1 Emergency Temporary Exam Support Request Form 2015/16 Semester 2 Examinations Student Name Student No Telephone No UCD Connect Email address (all correspondence will be sent to your UCD Connect account) Exam Module Codes EMERGENCY TEMPORARY SUPPORT REQUEST The closing date for receipt of temporary support request forms and accompanying documentation for the end of Semester 2 2015/16 examinations is 12.00 noon on Friday, 29 April 2016. Emergency requests may be considered after this date with appropriate medical documentation. Please note that Assessment, UCD Registry will make every reasonable attempt to accommodate a student’s request for temporary supports for end of semester examinations. Temporary support is based on recent medical documentation only. Current and relevant medical information must be inputted in the section below (see list of accepted medical professionals below). If you have a diagnosed disability, significant on-going illness, Specific Learning Difficulty or mental health condition, you should email disability@ucd.ie and request an appointment to discuss supports. Specific documentation of a disability is required in order to provide students with Reasonable Accommodations. Please see Supports for Students with a Disability for full details. This form will be retained for a period of 13 months after which time it will be destroyed. Students with an infectious illness cannot be accommodated in the Alternative Exam Location. If you already have current medical documentation we may accept this in place of Section 2 of this form. The documentation should clearly state your condition, the required exam support(s) and the reason(s) support is required. Please email temporarysupport@ucd.ie should you require further advice. Please return completed forms to: Access & Lifelong Learning Centre, Level 1, James Joyce Library Building, Belfield, Dublin 4. Email: temporarysupport@ucd.ie 2 Section 1: Details of Request What is the medical reason for your request? What support are you requesting? Please tick the requirement that would be most suitable to you: Alternative Exam Location (Newman Building) Extra Time (10 minutes per hour) Scribe* Computer Close to bathroom Specialist furniture (please specify) Other (please specify) PLEASE NOTE: *This support is dependent on the availability of scribes. In the event that a scribe is unavailable for a particular examination, a digital dictaphone recorder or computer will be necessary to record your examination. NB: It is the responsibility of students who require temporary supports to contact their relevant module coordinators and programme office to notify them of their alternate examination arrangements. I certify that the details provided above are true and complete: Signed _______________________________________ Date________________________________ Please return completed forms to: Access & Lifelong Learning Centre, Level 1, James Joyce Library Building, Belfield, Dublin 4. Email: temporarysupport@ucd.ie 3 Section 2: Medical Evidence Instructions for completion: This form must be completed by an appropriately qualified GP, Medical Consultant or Psychologist. This form must be stamped. Please complete ALL sections below in TYPE or BLOCK capitals. 1. Details of GP, Consultant or Psychologist Name and Title of Medical Professional: Phone (including area code): Position/Professional Credentials: Date of report: This report must be accompanied by the medical professional’s stamp, business card or headed paper: OFFICIAL STAMP Please return completed forms to: Access & Lifelong Learning Centre, Level 1, James Joyce Library Building, Belfield, Dublin 4. Email: temporarysupport@ucd.ie 4 2. Please outline the medical reason(s) for this student requiring temporary exam supports: Please indicate what exam supports the student requires (tick the supports that would be most suitable in your opinion): Alternative Exam Location (Newman Building) Extra Time (10 minutes per hour) Scribe* Computer Close to bathroom Specialist furniture (please specify) Other (please specify) For Internal Use Only Enquiry taken by 1. Med Cert 3. Prompt Run 5. Advised Centre Date 2. Added to Banner 4. Email Sent 6. Notes Please return completed forms to: Access & Lifelong Learning Centre, Level 1, James Joyce Library Building, Belfield, Dublin 4. Email: temporarysupport@ucd.ie