Form PDARF13: Template for School CPD Framework



Form PDARF13: School CPD Framework

The form below lists default criteria for a School CPD Framework. A school will develop a framework when it has existing or is planning CPD provision. The Framework describes the School’s plans, portfolio of offerings and approval and review processes. The Head of School or nominee will lead the development of the Framework. The level of detail in the Framework will reflect the level of CPD provision in the School.

 The Framework will be submitted to the CPD Board of Studies for review and approval following local approval at School level. The CPD Board of Studies supports and advises Schools in the development of their framework.

The CPD Board of Studies is a sub-committee of the University Programmes Board (UPB) and is supported by the

Academic Secretariat (


 The Framework is an important tool for anyone developing CPD within the School. It is important to make sure that the Framework is communicated to all staff within the School.

 The CPD Board of Studies will review School CPD frameworks periodically (normally every three years) on the basis of completion and submission of the Form PDARF15: School CPD Framework Review template.

For convenience the final page includes a checklist for filling in the form. For more information, see governance of CPD in UCD . Please submit the proposal to



WHO - People


Initiating School


Who is the first point of contact for CPD within the School?

Named person, position and contact details.


Who has oversight of CPD provision within the School?

Head of School or nominee (named person and position) or Committee/Board Chair as named person.


Who is the first point of contact for CPD within the College?

A college contact person acts as a facilitator creating links and collaboration between

Schools and Colleges and helps in developing interdisciplinary CPD. In some cases the

School and College contact can be the same person. Not applicable to all colleges.


Who will be responsible for the day-to-day management/administration of CPD?

Of non-programme activity in particular.


Who is responsible for marketing of CPD in the School?




WHAT - Portfolio

What models of CPD activity does the School have/is the School planning? This can include new CPD programmes, bespoke programmes for industry, new ECTS modules, redesigning existing modules as CPD, and non-credit-bearing CPD learning units. Will the offerings be marketed through the UCD CPD Infohub Portal? Information on the portfolio can also be included as a separate attachment to the

Framework form provided that at a minimum the same information is captured.


Existing Activity


Include also programmes delivered in collaboration with other Schools

Code and Name ECTS Level Professional Accreditation


available as standalone CPD

Code and Name ECTS Professional Accreditation Level

Other Provision

All non-ECTS CPD such as short courses, seminars, conferences, etc.

(Code where relevant, and) Name Hours Professional Accreditation (where relevant)


New Activity


Include also programmes delivered in collaboration with other Schools

Name ECTS Level Professional Accreditation


available as standalone CPD

Name ECTS Level Professional Accreditation

Other Provision

All non-ECTS CPD such as short courses, seminars, conferences, etc.

Name Hours Professional Accreditation


Additional Details

Please provide any additional relevant details (for example, what is the process for accumulating individual CPD modules into an award, including any restrictions on the timeframe regarding this? What links are there (if any) between CPD provision and other educational provision in the School? Is there an Academic Centre within your School that is engaged in CPD provision, and if so, how is it aligned and integrated with all other CPD activity within the School?)




WHY – Rationale



What factors have contributed to the development of CPD in the School? How does CPD fit into the relevant School/College/University

Strategic Plan?


Marketing and Advertising

What market research and analysis has been conducted to identify existing competitors? What is the School’s advertising strategy for CPD?

In terms of custom-made courses, how does the School manage customer relationships? Describe any relationships with accrediting bodies and how these are managed, including an indication of the frequency of the interaction(s) with accrediting bodies.


Target Audience

Who are the planned primary participants? What possible secondary participants has the school identified? What market research has been done to identify the groups? Please include an estimate of the size of the primary and secondary target audiences.


Use of/Impact on Existing Resources

Please outline the use of and impact on existing resources, and describe what, if any, additional resources are required and/or are being sought in order to enable and facilitate the delivery of CPD activity within the School (for example, what additional teaching resources

(rooms, IT facilities, technical support, etc.) are needed to deliver CPD? Will additional staff be recruited for the purposes of CPD? Will non-University, or part-time, or fixed-term contract, or non-academic, or Adjunct or Visiting or Emeritus staff be involved in delivery of the

School’s CPD provision? What is the impact of CPD on existing staff? Does the School have a workload model that recognises CPD?)


Cost Analysis

Please provide details of the process by which the School has evaluated the financial risks and benefits associated with the provision of

CPD? What is the School’s internal process for deciding fees for CPD offerings? How is the financial viability of CPD provision reviewed?

Please provide details of discussions which have taken place with the Head of School and the College Finance Manager regarding the financing of CPD within the School.


Professional Accreditation and Other Third Party Involvement

If activity in the School is accredited by or developed in collaboration with a professional body/bodies, please include a short description of the professional body including size and significance in the relevant professional field. Please provide details of the nature of the relationship with any professional body, for example:

1) Is the CPD provision developed in collaboration with a professional body?

2) Is the CPD provision of a School recognised by a professional body? Does it count towards CPD (or other) credits/hours for a professional body?

3) Is there a combination of collaboration and recognition between the School and the professional body/bodies?

4) Is there no relationship with professional bodies or no relevant professional body?

5) What role do extern examiners have in association with the School’s CPD offering?




HOW- Resources


Modes of Delivery

Is the provision online, blended, off-campus/on-campus?

Include percentage of online elements, and describe the volume of face-to-face activity vis-à-vis the other modes of delivery.


Physical Learning Environment

What facilities are used for delivery, what classroom technology is needed, who has access to library services and what are the conditions for use of library?


Virtual Learning Environment

Are courses delivered through Blackboard? What other learning technology is used?


HOW - Approval and Review Processes


Approval Process

I understand that all CPD Programmes will follow the same approval process as any other programme proposal. See Programmes for details.

I agree that CPD modules will be developed in the same way as any credit-bearing modules in the School, and new CPD modules will be submitted to the CPD Board of Studies for review. See Continuing Professional Development information for further details, including a checklist and form for new CPD module approval (PDARF14).

Non-credit-bearing CPD will be approved in the School and reported annually to the CPD Board of Studies. In this section you are asked to

describe how CPD provision other than credit-bearing programmes and modules is approved in the School, including who receives proposals and how decisions are communicated. See Continuing Professional Development information for criteria for approval of noncredit-bearing activity (‘Developing Other CPD’). Please include the timeline for the approval process within the School.


Review Process

Please provide the details of the School’s plan for periodic review of CPD. Please include the timeline for the review process (note that the

CPD Board of Studies recommends that each School CPD Framework is reviewed at least three years from its first approval by the School and the CPD Board of Studies, and will request completion and submission of the PDARF15: School CPD Framework Review template).





Head of Initiating School

(Print Name & Signature)




Date Framework effective from:

Date Framework last updated:

Date of Next Review of Framework:

(normally 3 years from the date of approval)

Checklist for filling in the form:

 Have you defined the directing roles and the supporting roles for CPD in the School including a named person for first point of contact? (section 1)

 Have you included all relevant activity in the School portfolio: programmes, modules and other CPD? The portfolio of offerings can also be included as a separate file attached to the framework document. (section 2)

 Does the CPD provision of the School include activity of an Academic Centre for CPD? Has this provision been included in the portfolio? (section 2.3)

 In case (some of) the CPD provision of the School is accredited by a professional body, have you included a short description of the size and relevance of the relevant professional body? (section 3.6)

 In case the School has non-ECTS bearing CPD offerings, have you described the approval process for these offerings? (section 5.1)

