BLANTON ELEMENTARY Department of Instructional Technology <<BLANTON ELEMENTARY>> Instructional Technology Implementation Plan 2008-2009 The Campus Technology Committee has developed this Technology Plan. It is aligned with the Austin ISD Technology Plan and the State Long Range Plan for Technology. The campus strategies focus on goals and objectives related to Teaching and Learning and Educator Staff Development. Campus Tech Plan 2008-2009 1 of 11 BLANTON ELEMENTARY Department of Instructional Technology <<CAMPUS NAME>> Instructional Technology Implementation Plan 2008-2009 The following staff participated in the development of this Technology Plan: Joseph Beam ITRC Israel Torres Lauren Clayton Huckleberry Spear Principal and ITRC Signatures. Fax this signature page only to Instructional Technology 414-6567. The entire plan should be submitted via email to Marc Thrall. Leslie Dusing Principal Campus Tech Plan 2008-2009 Joseph Beam Instructional Technology Resource Contact 2 of 11 BLANTON ELEMENTARY Department of Instructional Technology Existing Infrastructure Conditions: Number of students Number of teachers Average number of computers per classroom Number of computer labs available for general use Number of computers in library for student use Number of wireless mobile computer labs (COWS) Approximate number of computers (Teacher and Student) Approximate number of computer projectors Number of campus based technology support staff 525 75 4 1 4 2 (very old and in poor shape) 195 6 0 Summary of current technology needs on our campus: (The primary issue is the complete lack of on- campus support staff. This impacts every aspect of technology on our campus.) Summary of most recent Campus STaR Chart Data School Technology and Readiness – Teacher Tool for Planning and Self-Assessing Criteria and more information can be found online at Campus STaR chart ratings based on Teacher STaR Charts as submitted to the Texas Education Agency. Ratings are based on the following scale. 1=Early Tech 2=Developing Tech 3=Advanced Tech 4=Target Tech Campus Tech Plan 2008-2009 3 of 11 BLANTON ELEMENTARY Department of Instructional Technology TEACHING AND LEARNING Patterns of Classroom Use Frequency/Design of Instructional Setting Using Digital Content Content Area Connections Technology Applications (TA) TEKS Implementation Student Mastery of Technology Applications (TA) TEKS Online Learning EDUCATOR PREPARATION AND DEVELOPMENT Content of Professional Development Models of Professional Development Capabilities of Educators Access to Professional Development Levels of Understanding and Patterns of Use Professional Development for Online Learning LEADERSHIP, ADMINISTRATION, AND INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT Leadership and Vision Planning Instructional Support Communication and Collaboration Budget Leadership and Support for Online Learning INFRASTRUCTURE FOR TECHNOLOGY Campus Tech Plan 2008-2009 Campus Rating 2 2 2 2 2 2 Campus Rating 2 2 2 1 2 1 Campus Rating 2 2 2 2 1 2 Campus Rating 4 of 11 BLANTON ELEMENTARY Department of Instructional Technology Students per Computer Internet Access Connectivity/Speed Other Classroom Technology Technical Support Local Area Network Wide Area Network Distance Learning Capacity 2 3 2 2 2 2 Staff Development Needs Given the growing importance of technology in assessment, assessment analysis, grading, instructional design, and instruction itself, both teacher-led and self-paced, our school needs to develop staff in the following ways, as a start: • Alert teachers of available district staff development opportunities • Provide on-campus tech assistance and training • Encourage and display examples of classroom use of technology Future Vision and Direction Given the growing importance of technology in assessment, assessment analysis, grading, instructional design, and instruction itself, both teacher-led and self-paced, our school needs to: • Have a full-time or part-time on-campus technology support staff person • Schedule computer lab times for all applicable classrooms and ensure that teachers are supported in getting set up and their students started on • Provide every classroom with either a computer projector and/or ability to connect computer to TV. • Provide on-campus training and support on United Streaming,, Type to Learn, Inspiration/Kidspiration • Provide more opportunities for peer learning in general, and about technology in particular Campus Tech Plan 2008-2009 5 of 11 BLANTON ELEMENTARY Department of Instructional Technology Goal 1: Teaching and Learning Objective 1.1: Integrate the Technology Applications TEKS within the foundation curriculum at each grade level and provide specialized courses in Technology Applications. Strategy Timeline Person(s) Resources Evidence 1. On campus training re: technology integration (separate k-2 and 3-5) Fall 2008 Tech Committee coordinates Campus Tech or visiting tech trainers Certificates of completion 2. Each grade level plans together for 1 tech integration plan per 9 weeks (e.g., students write poems in MS Word; create Power point of types of insects; create kidspiration graphic organizers) Promote technology integration by featuring a technology integration project as a mini-documentary on Blanton Bobcat News. Ongoing All Staff. Principal sets the expectation Ideas from IPGs, local teacher experience, or from web-searches. Campus IT contact (Larry Gerulis) Teams submit plans and show off work products in “Teacher Talk” meetings. Spring 2009 Teachers, bobcat News coordinators, students. As above. News broadcast (taped for future reference). 3. Campus Tech Plan 2008-2009 6 of 11 BLANTON ELEMENTARY Department of Instructional Technology Objective 1.3: Use digital diagnostic tools for formative evaluation to monitor progress toward the mastery of instructional objectives. Integrate student performance data from district/state assessment instruments with electronic curriculum resources to inform and differentiate instruction for every child Strategy Timeline Person(s) Resources Evidence 1. Continue and deepen use of District Power Ongoing 2. Continue and deepen use of IG Pro by all teachers Ongoing 3. Continue and broaden use of Read 180 in 4th and 5th grades. Ongoing Campus Tech Plan 2008-2009 Classroom teachers, specialists, administrators Classroom teachers District Power, training for DP Improved assessment of evaluations for informing instructional decisions. IGPro, teacher peer tutoring Classroom teachers, needy students. Read 180, ITRC, IT contact. Less IGPro support needed by classroom teachers as measured qualitatively by ITRC and quantitatively by Office Staff viewing error reports. Read 180 up and running by end of first 9 weeks. 7 of 11 BLANTON ELEMENTARY Department of Instructional Technology Objective 1.5: Provide curriculum to ensure personal safety for students in a digital world and Acceptable Use Policies that specify expectations and rules for students, parents, and teachers. Strategy Timeline Person(s) Resources Evidence 1. Begin year with lessons and activities about online/acceptable use and computer rules and guidelines. Fall 2008 All students using 2. Web based activities regarding internet protocol and safety. Fall 2008 Teachers 3. Family Tech Night Fall 2008 Tech committee, Teachers, Administration. Campus Tech Plan 2008-2009 lessons: Working online. Following computer rules Lab rules sign Example websites: Great ideas on: plus incorporating ideas from internet safety strategy above. Completion of Computer Basics Unit in Complete lessons Assessments available. Completion of family night. 8 of 11 BLANTON ELEMENTARY Department of Instructional Technology Objective 1.8: Utilize innovative strategies for the delivery of the foundation curriculum to meet the diverse and personal learning needs of all students. Strategy Timeline Person(s) Resources Evidence 1. 2. 3. Use etc for math fundamental practice for instant feedback Use United streaming to support visual learners PowerPoint with projector to present, review, and assess understanding Campus Tech Plan 2008-2009 On going Classroom teachers Ongoing Classroom teachers Classroom teachers Ongoing Templates for who wants to be a millionaire, jeopardy, etc. at Students spending time on this site. Students improving their “correct percentage” on these activities Student engagement High level of student engagement. 9 of 11 BLANTON ELEMENTARY Department of Instructional Technology Goal 2: Educator Preparation and Development Objective 2.1: Provide professional development for teaching and integrating Technology Applications into the foundation and enrichment TEKS. Strategy Timeline Person(s) Resources Evidence 1. 2. 3. On-campus training re: technology integration (separate k-2 and 3-5). Teachers required to take minimum of one tech professional development per semester on technology applications Set timeline and expectations: upon classroom completion of certain units, class uses technology to create a product for science, social studies, or other. Fall 2008 Ongoing Ongoing Tech committee coordinates Teachers Campus tech or visiting tech trainers PDA, visiting trainers Certificates of completion Teachers, students. Student progress reports on; student work products. Certificates of completion Objective 2.5: Provide training on the use of electronic tools and information to support sound, data-driven instructional decision-making. Strategy Timeline Person(s) Resources Evidence 1. Ensure that all teachers are able to access and use District Power Fall 2008 Classroom teachers 2. Ensure that all teachers are able to access and use IGPro Ensure that all applicable teachers are able to access and use AIMS Fall 2008 Classroom teachers Relevant classroom teachers 3. Campus Tech Plan 2008-2009 Fall 2008 District Power. District trainer on campus for new teachers. IGPro, District trainer on campus for new teachers AIMS, District trainer on campus for new teachers New teachers receive training – certificate of completion. New teachers receive training – certificate of completion. New teachers receive training – certificate of completion. 10 of 11 BLANTON ELEMENTARY Department of Instructional Technology Objective 2.6: Support teachers in exploring emerging technologies for instructional delivery and student centered technology use. Strategy Timeline Person(s) Resources Evidence 1. 2. Hire on campus tech-support person to provide troubleshooting and lessons to students and teachers Weekly “Teacher Talk” featuring tech-talk once a month. Campus Tech Plan 2008-2009 Fall 2008 Principal Money Campus tech hired. Fall 2008 Classroom teachers Peer learning opportunity shown to be most effective form of training. Sign-in sheet with topics listed. 11 of 11