Governing a New Nation

Governing a New Nation
Now that Americans had won their independence from England, they needed to establish their own
government. Many Americans had left their home countries because they were unhappy with their government. This
was both an exciting opportunity and an important challenge to take on. They needed rules and guidelines, but
wanted to ensure the freedoms they had fought for.
Create a product of your choosing to present to class. This product must show clear understanding of the
beginnings of America’s government. For your project, you may choose from the following:
Big Book
Card Game
Board Game
Display Board
Interview with
founding fathers
Whichever product you choose to create, it must include the following information:
How did the success of the American Revolution affect our country’s history (then and now)?
In their search for freedom, Americans dealt with many challenges and issues. Define protective tariffs, taxation,
unalienable rights, liberty, equality, union, and government. [Bonus: Analyze the importance of each of these and
arrange them in order of priority. Explain your reasons.]
Identify at least two people who demonstrated active participation in the democratic process. Be sure to include
Benjamin Franklin. Explain how they did this.
Establishing an organized government, which would serve the needs of the American people, required great thought.
The “founding fathers” focused on the rights of American citizens. Summarize the reasons they created the Bill of
Rights. Be sure to include descriptions of important individual rights (including freedoms of religion, speech, press,
and the right to assemble and petition the government) and due process rights (including trial by jury and the right to an
Explain the connections and differences between the responsibilities of national and state governments.
Explain the beginnings of America’s first U.S. military institutions.
Diagram and explain the 3 branches of government and the system of “checks and balances.” [Bonus: How were these
affected by “republicanism” and“federalism?”)
Explain the history of The Star Spangled Banner. [Bonus: Explain the histories of the different American flags.]
Bonus: Analyze the arguments of the Federalists and Anti-Federalists (including Alexander Hamilton, Patrick Henry, and
James Madison. Write a personal response, explaining your opinions.
NOTE: This part of American history impacts our lives EVERY DAY. Be sure to use your creativity to show how
important each of the above people, ideas, and policies were in early America and how they affect our lives today.
© L.Canales - 2003