Social Studies Curriculum & Assessment Feedback After making your comments on this form, please return to your department chair by____________________________ C U R R I C U L U M As we prepare for the Summer 2013 Curriculum Writer’s Cadre, please provide us with the following information that can guide our work. I. Identify a 2012-13 CRM Model Lesson or Resource Portfolio you used / adapted: Subject Area________; Six/Nine Wks_____; Unit_____; Arc_____ Describe why this resource worked especially well with your instruction or what did not work well with this lesson / resource, why it did not, and how might the lesson / resource be modified for 2013-14. II. Is there a particular Unit Topic, Concept, Literacy/Vocabulary issue in your grade-level course that you are especially in need of support resources that currently the curriculum documents do not adequately support? List examples, as well as recommendations for each example provided of support resources you’ve come across and for which you have experienced success in using. R O A D M A P III. As is customary, concerns regarding Pacing in each subject area will be re-examined. Keeping in mind that it is the goal in State-assessed courses to cover all standards by the date of the State assessments, provide recommendations for pacing adjustments here. Should you be requesting more time be spent on any topic, please remember to provide recommendations for where in the curriculum to balance such an adjustment. Please remember that the Curriculum team is always eager to receive Model Lessons / Resource suggestions for review in our office. Particularly at this time of year we encourage you to submit such items for your colleagues to review during the Summer 2013 Curriculum Writer’s Cadre. All Model Lessons should be submitted on the form provided on the Social Studies Curriculum Website: (go to: Resources > Web Resources > Lesson Planning and look for the AISD Apple logo in the right-side column) Teacher:____________________________________________ Campus:_________________________________ Date:________________ AUSTIN ISD SOCIAL STUDIES CURRICULUM DEPARTMENT | CAC Suite A-430 | 512-414-9638 | Social Studies Curriculum & Assessment Feedback After making your comments on this form, please return to your department chair by____________________________ As we prepare for the Summer 2013 Curriculum Writer’s Cadre, a goal this year will be to provide Arc Resources that will directly support the subject matter addressed in assessment items aligned to the same grading period. With that goal in mind, provide feedback about the 2012-13 Assessment items below. Remember that the 2012-13 Assessments can be located in Schoolnet. Subject Area: Grading Period: Circle Type: SCA 1 SCA2 SCA3 SCA4 SCA5 SCA6 MoY-I MoY-II A S S E S S M E N T S Item No. ________ Comment: Subject Area: Grading Period: Circle Type: SCA 1 SCA2 SCA3 SCA4 SCA5 SCA6 MoY-I MoY-II Grading Period: Circle Type: SCA 1 SCA2 SCA3 SCA4 SCA5 SCA6 MoY-I MoY-II Item No.________ Comment: Subject Area: Item No.________ Comment: What did we miss in 2012-13? Was there a TEKS Student Expectation that wasn’t tested that should have been? Or, a Student Expectation on which your own students exhibited an exceptional High Need? Please remember that the Curriculum team is always eager to receive suggested District Assessment Items for review in our office. Particularly at this time of year we encourage you to submit such items for your colleagues to review during the Summer 2013 Curriculum Writer’s Cadre. Email these to Teacher:____________________________________________ Campus:_________________________________ Date:________________ AUSTIN ISD SOCIAL STUDIES CURRICULUM DEPARTMENT | CAC Suite A-430 | 512-414-9638 | Social Studies Curriculum & Assessment Feedback After making your comments on this form, please return to your department chair by____________________________ Teacher:____________________________________________ Campus:_________________________________ Date:________________ AUSTIN ISD SOCIAL STUDIES CURRICULUM DEPARTMENT | CAC Suite A-430 | 512-414-9638 |