Boone Elementary Department of Instructional Technology Boone Instructional Technology Implementation Plan 2007-2008 Correlates with Austin ISD Vision for Technology 2004-2008 Goal 1: Provide instructional technology leadership for district objectives and initiatives. Goal 3: Facilitate the use of information resources to improve instruction. Goal 4: Provide educator development to support instructional goals. (Goal 2—refers to non-IT resources) Campus Tech Plan 2008-2009 1 of 5 Boone Elementary Department of Instructional Technology Boone Instructional Technology Implementation Plan 2008-2009 The following staff participated in the development of this Technology Plan: Kathy Noack Michael Buthe Carolyn Brew Angela Bailey Misty Poe Martha Williamson Gwen Canning Melissa Mercado Anna Thomas Wanda Atwood Principal and ITRC Signatures. Kathy Noack Principal Campus Tech Plan 2008-2009 Michael Buthe Instructional Technology Resource Contact 2 of 5 Boone Elementary Department of Instructional Technology Goal: 1. Provide instructional technology leadership for District objectives and initiatives. Actions/ Implementation Responsibility 1. Develop and update technology CIP th 2. Implement assessments for 5 grades 3. Create STAR chart by assessing campus needs ITRC CAC ITRC, 5th grade teachers ITRC admin 4. Implement Technology TEKS All Staff 5. Report testing data via web-based reporting tools such as AIMS All Staff 6. Report attendance via ClassXP All Staff Campus Tech Plan 2008-2009 Timeline Resources As needed Time/surveys April/May 2008 Fall 2008 On-line computers Surveys Aug, Jan, May IPGs Year-round Time Daily Classroom computers Evaluation CIP submitted Results used to drive instruction for 08-09 STAR chart submitted Teacher lesson plans. Results of assessments Submitted to district Submitted to district 3 of 5 Boone Elementary Department of Instructional Technology Goal: 3. Facilitate use of information resources to improve instruction. Actions/ Implementation 1. Provide lab for use for all teachers 2. Provide each team with scanner and digital camera & training 3. Upkeep of equipment and lab 4. Use United Streaming to supplement instruction 5. Use to address technology TEKS 6. Training with ibooks for 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders 7. Technology team meets monthly to review technology 8. Teachers use test-reporting tools (AIMS) to drive instruction and tutoring 9. Teachers use computers to create/enrich content instruction 10. Teachers use technology to create 2 projects with class per semester Campus Tech Plan 2008-2009 Responsibility ITRC, Principal, CAC, IT ITRC, Principal, PTA, CAC, IT ITRC, Help Desk Staff Staff Timeline Year-round Resources IT budget Fall 2008 IT budget, PTA funds Time IPGs Year-round Year-round Aug, Jan, May accounts Every 2 weeks ITRC, Principal, Tech Team Once a month Time, training for librarian Time Staff Aug, Jan, Feb, Apr, May Time, planning days Year-round Computers in class, time Computers in class, time Librarian Staff Staff Dec, May Evaluation sign-up sheet document, use student work reflections Teachers will use equipment to supplement instruction 30 working computers in lab Each teacher has United Streaming account Each teacher sets up class for account and Principal pulls usage reports Librarian uses progressive lessons w/students Assessments on tests show increased use of technology in classrooms Results submitted to administration. Lesson plans reflect addressing weaknesses Lesson plans reflect… Finish product/ Technology Night 4 of 5 Boone Elementary Department of Instructional Technology Goal: 4. Provide educator development to support instructional goals. Actions/ Implementation 1. Staff development of required programs/sites at faculty meetings 2. Provide opportunity for professional development Campus Tech Plan 2008-2009 Responsibility Principal, ITRC Principal Timeline Resources Once a month ITRC training Once a month Boone budget Evaluation Technology talks incorporated into faculty meetings agenda ("Tech Ten") Discussion presented to faculty meetings after professional development 5 of 5