Experience Sharing on Organizing Cross-border Field trips to Zhujiang Delta Region Au Yeung Wai Yin Cognitio College (Kowloon) Why should we carry out field trips in Zhu Jiang Delta? Geography Curriculum and Assessment Guide (S4 to S6) “Field work is a distinctive attribute of geography and has a long tradition as an established component of geographical education. It provides students with opportunities to apply knowledge / concepts learned in the classroom to the real world, and through this to acquire new knowledge / concepts.” (p.68) Why should we carry out field trips in Zhu Jiang Delta? • A Process of knowledge construction How did the characteristics of manufacturing industries of Zhu Jiang Delta change in recent years? (Geography Curriculum & Assessment Guide p.41) • A Process of application of knowledge to the real world 1. 在考察後,你對珠三角經濟發展有何認識? 2. 你認為珠三角工業如何才能有進一步發展? Why should we carry out field trips in Zhu Jiang Delta? • Cultivation of values and attitudes 1. 考察後你覺得應怎樣自我增值,才能面對挑戰? 2. 這次考察能否引發你思考將來的發展路向? 你的奮鬥目標為何? 3. 你覺得將來如何對社會和國家作出貢獻? 4. 你的感受為何? Planning of Field Trips • Have clear objectives The itinerary is set according to the underlying objectives. Our experiences: To introduce the operation of transnational corporations visit Toyota and Honda (廣州本田汽車有限公司) To introduce the operation of heavy industry visit Guangzhou Steel Plant (廣州鋼鐵廠) Planning of Field Trips 文理書院 (九龍) 深圳廣州參觀訪問2009 目的: 中國當前在經濟發展上面對不同的機遇與挑戰。藉著是次考 察,學生應: • • • • • 了解跨國企業與國營企業的不同運作,面對的機遇與挑 戰 了解商業地產如何促進城市建設的發展 了解農村城市化、城鄉一體化對珠三角洲農地開發 的影響 了解國內高等教育的最新發展,反思如何裝備自己,迎 接將來工作的挑戰 Planning of Field Trips An Example of itinerary 07:30於文理書院(九龍)集合(新蒲崗景福街96號),乘直通巴 往深圳,經皇崗口岸過關後,轉乘國內旅遊巴往華南地區 集裝箱主樞紐港-鹽田港,參觀鹽田國際集裝箱碼頭有限 公司,瞭解鹽田港的運營、集裝箱的處理及港口的發展潛 力。繼往廣州(約3小時車程)。 下午參觀荔灣博物館、西關大屋,瞭解西關豐富的歷史文化 資源、西關大屋的建築模式和風格和西關人家的生活習俗, 認識清代嶺南民居建築文化。 晚上文化講座:「珠江三角洲經濟發展趨勢」 Planning of Field Trips An Example of itinerary 8/4(星期三) 08:00往南沙 09:30~11:00參觀廣州豐田-廣汽豐田汽車有限公司,瞭解國 際品牌的汽車公司進入中國後的發展情況及對中國汽車工 業發展的促進作用。 14:00~15:00參觀廣州珠江鋼琴集團有限公司,瞭解鋼琴、 中西樂器及樂器配件的生產流程、產銷量、銷售策略和中 國名牌在世界市場佔有率。 15:30~17:00參觀暨南大學,了解內地大學的教育制度、學 生的學習生活情況,及內地升學的可行性。 Planning of Field Trips 9/4(星期四) 09:00~10:30參觀富力地產珠江新城商業地產項目,瞭解城 市的主流物業~商務地產的規劃,以及對城市建設的發展 的促進作用。參觀楊基村,了解城中村的改造和人口遷移 之情況。 下午參觀黃埔村農村民居(分8組)、農田等,瞭解珠江三角 洲農村在農村城市化、城鄉一體化發展進程中,農業用 土地的開發利用、集體經濟發展情況。 Planning of Field Trips • Assess the financial and manpower resources - Try to make use of financial resources e.g. CEG, grants from community - Try to get the support from other subject teachers e.g. Chinese History, Economics & Liberal Studies teachers. It is better to have sufficient teachers to guide the discussion and monitor students’ work on site. e.g. 8 teachers for 60 students Planning of Field Trips • Get the students and teachers concerned involve in the planning processes. It takes at least 4 months for preparation. • Accumulation of experiences is important. • Consult some reliable cultural exchange organizations (e.g.香港國際文化交流中心 香港青年中華文化交流中心) • Avoid using some peak seasons like the Spring Trade Fair in mid-April Preparing Students for the Trip • Make sure that the students understand the objectives of the trip • Psychological preparation & Attitudes Study tour Vs Leisure trip Open mind Vs Predetermined bias Analytical mind with multi-perspectives Vs Bias Appreciate the differences Vs Criticize the differences Preparing Students for the Trip Well-prepared for the trip by: 1. Studying the information provided on the websites 2. Setting the areas of interest and preparing interview questions 黃埔村 (廣州) •你對現時的生活質素滿意嗎? •中國改革開放對農民生活、農村教育和福利帶來什麼變化或影響? •隨着廣州不斷發展,如何避免黃埔村被清拆? •以往黃埔村收入靠賴海外貿易,現在黃埔村的收入來源是什麼? •黃埔村將來會發展為文化旅遊重點或商貿中心? Preparing Students for the Trip • Check the ID cards and the expiry dates of the travel card (at least half year before expiry date) and keep a photo copy at school. • Remember to get a copy of insurance policy from the travel agency and give parents the name of insurance company and the number of insurance policy. • Get the contact telephone numbers of the guardians and students for emergency purpose. • If the students have long distance call, make sure they use their own telephones. Avoid using the telephone of the hotels as you need to spend some time in checking the duration of call and pay for it when you check out. • Remind students to bring the student ID card. Otherwise, they have to pay extra entrance fees for some places. Prepare Yourself For the Trip • If you are the coordinator or teacher-in-charge of the trip, prepare a set of proper suit / clothes. • Organizations in Mainland China have a strong sense of hierarchy of status. The person-in-charge of your visit may be in more or less the same rank as yours. Thus, if your principal goes with you …. • Prepare some souvenir of your school. • The tour guide should follow the instruction of the teacher-incharge only. Thus, make sure that you discuss some important matters with your colleagues before giving out follow-up instructions. • Have good delegation of duties with your colleagues. In the Trip - Do • Collect all the ID card and Travel Card and keep them in a safe place e.g. safe box of the hotel. • Remind students to : - be considerate especially in public areas and in the hotel. - be polite and follow instructions given by the tour guides. - respect different habits and culture of the place visit. • Mind the hygiene of food. • Mind their own safety and properties. In the Trip – Don’t • Don’t let students go out by themselves. You need to be responsible for their safety. • Don’t let anyone (including their relatives) visit them or bring them away. You are their guardian as it is a school activity. • If you need to have interview, don’t ask some politically sensitive questions. • Avoid bringing students to some busy shopping area – it’s not a shopping trip! In the Trip • Have debriefing at night so that students can consolidate what they have learnt that day. • Teachers should be the facilitators of knowledge construction. • In-depth analysis is encouraged. Let students voice out what they think and how they feel. • Give positive reinforcement of some good behaviour and reminders on some areas of improvement in the coming days. Post Trip Consolidation & Analytical Work • Be positive. • Be analytical and systematic. • Concentrate at some important aspects or topics for discussion. • Oral and written presentation should be handed in for formative assessment. Students’ Reflection 珠三角發展必須定立更完 善的方向,除繼續發展經 濟,同時要兼顧環保、科 技、教育、公民道德和價 值觀培養、企業的社會責 任等。 中國地位提升,得到國 際的認同。比之前更為 國家自豪。 中國企業雖產量高,但 沒有自家品牌,技術須 要外國支援。需要時間 去建立品牌,令人有信 心,加強市場地位。 Enjoy the Trip! We are learning together!