Reagan High School Department of Instructional Technology Reagan High School Instructional Technology Implementation Plan 2008-2009 The Campus Technology Committee has developed this Technology Plan. It is aligned with the Austin ISD Technology Plan and the State Long Range Plan for Technology. The campus strategies focus on goals and objectives related to Teaching and Learning and Educator Staff Development. Campus Tech Plan 2008-2009 1 of 9 Reagan High School Department of Instructional Technology Reagan High School Instructional Technology Implementation Plan 2008-2009 The following staff participated in the development of this Technology Plan: Julio Martinez Mr. MacPherson Nicole Howard Sebastian Castro Principal and ITRC Signatures. Fax this page to Instructional Technology 414-6567 Ismael Villafañe Principal Campus Tech Plan 2008-2009 Julio Martinez Instructional Technology Resource Contact 2 of 9 Reagan High School Department of Instructional Technology Existing Infrastructure Conditions: Number of students Number of teachers Average number of computers per classroom Number of computer labs available for general use Number of computers in library for student use Number of wireless mobile computer labs (COWS) Approximate number of computers (Teacher and Student) Approximate number of computer projectors Number of campus based technology support staff 970 85 3 5 25 4 452 40 2 Summary of current technology needs on our campus: (Brief summary describing current hardware/infrastructure issues/status.) We need to increase the number of computers available for student use as well as expanding the computer labs and the library. Acquire additional COWS for the campus. Summary of most recent Campus STaR Chart Data Most teachers do not feel confident in integrating technology into the curriculum. They do not use online learning activities as part of their daily instruction. They still need training in using online lessons as part of their instruction TEACHING AND LEARNING Campus Tech Plan 2008-2009 Campus Rating 3 of 9 Reagan High School Department of Instructional Technology Patterns of Classroom Use 2 Frequency/Design of Instructional Setting Using Digital Content 2 Content Area Connections 2 Technology Applications (TA) TEKS Implementation 2 Student Mastery of Technology Applications (TA) TEKS 2 Online Learning 2 EDUCATOR PREPARATION AND DEVELOPMENT Campus Rating Content of Professional Development 2 Models of Professional Development 2 Capabilities of Educators 2 Access to Professional Development 1 Levels of Understanding and Patterns of Use 2 Professional Development for Online Learning 2 LEADERSHIP, ADMINISTRATION, AND INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT Campus Rating Leadership and Vision 2 Planning 2 Instructional Support 2 Communication and Collaboration 2 Budget 2 Leadership and Support for Online Learning 2 INFRASTRUCTURE FOR TECHNOLOGY Campus Rating Students per Computer 2 Internet Access Connectivity/Speed 3 Campus Tech Plan 2008-2009 4 of 9 Reagan High School Department of Instructional Technology Other Classroom Technology Technical Support Local Area Network Wide Area Network Distance Learning Capacity 2 2 2 2 Staff Development Needs (Brief summary based on STaR Chart results.) The Star Chart results indicate a need for professional development in regards to the use of equipment and tech resources. Most of the teachers need additional training with Class XP and Igpro. Future Vision and Direction (Brief statement describing where your campus would like to be in three years related to technology integration.) In three years we would like the campus to have a wireless access. More computer labs available for teachers. We would also like to have in place mounted ceiling projectors in each classroom, but most importantly, for teachers to be proficient in basic technology, such as Igpro, Lotus Notes, SASI, PowerPoint, SEEDS, IFAS and Class XP. We would also like to have more training for current teachers as well as new teachers in all areas of software, such as Atomic Learning, United Streaming, and Safari-Montage. Motivate students in exploring through the use of the distance-learning lab. Provide ongoing training throughout the year in campus or at district workshops Campus Tech Plan 2008-2009 5 of 9 Reagan High School Department of Instructional Technology Goal 1: Teaching and Learning Objective: A. Utilize technology to improve student proficiency in and mastery of TEKS, TAKS and IPG objectives. Actions/ Implementation 1. 2. 3. 4. Utilize STAR Chart to evaluate student and staff technology practices and proficiencies Work with District to provide and promote AISD technology applications a. Offer at least four of the eight statemandated technology applications courses Utilize Study Island Software to support TAKS instruction and review Utilize NovaNet and Delta lab for credit recovery and acceleration Campus Tech Plan 2008-2009 Responsibility Timeline Resources Evaluation ITRC Complete by June, 2009 Online STAR Chart site ( STAR Chart submitted; on file with IT and campus Tech App Teachers ITRC Administrative Team Counselors August, 2008 Tech App IPG’s Curriculum Team ITRC On-going Study Island software Study Island student data TAKS scores Delta Teachers Curriculum Team On-going NovaNet lab Student credits and graduation rates 6 of 9 Reagan High School Department of Instructional Technology 5. 6. 7. Utilize district test monitoring software to evaluate benchmark and TAKS scores for every student and use the data to target and improve instruction Utilize United Streaming videos to enhance core content instruction Utilize library/media services to enhance core content instruction Curriculum Team Classroom Teachers On-going Test monitoring software Benchmark scores TAKS scores Classroom Teachers ITRC On-going Classroom Teachers Librarian ITRC On-going United Streaming ( Safari-Montage Library media tools, educator resources ( Every teacher will have a United Streaming and a Safari Montage account Every teacher will have assess to the library media services as provided by the district and every student will be made aware of available resources Goal 2: Educator Preparation and Development Actions/ Implementation 1. 2. Provide and maintain a mix of computer labs, classroom computers, and mobile labs for student use Provide and maintain adequate technology for teacher and student use; such as computer projectors, presentation cameras (Elmos), video cameras, and digital cameras Campus Tech Plan 2008-2009 Responsibility Timeline Resources Evaluation ITRC Tech Specialist Administrative Team Curriculum Team ITRC Tech Specialist Administrative Team Curriculum Team On-going District IT staff and resources Campus budget Teacher and student computer use Technology budget On-going District IT staff and resources Campus budget Teacher and student computer use Technology budget 7 of 9 Reagan High School Department of Instructional Technology 3. Implement use of a wireless network for student and staff laptop computers Tech Specialist On-going District IT staff Working wireless network by August, 2008 Goal: 3. Facilitate use of information resources to improve instruction. Objective: A. Use Internet and intranet resources to improve communication. Actions/ Implementation 1. Maintain campus websites (entry page and main page) and advertise them 2. Maintain Lotus Notes calendar as official master calendar 3. Increase number of teachers who develop and use class web pages and blogs. 4. Utilize district forums and webpages to improve communication with other schools 5. Distance Learning Lab Campus Tech Plan 2008-2009 Responsibility Timeline Resources Evaluation Public Relations Specialist ITRC Tech Specialist On-going District software and servers Number of hits on websites Administrative team On-going Lotus Notes Calendar updated weekly ITRC Tech Specialist Curriculum Team Classroom Teachers ITRC Administrative Team Curriculum Team Classroom Teachers ITRC Tech Specialist Curriculum Team Classroom Teachers On-going District software Number of teacher web sites On-going District forums and webpages On-going 8 of 9 Reagan High School Department of Instructional Technology Goal: 4. Provide educator development to support instructional goals. Objective: A. Provide teachers with staff development at individualized ability levels and “just in time” support. Actions/ Implementation 1. 2. 3. Provide training and support in the use of Reagan and AISD networks and Lotus Notes Provide training and support in the use of IG Pro grade book software Provide professional development opportunities on integrating technology into teaching Campus Tech Plan 2008-2009 Responsibility Timeline ITRC August, 2008 Resources Evaluation AISD intranet ITRC Office Data Personnel August, 2008 Curriculum Team ITRC On-going AISD intranet PDC District IT staff Grades and progress reports submitted correctly in a timely fashion 9 of 9