Day 4 lesson SS09

Daily Lesson Plan-Day 4
Subject/Grade: 7th TX
Date: Day Four
Topic: Empresarios/Anglos Settlements
Guiding Question: Why did Anglo colonists want to come to
Texas and how did they change Texas?
7.1 (B) Apply absolute and relative chronology through the
sequencing of significant individuals, events, and time
7.1 (C) Explain the significance of the following dates: 1519,
1718, and 1821
7.2 (C) Identify the contributions of significant individuals
including Moses Austin and Stephen F. Austin during the
colonization of Texas
7.2 (F) contrast Spanish and Anglo purposes for and methods
of settlement in Texas
7.9 (B) Compare places and regions of Texas in terms of
physical and human characteristics.
7.11 (A) Analyze why immigrant groups came to Texas and
where they settled.
7.11 (B) Analyze how immigration and migration to Texas in
the 19th century have influenced Texas
7.21 (B) Analyze information by sequencing, categorizing,
comparing, contrasting, and summarizing.
7.22 (A) Use social studies terminology correctly.
7.22 (B) Use standard grammar, spelling, sentence structure,
and punctuation.
Obj. 1 The student will demonstrate an understanding of
issues and events in U.S. history.
(8.1) History: The student understands traditional historical
points of reference in U.S. history through 1877.
(8.2) History: The student understands the cause of
exploration and colonization eras.
Obj. 2 The student will demonstrate an understanding of
geographic influences on historical issues and events.
(8.6) History: The student understands westward expansion
and its effects on the political, economic, and social
development of the nation.
Obj. 3 The student will demonstrate an understanding of
economic and social influences on historical issues and
(8.24) Culture: The student understands the relationships
between and among people from various groups, including
racial, ethnic, and religious groups, during the 17th, 18th, and
19th centuries.
Obj. 5 The student will use critical thinking skills to analyze
social studies information.
(8.30) Social Studies skills: The student applies critical-
Daily Lesson Plan-Day 4
Materials/ Resources
Warm Up Activity:
Approximate time needed:
(10-15 min.)
Step by Step
Approximate time:
thinking skills to organize and use information acquired from
a variety of sources including electronic technology.
Texas and Texans textbook, settlement chart, electronic
websites such as The Handbook of Texas Online
(, other
reference materials, butcher paper, markers, map pencils,
ruler, poster board or printer paper, scissors
stockade, Tejano, mestizos, vara, acre, league, survey,
empresario, decree, exempt
Warm-Up #4- have students complete without notes
individually then grade and/or go over as a class.
[15 min.]
1. United Streaming: “Lone Star Legacy: Stephen F. Austin”
[2 min.]
2. Complete the graphic organizer on the four different
colonization laws
[30 min.]
3. Complete the activity “You are the Empresario”
OR “Settling Texas.”
[1 1/2 hours]
Shorter version – Use “Traveling by Flatboat” and “Problems
in the Colony – What Would you Do?”
[45 min.]
4. OPTION: Complete the class Activity “Life in Austin’s
Colony” and follow up with the “Varas And Acres Product”
[2 hours]
Activity / Product or
Worksheet Title
Type of Instruction
(individual, group, etc.)
Assessment Type
( ex. Product, Grade,
Warm-Up #4
Individual/ whole class
Grade or go over
Graphic organizer
whole class/individual/ pairs
grade on completion
Settling Texas/You are
the Empresario
individual/small group or
product grade and
OPTION: Life in
Austin’s colony
whole class/individual/pairs
completion or participation
OPTION: Varas and
Acres product
product grade
Daily Lesson Plan-Day 4