some review quiz

Define the items of the following web address
URL unified resource locator
access protocol://host.domain [:port]/path/file name. extension (htm, html, asp,
php, jsp, cgi, …)
HTTP access protocol
HTTPS Secure access protocol
Domain name.domain type.domain country
.com commercial site
.net commercial network
military site
.info information exchange site
.edu educational site
online television broadcasting site
.eg Egypt
.sa KSA
.ae Arab emirate
.in india
.il Israel
b- Write the complete name of the following acronyms and mention
its scope
SMTP: - Simple mail transfer protocol- Email protocol
HTTP: hyper text transfer protocol( WEB protocol)
IRC : internet remote chatting (chatting)
FTP : file transfer protocol
(UDP user datagram protocol)
RTTP: real time transfer protocol
NSP Hierarchy of network service providers (NSPs) NSP 3-tyres network service provider
DHCP: Dynamic host control protocol
c- Compare between circuit switch and packet switch
Circuit switched
Packet switched
-Only route once
-Efficient use of medium
-Latency and bandwidth constant
-Small startup overhead
-Idle resources unavailable for other connections
-Route each packet
-Large setup time
-Per packet overhead
-Single point of failure
-Distributed state
d- What is IP and what is its job in internet?
IP stands for 'Internet Protocol, The IP protocol standardizes the way nodes over the
Internet route their packets based on their IP addresses.
e- In internet infrastructure, mention the types of peering points?
a. Public peering: Traffic is swapped in a specific location, called Internet
exchange points (IXPs)
b. Private peering: Two networks establish a direct link to each other.
a. What is Internet?
• Interconnection of computers and computer networks using
TCP/IP communication protocol
b. What is the network protocol?
• A protocol is a set of rules defining communication between
c. What is the different between internet, intranet, and extranet?
• IntrAnet: Use of TCP/IP to connect computers on an
organizational LAN
• Internet: Use of TCP/IP to interconnect such networks , TCP/IP is
the basic Internet protocol
• Extranet: is an intranet computer network that allows controlled
access from the outside, for specific business or educational
d. Fill in the spaces
a) FTP is ---File transfer protocol -----------------------b) HTTP is –hypertext -transfer protocol---------------------c)
RTTP is –real time transfer protocol-------------------------
d) SMTP is ---simple mail transfer protocol-----------------------e) POP is –post office protocol---------------------------f)
IRC is ----internet remote chat--------------------------
Question 2
What is connection oriented?
1- Connection oriented is a
a) Method of sending data along mediums
b) Method of connecting networks on internet
c) Method of transmitting address on TCP/IP protocol
What is TCP/IP?
2- TCP/IP is a
a) Protocol of streaming data along transmission medium
b) Method of connecting Web browser (client), Website (Server)
c) Rules for information exchange between computers over a network
What is the internet new applications?
Is one of the internet New applications:
a) Email
b) News
d) P2P applications
Who is making the Web standards?
a- The World Wide Web Consortium
b. Microsoft
c. Mozilla
d. Sony
.com= commercial site
.org organizational web site
.gov governmental authority's site
document exchange site
What is the meaning of CGI?
Common Gateway Interface (CGI) scripts
CSS Quiz Result
1) What does CSS stand for?
a) Creative Style Sheets
b) Computer Style Sheets
c) Cascading Style Sheets - correct answer
d) Cascade Style Sheets
e) Colorful Style Sheets
2) Where in an HTML document is the correct place to refer to an external style sheet?
a) In the <body> section
b) At the end of the document
c) At the top of the document
d) In the <head> section - correct answer
e) Between head and body
3) Which HTML tag is used to define an internal style sheet?
a) css
b) text/style
c) style - correct answer
d) script
4) Which HTML attribute is used to define inline styles?
a) font
b) styles
c) css
d) text
e) style - correct answer
5) Which is the correct CSS syntax?
a) body {color: black} - correct answer
b) body:color=black
c) {body:color=black(body}
d) {body;color:black}
6) How do you insert a comment in a CSS file?
a) /* this is a comment */ - correct answer
b) ' this is a comment
c) // this is a comment //
d) // this is a comment
7) Which property is used to change the background color?
a) bgcolor:
b) background-color: - correct answer
c) color:
8) How do you add a background color for all "<h1>" elements?
a) all.h1 {background-color:#FFFFFF}
b) h1.all {background-color:#FFFFFF}
c) h1 {background-color:#FFFFFF} - correct answer
9) How do you change the text color of an element?
a) text-color:
b) color: - correct answer
c) text-color=
d) font-color:
10) Which CSS property controls the text size?
a) font-style
b) text-style
c) font-size - correct answer
d) text-size
11) What is the correct CSS syntax for making all the <p> elements bold?
a) p {text-size:bold}
b) p {font-weight:bold} - correct answer
c) style:bold
d) p{font:bold}
12) How do you display hyperlinks without an underline?
a) a {decoration:no underline}
b) a {text-decoration:no underline}
c) a {underline:none}
d) a {text-decoration:none} - correct answer
13) How do you make each word in a text start with a capital letter?
a) text-transform:uppercase
b) text-transform:capitalize - correct answer
c) You can't do that with CSS
14) How do you change the font of an element?
a) fon-face:
b) font-family: - correct answer
c) f:
d) font-style:
15) How do you make the text bold?
a) font:b
b) style:bold
c) font-weight:bold - correct answer
16) How do you display a border like this: The top border = 10 pixels, The bottom border = 5
pixels, The left border = 20 pixels, The right border = 1pixel?
a) border-width:10px 20px 5px 1px
b) border-width:10px 1px 5px 20px - correct answer
c) border-width:10px 5px 20px 1px
d) border-width:5px 20px 10px 1px
17) How do you change the left margin of an element?
a) padding:
b) indent:
c) margin:
d) text-indent:
e) margin-left: - correct answer
18) To define the space between the element's border and content, you use the padding
property, but are you allowed to use negative values?
a) Yes
b) No - correct answer
19) How do you make a list that lists its items with squares?
a) type: square
b) list-style-type: square - correct answer
c) list-type: square
d) style-list: square
20) What is the correct HTML for referring to an external style sheet?
a) <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mainstyle.css"> - correct answer
b) <style src="mainstyle.css">
c) <stylesheet>mainstyle.css</stylesheet>
d) <link url="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mainstyle.css">
21) Which HTML tag is used to define an internal style sheet?
a) <script>
b) <css>
c) <stylesheet>
d) <style> - correct answer
22) Which HTML attribute is used to define inline styles?
a) styles
b) class
c) font
d) style - correct answer
23) What is the correct CSS syntax for making all the <p> elements bold?
a) p {font-weight:bold} - correct answer
b) p {text-size:bold}
c) <p style="text-size:bold">
d) <p style="font-size:bold">
24) How do you make each word in a text start with a capital letter?
a) text-transform:capitalize
b) ext-transform:uppercase - correct answer
c) You can't do that with CSS
25) How do you change the left margin of an element?
a) left-margin:
b) margin:
c) margin-left: - correct answer
d) text-indent:
26) What are the three methods for using style sheets with a web page
a) Dreamweaver, GoLive or FrontPage
b) Inline, embedded or document level and external - correct answer
c) Handcoded, Generated or WYSIWYG
HTML Quiz Result
1) Intrepret this statement: <strong>Michelle</strong>
a) It makes Michelle strong
b) It highlights Michelle as being strong
c) It will print out Michelle in bold font - correct answer
2) Tables can be nested (table inside of another table).
a) True - correct answer
b) False
3) Which is correct?
a) <b>Click Here<b>
b) <strong>Click Here<strong>
c) <b>Click Here</b> - correct answer
d) </strong>Click Here</strong>
4) Which of the following is a two sided tag?
a) DT
b) LI
c) DD
d) DL - correct answer
5) The Browser applies the feature of a tag until it encounters_____tag.
a) Quit
b) Closing - correct answer
c) Exit
d) Anti
e) Deactivate
6) _______are the HTML codes that control the apearance of the document contents
a) Tags - correct answer
b) Codas
c) Slashes
d) Properties
e) Code
7) What are the genral syntax for inline image?
a) src=img
b) src=image
c) img=file
d) img src=file - correct answer
e) image src=file
8) An HTML_____takes text in one format and changes it to HTML code.
a) Browser
b) Editor
c) Converter - correct answer
d) Processor
e) Parser
9) To create a link to an anchor, you use the______property in A tag.
a) Name
b) Tag
c) Link
d) Href - correct answer
10) HTML Tags are case sensitive.
a) True
b) False - correct answer
11) Relative path make your hypertext links______.
a) Portable - correct answer
b) Discrete
c) Uniform
12) A_____structure starts with a general topic that includes link to more specific topics.
a) Hierarchical - correct answer
b) Linear
c) Mixed
13) Which of the following path is supported by HTML?
a) Ralative
b) Defererenced
c) Absolute and Relative - correct answer
14) You cannot designate an inline image as a hypertext link.
a) True
b) False - correct answer
15) Because each computer differs in terms of what fonts it can display, each individual
browser determines how text is to be displayed.
a) True - correct answer
b) False
16) You do not have to connect to the internet to verify changes to a Web page on your
a) True - correct answer
b) False
17) You can combine structures e.g, linear and hierarchical.
a) True - correct answer
b) False
18) What is HTML stands for?
a) Hypertext Mailing List
b) Hypertext Mark Language
c) Hypertext Markup Language - correct answer
19) What is the tag for an inline frame?
a) Iframe - correct answer
b) Inframe
c) frame
d) inlineframe
20) Within the MAP tag, you use the AREA tag to specify the areas of the image that will act
as a hotspot.
a) True - correct answer
b) False
21) Can you create an e-mail form with auto responder using form action
a) Yes
b) No - correct answer
22) What is the most widely use e-mail form script?
a) ASP
b) PHP - correct answer
c) Perl CGI
d) JSP
23) There are_____color names recognized by all version of HTML.
a) 6
b) 8
c) 256
d) 16 - correct answer
24) Software programs, like your Web browser, use a mathemathical approach to define
a) True - correct answer
b) False
25) If you want to increase the font size by 2 relative to the sorounding text, you enter +2 in
the tag.
a) True - correct answer
b) False
26) What operator makes converts 00110011 into 11001100?
a) ~ - correct answer
b) !
c) &
d) |
27) The default statement of a switch is always executed.
a) True
b) False - correct answer
28) H1 is the smallest header tag.
a) True
b) False - correct answer
29) The page title is inside the____tag.
a) Body
b) Head - correct answer
c) Division
d) Table
30) _____refers to the way the GIF file is saved by the graphics software.
a) Dithering
b) Interlacing - correct answer
c) Balancing
JavaScript 2 Quiz Result
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Passing grade is 70% = C.
1) Inside which HTML element do we put the JavaScript?
a) <scripting>
b) <javascript>
c) <script> - correct answer
d) <js>
2) What is the correct JavaScript syntax to write "Hello World"?
a) response.write("Hello World")
b) document.write("Hello World") - correct answer
c) ("Hello World")
d) echo("Hello World")
3) How do you call a function named "myFunction"?
a) call function myFunction
b) myFunction() - correct answer
c) call myFunction()
4) How do you write a conditional statement for executing some statements only if "i" is
equal to 5?
a) if i==5 then
b) if i=5 then
c) if (i==5) - correct answer
d) if i=5
5) How do you write a conditional statement for executing some statements only if "i" is
NOT equal to 5?
a) if (i<> 5)
b) if (i != 5) - correct answer
c) if =! 5 then
d) if <> 5
6) How many different kind of loops are there in JavaScript?
a) Two. The "for" loop and the "while" loop - correct answer
b) Four. The "for" loop, the "while" loop, the "do...while" loop, and the "loop...until"
c) One. The "for" loop
7) How does a "for" loop start?
a) for (i = 0; i<= 5)
b) for (i = 0; i<= 5; i++) - correct answer
c) for i = 1 to 5
d) for (i<= 5; i++)
8) What is the correct way to write a JavaScript array?
a) var txt = new Array(1:"tim",2:"shaq",3:"kobe")
b) var txt = new Array="tim","shaq","kobe"
c) var txt = new Array("tim","shaq","kobe") - correct answer
9) How do you round the number 8.25, to the nearest whole number?
a) Math.rnd(8.25)
b) Math.round(8.25) - correct answer
c) round(8.25)
d) rnd(8.25)
10) How do you find the largest number of 6 and 8?
a) Math.max(6,8) - correct answer
b) top(6,8)
c) ceil(6,8)
d) Math.ceil(6,8)
11) What is the correct JavaScript syntax for opening a new window called "window5" ?
a) new("","window5")
b)"","window5") - correct answer
c) open.newwindow("","window5")
d) new.window("","window5")
12) How do you put a message in the browser's status bar?
a) window.status = "put your message here" - correct answer
b) statusbar = "put your message here"
c) status("put your message here")
d) window.status("put your message here")
13) How do you find the client's browser name?
b) navigator.appName - correct answer
c) client.navName
14) You define an array using
a) var myarray = new Array(); - correct answer
b) varmyarray = array new;
c) var new Array() = myarray;
d) var new array = myarray;
15) Onclick is equivalent to which two events in sequence
a) onmouseover and onmousedown
b) onmousedown and onmouseout
c) onmousedown and onmouseup - correct answer
d) onmouseup and onmouseout
16) Which best describe void?
a) A method
b) A function
c) An operator - correct answer
d) A statement
17) Which property would you use to redirect visitor to another page?
a) window.location.href - correct answer
b) document.href
c) java.redirect.url
d) link.redirect.href
18) Which of the following JavaScript statements use arrays?
a) setTimeout("a["+i+"]",1000) - correct answer
b) k = a &i
c) k = a(i)
PHP Quiz Result
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Passing grade is 70% = C.
1) In PHP, arrays may be sorted with which of the following functions?
a) uksort()
b) arsort()
c) ksort()
d) All of the above - correct answer
2) PHP comments for a single line have the following syntax:
a) /* comments /*
b) #
c) //
d) ::
e) A&B - correct answer
3) Which of the following functions are used by PHP to find out what type a variable is?
a) gettype()
b) is_double()
c) get_type()
d) is_date()
e) A&B - correct answer
4) The three possible connection states in PHP are ________.
a) normal
b) aborted
c) timeout
d) All of the above - correct answer
5) In PHP, the error control operator is ________.
a) *
b) %
c) @ - correct answer
d) &
6) In PHP, instructions are terminated with a _______.
a) ; - correct answer
b) #
c) !
d) %>
7) What does PHP stand for?
a) PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor - correct answer
b) Personal Home Page
c) Private Home Page
d) Personal Hypertext Processor
8) PHP server scripts are surrounded by delimiters, which?
a) <?php>...</?>
b) <?php…?> - correct answer
c) <script>...</script>
d) <&>...</&>
9) How do you write "Hello World" in PHP
a) "Hello World";
b) echo "Hello World"; - correct answer
c) Document.Write("Hello World");
d) response.write("Hello World")
10) All variables in PHP start with which symbol?
a) !
b) $ - correct answer
c) &
d) #
11) Include files must have the file extension ".inc"
a) True
b) False - correct answer
12) In PHP you can use both single quotes ( ' ' ) and double quotes ( " " ) for strings:
a) True - correct answer
b) False
13) What is the correct way to include the file "" ?
a) <!--include file=""-->
b) <?phpinclude_file(""); ?>
c) <?php require(""); ?> - correct answer
d) <% include file="" %>
14) What is the correct way to create a function in PHP?
a) function myFunction() - correct answer
b) new_functionmyFunction()
c) create myFunction()
15) What is the correct way to connect to a MySQL database?
a) mysql_open("localhost");
b) connect_mysql("localhost");
c) dbopen("localhost");
d) mysql_connect("localhost"); - correct answer
16) What is the correct way to add 1 to the $count variable?
a) count++;
b) $count++; - correct answer
c) ++count
d) $count =+1
17) PHP can be run on Microsoft Windows IIS(Internet Information Server):
a) True - correct answer
b) False
18) In PHP 5, MySQL support is enabled by default:
a) True
b) False - correct answer
19) Which one of these variables has an illegal name?
a) $my-Var - correct answer
b) $myVar
c) $my_Var
20) Which of the following regular expressions will match the string
a) no?no?no
b) no*no*no*
c) ..\...\... - correct answer
d) \.\..\.\..\.\.
21) A constructor is a special kind of…
a) Class
b) Method - correct answer
c) Object
d) Variable
22) What can you use to replace like with hate in I like Eminem?
a) preg_replace("like", "hate", "I like Eminem") - correct answer
b) preg_replace("/like/", "hate", "I like Eminem")
c) preg_replace("/like/", "/hate/", "I like Eminem")
d) preg_replace("hate", "like", "I like Eminem")
23) What library do you need in order to process images?
a) c-client library
b) GIF/PNG library
c) Image Library
d) GD library - correct answer
24) What is the problem with <?=$expression ?> ?
a) It requires short tags and this is not compatible with XML - correct answer
b) There is no problem
c) This syntax doesn't even exist It requires a special PHP library that may not always be
25) What does break; do?
a) Ends execution of the current switch structure
b) Moves on to the next iteration of the current for, foreach, while, do-while or switch
c) Ends execution of the current for, foreach, while, do-while or switch structure correct answer
26) Can this PHP code be valid: $4bears = $bears->getFirst4();
a) Yes - correct answer
b) No
27) Assuming all the variables a, b, c have already been defined, could this be a variable
name: ${$a}[$b][$c] ?
a) Yes - correct answer
b) No
28) Put this line phpdisplay_errors=false in a .htaccess file when you deploy the application?
a) That won't hide any error 'coz you can't use .htaccess to control the PHP engine Bad
idea, I want to see when errors occur
b) That won't hide any error 'coz it's not the correct code - correct answer
c) Good idea, increases security
29) What does this function do: <?php function my_func($variable) {return
(is_numeric($variable) && $variable % 2 == 0);}?>
a) tests whether $variable is a number and ends in 2
b) tests whether $variable ends in 2
c) tests whether $variable is a number and contains 2
d) tests whether $variable is an even number - correct answer
1. In what form are style rules presented?
selector { property: value }- correct answer
selector { property= value }
selector ( property: value )
selector ( property= value )
2. Which property applies a color to text?
color- correct answer
3. Which values for font-family property is valid?
Times New Roman, serif
“Times New Roman”, serif- correct answer
Times New Roman; serif;
&quotTimes New Roman”; “serif”;
4. What does the ID selector do?
Apply the style to a specific element- correct answer
Apply the style to all the elements
Apply the style to a group of elements
Apply the style to elements of the same type
5. What selector should you use when applying a style to multiple elements?
Class- correct answer
Any of the above
6. How to apply a style to several specific element types?
Use the type selector with , delimiter- correct answer
Use the type selector with . delimiter
Use the ID selector with ; delimiter
Use the ID selector with > delimiter
7. The border=“____” attribute makes an image borderless.
none- correct answer
8. Which of the following attributes of the <img> tag displays alternate text for the image?
alt- correct answer
9. A ___________ consist of a property and a value,
Deceleration- correct answer
This is H1
h1 {color: red;}
10. Fill in the following: <h1 __________=”value”>
a. selector
b. attribute- correct answer
c. property
d. decleration
11. Fill in the following: h1 {_________:VALUE;}
property- correct answer
12. A declaration is terminated by a..
; – Semi colon- correct answer
} – end curly bracket
. – period
! – explanation point
13. In style sheets, more than one rule can be assigned to a particular element, but the
browser will follow only the rule that takes precedence
a.True- correct answer
14. Where in the HTML document is the correct place to refer to an external style sheet?
In the <body> section
At the top of the document
In the <head> section- correct answer
At the end of the document
15. Which HTML tag is used to define an internal style sheet?
<style>- correct answer
16. Which HTML attribute is used to define inline styles?
style- correct answer
17. Which overflow value forces scrollbars to appear in an element even when
overflow: visible;
overflow: auto;
overflow: scroll; - correct answer
overflow: hidden;
18. Can images replace the numbers/bullets in both ordered and unordered lists?
Yes- correct answer
19. Which method is ideal for applying the same style to an entire website?
Internal CSS
Inline CSS
External CSS- correct answer
20. “a:hover” and “a:active” are both examples of what?
pseudo-classes- correct answer
attribute selectors
21. Which of the following statements is not correct?
classes are identified a number sign (#)- correct answer
classes are identified with a dot (.)
ids are identified with a number sign (#)
22. Can CSS classes and ids both be used (referenced) more than once on the same
No- correct answer
23.Each element can have only one ID and Each page can have only one element with that
True- correct answer
24. You can use the same ID on multiple elements.
False- correct answer
25.You can use the same class on multiple elements.
True- correct answer
26.You can use multiple classes on the same element.
True- correct answer
27. Which of the following is not a valid color code?
808080- correct answer
rgb(255, 80, 80)
28. Internal CSS Is:
Maintained In A Separate File
Added Directly to An HTML Tag
Added to An HTML Document’s Header- correct answer
29. What is the difference between margins and padding?
margins add whitespace inside the border and padding adds whitespace outside
padding adds whitespace and margins increase the border size
there is no difference
margins add whitespace and padding increases the border size
e) padding adds whitespace inside the border and margins add whitespace outsidecorrect answer
30. From the inside out, which of the following portrays the correct order of a box model?
margin, border, padding, content
content, margin, border, padding
border, margin, content, padding
content, padding, border, margin- correct answer
padding, content, margin, border
31. Which of the following does CSS not do?
content- correct answer
32. How would you set a background image with CSS?
background-attachment: url();
background-image: src();
background: #FFF url();- correct answer
background-url: ;
33. What is the correct HTML for making a text input field?
<input type=”textfield”>
<textinput type=”text”>
<input type=”text”> - correct answer
34. What is the correct HTML for making a drop-down list?
<select>- correct answer
<input type=”list”>
<input type=”dropdown”>
35. What is the correct HTML for making a text area?
<input type=”textarea”>
<textarea>- correct answer
<input type=”textbox”>
36. The page title is inside the____tag.
a) Body
b) Head- correct answer
c) Division
d) Table
37. The FRAMESET element should be used inside body element.
False - correct answer