PowerPoint including Final Project Info

School of Information, Fall 2007
University of Texas
Information Architecture
Week 12
A. Fleming Seay
Turn in Implementation Progress Report Three
SPANGLER – Mystery Topic
Discuss Presentation
Triage Session
SPANGLER – Mystery Topic
Final Presentations
10 Minute Madness
7 minutes for presentation, 3 for questions
December 4th and 11th from 6:30-9:30pm
This Room
Talk about your process and show off your site
I will cut you off at ten minutes
Grading Criteria
Presentation Effectiveness
Introduction of Self and Topic
Reviewed Structure of Presentation
Maintained Eye Contact, Topic Focus and Engaged
Not Anchored to Podium or Obviously Reading off
Screen or Notes
Oral Presentation Skills
Clearly and Effectively Spoken
Used Personality and Humor to Convey Content
Visual Presentation Appearance
Readable Graphics, Fonts, Text Styles, Backgrounds,
Good Grammar, Consistent Phrases, References
Presentation Content
Listed IA tools used to build site
Showed main Web page (and "before" pages if applicable)
Provided address (URL) for live site
Explained organization (site map) of site
Reviewed site navigation
Overviewed "vital statistics" for project:
Total number of pages
Site/Page XHTML validation status
Site/Page accessibility validation status
Layout designs & techniques
Explained Graphics, Tables, Charts and Figures
Showed live interaction with site (especially to show
interactive features of site or specific pages)
Reviewed & explained Design decisions
Post-mortem methdology review (what could be done
better or differently next time)
For Next Time
Come to class ready to present
I will show the lineup for both days at the beginning of class
Triage Session