Austin ISD Advanced Planning Guide – Social Studies 1st Six Weeks ©2006-07 Austin Independent School District Matrix # 801 Matrix TEKS Knowledge and Skill Strand Social Studies Skills – Use social studies terminology Use social studies terminology correctly. (22A) Student Expectation TAKS Obj. Time/Pace 1 week 803 Social Studies Skills – Use standard grammar Use standard grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and punctuation. (22E) 805 Social Studies Skills – Interpret and use sources of evidence Use various parts of a source, including the table of contents, glossary, and index, as well as keyword computer searches, to locate information.(L) 809 Social Studies Skills – Obtain information using a variety of visual resources Obtain information, including historical and geographic data about using a variety of print, oral, visual, and computer sources.(L) 811 Social Studies Skills - Create visual and written materials Create written and visual material such as journal entries, reports, graphic organizers, outlines and bibliographies. (22D) Resources: Glencoe, Our World Today (OWT): pp. 4 – 7, adoption atlases, ancillary materials 6th Grade (Pre-AP) Suggested Student Work Products Specific Activities Building Geography Skills for Life Select from Activities 1-11 Note: Students can complete 1-2 activities a day Suggested Assessment Vocabulary & skill-based quizzes Organizational rubric for interactive notebook Teacher Notes Standard Vocabulary - cartographer, physical, political, thematic maps, map projections, cardinal and secondary directions, compass rose, (click on “map machine”, to create thematic, political, physical maps) (using a compass) Suggested resource: History Alive! Contemporary Cultures Kit, User’s Guide, Activity 2, p. 21: “Drawing a Freehand Map” Advanced Vocabulary- map projections: Mercator, planar, conic, Robinson, Winkel Tripel; types of maps: choropleth, dot, proportional symbol, isoline; geographic distributions, geographic patterns * dictionary may be needed for advanced terms Teachers may choose to review geography terms through OWT (text), Bellringer Skill Builder activity or teacher-created warm-ups Pose the question: What is the most common projection and why? Indicates differentiation from the IPG. The APGs are color-coded to explain the type of differentiation used. GREEN = Modifications, RED = Substitutions, PURPLE = Additions Color-coded APGs are available on the AISD matrix website at: NOTE: Many of the matrix items can be covered simultaneously TEKS = (##); Local Objective = (L); Benchmark = B; TAKS = T 7/1/2016 Page 1 of 7 Austin ISD Advanced Planning Guide – Social Studies 1st Six Weeks ©2006-07 Austin Independent School District Matrix # 801 Matrix TEKS Knowledge and Skill Strand Social Studies Skills – Use Social Studies Terminology Use social studies terminology correctly. (22A) Student Expectation TAKS Obj. Time/Pace 1 day 803 Social Studies Skills – Use Standard grammar Use standard grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and punctuation. (22E) 805 Social Studies Skills – Interpret and use sources of evidence Use various parts of a source, including the table of contents, glossary, and index, as well as keyword computer searches, to locate information.(L) 809 Social Studies Skills – Obtain information using a variety of visual resources Obtain information, including historical and geographic data about using a variety of print, oral, visual, and computer sources.(L) 811 Social Studies Skills - Create visual and written materials Create written and visual material such as journal entries, reports, graphic organizers, outlines and bibliographies. (22D) Social Studies Skills – Transfer information from one medium to another Transfer information from one medium to another, including written or visual and statistical to written or visual, using computer software as appropriate.(L) Resources: 6th Grade (Pre-AP) Suggested Student Work Products Create and organize Interactive Student Notebooks Suggested Assessment Organizational rubric for interactive notebook 810 For details on creating Interactive Student Notebooks refer to the History Alive! Contemporary Cultures Kit. Suggestions for using The notebook are given throughout the curriculum materials. Go to for more information on Interactive Student Notebooks and how to order the curriculum kit. Principles of Learning: Clear Expectations – Using student-created criteria chart, generate a rubric assessment of interactive notebook. Teacher Notes To create Interactive Student Notebooks, students must bring these materials to class each day: 8 x 11 spiral-bound notebook (at least 100 pages) pen and pencil with eraser two felt-tip pens of different colors and two highlighters of different colors Have students record class notes on the right side of the notebook – the “input” section. Typically, all “testable” information is found here. Notes may be in outline form, but the teacher can also use this side of the notebook to model how to think graphically by using illustrated outlines, flowcharts, annotated slides, and other graphic organizers. The right side of the notebook is where the teacher organizes a common set of information that all students must know. Have students process information on the left side of the notebook – the “output” section. Students process new ideas by using illustrations, diagrams, and other visual materials. Students also explore their opinions and clarify their values in this section of the notebook. The left side of the notebook requires that students actively do something with the information presented in class before they internalize it. NOTE: Many of the matrix items can be covered simultaneously TEKS = (##); Local Objective = (L); Benchmark = B; TAKS = T 7/1/2016 Page 2 of 7 ©2006-07 Austin Independent School District Matrix # 201 807 205 Austin ISD Advanced Planning Guide – Social Studies 1st Six Weeks Matrix TEKS Knowledge and Skill Student Expectation Strand Geography – Concept of location Locate major historical and contemporary societies on maps and globes.(4A) B Social Studies Skills – Organize and interpret information Organize and interpret information in outlines, reports, databases, and visuals including graphs, charts, timelines, and maps. (21C) B TAKS Obj. T2 Time/Pace 2 days 6th Grade (Pre-AP) Suggested Student Work Products Suggested Assessment Collection of work showing practice of latitude and longitude Authentic assessment: Locate & plot world cities on a world map correctly “Crack the Code” lesson (National Geographic web site) Have students create their own quizzes to have classmates locate mystery places using the form provided in the lesson plan. T5 Geography – Construct and interpret maps and other graphics Create thematic maps, graphs, charts, models, models and databases depicting various aspects of world regions and countries such as population, disease and economic activities. (3A) Model Lesson: Latitude, Longitude, and Mapmaking – Students will review concepts of latitude and longitude and use these concepts to create maps of different countries on the Student created maps and answers to questions. computer. Students will answer the following questions: -What terms/words are used by professional Cartographers? -What distinguishes this type of map from others? Resources OWT (pp. 4,5; 10-12) p. 58 (plate tectonics) Teacher Notes Standard Vocabulary – hemisphere, latitude, parallel, Equator, longitude, meridian, coordinates, plot, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, Arctic Circle, Antarctic Circle, scale, scale bar, relief, elevation, continents, oceans, tectonic plates, Pangaea, axis, bar graph, line graph, circle graph, chart, pictograph, diagram (bold-faced terms correlate with 8th grade TEKS/TAKS), Adoption atlases See T.E. p. 4, Section Resources (map skills tutorials & games) (lesson on latitude & longitude) Advanced Vocabulary- axis, “x” axis, “y” axis, degree, meridian (connect to math terms), Cartographer, Austin ISD has recently had a donation of a yearlong license to This site has numerous lesson plans identified by grade level and content area. Enter “aisd” for both subscriber name and password. - website with a variety of map activities. - National Hurricane Center Website The MODEL LESSON can be found at TEKS 6.4A Correlates to 8th Grade TAKS STUDENT EXPECTATION 8.11A NOTE: Many of the matrix items can be covered simultaneously TEKS = (##); Local Objective = (L); Benchmark = B; TAKS = T 7/1/2016 Page 3 of 7 ©2006-07 Austin Independent School District Matrix # 201 Austin ISD Advanced Planning Guide – Social Studies 1st Six Weeks Matrix TEKS Knowledge and Skill Student Expectation Strand Geography – Concept of location Locate major historical and contemporary societies on maps and globes. (4A) B 223 Geography – Humans have adapted to and modified the physical environment Identify and analyze ways people have adapted to the physical environment in selected places and regions. (7A) B 207 Geography – Physical characteristics of the environment Describe and explain how physical processes such as erosion, ocean circulation, and earthquakes have resulted in physical patterns on Earth’s surface. (6A) 811 Social Studies Skills - Create visual and written materials Create written and visual material such as journal entries, reports, graphic organizers, outlines and bibliographies. (22D) Resources: OWT: pp. 4 –7 and 14 – 15, adoption atlases (pictorial dictionary of landforms) TAKS Obj. T2 6th Grade (Pre-AP) Time/Pace Suggested Student Work Products 5 days Curriculum Starter Card. Create oral/visual presentations, such as,power point, posters, portfolio, display board T5* (3 days vocabulary, 2 days Biome activity) Suggested Assessment Create rubric for Independent Study. Create rubric for oral and/or visual presentations Teacher Notes Standard Vocabulary – place, landforms, regions, bodies of water, mountain ranges, glacier, hill, valley, plateau, sea level, erosion, canyon, river, tributary, peninsula, island, strait, isthmus, bay, gulf, volcano, desert, oasis, dunes, climate, natural resources, vegetation, aquifer, plain, tropics, (photographs of landforms) (activity to make pictorial dictionary of landforms) Advanced Vocabulary- biome - website with a variety of map activities Suggested Resource: Hitory Alive! Contemporary World Cultures Kit, Users Guide, Activity 1, p. 12 “Creating a Visual Guide to Geographic Terms” Each campus library has a copy of TAGT 2001© Curriculum Starter Cards Curriculum Starter Cards: Independent Study #3 (gray card) Social Studies/ Elementary Steps 1-4 Curriculum Starter Cards: Independent Study #3 Social Studies/ Elementary Steps 1-4 Describe the details and Rules that make each biome unique. Choose 1: rainforest, ocean, desert, woodlands, plains, tundra, or others of teachers choosing. Consider that each of the environments has been the focus of political action. * see card for remainder of activity. Principles of Learning Clear Expectations – Develop a criteria chart with students for quality projects and assignments. Have students help create rubrics to judge quality assignments. Post quality criteria in the classroom and models of student work that exemplify the criteria. NOTE: Many of the matrix items can be covered simultaneously TEKS = (##); Local Objective = (L); Benchmark = B; TAKS = T 7/1/2016 Page 4 of 7 ©2006-07 Austin Independent School District Matrix # 314 319 811 Austin ISD Advanced Planning Guide – Social Studies 1st Six Weeks Matrix TEKS Knowledge and Skill Student Expectation Strand Economics – Different economic systems Identify and differentiate among traditional market, and command economics in selected contemporary societies, including the benefits of the U.S. free enterprise system. (8B) B TAKS Obj. T3 Time/Pace 2 days Economics – Types of industry found in different societies Define and give examples of primary industries, such as mining forestry, fishing, and agriculture; secondary industries, such as construction, factories, and processing plants; tertiary industries, such as restaurants, supermarkets, hospitals, education and emergency services and quaternary industry, such as research industries. (10A) 6th Grade (Pre-AP) Suggested Student Work Products Foldables : Envelope fold graphic organizer using 4 types of industry chart. (OWT p. 32) Rubric to assess foldable The Geography of Clothes Poster: Social Studies Skills - Create visual and written materials Create written and visual material such as journal entries, reports, graphic organizers, outlines and bibliographies. (22D) Resources OWT : pp. 32 (TWE “Cooperative Learning: Developing Nations”) Time Reports (“Our Shrinking World” T.E. pp. 39 – 41) Suggested Assessment Students use clothing labels from their personal wardrobe to create a “diversity” outfit. Students will then draw a self-portrait on poster board labeling the origin of each piece of clothing. Student will add a world map to their poster labeling and coloring the countries where their clothes originated. Compile a class list arranged by continents and discuss trade routes and partners. Trace the article of clothing through four levels of economic development. Criteria charts and rubric to evaluate poster project Teacher Notes Standard Vocabulary: economic development, foreign investment, free enterprise, industry, market, merchant, resources, tariff, trade, mercantilism, plantation system will be integrated throughout the school year. “Jobs” section of 12 Cultural Keys attachment These words Enrichment: Give each small group a natural resource (primary) to process into a product (secondary), a service (tertiary), & quaternary (market research). (OWT, TWE p. 32) Hispanic Heritage Month websites: Principles of Learning Accountable Talk – Students pick a natural resource & tell a neighbor a primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary industry for it. NOTE: Many of the matrix items can be covered simultaneously TEKS = (##); Local Objective = (L); Benchmark = B; TAKS = T 7/1/2016 Page 5 of 7 ©2006-07 Austin Independent School District Austin ISD Advanced Planning Guide – Social Studies 1st Six Weeks Matrix # 321 Matrix TEKS Knowledge and Skill Student Expectation Strand Economics – Economic problems encountered by different societies Identify problems and issues that may arise when one or more of the factors of production is in relatively short supply, such as overdependence on other nations or trade deficits. (9B) B 311 Economics – Concept of scarcity Explain the impact of scarcity on international trade and economic interdependence among societies. (8C) 804 Social Studies Skills – Express ideas orally Express ideas orally based on research and experiences. (22C) 827 Social Studies Skills – Apply critical thinking skills to the decision making process Use a decision-making process to identify a situation that requires a decision, gather information, identify options, predict consequences, and take action to implement a decision. (23B) Resources OWT : pp. 32 TAKS Obj. T3 Time/Pace 2 days 6th Grade (Pre-AP) Suggested Student Work Products Model Lesson: Supply and Demand This lesson allows for personal involvement in the concept of supply and demand, which helps the students see how it relates to their everyday life. Refer to the website listed in the Resource section for complete details. Suggested Assessment Refer to the “Tying It All Together” section of the model lesson plan on the website for ideas on assessment. Curriculum Starter Card Using subtopics on card, teacher can assign small groups then each person will be given one of the subtopics. The groups should discuss their findings Teacher Notes Standard Vocabulary: supply and demand, scarcity, economic stability, affluence, globalization, global warming, global economy, global village Supply and demand lesson: Materials needed: Tokens for simulation Prizes for each student in class 3 index cards for each student Use step 4 on card with a focus on economics Principles of Learning Accountable Talk – Students will be able to explain how supply and demand affects choices such as careers selected by people. Each campus library has a copy of TAGT 2001© Curriculum Starter Cards Curriculum Starter Cards: Extension #5 (green card) NOTE: Many of the matrix items can be covered simultaneously TEKS = (##); Local Objective = (L); Benchmark = B; TAKS = T 7/1/2016 Page 6 of 7 Austin ISD Advanced Planning Guide – Social Studies 1st Six Weeks ©2006-07 Austin Independent School District Matrix # 410 Matrix TEKS Knowledge and Skill Student Expectation Strand Government – Powers of government Identify reasons for limiting the power of government. (11C) B TAKS Obj. T4 Time/Pace 1 – 2 weeks Government – Different political systems in societies, past and present Describe characteristics of limited and unlimited governments. (11A) B <Gr.8.16D> T4 413 Government – Different political systems in societies, past and present Identify examples of limited and unlimited governments. (11D) B <Gr.8.16D> T4 414 Government – Different political systems in societies, past and present Identify examples of governments with rule by one, few, or many. (12B) B <Gr.8.16D> 412 415 Government – Comparisons between different types of governments Compare limited and unlimited governments. (11D) B <Gr.8.16D> 804 Social Studies Skills – Express ideas orally Express ideas orally based on research and experience. Culture – Concept of culture Describe some traits that define cultures, such as region, language, and customs. (15B) Principles of Learning Clear Expectations – Use a performance rubric to evaluate simulation. The websites at and provides examples of these rubrics. Each campus library has a copy of TAGT 2001© Curriculum Starter Cards Curriculum Starter Cards: Thinking Skills #3 (purple card) 6 Weeks Available Resources Maps and Globes: Maps and Their Use (12:16) Finding Your Way: Using Maps and Globes (22:36) Geography Basics: Globes, Maps, and Graphs (20:00) Physical Geography (29:21) Geography for Everyone (19:00) Understanding Economics (25:00) T4 Vocabulary Concept concept_____________ definition___________ example____________ historical significance ___________________ general significance ___________________ Rubric to assess group participation 1 day 6 weeks test Concept Framecompleted frames for pictures 602 12 Cultural Keys attachment Evaluation of collection of notes & participation (22C) Culture – Concept of culture Define the concepts of culture and culture regions. (15A) p. 33, #7 (Graphic Organizer) DRA Activity – teacher created note taking strategy on main ideas Suggested Assessment -OR- T4 601 Resources OWT : pp. 151- 153, “Global Pencil” 6th Grade (Pre-AP) Suggested Student Work Products 8.16B Curriculum Starter Card Bibliography of cited references to prove the statements are facts Teacher Notes Standard Vocabulary: 12 cultural keys terms, limited government, democracy, unlimited government, dictatorship, absolute monarchy, constitutional monarchy, oligarchy, aristocracy, election, self-government, tyranny, republic, representative government, Students will learn how to categorize observable cultural traits, cultural systems & environmental interaction in order to compare & contrast world cultures. Activity 2 days Read OWT Chapter 1 section 2 (pg 27-33) Choose one of the following note taking strategies: * DRA or ** Vocabulary Concept 1 day – use visuals available through OWT having students generalize the traits of a culture and then teach the 12 Cultural Keys Concept Frames 2 days “Our Shrinking World” pg 39-45 using the attached picture frame analyze the pictures on pages 39 and 42 2 days Curriculum Starter Card: Thinking Skills #3 - answer step 3 (create bibliography) *get format from Language Arts teacher NOTE: Many of the matrix items can be covered simultaneously TEKS = (##); Local Objective = (L); Benchmark = B; TAKS = T 7/1/2016 Page 7 of 7