
IA and B2C Interaction
Presented by: Joel Coutiño Macias
What is B2C?
 B2C – business to consumer
 Activities of businesses serving end consumers with products
or services
 Generally retail
 C2B – consumer to business
 Business model in which consumers create value for
 Commonly initiated by consumer
When is interaction common?
 Introduction of product or service
 Marketing
 Growth & Maturity of product or service
 Troubleshooting
 Maintenance
 Improvement
 Effectively promote the product or service
 What is it?
 What makes it different?
 Release date?
 Control product or service image
Growth & Maturity
 Troubleshooting
 Consumer wishes to communicate with business to correct
 Business wishes to fix issues to appease consumer
 Maintenance & Improvements
 Business wishes to inform consumer of updates and fixes &
 Consumer wishes to inform business inquire as to fixes &
Common Forms of Interaction
 Forums & Comments
 Live Chat
 Social Media
Internet Forums & Comments
 Place for online discussions
 Positive & Negative reactions
 Answers to common or specific questions
 Creates a sense of community
 Often monitored by businesses
 Community might respond quicker than official company
 Messages usually archived for future reference
Live Chat
 Provides consumer with a “personal” touch when
communicating with a business
 Usually less wait for issue resolution
Social Media
 Facebook and Twitter
 Maritz/evolve24 Research (Sept. 2011):
 1,298 Twitter who had complained at lease once about a
brand or business
 1/3 of respondents said received a response from the
 Nearly 1/2 of respondents expected a response
The Web has an effect
 Word of mouth still influences purchase decisions &
product success
 Different approaches
 Consumers will find a way to communicate
 Businesses should adapt
 Product Life Cycles: http://courses.unt.edu/kt3650_9/sld004.htm
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consumer-to-business
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business-to-consumer
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Promotion_(marketing)
 http://mac.appstorm.net/roundups/graphics-roundups/the-evolution-ofapplecom/
 Riegner, C. (2007). Word of Mouth on the Web: The Impact of Web 2.0 on
Consumer Purchase Decisions. Journal Of Advertising Research, 47(4), 436-447.
 http://www.maritzresearch.com/~/media/Files/MaritzResearch/e24/ExecutiveSu