Mary Jane Sims Elementary Department of Instructional Technology Mary Jane Sims Elementary Instructional Technology Implementation Plan 2009-2010 The Campus Technology Committee has developed this Technology Plan. It is aligned with the Austin ISD Technology Plan and the State Long Range Plan for Technology and our Campus Improvement Plan. The strategies focus on goals and objectives related to Teaching and Learning and Educator Staff Development specifically related to the use of technology. Campus Tech Plan 2009-2010 1 of 12 Mary Jane Sims Elementary Department of Instructional Technology Mary Jane Sims Elementary Instructional Technology Implementation Plan 2009-2010 The following staff participated in the development of this Technology Plan: Freda Mills, Principal Jon David Saucedo, Teacher Linda Collins, ITRC Heather Wilson, Teacher Jennifer Garcia, Teacher Carl Clark, Teacher Principal and ITRC Signatures. Fax this signature page only to Instructional Technology 414-6567. The entire plan should be submitted via email to Marc Thrall. Freda Mills Principal Summary of most recent Campus STaR Chart Data Linda Collins Instructional Technology Resource Contact School Technology and Readiness – Teacher Tool for Planning and Self-Assessing Campus Tech Plan 2009-2010 2 of 12 Mary Jane Sims Elementary Department of Instructional Technology Criteria and more information can be found online at Campus STaR chart ratings based on Teacher STaR Charts as submitted to the Texas Education Agency. Ratings are based on the following scale. 1=Early Tech 2=Developing Tech 3=Advanced Tech 4=Target Tech TEACHING AND LEARNING Campus Rating Patterns of Classroom Use 2 Frequency/Design of Instructional Setting Using Digital Content 2 Content Area Connections 2 Technology Applications (TA) TEKS Implementation 2 Student Mastery of Technology Applications (TA) TEKS 2 Online Learning 1 EDUCATOR PREPARATION AND DEVELOPMENT Campus Rating Content of Professional Development 2 Models of Professional Development 2 Capabilities of Educators 2 Access to Professional Development 1 Levels of Understanding and Patterns of Use 2 Professional Development for Online Learning 1 LEADERSHIP, ADMINISTRATION, AND INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT Campus Rating Leadership and Vision 2 Planning 2 Instructional Support 2 Campus Tech Plan 2009-2010 3 of 12 Mary Jane Sims Elementary Department of Instructional Technology Communication and Collaboration Budget Leadership and Support for Online Learning INFRASTRUCTURE FOR TECHNOLOGY Students per Computer Internet Access Connectivity/Speed Other Classroom Technology Technical Support Local Area Network Wide Area Network Distance Learning Capacity 2 2 2 Campus Rating 2 3 2 2 2 2 Tech Literacy Assessment Results (Elem and MS Only) Most recent data available from the 5th and 8th grade TLA. Probably last years,to be updated after this years TLA Grade Level: 5th Grade Date of Assessment: 05/12/08 Number of students tested: 33 Average Scale Score: 205 % Students Met Proficiency Standard: 36% % Students Below Proficiency Standard: 64% Campus Tech Support Sims Elementary does not have a paid campus tech. The ITRC, other teachers on campus, and the district techs provide needed technology help. Campus Tech Plan 2009-2010 4 of 12 Mary Jane Sims Elementary Department of Instructional Technology Future Vision and Direction Three years from now at Sims Elementary, teachers will regularly integrate all forms of available technology to further students’ learning and enhance collaboration with other teachers. Our campus web site and teacher web sites will be updated regularly to keep our students, parents, and community informed. Campus Improvement Plan Alignment Our CIP calls for continued improvement in Reading, Math, and Science test scores. The development of one quality core technology activity for each grade (K-5) in at least one foundation content area (Reading, Math, Science) aligned with the IPGs and TEKS will help support this improvement in scores. The following goals and objectives are taken from the Austin ISD District Technology Plan. Campuses will focus on four objectives from Goal 1 and.four objectives from Goal 2.. Campuses may choose to include additional objectives in their Campus Tech Plan. The entire Austin ISD Technology Plan is available for review. Goal 1: Teaching and Learning Teaching & Learning focuses on the instructional needs of teachers and the learning needs of students in meeting the vision of technology in education. Objective 1.1: Integrate the Technology Applications TEKS within the foundation curriculum at each grade level. Objective 1.3: Use digital diagnostic tools for formative evaluation to monitor progress toward the mastery of instructional objectives. Integrate student performance data from district/state assessment instruments with electronic curriculum resources to inform and differentiate instruction for every child. Objective 1.5: Provide curriculum to ensure personal safety for students in a digital world and Acceptable Use Policies that specify expectations and rules for students, parents, and teachers. Objective 1.8: Utilize innovative strategies for the delivery of the foundation curriculum to meet the diverse and personal learning needs of all students. Campus Tech Plan 2009-2010 5 of 12 Mary Jane Sims Elementary Department of Instructional Technology Goal 2: Educator Preparation and Development Educator Preparation and Development addresses the staff development needs not only of teachers but of all the members of the professional education community Objective 2.1: Provide professional development for teaching and integrating Technology Applications into the foundation and enrichment TEKS. Objective 2.2: Support teachers in developing classroom websites and online resources to share lessons, monitor student progress, and establish regular communication with parents and students. Objective 2.5: Provide training on the use of electronic tools and information to support sound, data-driven instructional decision-making. Objective 2.6: Support teachers in exploring emerging technologies for instructional delivery and student centered technology use. Goal 1: Teaching and Learning Objective 1.1: Integrate the Technology Applications TEKS within the foundation curriculum at each grade level and provide specialized courses in Technology Applications. Strategy Timeline Person(s) Resources Evidence IPGs Grade level meeting minutes, Grade level meeting minutes, classroom 2009-2010 1. Develop one quality core 2. technology activity for each grade (K-5) in at least one foundation content area (Math, Science, Social Studies) aligned with Instructional Planning Guides and TEKS. Utilize the EasyTech/ Campus Tech Plan 2009-2010 On-going (http://www.aust trix/) TEKS classroom instruction, lesson plans, technology IPGs online, TEKS instruction, lesson plans, technology IPGs online, TEKS. Every Classroom IPGs, All students and teachers in grade K-5 6 of 12 Mary Jane Sims Elementary Department of Instructional Technology resource to deliver the technology applications curriculum in all classrooms grades K-5. 3. Use mobile labs for student centered technology use. On-going Teacher ( accounts, data from EasyTech Management System and Assessments. Classroom Teacher, ITRC Campus Mobile Labs Teacher check-out log of mobile labs and student products. Objective 1.3: Use digital diagnostic tools for formative evaluation to monitor progress toward the mastery of instructional objectives. Integrate student performance data from district/state assessment instruments with electronic curriculum resources to inform and differentiate instruction for every child Strategy Timeline Person(s) Resources Evidence 1. 2. Link student assessment data in AIMS to relevant curriculum resources in the IPGs to enable differentiated instruction. Refine and expand reporting features of AIMS. Train teachers to access data and make valid instructional decisions. Update information in an expeditious manner. Campus Tech Plan 2009-2010 2009-2010 On-going Classroom Teachers, Instructional Coaches Benchmark Coordinator AIMS (http://matrix/curriculum/) Reports/Data from AIMS. Classroom Instruction. AIMS (http://matrix/curriculum/) Teachers as individuals and teams use AIMS to acquire formative student data they need to make instructional decisions. 7 of 12 Mary Jane Sims Elementary Department of Instructional Technology 3. Continue TELPAS Testing online. 4. Use 5th Grade Tech Literacy Assessment data to target needed tech skills. 2009-2010 BTC Online TELPAS Test Reports/Data from TELPAS. 2009-2010 Principal, ITRC, Classroom Teachers 2008-09 Tech Assessment data Campus average score improvement on 2009-2010 Tech Assessment. Objective 1.5: Provide curriculum to ensure personal safety for students in a digital world and Acceptable Use Policies that specify expectations and rules for students, parents, and teachers. Strategy Timeline Person(s) Resources Evidence 1. Conduct Internet Safety presentations for parents and the community at the campus level. 2009-2010 Campus Safety Committee, IT Facilitator Online materials available on AISD web site Campus calendar indicating presentation conducted, PTA/Parent Meeting agenda, information sheets sent home with students. Objective 1.8: Utilize innovative strategies for the delivery of the foundation curriculum to meet the diverse and personal learning needs of all students. Strategy Timeline Person(s) Resources Evidence 1. Utilize United Streaming videos to enhance core content instruction. Campus Tech Plan 2009-2010 On-going per core content/enrichment content IPG Classroom Teachers United Streaming ( Every teacher will have a United Streaming Account whose playlist can be accessed by the principal for documentation. 8 of 12 Mary Jane Sims Elementary Department of Instructional Technology 2. Promote the use of technology as a tool of inquiry and communication. Utilizing student- centered technologies to produce evidence of learning (digital video productions, multimedia presentations, etc.). 3. Utilize BrainPOP and Tumblebook Library online resources to reinforce core content. 2009-2010 Classroom Teachers Instructional Coaches IT Facilitator ITRC 2009-2010 Classroom Teachers 4. On-going Provide training for students on use online library databases. Librarian, ITRC Microsoft Power Point, digital video equipment, other available multimedia programs and equipment Student products such as PowerPoint presentations, iMovies, etc. AISD Databases Mobile lab User statistics provided by each site as to student use and online tests. Database usage data. Goal 2: Educator Preparation and Development Objective 2.1: Provide professional development for teaching and integrating Technology Applications into the foundation and enrichment TEKS. Strategy Timeline Person(s) Resources Evidence 1. Provide on-site campus support for implementation of grade level technology applications IPGs and effective use of EasyTech. On-going 2. Utilize core content study groups to promote the integration of technology to enhance student achievement. On-going Campus Tech Plan 2009-2010 Campus Principal IT Facilitator ITRC Classroom Teachers Campus Principal Instructional Coaches IT Facilitator Staff development time (at least 5 per school year) IPGs and ( Attendance verified at staff development. Grade level teachers implement skills and units of practice into instruction as specified in lesson plans. Staff development time Weekly grade level meetings Notes from groups indicating attention to –and inclusion of – technology TEKS Skills and proficiencies in core content instruction. 9 of 12 Mary Jane Sims Elementary Department of Instructional Technology Classroom Teachers 3. Send at least two teachers to TCEA tech conference. 2009-2010 Classroom Teachers Funding for registration Confirmed registration of participants. 4. Use teacher laptops for staff development on a regular basis. 2009-2010 Principal, Classroom Teachers Staff development time Attendance verified at staff development. Objective 2.2: Support teachers in developing classroom websites and online resources to share lessons, monitor student progress, and establish regular communication with parents and students. Strategy Timeline Person(s) Resources Evidence 2009-2010 1. Activation of each teacher’s IT Facilitator, Staff development time Teacher web sites online. AISD web site ITRC, Classroom Teachers On-going 2. Continued update of campus Campus Tech Substitute Teachers Updated campus web site online. web site Committee provided for members Objective 2.5: Provide training on the use of electronic tools and information to support sound, data-driven instructional decision-making. Campus Tech Plan 2009-2010 10 of 12 Mary Jane Sims Elementary Department of Instructional Technology Strategy Timeline Person(s) Resources Evidence 1. Provide training and support in data examination and analysis through technology to support sound decision-making, especially in support for AIMS (Austin Instructional Management System). On-going Benchmark Coordinator Classroom Teachers AIMS District Power (http://matrix/curriculum) Staff development time Records of staff development and time and effort documentation demonstrate support in data examination and analysis. 2. Provide training in the new electronic grading system. On-going Administrative Staff Electronic Grading System Staff development time Attendance verified at staff development. 3. Provide training for use of the new online discipline referral system. On-going Discipline Referral System Staff development time Attendance verified at staff development. Administrative Staff Objective 2.6: Support teachers in exploring emerging technologies for instructional delivery and student centered technology use. Timeline Person(s) Resources Evidence Strategy 1. Research software that supports On-going Instructional Coaches Classroom Teachers Campus Principal ITRC Software including LEXIA and Reading 180 Printed evaluation/data from software itself. 2. Provide training in web applications 2009-2010 IT Facilitator, ITRC District we applications Staff development time Attendance verified at staff development. 3. 2009-2010 IT Facilitator, ITRC Elmo and Epson projectors Staff development time Attendance verified at staff development. District instructional objectives and is compatible with district systems and support. such as Staff Portal, District Teacher Websites, Wikis. Provide training in using AV Technologies: ELMO and Epson projectors for classroom instruction. Campus Tech Plan 2009-2010 11 of 12 Mary Jane Sims Elementary Department of Instructional Technology 4. Provide training for teachers and 2009-2010 IT Facilitator, ITRC, Classroom Teachers AISD Personnel IT Facilitator 2009-2010 IT Facilitator 2009-2010 students on utilizing mobile labs. 5. Installing Innovations Stations in 2009-2010 one-sixth of classrooms. 6. Staff training in the use of Student Response Systems (Clickers). 7. Provide training on teacher laptop software. Campus Tech Plan 2009-2010 Mobile labs Staff development time Classroom time Required hardware and software “Clickers” Staff development time Acrobat Pro, Photoshop Elements, and other installed software Staff development time Attendance verified at staff development. Classroom lesson plans and student products. Observed classroom installation of Innovation Stations. Attendance verified at staff development. Attendance verified at staff development. 12 of 12