University College Dublin Hourly Paid Work Claim Form: Part Time Library Please complete an Hourly Paid Set-up Authorisation Form ( if this is your first claim, otherwise your claim cannot be processed. Claims for work carried out on a Sunday should be completed on the Sunday Premium (Hourly Paid Form). The premium is Time and a Quarter and applies to rates of pay which do not have a full time equivalent. Please note that Payment will be withheld if a PPS number has not been supplied. The Organisation of Working Time Act 1997 limits the maximum average working week to 48 hours. Weekly working time can be averaged out over a 4-month reference period. Heads of School or Unit should ensure that all approved forms are returned to the Compensation and Benefits Section by the following deadlines: Weekly Claims: Wednesday @ 5pm for payment the following week. Monthly Claims: 3rd of the month. If the 3rd falls on a weekend day, claims received first post Monday will be processed. (Exceptions December and February: Deadline is the 1st). Claims must be made within one month of the date on which work was performed. Payment will not be made on incomplete or photocopied forms. These will be returned. To be completed by the Employee Personnel Number: P School / Unit: _______________________ Forename(s): _____________________________ Work Performed (please tick) Surname: _____________________________ Code Position Existing Library Assistant: 103 0036_X 0036XI 0035_X New Entrant - Library Assistant: 103 0036_X 0036XI 0035_X Pay Frequency: 0035XI 0035XI Monthly Weekly Other (please specify rate & description of work): Hours Worked: Please enter hours per week – Week ending Friday when the work has been completed. Legislation requires an employee to take a paid break of 15 minutes after a 4.5 hour work period. If working more than 6 hours, an unpaid break of 30 minutes should be taken. Please note that hours claimed must reflect actual hours worked (excluding breaks). Code (see above) Hours Worked Week Ending Friday Rate (see overleaf) Pension Related Deduction Are you a member of a Public Service Pension Scheme, entitled to a benefit under a public service pension scheme or receive a payment or allowance in lieu of membership of a public service pension scheme (other than a UCD Pension Scheme)? Please tick as appropriate. Yes No If Yes, please complete the Pension Related Deduction Declaration Form available for download on If Declaration Form already submitted, please sign claim form and return for payment. Employee signature: ______________________ Date: ____/______/_______ To be completed by Head of School / Unit Cost Centre / Grant Code Authorised for Payment (Head of School / Unit): Authoriser (BLOCK CAPITALS) Date: Contact Phone Number for queries ______________________________________________ To be completed by UCD Human Resources Authorised for Processing: Date: Details Checked CORE Input Grade ____/____/____ Data Check PRSI Weeks Override Position Code Point Rate (€) 0036_X 1 Beginning at €12.26 0035_X 1 Beginning at €17.50 Library Assistant3 0036XI 1 Beginning at €11.03 Assistant Librarian4 0035XI 1 Beginning at €15.75 2010 Rate Library Assistant1 Assistant Librarian 2 2011 Rates 2013 Rates (Claimants commencing work for the 1st time from 1ST July 2013) Library Assistant5 0036_X 1 Beginning at €12.09 Assistant Librarian6 0035_X 1 Beginning at €17.26 Library Assistant 0036XI 1 Beginning at €10.88 0035XI 1 Beginning at €15.53 7 Assistant Librarian8 1 Library Assistant Hourly (2010) - Position Code 0036_X €23348 / 52.18 = €447.45 / 36.5 = €12.26 per hour Assistant Librarian Hourly (2010) - Position Code 0035_X €33326 / 52.18 = €638.67 / 36.5 = €17.50 per hour 2 3 Library Assistant Hourly (2011) - Position Code 0036XI €12.26 x 10% = €1.23 €12.26-€1.23 = €11.03 per hour Assistant Librarian Hourly (2011) - Position Code 0035XI €17.50 x 10% = €1.75 €17.50-€1.75 = €15.75 per hour 4 5 Library Assistant Hourly (2010) - Position Code 0036_X €23348 / 52.18 = €447.45 / 37 = €12.09 per hour Assistant Librarian Hourly (2010) - Position Code 0035_X €33326 / 52.18 = €638.67 / 37 = €17.26 per hour 6 7 Library Assistant Hourly (2011) - Position Code 0036XI €12.09 x 10% = €1.21 €12.09-€1.21 = €10.88 per hour Assistant Librarian Hourly (2011) - Position Code 0035XI €17.26 x 10% = €1.73 €17.26-€1.73 = €15.53 per hour 8