King Abdulaziz University College of Business - Rabigh Project Information Management MISY 303 AB1 Course Syllabus 1435 / 1436 Class Day/Time/Location: Sunday &Tuesday &Thursday 8:00-9:00 am, RG05/16A Office Hours: Sunday &Tuesday &Thursday 9:00-10:00 pm and by mutual arrangement INSTRUCTOR: Mrs. Zelal Ahmed Kutby ROOM: Second floor EMAIL: PHONE: 0535995425 COURSE DESCRIPTION In this course, students will learn how project management roles are changing as innovative contracts, alternate delivery System, alternative dispute resolution, and creative project financing are increasingly changing how projects are administered. The modern project manager has more information available than ever before and information technology is changing rapidly. Students will learn about cost and risk control as well as developing and applying policies and procedures. COURSE OBJECTIVES 1. Build confidence in each student’s ability to manage or participate in complex projects and work with project stakeholders. 2. Understand the best practices in information technology project management. 3. Understand decision makers, the decision making process and the role of decision support tools in an organization. 4. Understand how to manage the flow of project information during the various phases of the project. TEXTBOOKS K. Schwalbe, “Information Technology Project Management”, 6th/e, Published by: Cengage Learning, (2009). RULES AND EXPECTATIONS 1) Respect Respect and be sensitive to the ideas, opinions, and property of others. Think before you act and treat others with kindness and consideration. Use only appropriate/respectful language 2) Responsibility Take responsibility for your work and your actions. Come to class with all required materials. Consequences for not following these rules: 1. Verbal warning. 2. Loss of eligibilities or bonuses. 3. Move seat. ATTENDANCE POLICY Tardy = not being in your seat 10 min from the beginning of the class. Three tardiness = one absence, Six tardiness = two absence, and Nine tardiness = three absence Absence = not in class Students are expected to attend all classes. (25%) or 4 absences in this class = elimination from the class. Students absent for any reasons are expected to submit their work on time unless other arrangements were made. Exams POLICY Absent from Midterm Exam or quiz is your responsibility and there is not making up exams, unless you have an approval. Absent from final = uncompleted class. Means you are allowed to take the final in this course with next semester finals. Homework POLICY • You will be divided into groups. Each group will choose a unit in one of the modules to prepare and present in front of the class. Topic choice will be based on the availability which means groups may not get what they want to present about. • Some assignments may take different forms from regular homework. For example, bringing a newspaper article that is related to the class topic may count as a homework grade. • Each group will prepare small activities at beginning of the class.(once during the semester) PORTFOLIO All your major and small assignments will be placed in your groups portfolio to be assessed at the end of the semester. Academic Dishonesty Students are expected to conduct themselves in an ethical manner in this course. Cheating of any kind will not be tolerated. Any form of plagiarism or cheating on any assignment, quiz, test or project will result in an immediate "F". Cell phone: Turn off or keep your cellphone silent during the class, if there is an emergency tell me before class or leave the class and then explain your situation. FINALLY Remember that our class is a community that is dependent on the respect, communication and collaboration of each member for the success of the whole. GRADING POLICY First exn 15 points second Exams 15 1 Assignment 5 Project 15 Attendance and participation 10 Finals 40 Total 100 Schedule Rabi-Al-thani S 12/4 Introduction T 14/4 Chpt. 1 Introduction to Project Management R 16/4 Chpt.1(cont.) S 19/4 Chpt.1(cont.) T 21/4 Chpt. 2 PM & IT Context R 23/4 Chpt. 2(Cont.) 3 PM Process Groups S 26/4 Chpt. 3 PM Process Groups T 28/4 Chpt. 3(Cont.) R 30/4 Joumad-1 S 3/5 Chpt. 4 Project Integration Management T 5/5 Chpt. 4 (Cont.) R 7/5 S 10/5 Exam 1 T 12/5 Chpt. 5 Project Scope Management R 14/5 Chpt. 5 (Cont.) S 17/5 T 19/5 Chpt. 6 Project Time Management R 21/5 Chpt. 6 (Cont.) S 24/5 T 26/5 R 28/5-8/6 No Class Joumad- 2 S 9/6 Chpt. 7 Project Cost Management T 11/6 Exam 2 R 13/6 Chpt. 7 (Cont.) S 16/6 Chpt. 8 Project Quality Management 9 Project Human Resources Management T 18/6 Chpt. 8 (Cont.) R 20/6 S 23/6 Chpt. 9 Project Human Resources Management T 25/6 Chpt. 9 (Cont.) R 27/6 S 30/6 Chpt. 10 Project Communications Rajab T 2/7 Chpt. 10(Cont.) R 4/7 S 7/7 chpt. 12 Procurement Management T 9/7 chpt. 12 ( cont.) R 11/7 S 14/7 T 16/7 R 18/7 Saturday 27/7 Finals Starting This is a tentative schedule and any changes will be announced in class.