States and Capitals Warm-Up Clane Hayward, Burnet Middle School 6-8 ESL Purpose: This lesson plan is intended as a class warm-up that is scaffolded for use throughout the semester. This lesson plan is intended for 6-8 grade English Language Learners with low to intermediate English skills, especially those students who strongly resist writing and publicly speaking English. Objectives: Students will learn, memorize, correctly state, and write complete sentences about the capital cities of the United States. TEKS Objective: The student understands how to construct and interpret maps and other graphics. 205 Create thematic maps, graphs, charts, models, and databases representing various aspects of the United States. (10A) Materials: Index cards, colored pencils, Creating America 8th Grade Social Studies textbook, scratch paper Stage 1: Student will trace or freehand draw 3-5 states, one state per card, using page R34 “Facts About the States.” Students should not include the name of the state but should write the name of the capital within the borders of the state. Repeat for each class period as a warm-up, until all states have been represented. Laminate the index cards. Stage 2: Using 2-4 laminated index cards, the student should identify the states by shape and capital, using page A7 US Political Map. Students should write the state and the capital using examples of proper sentence construction on blackboard/whiteboard/overhead (“Austin is the capital of Texas.” The capital of Texas is Austin.” “Texas’ capital is Austin.”) Spend 5-7 minutes each day verbally quizzing students: students should correctly state United States capitals in English from memory.