ASSESSMENT OF OCCUPATIONAL FUNCTION CAMS Majmaah University LEARNING OBJECTIVES O Understand the nature and importance of Assessment in Occupational Therapy. O Evaluate roles, competence and occupational functioning, beginning with clients perception of their occupational performance issues. O Understand the measurement criteria necessary for reliable and valid assessments for Occupational therapy practice. Assessing Roles & Competence O INTRODUCTION: O Occupational therapists provide services to optimize the Occupational performance of persons who have or at risk for developing Occupational dysfunction. O AOTA-2002 states , occupational performance is the ability to carry out Basic ADL and Instrumental ADL. \ O The evaluation of occupational performance often begins with a semi- structured interview to assess the client’s need , problems, and concern regarding role participation and competence in daily living task & activities. O Gather informations from client and family O After identifying the clients areas of difficulty in occupational performance appropriate intervention is selected. Measurement concepts O Several Measurement concepts are used to assess the role and competence in OT, but these concepts should include standardized measures with established reliability and validity. O Reliability- The ability of an assessment to consistently measure performance and to differentiate among clients under various conditions. O Validity- The extent to which an instrument measures what it is intended to measure. Semi- structured Interview Assessments O The therapists are advised to select the standardized Semi- structured Interview Assessments to identify occupational need areas and , as well as direct measures of abilities and skill during observation of task performance. O Widely used assessment-------Canadian Occupational performance measure COPM. Canadian Occupational performance measure- COPM O The COPM is administered in 4 steps O 1. Problem definition O 2. priority setting O 3.Scoring O 4.Reassessment. O Example of scores given:( scored on 1-10 scale) Activity problem Importance Performance satisfaction Preparing sandwich 5 1 4 Assessing roles & Community integration O Community integration refers to ability of a person to O O O O O live, work and enjoy his free time within the community setting. The community Integration measure –CIM uses 10 item to gather qualitative information Examples of items : 1. I move around my living quarters as I feel necessary. 2. I feel that I can deal with life events as they happen. (each item is scored with 10 cm visual analogue) Assessing Tasks and Activities O The basic ADL , Instrumental ADL , work and O O O O Leisure are assessed. ADL- assessment: 1. BARTHEL INDEX- evaluates 10 activities , total score ranges from 0 to 100. Score 100 denotes- total independence Score 60 seems to be the transitional from dependency to assisted independence. O 2. Functional independence Measure (FIM): O uses a 7 –point ordinal scale to evaluate occupational performance for 18 items. O It measures the severity of disability and not the impairment. O 3.Katez Index: evaluates six ADL O 4. Assessment of Motor & process skills (AMPS) :uses 4 point scale to assess,16 motor and 20 process skill items. Assessing abilities and capacities O 1. Range of Motion O 2. Strength O 3. Endurance Range of Motion O Assessed by Goniometry- using Universal Goniometer. O AROM & PROM should be measured. O The therapist must place the axis and arm appropriately to ensure accuracy and reliability. O Each measurement is accurately recorded on ROM form with therapist signature and date , as the medical record is a legal document. Universal Goniometer Measuring edema O Methods: O 1. Circumferential measurement: A millimeter tape is used, it is essential to measure at exactly the same place from test to test. Figure of 8 technique is used for hand edema O 2. Volumetric measurements: When the hand is placed in a vessel, water is displaced and spills out in a graduated beaker. An edematous hand displaces more water. A micropipette was used to measure the volume of water. O Compare the values with the normal side. Volumetric / Figure of 8 - measurement Muscle Strength O A maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) is used. O Break Test: O The muscle to be tested is positioned at its greatest mechanical advantage. Once the extremity is positioned the patient is asked to hold the position as the tester imparts an external force to overcome the contractile force of the muscle using his hand. MUSCLE GRADING CHART Grading Scale Range: 0 to 5 0 None No visible or palpable contraction 1 Trace Visible or palpable contraction with no motion ( a 1 ) 2 Poor Full ROM gravity eliminated 3 Fair Full ROM against gravity 4 Good Full ROM against gravity, moderate resistance 5 Normal Full ROM against gravity, maximul resistance Measurement of Grasp & Pinch strength O Dynamometer is used O Grasp – is measured by hand held dynamometer. O Pinch strength- PINCH METER. Hand held Dynmometer Measurement of Endurance O Endurance is the ability to sustain effort and to O O O O O O resist fatigue. It is related to Cardiopulmonary and Muscular Function. Endurance can be measured dynamically and statically Dynamic assessments include: 1.No.or repetitions per unit of time 2.percentage of maximal heart rate generated by an aerobic activity 3.MET metabolic equivalent Assessing Motor behavior O Evaluation s used by Neuro physiological O O O O O O O approaches, 1.Muscle Tone 2.Abnormal reflexes 3.Movement patterns 4.Postural control 5.Sensation 6.Perception 7.cognition Muscle Tone Evaluation O Modified Ashworth scale : a qualitative scale to assess the degree of spasticity . Score 0 (0) 1 (1) 1+ (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4 (5) Ashworth Scale Modified Ashworth Scale Bohannon & (1964) Smith (1987) No increase in toneNo increase in muscle tone Slight increase in Slight increase in muscle tone, tone giving a catch manifested by a catch and release or by when the limb was minimal resistance at the end of the moved in flexion or range of motion when the affected part(s) extension is moved in flexion or extension Slight increase in muscle tone, manifested by a catch, followed by minimal resistance throughout the reminder (less than half) of the ROM (range of movement) More marked More marked increase in muscle tone increase in tone through most of the ROM, but affected but limb easily part(s) easily moved flexed Considerable increase in tone - Considerable increase in muscle tone passive movement passive, movement difficult difficult Limb rigid in flexion Affected part(s) rigid in flexion or or extension extension Evaluation using Task -oriented Approach O 1.Role performance: Identify past roles and whether hey can be maintained or must be changed. Determine how future role will be changed Eg. student, volunteer. 2.Occupational Performance task: areas of occupation BADL,IADL, Work, leisure 3. Task selection and analysis: Performance components that limit occupation O 4. Person: performance components Cognitive, psychosocial, sensorimotor O 5. Environmental – performance context Physical, socioeconomic, cultural. Sensation assessment O Purpose of sensory evaluation in OT: O O O O O O O Assess type & extend of sensory loss Evaluate and document sensory recovery Determine impairment and functional limitation Provide direction for OT INTERVENTION such as 1.Determine time to begin sensory reeducation 2.Determine the need for education to prevent injury during occupation 3. Determine need for sensitization Sensory Testing techniques O 1. Touch Threshold : Assessed using Semmes –Weinstein monofilaments O 2. Static two- point discrimination: Assessed using AESTHESIOMETER O 3. Vibration threshold: Assessed using Vibrometer Semmes –Weinstein monofilaments Sensory assessment tools Aesthesiometer vibrometer Assessing visual Perception O A basic eye history, including premorbid visual conditions eg. Congenital strabismus, trauma O Interview with clients for symptoms O Observation of clients during functional activities O Screening of foundation skills Assessing Apraxia O Apraxia is the inability to carry out skilled movement in the presence of intact sensation, movement and coordination. O The widely used tool is FLORIDA APRAXIA SCREENING TEST. Assessing Cognition & function O 1. Arnadottir OT-ADL Neurobehavioral evaluation: examines ADL& Neurobehavioral dysfunction. O 2. Rabideau Kitchen Evaluation: evaluation in context with meal preparation. O 3. Kitchen task assessment: measures the cognitive support necessary for the patient to prepare cooked pudding. O 4. Work simulations Assessing context : Personal , social and cultural O PERSONAL: Age, gender identity, values & preferences, spirituality ,coping style, cultural identity, Fatigue, Pain, mood O Social: social class, social network, social role expectations O CULTURAL: values, behavior of broader community Pain Assessment O Two subjective measures of pain O 1. McGill Pain questionnaire- short form measures pain and response to pain interventions. There are 15 descriptors, rated on 0 to 3 intensity scale O 2. Visual Analogue scale: It’s a 10 cm line Assessing Home, Community &Work place access O To identify and evaluate barriers that challenge the O O O O O O O competency and ability of individual to carry out their chosen occupation and roles. To identify and evaluate resources that will support occupational performance & functioning To develop strategies to eliminate or ameliorate barriers. ASSESSMENT & REFERENCE: 1. ADA: Americans with disability act------ provides information and technical assistance for accessible designs. 2. Adaptive environment Human- centered design: provides access to universal design 3. FAIR Housing FIRST: GUIDES TO IMPLEMENT fair housing act amendments. Work site Assessment O O O O O O O O O O Preparing For a site visit: 1. Description of Job Eg.duties & responsibilities 2. Description of Work site/ work station 3. Consent of employer 4. Understanding worker and employer perspectives eg.expectations,issues 5. Arrangements of visit 6. Presence of a contact person during visit eg. Supervisor 7. Activities & safety concern 8.Assesment forms / charts for recording 9. Consideration of contribution from second personPhysiotherapist Conclusion O The use of well- validated standardized instruments help us to obtain the reliable and valid data. Efficient assessment procedures are the key for efficient treatment skills.