CEN 322: Software Engineering College of Computer & Information Sciences

College of Computer & Information Sciences
CEN 322: Software Engineering
To gain understanding of the concepts of domain modelling.
To become familiar with the UML notation for use cases.
Assume the following actors and goals
Loan book to
Renew book
Process book
returned by
Handle book
reported as lost
Manage patron
Process new book
Search for a book
in the online
Administrator Send overdue
book notices.
Authenticate patron, identify book, mark book as on-loan in catalogue,
and add book to list of books on loan to this patron, with a specific due
date. If patron's membership has expired, either refuse to lend book or
enter "Manage patron information" use case to renew membership.
Identify patron and book, assess fine if overdue, and revise due date.
Patron's membership status is checked. Renewal can be done by
Identify book, mark as available, and remove from list of books loaned
to patron; if book is overdue, assess patron a fine.
Identify book, mark as lost, and assess patron a fine.
Create, retrieve, update, or delete patron information.
Add new record to online catalogue, or add a copy to an existing record
if book is a duplicate.
Enter a search string, specifying whether to search for a name, a title, or
a subject, to see a list of books matching the search string, then select a
book to see the full record for that book; or enter a call number, and see a
display of the system record for the specified book.
Request a list of all books that are overdue by more than some minimum
number of days.
Create a UML Use Case diagram to depict the set of actors and use cases listed in the above table
10 Marks
Follow the guidelines mentioned below for your assignment.
 Soft copy must be submitted through E-mail
 Assignment should have a Title Page. Title Page should contain the following
 Assignment Name
 Class
 Student name
 Student ID
 It should have Table of Contents
 Use page numbers
 Assignment should be typed in your own words using Times New Roman font size
 Heading should be with Font Size 14, Bold, Underline.
 Copy & paste from the Internet is strictly not acceptable.
 Reference should be included in the last page as specified in the format in Course
Rules & Regulations
 If any topic or diagram of an assignment is found copied from the other then marks will be
deducted from both assignments.
 The purpose of assignment is to do some research work so you can consult books in Library
or use internet or computer magazines or any other source.