last minute that they were required to go and this made it difficult for them. It was
determined that it was not mandatory but Dr. Scott wanted everyone to have the
opportunity to attend. Others wanted more time spent on pertinent information but
many enjoyed the funny parts of the presentation. It was mentioned that
microphones in the audience would have been helpful.
Committee Reports:
a. Internal Committees:
i. By-Laws: Dacia Clark, Barbara Circle, Terri Blessent, Heather Busch,
Dina Gladson, & Tracey Mussa-Will vote today on Constitutional changes
ii. Election: Natalie Ballard & Heather Busch: No report.
iii. Legislative: Shawn Naccarato-see below.
iv. Public Relations: Bryna Broyles. Bryna not present to make report.
v. USS Council Conference Call: Barbara Circle, Terri Blessent, Heather
Busch, and Natalie Ballard
1. KPERS: Still concerned about this being underfunded
2. JAQ (Job Analysis Questionnaire) completed at PSU, not done at
other universities yet
vi. Welcoming Committee: Karen LaSota & Dina Gladson
1. Employee:
Shelly Morgan
Custodial Specialist
Department: Housing Maintenance
University Support Staff
b. External Committees:
i. Advisory Policy Making Board of the Student Center: Brenda Hawkins.
Donna Jacobs subbed this month. Commerce bank closed last Friday. OSC
operating fees per credit hour currently are $54.00 but since Gorilla Card
moved out of the OSC, their total fees are $47.50. OSC is requesting a $7
increase in fees which includes a $1 increase for the Student activities
council for supplies, computers and to replace an old printer. Increase was
voted on and passed. Groups are being allowed to take tours but number
of people is being limited as it is a hard hat area. There are 4 new
conference rooms and names are being recommended: Silverback Room,
Cottonwood Room, State Room and the James Crawford Room.
ii. Athletic Council: Stephanie Willis. Stephanie has a scheduling conflict
and cannot serve on this committee. Donna Jacobs is serving in her place.
Next meeting is Friday, Feb 20th.
iii. Athletic Fee Council: Brenda Hawkins: No report
iv. Diversity: Barbara Circle: No Report
v. Information Technology Council: Tracey Mussa: Committee met on Jan
15th. Discussed Office 365, each employee is allowed 15 licenses at no
cost, 1,000 licenses have been issued to date. Gorilla Geeks will be
offering training in the future. State of KS password policy has changed;
passwords must be changed every 6 months and the system will prompt
you, no decision has been made when this will occur. Papercut computer
off-site lab printing is being piloted in the Axe library. This gives students
the capability to print from home to a lab printer on campus. There is
funding for 12 printing labs on campus. OIS has 35 IT projects on their
list and are very busy right now. ERP is moving forward and are waiting
on budget approvals.
Outstanding Seniors: Natalie Ballard. Meetings are set for March 6th, 13th
and 27th.
Parking: Phillip Dierling: No report.
Social Media Work Group: Leah Mackey: Next meeting is on Feb 19th.
Strategic Planning: Dacia Clark: All goals have been completed and have
been given to the consultants for review.
Student Health Fee: Natalie Ballard. Meeting was held on Feb 6th, a $4
increase was requested to help fund the full time physician that will be
starting in June. Dr. Kathleen Sandness is currently working at the Health
Center a few hours per week and is under contract. It was discussed that
funds have already been set aside to partially fund her yearly salary but
part of the increase would fully fund her salary. One of the current Nurse
Practitioners will be decreasing her hours and will be an 8 month position
to compensate as well. A vote was made and the $4 increase was passed.
Tuition: Barbara Circle. Committee met for the 1st time on Tuesday,
January 27th. John Patterson explained the different components of what
we would be reviewing. Our next meeting is: Friday, March 6th at
University Critical Incident and Crisis Response Advisory, Planning,
Evaluation and Support Team: Barbara Circle: No Report
University Diversity Council: Barbara Circle: No Report
USS Performance Review & Modification for 4 Rating Factors: Barbara
Circle, Dacia Clark, & Terri Blessent: No Report
1. Still waiting for updated copy from HR to make available to all
USS staff.
University Scholarship Committee: Barbara Circle: No Report
University Legislative Coordinating Council: Barbara Circle
1. Tuition rates for retired military personnel, veterans, spouses, and
2. Additional revenue for Kansas Law Enforcement Training Centers
3. Statute governing leave time authorization introduced in Senate
Ways and Means Committee on 05Feb2015
4. 60% degree and certificate attainment resolution HCR5011
5. Increase the threshold to $1,000,000.00 for projects requiring
formal procurement of architectural or engineering services and
streamline the notice and public hearing requirements for
alternative construction methods
6. Lottery Modernization Bill: Allows for lottery to pay for
advertising at university games SB61. Voted on 05Feb2015.
7. EBF Increase Bill (HB2019) asks to increase the state mil levy
from 1 mil to 4 mils. Shawn Naccarato does not think it will make
it out of committee.
8. Governor’s Urban Development Plan: Otherwise known as the
urban opportunity zones, will be determined by zip codes, not the
entire county.
9. Patent Infringement Bill (SB38)
10. Revenge Porn Bill: State lawmakers consider a bill to make socalled revenge porn illegal in Kansas. That’s where someone posts
nude photos of somebody they don’t like, typically an ex-lover, on
the internet. Right now, there’s nothing on the books in the state
prohibiting that. In the past two years thirteen states have passed
laws to make that a crime.
11. Concealed Carry Bill (SB115 & HB2190): This bill attempts to
circumvent the preemption on local control and an agreement that
already exists to allow concealed carry in public buildings that do
not provide adequate security by the end of the original four year
12. Concealed Carry for Public Employees (SB65): Carrying of
concealed handguns by public employees while engaged in
13. Open Carry/Constitutional Carry (SB45): Authorizing the carrying
of concealed handguns without a license under the personal and
family protection act.
14. Undocumented Students Bill (HB ???): Exclude undocumented
students from in-state tuition
15. Prohibition on using University title in op-eds criticizing
legislators (HB2234): Requiring postsecondary institutions to
adopt and implement a policy and plan to prohibit employees from
using their official titles in certain publications.
16. Taxpayer Accountability and Empowerment Act (HB2153):
Taxpayer empowerment, accountability and transparency in state
contracting act.
17. Open Records Accessibility (SB98): Open records, charges
limited; open meetings; minutes required.
18. PSU/City of Pittsburg Land Exchange
19. Moving local elections and making them partisan (HB2145): Help
Kansas vote act.
Old Business
a. None
VIII. New Business
a. Constitutional Changes-By-Laws have been reviewed by entire Senate and Natalie
Ballard is working on corrections. There was discussion regarding Article III
regarding new employees in their 6 month probationary period, a motion was made
and seconded to leave probationary verbiage as is.
i. There was more discussion regarding Article III and it was determined the
understanding of this verbiage was misunderstood by the Senate and a
motion was made and seconded to amend the previous motion to change
the verbiage in Article III that states “All USS employees, permanent and
probationary, of PSU, except temporary and emergency employees, shall
constitute the Electorate of the Senate” to state new employees must
complete their 6 month probationary period before they are eligible to be a
ii. There was discussion regarding Regulation # 1 Elections, section B
Executive Council #4, motion was made and seconded to change the word
“telephone” poll to “documented” poll. This will allow proof and
documentation that such poll took place in the event of a tie.
iii. Motion was made and seconded to approve the revised Constitution.
b. End of Year Banquet: Dina Gladson, Barbara Circle. Need one more volunteer for
planning: Irene Robinson and Craig Stokes volunteered.
c. Elections- Natalie Ballard and Heather Busch to begin reviewing roster to
determine who is up for election and has served their terms.
Good of the Order
a. Dr. Scott and Shawn Nacarrato will be guest speakers at April 8th meeting
b. USS Appreciation Picnic: Wednesday, May 27th @ 11:30am on East Side of
c. PSU Service Award & Retirement Recognition Ceremony: Thursday, April 23rd @
3:00pm at the Bicknell Family Center for the Arts
Adjournment: 2:40pm
Minutes recorded by Natalie Ballard