Using APPARTS to analyze a visual image- Tar and Feathering of a Tax Collector

Using APPARTS to analyze a visual image: Tar
and Feathering of a Tax Collector
Rex Bavousett,
Covington Middle School
Sometimes, the authorship of an artist may not be apparent in a visual image. Students should
examine an image to determine who created a specific political cartoon.
In the following example, students will determine if the creator of the cartoon was an American
Patriot or British cartoonist. Students should examine the figures in the cartoon to determine the
allegiance of each character. Clues can be obtained from looking at characteristics related to
each face and the characters’ hands as well.
For time and place, students should pay attention to what is taking place in the background. This
will help them determine a probable date and location for the setting of the image.
Teachers will need to create an overhead transparency of the visual image or project it with an
LCD projector.
Teachers can then highlight key portions of the image with the History Alive! strategy of the
“magic paper” so that students focus on one particular aspect of the visual.
This activity provides an opportunity for students to look beyond the obvious details to find
answers to questions on the higher end of Bloom’s taxonomy.
A student handout containing the visual is located below
TEKS Addressed:
8.1A Identify the major eras in U.S. history through 1877 and describe their defining
8.4A Analyze causes of the American Revolution, including…British economic policies following
the French and Indian War. 8.5B Summarize arguments regarding…taxation.
8.20F Explain how the rights and responsibilities of U.S. citizens reflect our national identity.
8.30A Locate and use primary…sources to acquire information about the United States.
8.30B Analyze information by…categorizing, identifying cause-and-effect relationships,
comparing, contrasting, finding the main idea, summarizing, making generalizations and
predictions, and drawing inferences and conclusions.
8.30C Interpret information in visuals.
8.30D Identify points of view from the historical context surrounding an event and the frame of
reference which influenced the participants.