FORM PDARF6: STRUCTURED ELECTIVE PROPOSAL For submission to the Programme Board and UPB This form should be used when submitting a proposal from the academic session 2015-16 onwards. This PDARF6 form is required where it is proposed to offer structured electives in accordance with Academic Regulation 3.9.1, which states that structured electives may contribute to undergraduate Bachelors degree programmes as follows: Structured electives - where the student takes their elective credit in a structured manner, as proposed and recommended by a School or Programme Board and approved by the University Programmes Board, to form a small but coherent block amounting to a minimum of 15 ECTS credits. Complete form – advice may be sought from the School and/or College, or via Submit to the relevant Programme Board for review and recommendation. Pending Programme Board recommendation, this form is then submitted to for approval by the University Programmes Board (UPB). A structured elective is not considered approved and may not be advertised until UPB approval is granted. For information on programme approval, see and for advice and assistance with completion of this form, please contact Form PDARF6: Structured Elective Proposal 1 2 Structured Elective Proposal Title Please include full title of the proposed structured elective. Co-ordinator of Structured Elective Please include email address and telephone number. 3 Programme Board date of approval 4 Programme Board governing the structured elective Rationale for the Proposed New Structured Elective 5 Insert a brief description of the factors which have contributed to the development of this proposal, with reference to how the structured elective fits into the relevant School/College/University Strategic Plans. Also highlight any crossover and/or collaboration across Schools or Colleges. Structured Elective Learning Outcomes 6 Insert a brief description of the learning outcomes of the proposed structured elective with reference to the 5 domains of the UCD level descriptors: (1) Knowledge and understanding; (2) Applying knowledge and understanding; (3) Making judgements; (4) Communications and working skills; (5) Learning skills . For a brief description of this please refer to 1 of 3 Proposed Advertising Strategy 7 Please outline the strategy relating to the advertisement of the structured electives. This includes any plans for marketing or advertising the structured electives as well as the date on which this material will be released (please note that no structured electives may be advertised until approved by the relevant University Programme Board). Use of School resources/ module sharing 8 Please specify the extent to which existing academic staff and other resources will be applied to the structured electives( e.g. modules taught, technical and administrative support). Impact on existing programmes (if any) 9 Please indicate the expected impact on intake to existing programmes where relevant. 10 Overall Credit Structure per Stage Stage Please list total number of credits per stage. Structured Electives Total 1 2 3 4 5 Total 11 Associated Programmes Please list all programmes in which this structured elective is to be offered. Please confirm that the Programme Board(s) overseeing the programme(s) named above have been consulted and have agreed to offer the proposed structured elective as part of the programme(s). 12 ___ Yes (Please mark X as appropriate) ___ No Indicative Module List 13 Please specify the indicative modules in the new structured elective by Stage. It is expected that this module list has been reviewed and agreed in principle with the relevant Schools. This list is not the definitive module list— the finalised module details will be gathered online through the Module Descriptor Form and the Curriculum Management System. Indicative Hours Indicative Module List Please include proposed module subject code – usually a 2-4 letter prefix indicating subject area (consult with relevant Head of School for module subject codes available) and module title. Stage Level Semester 2 of 3 Credits Class Contact Specified Learning Activities Autonomous Student Learning New (N) or Existing (E) Module? SIGNATURE PAGE Electronic copies of all programme-related submission forms may be sent via email to Academic Secretariat via All such proposal forms must also be signed by all signatories and submitted to Academic Secretariat prior to the submission deadline (scanned copies of forms with signatures included are acceptable). Proposals which are not signed will not be included on the University Programmes Board (UPB) meeting agenda. SIGNATURES By signing this form, you are indicating that any necessary initial consultations have occurred at School and College-level and that the proposal has been reviewed and agreed by the Programme Board. Where a programme is shared between more than one School or College, please include all relevant signatures (duplicate as necessary): Date: Head of Initiating School (Print Name & Signature) Date: Chair of Programme Board (Print Name & Signature) 3 of 3