Introduction to Medical Imaging Lecture No. 3 Dr. Yousif Mohamed Yousif Abdallah A bit of History • William Roentgen discovered X-rays in 1895 and determined they had the following properties 1. 2. 3. 4. • • Travel in straight lines Are exponentially absorbed in matter with the exponent proportional to the mass of the absorbing material Darken photographic plates Make shadows of absorbing material on photosensitive paper Roentgen was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1901 Debate over the wave vs. particle nature of X-rays led the development of relativity and quantum mechanics The Electromagnetic Spectrum Cu-Kα Generating X-rays for Diffraction To get an accurate picture of the structure of a crystalline material requires X-radiation that is as close to monochromatic as possible. The function of the x-ray tube and associated electronics is to produce a limited frequency range of high-intensity x-rays. Filters, monochromators, specially tuned detectors and software are then used to further refine the frequency used in the analysis. The X-ray Tube • Schematic cross section of an Xray tube as used in our lab • The anode is a pure metal. Cu, Mo, Fe, Co and Cr are in common use in XRD applications. Cu is used on our Scintag system • Cu, Co and Mo will be available on our new systems • The tube is cooled by water and housed in a shielding aluminum tower X-rays Tube Schematic HV Power Supply Schematic • In most systems, the anode (at top in 8) is kept at ground • #2 (KV) and #7 (ma) are what are adjusted on the power supply with #1 and #5 • In our lab, we only routinely adjust filament current (#5) from operating (35 ma) to “idle” (10 ma) levels Characteristics of Common Anode Materials Material At. # K1 (Å) K2 (Å) Cr 24 2.290 2.294 Char Min (keV) 5.98 Opt kV Advantages (Disadvantages) 40 High resolution for large d-spacings, particularly organics (High attenuation in air) Most useful for Fe-rich materials where Fe fluorescence is a problem (Strongly fluoresces Cr in specimens) Fe 26 1.936 1.940 7.10 40 Co 27 1.789 1.793 7.71 40 Useful for Fe-rich materials where Fe fluorescence is a problem Cu 29 1.541 1.544 8.86 45 Mo 42 0.709 0.714 20.00 80 Best overall for most inorganic materials (Fluoresces Fe and Co K and these elements in specimens can be problematic) Short wavelength good for small unit cells, particularly metal alloys (Poor resolution of large d-spacings; optimal kV exceeds capabilities of most HV power supplies.) Generation of X-rays c • X-rays may be described as waves and particles, having both wavelength () and energy (E) • In the equations at left: (1) E h E E hc (2) (3) 12.398 – E is the energy of the electron flux in KeV – h is Planck’s constant (4.135 x 10-15 eVs) – v is the frequency – c is the speed of light (3 x 1018 Å/s) – is the wavelength in Å (4) • Substituting (1) into (2) yields (3), the relationship between wavelength and energy. • In (4) all constants are substituted Continuous Spectrum • X-rays are produced whenever matter is irradiated with a beam of high-energy charged particles or photons • In an x-ray tube, the interactions are between the electrons and the target. Since energy must be conserved, the energy loss from the interaction results in the release of x-ray photons • The energy (wavelength) will be equal to the energy loss (Equation 4). • This process generates a broad band of continuous radiation (a.k.a. bremsstrahlung or white radiation) Continuous Spectrum hc 12.398 min V V • The minimum wavelength ( in angstroms) is dependent on the accelerating potential ( in KV) of the electrons, by the equation above. • The continuum reaches a maximum intensity at a wavelength of about 1.5 to 2 times the min as indicated by the shape of the curve Generating Characteristic Radiation • The photoelectric effect is responsible for generation of characteristic x-rays. Qualitatively here’s what is happening: L-shell to K-shell jump produces a K x-ray M-shell to K-shell jump produces a K x-ray – An incoming high-energy photoelectron disloges a k-shell electron in the target, leaving a vacancy in the shell – An outer shell electron then “jumps” to fill the vacancy – A characteristic x-ray (equivalent to the energy change in the “jump”) is generated The Copper K Spectrum The diagram at left shows the 5 possible Cu K transitions L to K “jumps: – K1 (8.045 keV, 1.5406Å) – K2 (8.025 keV, 1.5444Å) M to K – K1 K3 (8.903 keV, 1.3922Å) – K 5 Note: The energy of the K transitions is higher that that of the K transitions, but because they are much less frequent, intensity is lower Continuous and Characteristic Spectrum Characteristic Wavelength values (in Å) for Common Anode Materials Anode K1 (100) K2 (50) K (15) Cu 1.54060 1.54439 1.39222 Cr 2.28970 2.29361 2.08487 Fe 1.93604 1.93998 1.75661 Co 1.78897 1.79285 1.62079 Mo 0.70930 0.71359 0.63229 * Relative intensities are shown in parentheses Making Monochromatic X-rays • X-rays coming out of the tube will include the continuum, and the characteristic K1, K2, and K radiations • A variety of methods may be used to convert this radiation into something effectively monochromatic for diffraction analysis: • Use of a filter • Use of proportional detector and pulse height selection • Use of a Si(Li) solid-state detector • Use of a diffracted- or primary-beam monochromator Filters • There are two types of absorption of x-rays. – Mass absorption is linear and dependent on mass – Photoelectric absorption is based on quantum interactions and will increase up to a particular wavelength, then drop abruptly • By careful selection of the correct absorber, photoelectric absorption can be used to select a “filter” to remove most radiation while “passing” most radiation Filters for Common Anodes Target K (Å) filter Cr 2.291 V 11 6.00 58 3 Fe 1.937 Mn 11 7.43 59 3 Co 1.791 Fe 12 7.87 57 3 Cu 1.542 Ni 15 8.90 52 2 Mo 0.710 Zr 81 6.50 44 1 Thickness (m) Density (g/cc) % K % K Note: Thickness is selected for max/min attenuation/transmission Standard practice is to choose a filter thickness where the : is between 25:1 and 50:1 Filtration of the Cu Spectrum by a Ni Filter The Ni absorption edge lies between the K and K peaks Note the jump in the continuum to the left of the K peak from Cu selfabsorption Note that the Ni filter does little to remove the highenergy high-intensity portion of the continuum Filter Placement: • In a diffractometer, the filter may be placed on the tube or detector side. • In powder cameras (or systems with large 2D detectors), the filter will be between the tube and the camera (or specimen). Discriminating with Detectors • Pulse-height Discrimination – Detector electronics are set to limit the energy of xrays seen by the detector to a threshold level – Effectively removes the most of the continuum and radiation produced by sample fluorescence – Particularly effective combined with a crystal monochromator • “Tunable” Detectors – Modern solid state detectors, are capable of extremely good energy resolution – Can selectively “see” only K or K energy – No other filtration is necessary, thus signal to noise ratios can be extremely high – Can negatively impact intensity of signal Monochromators • Following the Bragg law, each component wavelength of a polychromatic beam of radiation directed at a single crystal of known orientation and d-spacing will be diffracted at a discrete angle • Monochromators make use of this fact to selectively remove radiation outside of a tunable energy range, and pass only the radiation of interest – A filter selectively attenuates K and has limited effect on other wavelengths of X-rays – a monochromator selectively passes the desired wavelength and attenuates everything else. • Monochromators may be placed anywhere in the diffractometer signal path Pyroliltic Graphite curved-crystal Monochromator • A planar crystal will diffract over a very small angular range and significantly reduce the intensity of the x-ray signal • Precisely “bent” and machined synthetic crystals allow a divergent x-ray beam to be focused effectively with minimal signal loss The pyrolitic graphite curved crystal monochromator is the most widely used type in XRD laboratories Graphite Monochromator on Scintag Diffractometer Diffracted-beam parallel geometry From left: Receiving scatter slit, soller slit assembly, receiving slit, monochromator (path bends) and scintillation detector A Ni filter will attenuate Cu K radiation, but pass almost everything else (including highenergy portions of the background spectrum) • A Si(Li) detector may be tuned to see only K radiation • A graphite (PG) monochromator will select Cu K, but the acceptance windows will also admit a few other wavelengths. A tungsten (W) L line may be present as anode contamination in an “aged” Cu x-ray tube • Compton scatter will always contribute something to the background The X-ray Machine • The x-ray machine is divided into four major components. • The Tube • The Operating Console • The High Voltage Section • The Film Holder , Grid Cabinet or Table Chiropractic X-ray Room • Floor mounted x-ray tube stand. • Wall grid cabinet or Bucky • Mobile Table with grid cabinet (optional) • Non-Bucky Film Holder (optional) Chiropractic X-ray Room • Control Booth should contain the operator console and technique charts and space to store cassettes. • The wall between the booth and X-ray unit is shielded. Chiropractic X-ray Room • High Voltage Section or Generator used to change incoming power to levels needed to produce xrays. The X-Ray Tube Development • Dr. Roentgen used a Crookes-Hittorf tube to make the first x-ray image. • There was no shielding so x-rays were emitted in all directions. The X-Ray Tube Development • The Coolidge Hot cathode tube was a major advancement in tube Design. The radiator at the end of the anode cool the anode. The X-Ray Tube Development • This is the variety of tube designs available in 1948. • The Coolidge tube was still available. The X-Ray Tube Development • Two major hazards plagued early radiography. • Excessive radiation exposure • Electric Shock The X-Ray Tube Development • This is a modern rotating anode xray tube. • It is encased completely in a metal protective housing. The X-Ray Modern X-ray Tube • There are two principle parts: • The rotating anode • The cathode • Any tube that has two electrodes is called a diode. The X-Ray Modern X-ray Tube • There are two principle parts: • The rotating anode • The cathode • Any tube that has two electrodes is called a diode. Part of the X-ray Tube Protective Housing • The tube is housed in a lead lines metal protective housing. • The x-ray photons are generated isotropically or in all directions. • The housing is designed to limit the beam to window. Protective Housing • The tube can not have more than 100 mR at 1 m (26 µ C/kg) / Hour when operated at it maximum output. Protective Housing • The housing also provide mechanical support and protection from damage. • On some tubes, the housing also contains oil that provides more insulation and a thermal cushion. Protective Housing • Never hold the tube during an exposure. • Never use the cables or terminals as handles. Protective Housing • The housing incorporates specially designed high voltage receptacles to protect against electrical shock. • Some housing have a fan for cooling. The X-Ray Tube Glass Envelope • The glass envelope is made of Pyrex to withstand the tremendous heat produced during xray. • The window is a 5 cm square with a thin section of glass where the useful beam is emitted. The Cathode • The cathode is the negative side of the tube and contains two primary parts: • The filaments • The focusing cup The Filaments • Most tube have two filaments which provide a choice of quick exposures or high resolution. • The filaments are made of thoriated tungsten. The Filaments • Tungsten is used in xray tube because of it’s high melting point of 3410°C. • X-rays are produced by thermionic emission when a 4 A or higher current is applied. Focusing Cup • The focusing cup has a negative charge so that it can condense the electron beam to a small area of the anode. Filament Current • When the x-ray machine is turned on, a low current flows through the the filament to warm it and prepare it for the big thermal jolt necessary for x-ray production. Filament Current • The filament is not hot enough for thermionic emission. Once the current is high enough for thermionic emission a small rise in filament current will result in a large rise in tube current. Filament Current & Tube Current • The x-ray tube current is adjusted by controlling the filament current. • The relationship between tube and filament current is dependent upon the tube voltage. Space Charge • When emitted by the filament, the electrons form a cloud near the filament momentarily before being accelerated to the anode. This is called a space charge. Saturation Current • When very high mA and very low kVp, the thermionic emission can be space charge limited. • With high mA the cloud makes it difficult for subsequent electrons to be emitted. • Above 1000 mA space charge limited exposure can be a major problem. The Anode • The anode is the positive side of the tube. • X-ray tubes are classified by the type of anode: – Stationary ( top) – Rotating (bottom) The Stationary Anode • Stationary anodes are used in dental xray and some portable x-ray machine where high tube current and power are not required. The Rotating Anode • The rotating anode allows the electron beam to interact with a much larger target area. • The heat is not confined to a small area. The Rotating Anode • The anode serves three functions: – Receives the electrons emitted from the cathode. – It is a electrical conductor. – Mechanical support for the target. The Rotating Anode • The Anode must also be a good thermal conductor. • When the electron beam strikes the anode more than 99% of the kinetic energy is converted to heat. The Rotating Anode • Tungsten-rhenium is used as the target for the electron beam. • Tungsten is used for three reasons – High atomic number – Heat conductivity – High melting point.. The Rotating Anode • The rotor is an electromagnetic induction motor. • It spins at 3400 rpm. • High speed anodes spin at 10,000 rpm. The Rotating Anode • Even with the anode rotating, some melting occurs. The heat must be rapidly dissipated. • Molybdenum and copper are used to rapidly transfer the heat from the target. The Rotating Anode • When the exposure button is depressed, current is applied to the tube that produces a magnetic field that starts the rotation of the anode. The Rotating Anode • When the anode is spinning at the correct speed, the exposure can be made. • After the exposure is completed, it slows by reversing the motor. Tube cooling • The x-ray tube uses all three forms of cooling. – Radiation – Conduction – Convection Focal Tracks • With a rotating anode, the electrons strike a moving target forming focal tracks on the tube. Line-Focus Principle • The focal spot is the area of the anode from which the x-rays are emitted. • The focal spot impacts the geometric resolution of the x-ray image. Line-Focus Principle • By angling the anode target, one makes the the effective focal spot much smaller than the actual area of interaction. • The angling of the target is know as the line focus principle. Line-Focus Principle • The Effective Focal Spot is the beam projected onto the patient. • As the anode angle decreases, the effective focal spot decreases. • Diagnostic tube target angles range from 5 to 15°. Line-Focus Principle • The advantage of Line focus is it provides the sharpness of the small focal spot with the heat capacity of the large large focal spot. Line-Focus Principle • Smaller target angles will produce smaller effective focal spots and sharper images. • To cover a 17” the angle must be 12° • To cover 36” the angle must be 14° Off Focal Radiation • Remember that xrays are produced in all directions. The electrons can rebound and interact with other areas of the anode. • This is called OffFocal Radiation. Control of Off Focal Radiation • A diaphragm is placed between the tube and the collimator to reduce off focus rays. Anode Heel Effect • One unfortunate consequence of the line-focus principle is that the radiation intensity on the cathode side of the x-ray tube is higher than the anode side. Anode Heel Effect • The x-rays are emitted isotropically or in all directions. • Some of the beam is absorbed by the target resulting in a lower intensity. Anode Heel Effect • The difference in the intensity can vary by as much as 45%. • If the center is 100% the anode side of the beam can as low as 75% and the cathode as much as 120%. Anode Heel Effect • The heel effect should be considered when positioning areas of the body with different thickness or density. • The cathode side should be over the area of greatest density. Anode Heel Effect • As the angle of the anode decreases, the anode heel effect increases. • This can result in incomplete coverage of the film with the beam. Anode Heel Effect on Resolution • The sharpness of the image can be dependent upon which area of the beam coverage you are looking at. • Similar to the shape distortion when the tube is not centered. Anode Heel Effect • The anode should be up and the cathode down for the full spine x-ray. • The patient is less dense at the c-spine and more dense at the pelvis. X-ray Tube Rating Charts • With careful use, the xray tube can provide long periods of service. • Inconsiderate or careless operation can lead to shortened life or abrupt failure. • X-ray tubes are very expensive. Cost varies from $2,000 to $20,000. X-ray Tube Rating Charts • Tube life is extended by : • Use of minimum mAs & kVp appropriate for the exam. • Use of faster images receptors require lower mAs and kVp. They extend tube life. Causes of X-ray Tube Failure • All causes of tube failure relate to the thermal characteristics of the tube. • When the temperature of the anode during a single exposure is excessive, localized melting and pitting occurs. • These surface irregularities lead to variable and reduced radiation output. Causes of X-ray Tube Failure • If the melting is severe, the tungsten vaporizes and can plate the port. This can cause added filtering or interference with the flow of electrons. • If the temperature of the anode increases to rapidly,the anode can crack and then become unstable in rotation. Causes of X-ray Tube Failure • Maximum radiographic techniques must never be applied to a cold anode. • These images show damage to the anode, Causes of X-ray Tube Failure • During long exposures (1 to 3 seconds) the anode may actually glow like a light bulb. • The heat may cause a failure of the bearing for the anode or a crack in the glass envelope. Filament failure • Because of the high heat of the filament, tungsten atoms are slowly vaporized and plate the inside of the glass envelope. This will eventually lead to arcing and tube failure. • Continuous high mA radiography will actually lead to the filament breakage. Tube Warm-up Procedures • By warming the anode through a series of exposures and increasing kVp settings, the anode will build up heat that is needed to avoid fracture of the anode. • This process takes a little over one minute put will add to the life of the tube. • Close shutters of collimator. Tube Warm-up Procedures • • • • • • Make exposure of 12 mAs @ 70 kVp Wait 15 seconds Make exposure of 12 mAs @ 80 kVp Wait 15 seconds Make exposure of 12 mAs @ 90 kVp Tube warm up is now complete. X-ray Tube Rating Charts • It is essential for the x-ray operator to understand how to use tube rating charts. • There are three types of charts: – Radiographic Rating Chart – Anode Cooling Chart – Tube Housing Cooling Chart Radiographic Rating Charts • A tube may be used in many ways with many variables. Such as: – Large or Small Focal spot – 10,000 RPM or 3,400 RPM Rotor Speed – Single-phase or high frequency power. Radiographic Rating Charts • Even the angle of the anode is important. • Always look at the correct chart. • The x-axis and y-axis are graduated in kVp and time. Radiographic Rating Charts • The mA is graphed as a curved line. • Any combination of kVp and Time below the line should be safe for a single exposure. Radiographic Rating Charts • Most machine has built-in protection to help you avoid tube overload. • Microprocessor controlled generator way display the percent of tube load. Anode Cooling Chart • The anode has a limited capacity for storing heat. • Heat is continuously dissipated to the oil bath and tube housing by conduction and radiation. Anode Cooling Chart • It’s possible through prolonged use of multiple exposures to exceed the heat storage capacity of the anode. • Thermal energy in xray is measured in Heat Units (HU) Anode Cooling Chart • HU= kVp x mA x time (s) • This chart is not dependent upon the filament size or speed of anode rotation • The cooling is rapid at first but slows as the anode cools. It is not uncommon for it to take 15 minutes to cool the tube. Housing Cooling Charts • The tube housing cooling chart is very similar to the anode cooling chart. • The tube housing will generally have a capacity of about 1 to 1.5 million HU. • Complete cooling may take 1 to 2 hours. The End of Lecture Any question?