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UCD Quality Office
Frequently Asked Questions
The FAQs are grouped under the following headings:
General Questions
Questions from units
Questions from students
Questions from external stakeholders
Questions from Review Group members
(note: the term ‘unit’ is used throughout to refer to a School, College, Research Institute, Support
unit, etc.)
General Questions
What is the quality review process at University College Dublin?
Where would I find information and guidance on a unit review process?
What is the quality review process at University College Dublin?
The overall aim of the quality review process at UCD is on ongoing improvement. Under the terms
of the Universities Act (1997) the University and its constituent units must undergo cyclical internal
quality review – typically every 7-8 years. The key stages of internal quality review are the
preparation of a Self-assessment Report (SAR) by the Unit under review; a site visit (typically 2-3
days) and consideration of the SAR by a Review Group; publication of a Review Group report
incorporating recommendations for improvement; and preparation by the Unit of an improvement
plan to address the recommendations. A progress review meeting is held approximately one year
after the publication of the Review Group Report to consider how recommendations have been
addressed as outlined in the improvement plan.
Where would I find information and guidance on a unit review process?
Information and guidance on the review process is contained in the Guidelines for Internal Periodic
Review and is available on the UCD Quality Office website at or directly
from the UCD Quality Office at 7161036.
Questions from Units
When will my unit be reviewed?
Can the quality review date of my Unit be changed?
How long does the quality review process take?
What is the length of the Self-assessment Report?
How are reviewers selected?
Is it possible to have more than two extern members?
Can we propose our current extern examiner as a Review Group member?
Can I contact the Review Group during the review?
Can I see another Unit’s Self-assessment Report?
What is the composition of the Unit Quality Co-ordinating Committee?
I am a member of staff - what is my role in the process?
My unit is undergoing external professional accreditation. Can this report be submitted as the
self-assessment report?
My School is developing a new collaborative programme. What steps should be taken prior to
submission to the University’s committee(s) for formal approval.
What supports are available to the Unit under review?
Where do I go within the University for statistical data?
How is the date of the site visit determined?
What is a typical site visit timetable and who meets with the Review Group?
Who is responsible for organising the site visit timetable?
Who organises refreshments and meeting room(s) for the Review Group?
What happens after the site visit is completed?
How are the Review Group recommendations addressed?
When will the Unit have to prepare a Progress Report?
When will my unit be reviewed?
Each unit within the University will be reviewed on a 7-8 year cycle. A timetable for review is agreed
by the Academic Council Committee on Quality (ACCQ), which may occasionally be revised. The
current schedule for review may be viewed on the UCD Quality Office website (
From time to time thematic reviews are undertaken and this may also involve the participation of
some unit(s).
Can the quality review date of my Unit be changed?
As the review schedule is agreed for a 7-8 year cycle it is only in exceptional circumstances that a
unit review date may be changed, for example, accreditation visits or organisational restructuring.
Requests to change the year that a review is scheduled to take place should be made in writing to
the Academic Council Committee on Quality via the UCD Quality Office.
How long does the Quality Review process take?
The review process is divided into five key stages - typically:
Stage 1:
Ten months (Pre Review Site Visit) – Initial briefing meeting for the Head of Unit by
the UCD Quality Office ; establish a review co-ordinating committee; preparation of
the Self-assessment Report (SAR); collate supporting documentation.
Stage 2:
One month (Pre Review Site Visit) – Submission of the SAR for consideration by the
Review Group and site visit timetable prepared.
Stage 3:
Site Visit – typically over 3-4 days.
Stage 4:
Eight weeks (Post Review Site Visit) – Review Group Report finalised; Unit under
review then has a further 12 weeks to prepare a quality improvement plan (QIP).
Stage 5:
18 months (Post Review Site Visit) – Unit prepares a progress report regarding the
implementation of the QIP. A Progress Review Meeting is held to consider the
Progress Report; typically chaired by the Registrar and Deputy President.
Further details are contained in Appendix 2 of the Guidelines for Internal Periodic Review.
What is the length of the Self-assessment Report?
The Self-assessment Report (SAR) should not be a lengthy document. Typically it should be no
longer than 40 pages excluding appendices. The focus of the report is to act as a basis for dialogue
between the unit and the Review Group, and the emphasis should be on critical self-evaluation of
how effective and successful the unit believes the various aspects of its provision to be, including its
mechanism for ongoing routine quality monitoring.
How are reviewers selected?
A typical review group might include:
Two senior UCD staff (one internal reviewer will be cognate to the unit under review) - one of
whom acts as chair (this is currently under review) and the other as deputy chair.
Two external experts in the discipline, chosen from a list of at least six nominees supplied to the
UCD Quality Office by the unit co-ordinating committee.
It should be noted that the number of reviewers may vary, due to the size and diversity of the unit
under review, however, the number of internal UCD members will not exceed the number of
external members. Any working relationships with the proposed externs should be declared and
both genders should be represented on the nominee list.
The list of proposed reviewers will be considered and approved by a sub-group of ACCQ and the
relevant College Principal/Vice-President. Additional reviewers may be added or considered. The
final selection will be independent of the unit under review.
Is it possible to have more than two extern members?
The number of extern members may vary due to the size and diversity of the unit under review, but
it is also subject to budget constraints pertaining at the time. However, the norm is two externs and
any requests for additional externs should be discussed with the UCD Quality Office.
Can we propose our current extern examiner as a Review Group member?
No, it is not possible to propose the current extern examiner. External Reviewers should not
normally have had close association with the unit during the previous 4 years.
Can I contact the Review Group during the review?
To ensure the integrity of the independent review process, any essential contact with the Review
Group should be conducted through the UCD Quality Office. Travel and accommodation
arrangements, briefing material, Self-assessment report and site visit documentation are the
responsibility of the UCD Quality Office. This includes post site visit contact until the Review Group
report is finalised.
Can I see another Unit’s Self-assessment Report?
No. The Self-assessment Report is the main vehicle through which the unit conveys information
about itself. In order to encourage a critical self-evaluation the SAR remains confidential to the unit,
University Senior Management, the Review Group and the UCD Quality Office. The report should be
self critical, full and frank, not attempting to hide problems and identifying strengths. It should also
be developmental, identifying possible scenarios to improve provision within the unit. Guidance and
prompts to consider in preparing the report are outlined in Appendix three of the Guidelines for
Internal Periodic Review.
What is the composition of the Unit Quality Co-ordinating Committee?
Insofar as it is possible, the co-ordinating committee should be representative of the key staff
groupings within the unit under review, for example, academic / research / administrative
/technical / and other staff. The Head of unit should be a member but not necessarily chair the
committee. In a school review a student should be included, preferably a postgraduate student.
The committee should be operational and not too large.
I am a member of staff - what is my role in the process?
As a member of staff you should be familiar with the quality process and participate and contribute
as required, to the preparation of the SAR; the site visit and the unit review process generally. Each
staff member should make themselves available for the site visit and subsequent implementation of
review group recommendations. In a larger unit it is unlikely that all staff will be timetabled to meet
with the Review Group.
My unit is undergoing external professional accreditation. Can this report be submitted as the
self-assessment report?
Typically, documentation developed as part of external accreditation is focussed at programme level
including structures, curriculum, assessment and supports. Internal Quality Review (as required by
the Universities Act 1997) is much wider in scope. On a case by case basis, however, documentation
developed for external accreditation purposes may be recycled for internal review – the suitability of
pre-existing documentation should be discussed with the UCD Quality Office at an early stage of the
quality review process.
Note: typically, it is a pre-condition of professional accreditation that a programme and/or unit can
provide evidence of having adhered to internal quality assurance procedures.
My School is developing a new collaborative programme. What steps should be taken prior to
submission to the University’s committee(s) for formal approval.
A formal process is in place for developing new programmes which also incorporates procedures and
guidance for new and existing collaborative programmes. This is contained in the document UCD
Programme Development, Approval and Review Framework available from Academic Secretariat.
Advice is also available from the UCD Quality Office.
What supports are available to the Unit under review?
The UCD Quality Office provides ongoing support for Units throughout the process and a dedicated
individual is available to support, advise and facilitate unit heads and co-ordinating committees
during the review process and SAR preparation. UCD Support Units, such as the Library, Institutional
Research, UCD Registry, UCD Research, UCD HR are also available to provide data and/or meet with
the Review Group.
Where do I go within the University for statistical data?
Statistical data enquiries should in the first instance, be directed to the Director of Institutional
Research, Maura McGinn at or 716 1088.
How is the date of the site visit determined?
The site visit date is determined by the unit under review in consultation with the UCD Quality
Office. It should be organised early in the preparatory stages of the review process, to facilitate the
organisation of review groups and to ensure all staff members, students and stakeholders are
available to meet the review group.
What is a typical site visit timetable and who meets with the Review Group?
The site visit timetable typically takes place over a two/three day period. The Review Group will
meet with unit staff, College Principal/Vice-President, relevant University support staff, students
(undergraduate and postgraduate), employers and any other relevant stakeholders. A typical site
visit timetable is included as appendix 7 in the Guidelines for Internal Periodic Review
Who is responsible for organising the site visit timetable?
The UCD Quality Office provides a timetable template for the site visit – if necessary, and following
agreement by the UCD Quality Office, the timetable may be modified on a case-by-case basis. The
unit under review, in consultation with the UCD Quality Office, is responsible for organising the
staff/student/stakeholder groups to meet with the Review Group. A draft timetable should be
available for discussion approximately 4 weeks before the site visit, to allow for adjustments and
notifying staff and students. The Review Group may also review the timetable and request changes
following receipt of the SAR.
Who organises refreshments and meeting room(s) for the Review Group?
Refreshments and meeting rooms are organised by the unit in consultation with the UCD Quality
Office. This cost is covered by the UCD Quality Office.
What happens after the site visit is completed?
Following completion of the site visit, the Review Group will finalise the draft of the Review Group
report (prepared prior to departure). This normally takes about 8 weeks and the report is forwarded
to the UCD Quality Office by the Chair, with agreed sign-offs by each member of the Review Group.
It is then forwarded to the Unit to note any factual errors and/or propose a short response to the
report. The report is then finalised and copies of the report are forwarded to the Unit under review,
the President, Registrar and relevant University Officers, the Review Group members and any other
persons authorised by the President/Registrar.
Review Group reports will then be considered by the relevant University committees: academic units
(SMT Academic); Support units (SMT Executive). A summary of the Report will also be considered by
UCD Governing Authority. A report of review outcomes is also made to ACCQ. The Unit then moves
into the follow-up stage and implementation of the Review Group recommendations. A Quality
Improvement Plan (QIP) is developed by the unit, which sets out how each of the recommendations
in the Review Group Report is to be addressed. The UCD Quality Office will provide a template for
the QIP.
How are the Review Group recommendations addressed?
Completion of the Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) should be undertaken in consultation with the
Quality Office, and the College Principal/Vice-President. This is normally completed 12 weeks after
the Review Group report is finalised. All recommendations must be addressed as provided under
the QIP format i.e. recommendations already implemented, recommendations to be addressed in
the coming year, longer term goals to be implemented over five years, and those recommendations
which are considered impractical or unreasonable to implement. The QIP is considered by a
subgroup of ACCQ and includes a member of the Review Group. Implementation of the QIP is
reviewed through a progress report and follow-up meeting.
When will the Unit have to prepare a Progress Report?
The Progress report is normally prepared 12 months following the Quality Improvement Plan being
finalised and approved by a sub-group of ACCQ. However, the ACCQ may (if circumstances require
it) revise and recommend a shorter time period for submission which will be communicated to the
The Progress Review meeting is typically chaired by the UCD Registrar and Deputy President and
includes a member of the Review Group and ACCQ; College Principal/Vice-President and 2-3
members of the unit.
Questions from Students
What is my role in the quality review UCD units?
As a student within the University how can I take a proactive role in the quality review process?
What is my involvement during the quality review site visit?
What questions will the Review Group ask?
What is my role in the quality review of UCD units?
Students may be involved at several stages of the review process. A student representative, for
example, participates as a member of the Unit Co-ordinating Committee which prepares a School
self-assessment report. Feedback from students should be incorporated into the preparation of the
report. Students are invited to meet with the Review Group during their site visit and to comment
on all aspects of their student and learning experience. This may involve commenting on the
curriculum, accessibility of staff, teaching and assessment methods etc. Students also have an
opportunity to view the findings of the Review Group following publication of the report. Units may
also choose to involve a student representative in the quality improvement plan process.
As a student within the University how can I take a proactive role in the quality review process?
Active student participation in the review process can be undertaken in a variety of ways: through
participation in staff-student committees; University or unit feedback surveys or focus groups;
becoming a class representative; through participation on the unit’s co-ordinating committee;
and/or meeting with the Review Group during the site visit.
What is my involvement during the quality review site visit?
Students meet with the Review Group during their site visit and this normally takes place on the
second day of their site visit. Generally the Review Group will meet with representatives from
various stages of undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Former students may also meet with the
Review Group. Meetings are generally 60 minutes in length and the focus of the discussion typically
covers all aspects of the students’ experience of studying at UCD. A briefing document will be
provided to students by the UCD Quality Office via the unit.
What questions will the Review Group ask?
The Review Group will read the Self-assessment Report provided by the Unit, which will contain
student feedback as part of its discussion. The Review Group uses the site visit to verify and discuss
the content of the SAR report. Therefore the questions asked may vary, but should cover areas such
as registration, teaching methods, examinations and assessment, student support facilities, research
methods, staff accessibility, etc..
Questions from External Stakeholders
As an external stakeholder what is my role in the quality review process?
As an external stakeholder what is my role in the quality review process?
As part of the self-assessment Report (SAR) preparation, the views of external stakeholders may be
sought, for example, employers, accreditation or professional bodies. The Review Group may wish
to meet with these stakeholders to discuss how the students/graduates meet the needs of the
various stakeholders or to explore any issues/concerns of the stakeholders; whether the views of the
stakeholders are sought and/or taken into account when programmes are revised; or what
mechanisms are in place to facilitate liaison between the unit and stakeholders.
Questions from Review Group Members
How are Review Group members selected?
What is the role of the Review Group member?
What skills do I need as a reviewer?
How is the site visit date determined?
Who will organise my accommodation and flights?
To whom do I submit my expenses?
When will I receive documentation for the review?
What is the role of the Review Group following the site visit?
How are Review Group members selected?
A typical review group might include:
Two senior UCD staff, one of whom acts as chair (this is currently under review) and the other as
deputy chair.
Two external experts in the discipline, chosen from a list of at least six nominees supplied to the
Quality Office from the unit co-ordinating committee.
It should be noted that the number of reviewers may vary due to the size and diversity of the unit
under review, however, the number of internal UCD members will not exceed the number of
external members. All relationships with the proposed extern reviewer should be declared.
The list of proposed reviewers will be considered and approved by a sub-group of ACCQ and the
relevant College Principal/Vice-President. Additional reviewers may be added or considered. The
final selection will be independent of the unit under review.
What is the role of the Review Group member?
The responsibilities of reviewers include:
reading and analysing the Self-assessment Report prepared by the School and any other
documentation sent in advance of a review (it should be noted that the Self-assessment Report is
confidential to the Review Group)
preparing initial points on the advance documentation for circulation to Review Group members prior
to the review site visit
participating in a review visit to the University in order to gather, share, test and verify evidence
drawing conclusions, making recommendations and judgements on the academic standards achieved
and the quality of the learning opportunities provided
preparation and completion of the allocated draft sections of the Review Group Report and
commenting on the overall draft of the Review Group Report, as agreed with the Chair
respecting University protocols on Confidentiality, and Dignity and Respect
being available for the whole period of the review site visit and committing to complete all processes
of the review once they have embarked on it
Reviewers will evaluate the Self-assessment Report provided by the School, for example:
curricular contents and their suitability for achieving the intended learning outcomes
the assessment processes designed for the pathways and whether they are suitable to assess the
intended learning outcomes
the overall standards of pathways and the procedures used for their maintenance and enhancement
the management of research and the quality of the research activity
overall student achievement, including progression to employment; the contributions made to
student achievement by the quality of teaching; opportunities for learning; the academic support
provision; and learning resources and their deployment (including staffing arrangements)
the teaching delivered by staff and how it contributes to learning by students and helps achieve the
intended learning outcomes
the admission, induction and progression of students in the pathways and the academic support
the available learning resources and their use in supporting the pathways and the achievement of the
intended learning outcomes
the procedures used for the maintenance and enhancement of standards and quality
What skills do I need as a reviewer?
Skills include the ability to:
conduct meetings and interviews with staff, students and external stakeholders
write succinctly and coherently
meet tight timescales and deadlines
work effectively as a member of a team
work courteously and professionally
maintain confidentiality
communicate electronically, including emails, attachments and word processed documents and files
How is the date of the site visit determined?
The site visit date is determined by the unit under review in consultation with the UCD Quality
Office. It should be agreed early in the preparatory stages of the review process to facilitate the
organisation of review groups and to ensure all staff members and stakeholders are available to
meet the review group.
Who will organise my accommodation and flights?
The UCD Quality Office organises accommodation and flights for the site visit in consultation with
the extern reviewers. The UCD Quality Office will co-ordinate this following confirmation of the
Review Group membership.
To whom do I submit my expenses?
Expenses should be forwarded to the UCD Quality Office, Room 130, Tierney Building, University
College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland (
When will I receive documentation for the review?
Initial information about the quality review process will be forwarded to the Review Group members
with the invitation to participate in the unit review. Further information on the process and Selfassessment Report will be forwarded approximately one month prior to the site visit. Additional
information may be provided at the briefing meeting immediately prior to the commencement of
the review site visit.
What is the role of the Review Group following the site visit?
The role of the Review Group is to prepare a Review Group report for submission to the UCD Quality
Office no later than 8 weeks following the site visit. Typically, each reviewer will have responsibility
for a section(s) of the Review Group Report. When the Review Group Report is finalised (with a
response from the Unit attached) a copy of the final report will be forwarded to the Review Group
members. The Chair of the Group normally considers the Quality Improvement Plan in conjunction
with the UCD Quality Office and Academic Council Committee on Quality to ensure that the
recommendations are being addressed appropriately. The Chair also participates in the Progress
Review meeting to review implementation of the Review Group Report recommendations,
approximately 18 months post review site visit.