PROCEDURE FOR THE ALLOCATION OF RELEASE TIME The normal teaching load is 12 credit hours per term for tenure-track faculty and 15 hours per term for RNTT faculty. Any deviation from this load for release time must be approved by the Provost in advance. A Term Release Time Request Form will be submitted by the Department to the Provost for each term. The dead line will be four weeks before the dead line for completion of entry of the term schedule into Banner. The Provost will return the completed form within two weeks. For needs that arise outside the normal request time frame a supplemental request will be filed. Release time that is awarded to the same individual for the same reason for multiple terms, for example chairperson, is designated Continuing release. Release time where either the individual changes periodically for example the Chairperson of the Faculty Senate or the position is timelimited such as a research project, course redesign activity, or grant is designated Term release. Requests for release for special projects or research must include an explanation of the expectations, for example revision of a course, application for a grant, publication of a paper, or participation in a grant funded project, relevant to the work to be accomplished as a result of the release time. The College Dean will review and endorse the request and forward it to the Provost. The Provost will designate each request as University Sanctioned, Non University Sanctioned or denied. The number of full time FTE used to calculate the Student Credit Hour Ratio (SCHR) will be reduced by the amount of University Sanctioned release approved. For example if there are 16 faculty members in the department who have a total of 3.5 hours of University Sanctioned release the FTE used to calculate the SCHR would be 12.5. The number of full time FTE used to calculate the SCHR is not reduced by the amount of Non University Sanctioned release approved. The Provost will return the completed forms for the college to the College Dean who will distribute them to the departments. The release time will be entered by the department into Banner SIAASGN. For the first year paper forms will be used. Eventually there will be an on-line form with pull down menus. OFFICE OF THE PROVOST-CLF 401287683 7/1/2016 RELEASE TIME REQUEST FORM TERM_____ DEPARTMENT ______________ DATE_______ DEAN ___________ CONTINUING LAST NAME FIRST NAME TYPE (MENU A) PROVOST’S SIGNATURE_______________________ MENU A EXAMPLES Chairperson Associate Dean Writing Center Provosts Office CSTL Writing Outcomes International Programs Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Economic & Business Research COE - Accreditation Radiation Safety Officer OFFICE OF THE PROVOST-CLF 401287683 7/1/2016 CREDIT HOURS UNIVERSITY SANCTIONED DENIED YES NO DATE_________________ TERM LAST NAME FIRST NAME TYPE CREDIT (MENU B) HOURS EXPECTATIONS PROVOST’S SIGNATURE_______________________ MENU B EXAMPLES Faculty Athletics Rep Sabbatical President Faculty Senate VP Faculty Senate HES Clinical Director Grant Release Research Accreditation Required Course Redesign Other - (provide title) OFFICE OF THE PROVOST-CLF 401287683 7/1/2016 UNIVERSITY SANCTIONED YES NO DATE_________________ DENIED