Travis Heights Elementary Department of Instructional Technology Travis Heights Elementary School Instructional Technology Implementation Plan 2009-2010 The Campus Technology Committee has developed this Technology Plan. It is aligned with the Austin ISD Technology Plan and the State Long Range Plan for Technology and our Campus Improvement Plan. The strategies focus on goals and objectives related to Teaching and Learning and Educator Staff Development specifically related to the use of technology. Travis Heights Elementary School Campus Tech Plan 2009-2010 1 of 9 Travis Heights Elementary Department of Instructional Technology Instructional Technology Implementation Plan 2009-2010 The following staff participated in the development of this Technology Plan: Mary Friedman Carlos Gonzalez Edith Rios Brian Teinert Kalli Kemp Hayley Marlar Lisa Etzel Kellie Marino Cristina Pena Will Wall Principal and ITRC Signatures. Fax this signature page only to Instructional Technology 414-6567. The entire plan should be submitted via email to Marc Thrall. Lisa Robertson Principal Summary of most recent Campus STaR Chart Data Mary Friedman Instructional Technology Resource Contact School Technology and Readiness – Teacher Tool for Planning and Self-Assessing Criteria and more information can be found online at Campus STaR chart ratings based on Teacher STaR Charts as submitted to the Texas Education Agency. Campus Tech Plan 2009-2010 2 of 9 Travis Heights Elementary Department of Instructional Technology Ratings are based on the following scale. 1=Early Tech 2=Developing Tech 3=Advanced Tech 4=Target Tech TEACHING AND LEARNING Patterns of Classroom Use Frequency/Design of Instructional Setting Using Digital Content Content Area Connections Technology Applications (TA) TEKS Implementation Student Mastery of Technology Applications (TA) TEKS Online Learning EDUCATOR PREPARATION AND DEVELOPMENT Content of Professional Development Models of Professional Development Capabilities of Educators Access to Professional Development Levels of Understanding and Patterns of Use Professional Development for Online Learning Campus Tech Plan 2009-2010 Campus Rating 2 2 2 2 2 2 Campus Rating 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 of 9 Travis Heights Elementary Department of Instructional Technology LEADERSHIP, ADMINISTRATION, AND INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT Campus Rating Leadership and Vision 2 Planning 2 Instructional Support 2 Communication and Collaboration 2 Budget 2 Leadership and Support for Online Learning 2 INFRASTRUCTURE FOR TECHNOLOGY Campus Rating Students per Computer 2 Internet Access Connectivity/Speed 3 Other Classroom Technology 2 Technical Support 2 Local Area Network Wide Area Network 2 Distance Learning Capacity 2 Tech Literacy Assessment Results (Elem and MS Only) Most recent data available from the 5th and 8th grade TLA. Probably last years,to be updated after this years TLA Grade Level: 5th Date of Assessment: May 22, 2009 Number of students tested: 68 Average Scale Score: 209 % Students Met Proficiency Standard: 50% % Students Below Proficiency Standard: 50% Campus Tech Plan 2009-2010 4 of 9 Travis Heights Elementary Department of Instructional Technology Campus Tech Support This year we have had a special education teacher function as our part time campus tech. Next year we will not have a paid campus tech. The ITRC and other teachers volunteer to support campus technology and we rely on the district techs to help. We are able to keep most of the computers and printers functioning, however technology integration is not occurring successfully at our campus, as is indicated by our Tech Literacy Assessment results for this school year. Future Vision and Direction Three years from now at Travis Heights, you will see teachers using their laptops on a regular basis to collaborate, create and communicate. Teachers will regularly use their teacher web site and other online tools to keep parents and students informed. Parents will regularly access the online gradebook and other resources for information about their child. Classrooms will have integrated multimedia systems with document cameras and other interactive tools. All curriculum resources will be available online. Campus Improvement Plan Alignment One of our goals this year is for: our teachers will learn to set up their AISD teacher webpage and update it at least once a semester. If they already have a website or a blog, they will post a link to it on their AISD teacher webpage. This will align with our CIP goal of increasing effective communication with parents and community members. Campus Tech Plan 2009-2010 5 of 9 Travis Heights Elementary Department of Instructional Technology The following goals and objectives are taken from the Austin ISD District Technology Plan. Campuses will focus on four objectives from Goal 1 and.four objectives from Goal 2.. Campuses may choose to include additional objectives in their Campus Tech Plan. The entire Austin ISD Technology Plan is available for review. Goal 1: Teaching and Learning Teaching & Learning focuses on the instructional needs of teachers and the learning needs of students in meeting the vision of technology in education. Objective 1.1: Integrate the Technology Applications TEKS within the foundation curriculum at each grade level. Objective 1.3: Use digital diagnostic tools for formative evaluation to monitor progress toward the mastery of instructional objectives. Integrate student performance data from district/state assessment instruments with electronic curriculum resources to inform and differentiate instruction for every child. Objective 1.5: Provide curriculum to ensure personal safety for students in a digital world and Acceptable Use Policies that specify expectations and rules for students, parents, and teachers. Objective 1.8: Utilize innovative strategies for the delivery of the foundation curriculum to meet the diverse and personal learning needs of all students. Goal 2: Educator Preparation and Development Educator Preparation and Development addresses the staff development needs not only of teachers but of all the members of the professional education community Objective 2.1: Provide professional development for teaching and integrating Technology Applications into the foundation and enrichment TEKS. Objective 2.2: Support teachers in developing classroom websites and online resources to share lessons, monitor student progress, and establish regular communication with parents and students. Objective 2.5: Provide training on the use of electronic tools and information to support sound, data-driven instructional decision-making. Campus Tech Plan 2009-2010 6 of 9 Travis Heights Elementary Department of Instructional Technology Objective 2.6: Support teachers in exploring emerging technologies for instructional delivery and student centered technology use. Goal 1: Teaching and Learning Objective 1.1: Integrate the Technology Applications TEKS within the foundation curriculum at each grade level and provide specialized courses in Technology Applications. Strategy Timeline Person(s) Resources Evidence 1. Teachers will use computers Inservice ITRC & Classroom computers & End-of-year survey as a center during their offered in Technology grade-level webpage regular math and/or language August and Team arts periods. monthly updates of grade-level webpage. Objective 1.5: Provide curriculum to ensure personal safety for students in a digital world and Acceptable Use Policies that specify expectations and rules for students, parents, and teachers. Strategy Timeline Person(s) Resources Evidence 1. Teachers will become Monthly ITRC & Webmail Record of monthly emails familiar with district emails to Technology guidelines regarding personal teachers. Team safety in a digital world. 2. Teachers of grades 3-5 will Instruction ITRC, http://www.netsmartz.or Teacher lesson plans instruct students on personal during the Technology g/index.aspx safety and acceptable use months of Team & Game for kids: policies for computers in the August and Classroom http://www.kidscomjr.c classroom. September teachers om/games/safety/safety. html Campus Tech Plan 2009-2010 7 of 9 Travis Heights Elementary Department of Instructional Technology Objective 1.8: Utilize innovative strategies for the delivery of the foundation curriculum to meet the diverse and personal learning needs of all students. Goal 2: Educator Preparation and Development Objective 2.1: Provide professional development for teaching and integrating Technology Applications into the foundation and enrichment TEKS. Strategy Timeline Person(s) Resources Evidence 1. Tech team will share with Once in the Tech Team Teacher laptops, ITRC Notebook; Tech Team notes their teams examples of fall semester classroom computers lessons in which they are and once in integrating technology into the spring the core curriculum. semester Objective 2.2: Support teachers in developing classroom websites and online resources to share lessons, monitor student progress, and establish regular communication with parents and students. Strategy Timeline Person(s) Resources Evidence 1. Teachers will develop a January ITRC & Tech Teacher laptops Teacher websites on the Internet, website to share information Inservice team Parent survey. with parents. Objective 2.5: Provide training on the use of electronic tools and information to support sound, data-driven instructional decision-making. Strategy Timeline Person(s) Resources Evidence 1. Teachers will become Inservice ITRC & Tech Classroom computers, Teachers will create folders on the familiar with how to save offered in Team laptops, campus servers H-drive to share grade level their documents on the HOctober documents. Teachers of grades 3drive and student documents 5 will set up student folders for on the S-drive. student documents. Campus Tech Plan 2009-2010 8 of 9 Travis Heights Elementary Department of Instructional Technology Objective 2.6: Support teachers in exploring emerging technologies for instructional delivery and student centered technology use. Strategy Timeline Person(s) Resources Evidence 1. Teachers will use document Monthly ITRC & School’s portable Documentation in teachers’ lesson cameras to present digital Tech Team document cameras, plans. material to their students. teacher laptops 2. Teacher will utilize their Four times ITRC & Tech Teacher laptops, ITRC Notebook; Tech Team notes laptops to design lesson throughout Team document camera plans, communicate with the year parents, and assess student learning. Campus Tech Plan 2009-2010 9 of 9